Nejlepší Slevové Hry
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: April 15, 2015
The hordes of undead are invading!Zombies, bloodthirsty bats, and... vampire PIGS? It's time to deal with these vile cretins using your secret weapon: a POGO stick!Tilt your Phone or Tablet left or right, and bounce those undead monsters back to their graves! The deviously simple yet addictive...
Version: APK - Updated: April 14, 2015
Tužka svou cestu do jednoho z nejkreativnějších hry kresba puzzle nevymyslel: Nakreslete Stickman: EPIC! V této jedinečně vytvořené karikatury RPG, stanete umělcem a vytvořte si vlastní stick man hrdina! Sketch a doodle si cestu přes překážky karikatura zlého stick man Zarp hází...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: April 14, 2015
Poznámka: Toto je neoficiální aplikace třetích stran určená k zadávání cheats do hry GTA Vice City. Hra není zahrnuta. Otevře klávesnici ve hře a zobrazí seznam dostupných cheats. Už není třeba fyzickou klávesnici, každý může podvádět. Důležité: Na některých...
Version: 16 APK - Updated: April 13, 2015
iFishing 3 is the much improved sequel to the smash hit iFishing. iFishing has over 20 million players worldwide and we thank you for your support since the game was launched. We took all your suggestions and improved the game in every area possible! FEATURES- 17 Full motion 720p video...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: April 11, 2015
Im ersten Level trittst Du gegen den Cheftrainer Norbert Meier an. Stelle ihm auf der Pressekonferenz immer wieder Fragen. Verhindere, dass er dazu kommt in sein Käsebrötchen zu beißen. Solange Norbert Meier die Hand nicht am Brötchen hat, bist Du im Spiel. Aber Vorsicht – Fragen in der...
Version: 1.301 APK - Updated: April 09, 2015
Radar Chaos is an air traffic control game that offers a balanced mix of fun and realism, guaranteed to raise your anxiety level. This simulation offers five different airspaces, containing real-world detail. The procedures are tailored to promote the likelihood of midair conflict.We recommend that...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 09, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Your murderous half-sister has escaped, and you've got the last piece of your father's treacherous film projector. The breakout success story returns for an encore as you uncover the truth about your father's dark...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 08, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Find out why time stopped in Nearwood, and drive out an ancient evil once and for all! Help Jane Lockwood bring peace to the land of her youth. • FIND JANE’S LONG LOST PARENTS Jane lost both of her parents early in life,...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: April 07, 2015
Úžasné 3D středověké benchmarkové prostředí. Vyzkoušejte svůj grafický výkon s denním režimem a úžasným nočním režimem s chladnými mlhovými efekty! Každý režim má 4 různé scény. Po každé scéně se vaše skóre zobrazí. Just Just Relaxujte a užívejte si! ...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: April 07, 2015
Damn Little Town is a tactical board game for 1-4 players. The game is divided into two phases:- during the first phase, you build your little town and place your settlers;- during the second, you try to escape the town, which has been corrupted.Evil is rising and destroying everything in its path....
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: April 06, 2015
The Draughts-wise app has the following features:- play against the built-in engine- play against an opponent next or opposite of you- play an official game, with the touch-move rule- play with or without a clock- save or load games- set up a position- analyze a played game- add sidelines and...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: April 04, 2015
You are a soldier of the elite special forces units.The sole purpose of a "Second Warfare 2" - to destroy the terrorists and stay alive.► You have a large selection of weapons (different pistols, machine guns, grenade launchers).► Martial tasks can be performed on different types of...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
*** AD FREE ***Play on your smartphone or tablet the Italian classic solitaire, solitaire games with classic Italian and Neapolitan cards made with those known around the world to play with the cards of the Italian regions.Solitaires♣ Coprisette♥ Il Bidone♦ Il Quadrato Del Nove♠ La...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
Let's have a Happy Birthday party by dragging the food and decorations.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
Conjured Hot Slots is based on retro arcade machines used for amusement only.It is a basic single line slot machine designed for single player offline amusement.This game requires no special permissions.How To Play:1. Select your bet amount by touching the arrows on the left side of the screen.2....
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
Conjured Video Poker is based on retro arcade machines used for amusement only. This game is single player 5 card draw, for offline fun. Payouts are based on hand strength, rather than compared to opponents hands. Conjured Video Poker requires no special permissions.How to play:1. Select your card...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: April 02, 2015
Chcete stavět domy a průmyslové objekty s těžkými stroji z LIEBHERR, MAN a stále? Pak dostanete Stavební Simulator 2014 - tímto způsobem vaše zařízení Android se stává virtuální staveniště.Hra na stavební Simulator 2014 můžete převzít kontrolu nad 14 stavebních strojů,...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
Scrabless je hra logiky založená na známých principech hry Word Game. Počítač vybere nejlepší bodovací slova, ale také předpovídá naše pohyby, aby bylo obtížné získat body v závislosti na úrovni, kterou máme k dispozici, různý počet návrhů nabízených počítačem....
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
Mladí fanoušci se mohou učit s hasičem Samem a zbytkem hasičské posádky Pontypandy, když přebírají roli ohnivého kadeta v tréninku v této fantastické oficiální aplikaci. Způsoby, jak hrát, včetně interaktivních her pro jednotlivé a více hráčů, přehrávače videa se 6...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
With GoPro Drone Sim Everyone will say : One of the best new apps of the week!It is the best GoPro Simulator game on Google Play!Have you ever wanted to fly Drone or GoPro Quadcopter? Do you want to fly with a drone through a huge city? Game Features:•No Ad,user friendly gameplay •Simple GoPro...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 31, 2015
The game is controlled by tilting of the device. The goal is to catch all fruit hanging on the tree. Therefore you must fly with the little owl above the good fruit, take it and then give it to a hungry animals ( hippo, reindeer, panda, bear) behind a fence on the left side. If you catch the leafs,...
Version: 1.054 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
To celebrate the announcement of Overload, a new game from Radiangames and the creators of Descent ( RADIANGAMES TITLES ARE ON SALE! JoyJoy is the new fantastically satisfying twin-stick shooter from Radiangames, creators of Inferno+, Ballistic SE, Super Crossfire, and more.*...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Připojte se k hasiči Sama a zbytku posádky Pontypandy v této vzrušující sbírce mimořádných událostí a hrdinských záchranářů. Všechny funkce jsou povoleny, nejsou vyžadovány žádné nákupy v aplikaci. . Představující všechny známé postavy, hudbu a zvukové efekty z...
Version: 1.132 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Na oslavu oznámení o přetížení, nová hra od Radiangames a tvůrců sestupu ( Je to tady! Pokračování do Inferna, radiangames kriticky uznávané dvojče a akce-RPG. Inferno 2 se může pochlubit ještě více nevyzpytatelnějšími úrovněmi, více zbraní, více...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Hop to it with Max & Ruby’s Bunny Hop! Now you can race your favorite Max & Ruby characters and toys in the classic game of skeeball. A game so simple and enjoyable, that once you pick it up it will be hard to put down. With a quick flick of a finger, roll the skee-ball into the holes to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Build your very own toy or doll in Max & Ruby: Toy Maker! The only thing Max & Ruby love more than toys is new toys! Now’s your chance to build the coolest robots and dolls you've ever seen and watch them come to life in the playroom. With a near unlimited number of parts to use, your...
Version: 1.032 APK - Updated: March 29, 2015
To celebrate the announcement of Overload, a new game from Radiangames and the creators of Descent ( RADIANGAMES TITLES ARE ON SALE! "A fast-paced and relentlessly hard racer, Fluid SE is well worth your time. 8 out of 10" - PocketGamerFluid SE is a thrilling...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: March 29, 2015
Nejočekávanější pokračování fotbalových her je nyní k dispozici !!! Active Soccer 2 je inovativní nejvýznamnější arkádový fotbalový zápas poskytující rychle se pohybující arkádový zážitek, který implementuje úžasnou hratelnost a snadno se naučí - těžko zvládněte...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
The most explosive, fast-paced, action-packed tank game is now available for Android devices! Battle head-to-head and navigate your tank through tricky mazes and a mayhem of bouncing bullets to outsmart your foes before they outsmart you. Challenge your friends in local multiplayer on the same...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!A pirate’s been executed, and the Baron takes a hostage to ensure you’ll help him track down the treasure he left behind. Only it’s not the plunder he’s looking for…Based on the true story of a famous pirate, Sea of...