Best Discount Games
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 17, 2015
Have you always dreamed of your teddy bear coming to life and playing with you? Now the dream has come true. Teddy the Panda is a cute, bright-eyed panda teddy bear who’s very curious and always up for fun. Join him as he makes his way around his room and find lots of nice surprises.Discover fun...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: March 17, 2015
Samuraj II pošlje Daisukeja na iskanje maščevanja po od vojne ožganem podeželju. Od morske vasi do leteče trdnjave do legendarnega otoka mrtvih, samuraj se ne bo ustavil pred ničemer, da bi lovil svojega glavnega sovražnika Orochija. Bo dobil svoje maščevanje?»Samurai II je zelo zabaven...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 16, 2015
Shypupu goes on a grand adventure, sliding down a giant rainbow in the sky. He must avoid characters that block his way, and with the help of Thunder Bunny and Wonder Mew he will make new friends in rain or shine.◎How to playTilt to turn and tap to jump. Try to get as many points as...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: March 15, 2015
You've played iFishing, and iFishing Saltwater Edition, now try your luck at Fly Fishing! Fish rivers and streams after species of trout the other games didn't have!The controls are a bit different than the other iFishing games. This time you have to whip the line back and forth a few times...
Version: 2.9 APK - Updated: March 15, 2015
Doodle Fishing is a cartoon retro fishing game. Experience the thrills of realistic freshwater fishing as you use your device to cast and reel in a big lunker! FEATURES* Use the accelerometer to cast, jig, aim your lure, and fight fish.* Exciting fish fights while keeping the line tension in...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 13, 2015
Ben se je vrnil na četrti obrok z dodatnim d za dimenzijo. Vodovodni trening je bil nadgrajen z novim simulatorjem virtualne resničnosti, ki je zdaj v celoti 3D. Ben ima še vedno dostop do četrtega časa dimenzije, ki mu omogoča, da razveljavi kakršne koli napake, ki jih je naredil. Rook je...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 13, 2015
Hop your way into fun this season with Max & Ruby: Hop into Spring. Crack all the piñatas on the screen and watch as toys, eggs, and candy come flying out. Each new piñata opens a new opportunity for fun and prizes. Keep an eye out for special piñatas, as you just might find a surprise...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 13, 2015
Are You Ready to Take the CutTheLightSCp Head to Head Starting Line Challenge? Sportsman: You Control the Left Tree and Your Smart Phone Controls the Right Tree. Touch START and Watch the Lights! Touch STOP On the Third Yellow Light. Hole Shot Wins with a 1/4 Drag Racing Video Reward. Red Light or...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 12, 2015
Test your reaction and agility in this Halloween themed Match 3 game, as you race to complete the level before your time is up. Use awesome power-ups to help you along, and play through numerous spooky levels as you try your hardest to master the game. Beat your friend's scores on the leader...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: March 11, 2015
“One of the most compelling and addictive iOS games I’ve played in years” – Pixelated ParadiseTake control of Crusader and free the lands from the hordes of the Nethermist in this turn based strategy rogue. Card Dungeon is a completely unique and handcrafted board / card /rogue-like game...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 11, 2015
Learn geography puzzle Pro is an educational yet fun puzzle game for everyone who is interested in geography. The game includes puzzle sheets presenting our galaxy with its' planets, our planet Earth, the continents and the countries of all continents. Beside the nice background music it...
Version: APK - Updated: March 10, 2015
Naša ljubljena Moonzy ima danes rojstni dan! Naj mu naredi darilo! Lahko spečete torto, naredite lepo voščilnico, zberete veliko košaro cvetov ali naredite fotoframe. Moonzys Friends vam bodo pomagali! Ta izobraževalna aplikacija je posebej razvita za otroke, stare 2-6 let. Zanimive igre...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: March 10, 2015
Prevzemite nadzor nad Svetovnim tatu in njenim visokotehnološkim hekerskim napravam, Nano. prodrejo v notranje sisteme varnega trezorja, odbijajo nano okoli mehanizmov in rešujejo uganke! Nagnite ali se dotaknite svoje naprave, da zasukate raven in uporabite fiziko v svojo korist, ko se izogibate...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: March 09, 2015
Kot ste počasi zbudi iz nezavesti vaše oči začeli, da se osredotoči na svojo okolico. Se znajdete sami v neznanem prostoru brez spomina, kako ste prišli do tam. Moonlight tokov skozi majhno zastarala okno razsvetljuje zatohel Slab zrak. Kako dolgo si že tukaj? Nosili kamnite stopnice vodijo...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: March 09, 2015
Kids Mosaic is a famous developing game for kids improved with fairytale pictures. Mosaic will catch the interest of a child who loves to fantasize and independently resolve adequate tasks. Easy controls create the situation of success which encourages the kids to study. Play together with your...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 07, 2015
Et enkelt og lærerikt spill om Norge.Test dine kunnskaper i Norsk geografi, og lær mer om bla.- Plassering av fylkene- Byer i Norge- Kjente personer- Natur i Norge- Fylkesvåpnene- Populære attraksjoner- Dine tider Hvor god er du? Forbedre dine tider, eller slå andres rekorder.
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 06, 2015
Regain your riches, restore your honour and punish those who have wronged you.*** PAY ONLY ONCE FOR THE WHOLE GAME *** - no micro-transactions, adds or any other tricks.Merchants of Kaidan is a challenging trading game fused with lots of RPG elements. You start very humble, one cart, a purse of...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 06, 2015
Lost Island Adventure is an addictive and unique match3 swiping game. It has stunning graphics, awesome music and some really engaging game modes! It can best be summed up as an exciting match-3 adventure game.You play the part of Dr Spagbol, a revered entomologist, who is travelling with a team of...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: March 05, 2015
70 % OFF - LIMITED TIME OFFER! Don’t miss out!The fabled "Magician's Handbook" has fallen into your hands. You are beckoned to a dark and desolate place whose true name has long been forgotten. Search beautiful, hand-painted backgrounds for cleverly- hidden enchanted objects. Use...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 05, 2015
Test your matching skills in this exciting, ultra addictive gem matching game, featuring multiple fun modes. Use awesome power-ups to help you along, and play through numerous gem packed levels as you try your hardest to master the game. From the developers who brought you the incredibly popular...
Version: 5.10.33 APK - Updated: March 04, 2015
Dobrodošli v izdaji šaha ob 21. obletnici.Ne glede na vašo raven igranja je večkrat nagrajeni šah ZingMagic zabavna, spodbudna in zahtevna igra za začetnike in prvake.Šah je igra za dva igralca s pestro zgodovino, ki sega vse do njegovega indijskega prednika Chaturanga. Leta 1291 je nadškof...
Version: 5.10.33 APK - Updated: March 04, 2015
Dobrodošli v izdaji igre Backgammon ob 21. obletnici.Kritiško hvaljena različica igre Backgammon podjetja ZingMagic vam omogoča igranje te najbolj priljubljene družabne igre po visokem standardu kadarkoli in kjer koli.Backgammon je preprosta dirkalna igra. Cilj je premakniti figure po plošči...
Version: 5.10.33 APK - Updated: March 04, 2015
Dobrodošli v izdaji dama ob 21. obletnici.Dama je klasična strateška družabna igra, katere cilj je zajeti vse nasprotnikove figure. Igra je varljivo preprosta, a polna zapletenosti, kot bodo ugotovili tisti, ki prevzamejo raven strokovnjaka.Zgodnji egipčanski faraoni (okoli leta 1600 pr. n....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 04, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!During your career as an archaeologist, you firmly believed that the Tree of Life was simply a myth. However, once you uncover a magical artifact, you open brand new worlds of possibility. You're whisked away to a lush...
Version: APK - Updated: March 02, 2015
Igra za učenje matematike Tydic za otroke, šole in družine! Miracle Bunny igre omogočajo učne številke in izračune zabavne in enostavne. Zabaven način za učenje - poskusite takoj! Ilke Puputtaja je vse korenčke in vozila vzela čudovito! Drzen čudežni zajček jih je uspel vrniti z...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 01, 2015
Dodge Max & Ruby’s forgotten toys and fly through the air before time expires! Kids will put their energy into play with the simple but captivating touch screen navigation features. Simply tap away to the finish line to be rewarded with magical tickets and animated toys to your toy...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: February 28, 2015
Sprehodite se, se plazite, skočite in streljajte skozi najboljšega poštnega simulatorja, kar jih je kdajkoli naredil! Cilj te igre: dotaknite se različnih področij svoje zaslone na dotik, da motivirate DePri-Horst (sijoči primer poštarja. ) skočiti, metati pisma ali samo, da se za...
Version: 0.125 APK - Updated: February 27, 2015
Cricket Captain is back for the 2014 season, with a beautiful new interface, updated 3D graphics engine, and all the attention to detail that you expect from the series. Cricket Captain has been hailed as the best cricket management simulation ever created, and with one of the most exciting cricket...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: February 24, 2015
People of Animalville got a karting fever and you must help one of them reach for the championship. Take the wheel, choose a kart, decide which character from 'Teddy Floppy Ear’ universe you want, and start the wild ride! Compete all day long on nightly and daily tracks that span around the...
Version: 1.2.23 APK - Updated: February 24, 2015
Burn the Rope is a challenging game where you try to burn as much rope as you can in each level. There’s a catch! The fire only burns upwards, leaving you to tilt and turn the puzzle to keep your flame alive!As you progress through the levels, you'll encounter bugs crawling along the rope....