Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 09, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Your murderous half-sister has escaped, and you've got the last piece of your father's treacherous film projector. The breakout success story returns for an encore as you uncover the truth about your father's dark...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 08, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Find out why time stopped in Nearwood, and drive out an ancient evil once and for all! Help Jane Lockwood bring peace to the land of her youth. • FIND JANE’S LONG LOST PARENTS Jane lost both of her parents early in life,...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: April 07, 2015
imvelo emangalisayo ye-3D ye-Medieval Benchchmark. Hlola ukusebenza kwakho kwemidwebo ngemodi yosuku nemodi ebusuku ebusuku enemiphumela emihle yenkungu! Phumula futhi ujabulele! ...: Umculo: ... : // / 13.0/ Indlovukazi yeqhwa uKevin Macleod ( ...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: April 07, 2015
I-Damn Little Town ngumdlalo webhodi yamaqhinga wabadlali abangu-1-4. Umdlalo uhlukaniswe ngezigaba ezimbili: - Ngesikhathi sokuqala, usakha idolobha lakho elincane bese ubeka iziteleka zakho; uzama ukuphunyula edolobheni, onakele. ububi bukhuphuka futhi bubhubhise konke okusendleleni yalo....
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: April 06, 2015
The Draughts-wise app has the following features:- play against the built-in engine- play against an opponent next or opposite of you- play an official game, with the touch-move rule- play with or without a clock- save or load games- set up a position- analyze a played game- add sidelines and...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: April 04, 2015
Uyisosha lama-elite akhethekile amabutho ama-units. Inhloso kuphela yempi yesibili 2 - ukubhubhisa amaphekula futhi uhlale uphila. {# # # ). Imisebenzi yezempi yezempi ingenziwa ngezinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zobuchwepheshe - usebenzisa imoto noma indiza enophephela emhlane. ukuqeqeshwa esisekelweni....
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
*** AD FREE ***Play on your smartphone or tablet the Italian classic solitaire, solitaire games with classic Italian and Neapolitan cards made ​​with those known around the world to play with the cards of the Italian regions.Solitaires♣ Coprisette♥ Il Bidone♦ Il Quadrato Del Nove♠ La...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
Let's have a Happy Birthday party by dragging the food and decorations.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
I-Connjured Hot Slots isuselwe kwimishini ye-retro arcade esetshenziselwa ukuzijabulisa kuphela. Dlala: 1. Khetha inani lakho lokubheja ngokuthinta imicibisholo ngakwesokunxele kwesikrini. 2. Spin amasondo ngokuthinta imishini ukuphatha ngakwesokunene kwesikrini. 3. Sebenzisa izinkinobho...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2015
Conjured Video Poker is based on retro arcade machines used for amusement only. This game is single player 5 card draw, for offline fun. Payouts are based on hand strength, rather than compared to opponents hands. Conjured Video Poker requires no special permissions.How to play:1. Select your card...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: April 02, 2015
Ingabe ufuna ukwakha izindlu nezakhiwo ezimbonini nge imishini esindayo LIEBHERR, MAN kanye STILL? Bese uthole Ukwakhiwa Simulator 2014 - ngale ndlela kudivayisi yakho ye-Android iba virtual kwakhiwa.Ukudlala kwe-Construction Simulator 2014 ungakwazi ukuthatha ukulawula imishini 14 ukwakhiwa...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
I-Scrabless ngumdlalo wephazili osuselwa kwimigomo yamagama eyaziwayo. Kunezindlela ezimbili zomdlalo: isidlali esisodwa kanye nabadlali abaningi. Ikhompyutha ikhetha amagama amahle kakhulu kodwa ibikezela ukunyakaza kwethu ukwenza kube nzima ukuthola amaphuzu. Amagama aqhamuka kumacebo...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
Abalandeli abasebasha bangafunda nge-Fireman Sam kanye ne-pontypandy Fire Crew njengoba bethatha indima ye-fire cadet ekuqeqesheni kulolu hlelo lokusebenza olusemthethweni lwe-TV Fireman sam junior Cadet izici 8 Izindlela Zokudlala kufaka phakathi imidlalo eyodwa yokusebenzisana eyodwa...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 01, 2015
With GoPro Drone Sim Everyone will say : One of the best new apps of the week!It is the best GoPro Simulator game on Google Play!Have you ever wanted to fly Drone or GoPro Quadcopter? Do you want to fly with a drone through a huge city? Game Features:•No Ad,user friendly gameplay •Simple GoPro...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 31, 2015
The game is controlled by tilting of the device. The goal is to catch all fruit hanging on the tree. Therefore you must fly with the little owl above the good fruit, take it and then give it to a hungry animals ( hippo, reindeer, panda, bear) behind a fence on the left side. If you catch the leafs,...
Version: 1.054 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
To celebrate the announcement of Overload, a new game from Radiangames and the creators of Descent ( RADIANGAMES TITLES ARE ON SALE! JoyJoy is the new fantastically satisfying twin-stick shooter from Radiangames, creators of Inferno+, Ballistic SE, Super Crossfire, and more.*...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Joyina uMurman Sam kanye nabanye abasebenzi be-pontypandy kuleli qoqo elijabulisayo lezimo eziphuthumayo ezigcwele isenzo kanye nokutakula kobuqhawe. Zonke izici zinikwe amandla, akukho okuthengiwe ngaphakathi nohlelo okudingekayo. . enezimpawu zonke ezijwayelekile, umculo kanye nemisindo evela...
Version: 1.132 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Ukugubha ukumenyezelwa kokulayisha ngokweqile, umdlalo omusha ovela kuma-radianames nabezongelukuzalwa ( yayo lapha! I-sequel to inferno, ama-radianames asolwa ngokuhlolisisa i-twin-stick action-RPG. I-Inferno 2 inamazinga amangalisayo ngisho nangokwengeziwe, izikhali ezengeziwe,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Hop to it with Max & Ruby’s Bunny Hop! Now you can race your favorite Max & Ruby characters and toys in the classic game of skeeball. A game so simple and enjoyable, that once you pick it up it will be hard to put down. With a quick flick of a finger, roll the skee-ball into the holes to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2015
Yakha ithoyizi lakho noma unodoli wakho uqobo kuMax noRuby: Umenzi wamathoyizi! Ukuphela kwento enkulu no-ruby uthando ngaphezu kwamathoyizi amathoyizi amasha! Manje yithuba lakho lokwakha amarobhothi apholile kanye nonodoli oke bawabona futhi ababukele bephila egumbini lokudlala. Ngenani eliseduze...
Version: 1.032 APK - Updated: March 29, 2015
Ukugubha ukumenyezelwa kokugcwala ngokweqile, umdlalo omusha ovela kuma-radianames kanye nabadali be-Destent ( {# #} Zonke izihloko ze-radiangames ziyathengiswa! Umjaho osheshayo osheshayo nowokudelela, u-fluid SE kufanelekile isikhathi sakho. I-8 kwezingu-10 - PocketGamer ...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: March 29, 2015
I-sequel yebhola elilindelwe kakhulu manje isiyatholakala !!! nge-active Soccer 2 Unokulawula okugcwele kulo mdlalo, azikho izinhloso ezibhaliwe, azikho izinqumo eziqhutshwa yi-CPU! Izilimi zamazwe omhlaba, izinkomishi kanye nemincintiswano. Cabanga nje ukuthi ube ngumphathi weqembu lesigaba...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
I-Tank Gank esheshayo, esheshayo, egcwele i-Action-Packed manje isiyatholakala kumadivayisi we-Android! I-Head-to-Head bese uzulazula ethangini lakho ngama-mazes akhohlisayo kanye ne-mayhem yezinhlamvu ezishayayo ukuze ukhiphe izitha zakho ngaphambi kokukukhipha. Inselelo kubangani bakho kubadlali...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 25, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!A pirate’s been executed, and the Baron takes a hostage to ensure you’ll help him track down the treasure he left behind. Only it’s not the plunder he’s looking for…Based on the true story of a famous pirate, Sea of...
Version: 5.4.4 APK - Updated: March 24, 2015
Umhlaba we-Cricket Championship usanda kungcono kakhulu! Iligi {# #} ukunambitha impumelelo yeqembu isebenza nawo wonke amaqembu amasha ekhilikithi! (Impumelelo iza nomvuzo!) imemeza ngokuzwakalayo futhi yenza abangane abasha ebhodini! [# #}} Abangani bakho. Akungabazeki ngamakhono wabadlali...
Version: 1.2.4 APK - Updated: March 20, 2015
Winner of a Special Mention at the prestigious BolognaRagazzi Digital Award 2015.“Shapes at Play is a truly charming example of creative design… Even the youngest child can think beyond the borders, to make connections between simple shapes and more complex objects.” BolognaRagazzi Digital...
Version: 1.0.9992.0 APK - Updated: March 20, 2015
Ama-Dungeoneers yiphathi esekwe, umuntu wokuqala, umdlalo wokuhlola umgodi. Dala iphathi yakho kusuka kumakilasi ayi-6 ahlukile, bese uzama ukufinyelela ezansi kwelebhu eguqukayo eshintshayo. Kugcina isikhathi eside ngangokunokwenzeka ngaphambi kokuba uphoqeleke ukubalekela edolobheni, ukuze...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 20, 2015
The original version of the Airport Madness series. Manage runways and taxiways at a complex airport. More game than simulation, this is a fun look at air traffic control from a "runways & taxiways" perspective. Knowledge of air traffic control is not required. This game takes a...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: March 19, 2015
I-EXZEUS ivula amandla ocingo lwakho lwakamuva. Izici: nsuku zonke, izinkulungwane ziyabhubha. Labo abasinda ekwabelana ngamahemuhemu obuye bafona elibizwa nge-diadora. Abasindile baphephela ngaphansi komhlaba, baphunyula abahlaseli abafokazi. Umkhandlu oPholile wayala umphikisi osondelene...
Version: 2.0.5 APK - Updated: March 18, 2015
Café International is based on the classic board game that was elected Board Game of The Year 1989 Germany (over one million sold). It has been rated fantastic by players around the globe and was called "a great way to experience this classic 'Spiel des Jahres' winner" (Game of...