Best Discount Games
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: November 16, 2017
Abesifazane abakhulu nabahle beza! Indaba ethokozisayo! Izenzo zethu! Lo mdlalo osuselwa ezindabeni ezisuselwa ku-30% wesenzo kanye nama-70% wendaba. , ukukhaphela nokubutha okumboziwe ukuze uthole ubukhulu ezweni elikhulu elibizwa ngeNagari Land, nendaba yothando phakathi kwabo bonke...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 16, 2017
Yilwa nabangane bakho emikhondweni engu-8! Amazing 3D racing game! Lungela i-KART! IZIPHUMA • Imodi yokuhlukanisa isikrini yabadlali abaningi• 4 ezahlukene ezahlukene izindlela izindlela• Umdlalo wabadlali abaningi basendaweni onamadivayisi afinyelela kwayi-6• Izinto ebanda kunazo...
Version: APK - Updated: November 16, 2017
Super Samurai Rampage is a bloody, retro pixel style high score chaser. You play as a legendary Samurai warrior provoked into a relentless rampage. Armed only with your katana, you must slash your way through endless gangs of challenging enemies. Defend your honor or go down fighting! *Beautiful...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 16, 2017
Hlukanisa umhlaba ngokuswayipha komunwe wakho bese uhlela kabusha ukuqondisa abahlaziyi emuva kwisikhala sabo. Hlola amaplanethi anemibala egcwele ingozi, amaphazili ayinselele, nama-mechanics amasha azokwenza ucabange ngezindlela ezintsha. Imisindo yokuntywilisa umhlaba ngamunye, onolwazi kakhulu...
Version: 5 APK - Updated: November 15, 2017
ルールオブロー #3...
Version: 1.19.0 APK - Updated: November 15, 2017
Quick Sketches, Hilarious Guesses!The classic drawing game comes to life on your mobile phone. Two exciting game modes let you choose between drawing colorful masterpieces or playing a real-time, 2 vs 2 challenge where winner takes all! Sketch your way to the top to win great prizes!The...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: November 15, 2017
I-Mini Metro, isifanisi sesitimela esingaphansi, manje esiku-Android. Azikho izikhangiso noma ukuthenga ngaphakathi nohlelo.• 2016 BAFTA oqokiwe• Owine umklomelo we-IGF ka-2016• Ofike kowamanqamu ngo-2016 IGN Mobile Game of the Year• Ukukhetha kwe-Gamespot ehamba phambili yango-2016I-Mini...
Version: 1.61 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Lona umdlalo wesibili ochungechungeni lwegeyimu ye-Dream City Construct. Ungumbaleki obalekela ama-federal agents. Ufike e-Dream city ukuzofuna usizo ku-FFG, iqembu eliqaphile. Ungakhetha ukujoyina iqembu le-vigilante noma ulawule i-Mafia.I-storyline ye-branching ivumela ukudlala oku-2 okuhluke...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
intatheli ababenesibindi Laura uyaphinda ulethwa e ukuphenya okubulala ongaziwa ezenzeka e-New York. Gxila indaba ethokozisayo ubugebengu futhi axazulule impicabadala isigebengu esiyingozi sizungezwe umbani! New York Mysteries: High Voltage - i entsha kufihlwe into umdlalo-imfuno puzzle mini-games...
Version: 1.0.35 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
"WINNER, Best Mobile Game" - Indie Prize USA 2018"UWINNER, Ukugqama Ekulandiseni Izindaba" - I-International Mobile Game Awards SEA"ISimulacra inwebeka kumanduleli wayo, uSara Akekho, uzama ngokwedlulele ngokungaphatheki kahle. Futhi uyaphumelela."9/10 - IPocket...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Landela i-ray yethemba ezweni elimnyama ama-silhouette amnyama njengoba usiza u-Elin ukusindisa umngane wakhe futhi abhekane nokwesaba kwakhe okujulile. Gxila ku-ELINI MILING EBONIKE, bese ufakaza iphazili entsha, imfihlo, isono, noma i-dilemma yenzeka ukuthola iqiniso ngemuva kwaleli zwe...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Get into the cockpit of experimental starfighter EX-23 in the best-looking VR space shooter available on mobile devices.This is Project Charon: Space Fighter VR.Complete thrilling, diversified missions standing up against drones, enemy fighters, bombers, giant frigates, and destroyers. To defeat...
Version: APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Yikuphi umdlali chess akazi Fritz? Eminyakeni yalo yokuqala, ungase ufake Fritz kusuka iflophidiski ku- PC. Ngo-1995 waba iqhawe emhlabeni ikhompyutha, ngemva kwalokho Fritz wenza kuyi-CD-Roms ku uhambo emhlabeni wonke. Inguqulo yamanje ye-Fritz 15 ingenye eziqine umdlalo multicore izinjini.Manje...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: November 14, 2017
Immerse yourself in the probably best strategy RPG ever! Fight hordes of savage demons and undead while you clash with powerful boss enemies like necromancers and dragons. Take on a myriad of quests in a living fantasy world with many events, encounters and of course epic war loot. Enjoy the...
Version: 4.4.21 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
Hola iphathi yakho heroes njengoba ukulwa ukuze uvikele izinsalela lokugcina lwesintu. Wazalelwa isikhathi wonkulunkulu elilwayo futhi amandla amnyama, namaqhawe zakho ezine singenakwenzeka uhambo elibuhlungu asethwe elikhulu futhi makhulu emhlabeni post-ezibhubhisayo ephakathi Steel.Heroes of...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
In Along Together, you are a kid's imaginary friend: their invisible companion when there’s no one else around, and their guardian when things get dangerous. When the kid’s best friend in the real world goes missing, the two of you venture out to find them.Use the Daydream controller to...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 13, 2017
Update for Android 8.0- We've seen some issues with Android 8.0 but there is a work around until an official patch is issued.The issue involves prompting hardware permissions not automatically asking to toggle them on at launch. Scrungeon uses the camera and microphone access for filming and...
Version: APK - Updated: November 12, 2017
Ngesikhathi esizayo abantu ngeke baphinde basebenze basebenze babe yimishini, yaqala ngezinguquko ezithile ezincane ... Ngabe ukhumbule izibuko zakho zokuqala ze-VR? Labo amalensi okuxhumana aza kanye ne-intraocular lawo athathelwe indawo yi-organic kanye ne-cineronic ... wabo wasebenzisa...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: November 11, 2017
Cyboid is a high-speed real 3D FPS (First Person Shooter) like Quake and Doom designed and optimized for Android!Cyboid includes single player, split-screen for two players and internet multiplayer real-time game modes for up to eight players!No advertising at all!Cyboid is compatible with Android...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: November 11, 2017
Ukuthayipha okungcono kakhulu komfundisi nokuthayipha isivinini sokuthayipha. Thatha umkhuba wokuthayipha omnandi kulolu hlelo lokusebenza lwezemfundo. Konke mayelana ne-Kids Education App ngakho-ke kungani ungadlali futhi ufunde imidlalo yemfundo. Kubo bonke abazali kanye nemidlalo yomndeni.Thatha...
Version: 1.52b46 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
Jogo de corrida aonde você é livre para dirigir, modificar e correr com seu carro jogando sozinho ou com outros jogadores em um mapa aberto, versão completa do jogo.ATENÇÃO: É necessário conexão a internet para iniciar o jogo e jogar mesmo no modo sozinho. Após a compra será necessário...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
*** Ukugubha ukukhishwa kwemvelaphi yezolo, isikhathi esinqunyelwe kuphela, ungasukuma ufike kuma-33% ngaphandle komdlalo! *** {# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #} Ihlaya elimnyama elihlukile elenza impumelelo ye-Pendulo Studios, abadali bochungechunge lwe-runaway! #} yayo 1481. Udlala uJohane...
Version: 1.3.29 APK - Updated: November 10, 2017
*About IAPs: All of the IAPs in Dungeon Rushers are character skins -- cosmetic and optional.Dungeon Rushers is a 2D tactical RPG combining dungeon crawler’s gameplay and turn based fights. Manage your team, loot dusty dungeons, crush armies of monsters and craft mighty equipment. Be part of an...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Our children love to spend a lot of time on the cell phone, and even more they love to explore the world around us. We know this, and that's why we developed a unique education project covering all the topics necessary for the successful development of our children.Our product will help the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
The Final Battleground : Dead Zombie Battle is a free FPS shooting game!In a limited time, in a country full of zombies, become the hero of the last battleground.It was meant to be a difficult adventure, shooting all the way, beating the zombie waves lurking in every corner of the city,To upgrade...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
I-Line Black - Ukuphazamiseka kusuka ezingeni lokuqala kakhulu, kuhlangene nomculo omnandi. Akunamamenyu, akukho mpumelelo, wena kanye nephazili. Inamazinga angama-60. Inhloso yabadlali ukuqeda izinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zemigqa, imibuthano, izigcawu. Umugqa uyinto esemqoka yomdlalo. kulo mdlalo,...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
I-Peppe: Manje njengoba sabelana ngezinkumbulo eziningi kangaka, kanjani ngokuqabulana okuncane? Kepha udinga ukuhamba manje ngaphambi kokuba ngizisole ukukusiza! {# #} Kamuva uzozama futhi akhokhe unobhala wayo wabaphathi ngokuhlinzeka ngezinsizakalo zeBunga Bunga. Ungu: Izinhloso zakhe: ...
Version: 1.3.4 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
22 Meyi 1968. I-American Submarine USS Scorpion (SSN-589) iye yaphazamiseka e-Atlantic ngenxa yezizathu ezingaqondakali. Khipha umthwalo obalulekile Ukujula kuyingozi futhi indawo ngqo yomaphaya angaziwa. Sebenzisa ubuhlakani bakho bese unyathela ukweqa oshaka edlule bese uhlola phansi kolwandle...
Version: 1.1.19 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
Ukufunwa kwe-Rage kuyinselele, i-4 esuselwa ku-tile, isikhathi sangempela, isikhathi sangempela, i-RPG egxilwe kuyo. . Kungekudala ngemuva kokuthumela umbono we-YouTube (Imidlalo yokuqala isitha), ufunda ukuthi okuwukuphela kwendlela hel yokubalekela i-Intanethi bese ubuyela emhlabeni wangempela...
Version: 1.84 APK - Updated: November 09, 2017
The magic, it calls to you.Get ready for an epic roguelike dungeon crawler where you get to make your own spells!The only weapons you get are the ones you design yourself. Name every spell you get, and your name will decide what kind of spell it is. Elements, strength, effects, all of it hinges on...