Best Discount Games
Version: 1.1.8 APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
Siyakwamukela kulokhu ukuhunyushwa kabusha kwansuku zonke kwe-crawler enjenge-dungeon enamandla!Uzodinga isu ngokuzigweba nokulawula, isidingo ku-SRPG namageyimu we-tactical.Hlukana nezinselelo nokuhlolwa ngokulawula umlingisi ngqo.! Ukuxhumeka kwenethiwekhi kuyadingeka.! Umcibisholo...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 18, 2017
Isengezo esikhulu nesine kunawo wonke kule franchise yomdlalo weqembu ohlanganisiwe awunazo ezinhlanu kodwa imidlalo EMIHLANU NESIHALF ebulala abantu!1) Ukulandelana okumnandi okungenalutho kweFibbage 3 (2-8 abadlali). Dlala izinhlobo zombuzo ezintsha kanye nemodi yomdlalo iFibbage: Enough About...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
Xander Zulu Play is an educational app for young children that focuses on proficiency with arithmetic for numbers one through to 20. Counting and mathematics skills are developed in this app after users have mastered the basics in Xander 123. Here young children learn about odd and even numbers,...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 17, 2017
Froggy is a fun and entertaining dot-to-dot (connecting dots) learning game and a number of amusing puzzles. It helps to learn numbers and develop logical thinking. Help Froggy to jump through all the islands in the correct succession, collect all the flies, and solve the colorful...
Version: 1.16.1 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
Lena inguqulo engakhangisi ye-NostalgiaNesZAMA I-LITE VERSION MAHHALA NGAPHAMBI KOKUTHENGA: IMIDLALO EFAKWE KUHLELO LOKUSEBENZA!I-NostalgiaNes ilingisa ikhwalithi ephezulu esekelwe ekubuyekezweni kwakamuva kwe-FCEUX...
Version: 1.16.1 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
NO GAMES zifakiwe APP!Lena yi-version ad-free of Nostalgia.GG (GG Emulator).ZAMA Lite version FOR MAHHALA ngaphambi kokuthenga: eliphezulu Game Gear emulator okusekelwe SMS Plus.Izici- Modern, epholile-ebheka...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
NOUKK is an enchanting platform game that has been created with lots of love and a passion for detail. The little huntsman NOUKK is trying to save the love of his life and the rest of his tribe, who have been attacked by outlaws and taken hostage. He embarks on a dangerous journey to try and save...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
I-Hit TV Show Dino Dana ikulethela lo mdlalo omnandi we-dinosaur racing! Race ama-dinos akho owathandayo ngokumelene komunye nomunye, ushintshe imizila ukugwema izithiyo, futhi udle ama-yummy amandla-ups. Kepha qiniseka ukuthi i-Dino yakho ayidli uhlobo olungalungile lokudla noma amandla akho...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: October 16, 2017
Pop It ! return in his empowered version... Pop It ! Mania !NEW POWERUPS, NEW GAMEPLAY, NEW ANYTHING !Enjoy exploding bubbles where you want, when you want !Simple and easy to handle but hard to get out, play against the time and chain bubbles.Get through a flood of bubbles, and unlock new worlds...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
"Spark of Light is as good as VR games get." -The VR Shop"Wonderfully imaginative and engrossing. 4 out of 5 stars" -VR FocusEnter a beautiful Dreamscape and bring back the light!Help Nerow by manipulating his world with environment-puzzles designed specifically for VR. Search...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
Sharpen your addition skills with this fun underwater adventure!Verne the Adventure Monkey has dived into the deep blue to explore the fascinating world under the sea. Use your addition skills to help Verne swim as far as he can. This adventure is fast paced and helping Verne might be harder than...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 16, 2017
Khombisa amakhono akho okukhipha bese uwenza ama-bubble pop! verne The aventurer monkey ushiye umhlaba futhi wafika kwiplanethi engaqondakali egcwele ama-bubble esikhala amangalisayo. Joyina i-adventure futhi usize i-verne ekuzingeleni kwakhe kwama-bubble. Sebenzisa amakhono akho okususa ukubamba...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
Uhlobo lwe-Pro luqukethe AD ADS, Akukho ukuthenga ngaphakathi nohlelo futhi uthola ibhonasi yemali ye-4X, ngakho uthola imali eningi futhi ungakwazi ukukhokha konke. Ukuba ngumshini wokugcina ovuthayo. kahle, ukuncishiswa kwesisindo. Unganciphisa isisindo ngemoto ngayinye ngezigaba ezi-3....
Version: 3.00.00 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
Lolu hlelo lokusebenza lwegeyimu luhlelelwe ukuthi lususwe emashalofini ngoJulayi 30, 2024. Ngemuva komhla ka-30 Julayi, izinhlelo zokusebenza ezintsha zokuthenga nakho konke okuqukethwe okwengeziwe kugeyimu ngeke kutholakale. Sicela ubheke iwebhusayithi esemthethweni ukuze uthole...
Version: 2.6.5 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
I-Rozz yimpi engcono kakhulu, ubungozi, umdlalo wecebo! Dlala emabhodini ama-hexes ahleliwe noma amamephu wezwe langempela, ukulungiselela imiyalo eyenziwe ngasikhathi sinye. njenge-chess noma amaqhinga, kuya ngesikhundla. Ngaphezu kwakho konke, ngumdlalo wokubikezela, wokwazi abaphikisi bakho...
Version: 3.0.6 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
Play umdlali single Holdem poker Android yakho bese beat zonke cowboy e Texas kule enkulu Texas Hold'em Poker RPG game ngokuthi Governor of Poker 2 Premium.Izigidi abadlali poker basanda Governor of Poker, ngaphandle uxhumano lwe-inthanethi.With an lula Texas Holdem poker isifundo abadlali...
Version: 324054 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
Qaphela: Dinga i-NVIDIA K1 noma i-X1 Hardware. Usekela zombili izikrini zokuthinta nezilawuli. Kuhlolwe ukusebenza ne: Nvidia Shield TV, i-Nvidia Shielt Tablet kanye ne-Google Nexus 9 Isimiso se-TALOS ngumlingiswa we-puzzle wokuqala kwisiko lesayensi yefilosofi. Kwenziwe nguCroteam, abadali...
Version: 3.14 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Kunezindlela eziningi zokunqoba kuleli gama lesikhampasi lesikhampasi elinamakhulu amakhadi avela emipiramidi emikhulu nemindlovu yezimpi kuya ezinhloli ezihlambalazayo nabathengisi bezinkohliso. Ukulinganisa ngokuphelele isiko lomuzi wakho, amasosha, ukuzivikela kanye nomnotho ukukhipha umphikisi...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Woordsoektog is ‘n speletjie om woorde binne ‘n legkaart van ander woorde te soek. Met hierdie toepassing kan jou kinders heerlik ontspan terwyl hulle ook hul brein oefen. As jy vashaak is daar ook wenke wat jy kan gebruik. Jy word ook beloon met ekstra wenke vir elke 250 punte. Ons toepassing...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Esinye sezici ukuthi Grade 1 guys kufanele ukwenze ekuqaleni kwalo nyaka, sibala izingxenye zomzimba. Lolu lwazi kamuva (futhi emabangeni amadala) ukuze athole ulwazi zomzimba. Lolu hlelo lokusebenza ifundisa ingane yakho mayelana zomzimba, izinzwa ezinhlanu futhi zomzimba.
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Designed by Afrikaans parents for Afrikaans Speaking Toddlers.A colourful, purposely simple app to teach your child to count in Afrikaans.Your child will also learn new words and to recognize objects.You and your toddler will love this!The kids will be entertained for hours in the car, on the plane...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Lolu hlelo lokusebenza lufundisa izingane ngokwengeziwe ngomhlaba womsebenzi kanye nokuhlonza nokuqonda ubuchwepheshe obuhlukahlukene. Uma ingane yakho iseminyakeni lapho ihlala ikhuluma ngomsebenzi wakhe wephupho losuku olulodwa lolu uhlelo lokusebenza oluhle lokumveze amakhono ahlukahlukene...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Elke ouer weet dat min dinge so vervullend is as om te sien hoe ’n kind die een mylpaal na die ander haal. Van sit tot staan, van babbelgeluide tot gesels, en dan natuurlik van lees tot skryf.Dit is nie net ’n hoogtepunt in die lewe van ’n gretige graadeentjie nie, maar is ’n noodsaaklike...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
******Loved by kids and parents!*****Piggy Bank – Money Management for toddlers is a new learning game for toddlers, preschool, and kindergarten kids. We designed this game especially for 5 – 9 years old children to help them to learn everything about money in an amazing way. There are many fun...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
I-Game Fun ine-puryble ebonakalayo ezoheha ukunakwa kwengane yakho ukuthuthukisa amagama abo namakhono okupela ngasikhathi sinye. Isicelo sine-composite glossary equkethe amagama acishe abe ngu-500. Lawa magama ahlukaniswe ngamaqembu ahlukene ubude begama, avumelaniswa nempumelelo ye-pelvic yengane...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: October 10, 2017
Joyina u-Katrielle Layton enhliziyweni yeLondon, njengoba esengene shí ekufuneni okungavamile, okuhlekisayo, okunemibuzo, enomsuka wawo ekuthungatheni kweqhawe lethu elisha ubaba wakhe olahlekile, uSolwazi Hershel Layton. Uzozungezwa ezindaweni ezidumile zaseLondon, kusukela ezindlini zePhalamende...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: October 10, 2017
GO Boy! is a new GBC/GB (Game Boy and Game Boy Color) Emulator with many cool features.A GBC game file (ROM file) is necessary to play a game. You can find GBC game files by searching the web.1.9$ IS FOR DONATIONS ONLY- Please consider donating- Donations support MANY open-source projects and...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 09, 2017
Uchungechunge oluhle kakhulu lokulwa kuselula selubuyile futhi lwaba ESIKHETHEKILE nakakhulu - I-Shadow Fight 2 Special Edition !!Manje sekuyithuba lakho lokuhlangana no-Titan mathupha futhi uqede ukwesaba kwakhe. Hamba phakathi kwaMasango Ethunzi uye ezweni eliyingozi eligcwele izimpi...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 09, 2017
Zama ukuzama "imfucumfucu emhlophe", thola inkululeko nokuzikhethela! Kodwa sixwayisa: kuyisimo esiyingozi. Ephaketheni, awunjalo, kodwa lapho kunokuthula. Futhi yedwa kungenzeka, ukushayela phezulu, noma ukusika impaphe. Yini ongayenza, lo mdlalo. Ukuphila okunjalo. Ukubambisana...
Version: 1.5.601 APK - Updated: October 09, 2017
“A Matter of Murder deftly weaves in rouge-like elements via a series of challenging logic puzzles. Add to this some beautifully stylized artwork and you’ll find yourself wondering where the last few hours of your life went.” — The Care and Feeding of Nerds“It’s like every murder...