Best Discount Games
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: January 30, 2015
Jennifer Wolf and the Mayan RelicsFor what would adventure be… without the element of uncertainty?Jennifer Wolf leaves San Francisco to join her father on the archaeological dig he is leading in Mexico.When she arrives on site, she can’t find any trace of him and all his belongings have been...
Version: APK - Updated: January 30, 2015
A handcrafted game about fishing with guns, chainsaws & toasters. *****Now with Google Play Game Services leaderboards and achievements!*****Follow Billy as he tries to find redemption from his uncertain past. Chase your destiny on the high seas and embark on a heroic quest for glory and gills....
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 30, 2015
Odklenite popolno pustolovščino z enim samim nakupom! Brez nakupov v aplikaciji! Leto je 1866. Dneve ste potovali, da bi prišli do gradu, skriti globoko v Karpatskih gorah Boj proti temnim silam. Komaj ste rekli da, preden ste poslali na prvo misijo, da bi preučili zver, ki dobro terorizira...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: January 29, 2015
Alice In Wonderland, igrana igra s skritim objektom Dodaljena izdaja je končno prispela! Nove uganke Novi prizori Novi predmeti Novi mini igri Novi znaki Izboljšani vmesnik, oživljen z zbirko ključnih predmetov izboljšana igralna izkušnja daljša življenjska doba , ki jo je...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: January 29, 2015
Aladin and the Enchanted Lamp - Extended EditionThe fabulous tale of Aladin completely revised!Aladin, a young orphan, lives in the Orient. His only wealth lies in his small house and an old ring, that formerly belonged to his father. As Aladin has to steal to survive, he wishes deep inside he will...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: January 29, 2015
Make your way through a creepy mansion, a decaying lighthouse, and the eerie corridors of a sinister hospital to help Angel unravel the mystery surrounding her true identity. An incredibly thought-provoking, and equally disturbing back-story will unfold as you solve each puzzle and watch the...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: January 29, 2015
Notranji svet - Puzzle ponuja povsem novo puzzle izkušnje in velik izziv sposobnosti igralcev, kot so poskušali združiti različne dele 100 puzzle motivi iz Nemčije nagrajene igre avanturo.Igra ponuja tri enega igralca načini: V "Išči & Najdi", pravi Kos iz različnih kupov je...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: January 28, 2015
Kreuzwort Ausgabe 2 von Gofre ist eine Kreuzworträtsel-App mit 20 bis zu 900 Kästchen großen Rätseln. Erstellt wurden die Rätsel von einem jahrelangen Autor für Kreuzworträtsel.Sprache: Deutsch.Gelöst werden können die Rätsel mit Tastatur oder mit Druckschrift-Gesten und halten sich...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: January 28, 2015
Take on the role of an innocent woman, trapped in a twisted game with a known murderous psychopath. Due to your attire he dubs you Red Riding Hood. His wicked fairy tale begins by kidnapping your fiancé, and dragging you through challenging hidden object sequences, puzzles, and a chilling...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: January 26, 2015
AN ENTIRELY NEW GAMING EXPERIENCE **USA TODAY: Rating: 4 stars (out of 4) "In the crowded market of puzzle apps, Blueprint 3D shines for its uniqueness." Magical 3D motion puzzle game Never before seen gameplay • OVER 300 LEVELS OF PURE AMAZEMENT! Each level begins with a mysterious...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: January 26, 2015
6 takes! - Wolfgang Kramer's ingeniously simple card game with "bullheads" - now as an app.The aim of the game is to avoid getting cards. Each card you have to pick up costs you points for each bullhead on it. The player with the fewest bullheads at the end of the game is the winner....
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: January 25, 2015
Strateška igra, ki temelji na zavoju, kjer vodite rimske legije pri njihovem osvajanju italijanskega polotoka. igrajo različne scenarije konfliktov, ki jih bori Rimska republika; Bodite diktator rimske civilizacije v starodavni dobi, ko naj bi še postal največji imperij na svetu. *** Če...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: January 25, 2015
Populus Romanus II: Britannia je zdaj prispela! Strateška vojna, ki temelji na zavoju, kjer se vračate v starodavni Rim, tokrat vodijo rimske legije proti britanskim plemenom pri njihovem osvajanju otoka Britannia. Igrajte različne scenarije vojn, ki jih je v starodavni dobi vodil rimski...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: January 24, 2015
Official add-on expansion for the board games Letters from Whitechapel™ and Letters from Whitechapel™: Revised Edition from Sir Chester Cobblepot. This isn't a stand-alone game.This app let you play the optional rules Hideout Generator and Catch Me, If You Can. With the Hideout Generator,...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: January 24, 2015
Izberite svoj avto, nato pa drsnite, drsite, zavrtete in se vozite po stezi s hitrostjo Break Neck, tako da poberete napajanje, ko greste. Obvladati popolno dirkalno linijo, se izogibajte drugim avtomobilom in stožcem in pospešite svojo pot do zmage v tem adrenalinu, ki črpa dirkalnik od zgoraj...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 22, 2015
You are a soldier of the elite special forces units.The sole purpose of a "Second Warfare" - to destroy the terrorists and stay alive.► You have a large selection of weapons (different pistols, machine guns).You need to perform several missions.1. Destruction of drug - laboratories.2....
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: January 21, 2015
Private investigator Alex Hunter thought the case of the missing professor would be an easy paycheck. But his investigation has proven to be anything but simple. What began as a routine open-and-shut affair quickly turned into a race to save a city from a madman who has invented a machine with...
Version: 1.3.2 APK - Updated: January 21, 2015
Zombie City Defense 2 je izšel! Oglejte si! Vnesite bitko za človeštvo. Reši zemljo pred hordami zombijev. Načrtujte svojo strategijo pametno, zgradite svojo obrambo, zaposlite preživele in ubijte zombije! Uporabite ognjene,...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 21, 2015
- An original and interactive story. - Games with coloring and puzzles. - Available in English, French and Spanish. The stars have fallen from the sky and disappeared! Neko, a persevering and adventurous kitten, must go in search of his bright friends! This wonderful story will transport your child...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 19, 2015
There exists love so strong, it can overcome the most powerful evil. In Sacra Terra: Kiss of Death, this love is born in the heart of a woman who sets out rescue her fiancé from a supernatural force that feeds on human suffering. Guide her as she explores visually stunning mystical dimensions in a...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: January 19, 2015
Drop your axe and pick up your plow because there's farming to be done! Packed with more thrills than a horn of honey beer, Farm Frenzy: Viking Heroes offers a fresh and challenging experience that will delight longtime fans and newcomers alike!GAME FEATURES:◇ 172 levels◇ Seven worlds◇...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: January 19, 2015
1-) Prenesite PDF datoteko z označevalci in jo natisnite, lahko prenesete tukaj: 2-) Zaženite aplikacijo in usmerite fotoaparat na označevalce. {##### } 3-) Odkrijte, igrajte in uživajte v svoji novi realistični aplikaciji Dinozavrov! ...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: January 18, 2015
Ste v 90. letih odraščali igranje šestnajstih strategij, ki temeljijo na šestnajstih strategijah? Ali vam je morda všeč Wargames na krovu? naredili smo. Ta igra je retro v slogu sodobna poklon duhu tistih čudovitih šestnajstih in kockovskih enot. Če vam je všeč vojaška strategija, ki...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 13, 2015
Dobrodošli v aplikaciji Paulie in Fiona Board Game. Tu boste našli osem različnih družinskih iger. V vsaki igri se lahko odločite za igranje proti računalniku (1 predvajalniku) ali proti prijatelju (2 igralci). Ni vam treba skrbeti za pravila. Računalnik vam bo pomagal premakniti...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: January 12, 2015
ИГРА ПРЕДНАЗНАЧЕНА СТРОГО ДЛЯ ЛИЦ, ДОСТИГШИХ 18 ЛЕТ!Это совсем не та игра, какой вы можете ее себе представить. Штирлиц в этой игре совсем не тот, которого вы видели в...
Version: 2.0.9 APK - Updated: January 11, 2015
** Zahvaljujoč našim oboževalcem smo v ZDA na iOS -u dosegli top 5 strateške igre. ** Se spomnite izgube, ki ste jo občutili, ko je Sylvie Meyer - novorojenček, ki je začel s 60 časovnimi enotami - odvzela tujec granata? Se spomnite, da vam je srce razbivalo, ko vam je zmanjkalo časovnih...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 08, 2015
Aplikacija v razburljivi igri obrne predšolsko izobraževanje otrok! Ta aplikacija vključuje več izobraževalnih mini iger in nalog z različnimi stopnjami zapletenosti: abeceda, številke, besede, asociacije, geometrijske oblike, tudi nekaj nalog za pozornost in spomin na usposabljanje. ...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 08, 2015
Spin to Win otrokom ponuja zabaven način, da prepoznajo vrednost mesta vsake številke v številki 3, 4 in 5 -mestece. Številka. Igralec z največjo številko, ko so vse škatle napolnjene z zmagi. Zmagovalni igralec doseže razliko med dvema številkama. igra proti računalniku z dvema...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 08, 2015
Spooky Sequences - priljubljena dejavnost iz serije primarnih iger, ki je popolnoma zasnovana in izboljšana za naprave Android. Eden od duhov v spooky zaporedju manjka številka. Tapnite številčne gumbe na dnu glavnega zaslona igre, da dodajte številko duhu, če je v zaporedju pravilna...