Best Discount Games
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: February 24, 2015
Lo mdlalo wenzelwe ukuthuthukisa izingane zakho ukukhiqizwa komsindo lapho uzigcina zijabulisa imidwebo ethokozisayo yokusebenzisana. Imisindo eqondiwe yethulwa ngezikhundla zokuqala, eziphakathi nendawo, nasekupheleni futhi ngamazwi anezinhlanganisela kumagama ayi-1-3 avumelanayo. Lo mdlalo...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: February 23, 2015
Wake wafuna ukwakha siqu sakho Drift Car? Manje nansi yithuba lakho ngokwezifiso imoto yakho ozithandayo futhi isibhongo the track for abanye Drifting.Cars 9 (more iza updates):-AE86-E30-E36-S2000-RX8-911-Panamera-Camaro-Mustang5 bonke Amaculo kokubili imini nobusuku (more iza updates!):Spot...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: February 21, 2015
This story is about how inexperienced girl becomes fearless Amazon.It is able to protect themselves and survive at any cost. Where any man will break and die, it will show firmness and courage.Its mission - is to survive and to unravel the mysteries of the island.► Do yourself an ax to defend,...
Version: 3.7 APK - Updated: February 20, 2015
Les écoliers vont aimer les multiplications !« Révise tes tables de multiplication » est un jeu pour s’entraîner à mémoriser les tables de 1 à 10.Plongé dans l’univers de la Préhistoire, votre enfant va jouer avec trois petits farceurs : il devra trouver les solutions des opérations...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: February 19, 2015
Take advantage of Red Johnson's Chronicles at just 1,99 € : An exceptional reduction of 60%!You play the role of Red Johnson, a private detective who is trying to find his place in the corrupted city of Metropolis. You are taken on by the police who want you to solve a murder with no...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: February 18, 2015
Wake walawula uhambo lwakho lwe-Carnival? nakanjani. Kepha manje unethuba lokuthola i-Funfair Ride Simulator 2 ku-smartphone yakho nakwithebulethi! Kubandakanya ukugibela okuhlanu okuyingqayizivele (Hulla Hoop, ifektri, isondo le-Ferris, ukujabulisa ukuhamba nxazonke nesikebhe sePirate). Ngaphezu...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: February 17, 2015
아라하 얼라이브는 출시와 동시에 많은 이들로부터 뜨거운 관심을 받은 모바일 호러게임 시리즈의 첫 번째 외작으로 기존 오리지널(클래식) 버전을 이용하시는 분들 혹은 공포게임에 강한 거부감이 있는 분들, 이 게임을 처음...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: February 17, 2015
Isihloko se-Bout Championship Boxing ngumdlalo wokugcina wesibhakela wesibhakela. Idalwe ngomunye wabathuthukisi bokuqala weMenenja ye-Championship, iza namarekhodi okulwa angaphezu kuka-8,000 database, okuvuselelwa njalo ngamavolontiya azinikezele. Basaphikisana ngokuthi uJoe Louis...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 13, 2015
Wild Tripeaks brings you the classic card game of Tripeak solitaire and much more! FEATURES: - 30 different card layouts, starting with classic Tripeaks solitaire. - Beautiful graphics and sound - Animated card dealings and movements - Responsive controls - Suitable for all the family - High scores...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: February 12, 2015
I-Joinz iyi-clever block sliding puzzle game umdlalo okulula ukuyidlala, kuhle ukuyibuka kepha iyakhohlisa ukukwazi. Uzobuya kaninginingi ukuzama ukushaya amaphuzu akho aphezulu noma phezulu abangane bakho kubhodi yabaphambili. Kuqukethe ukungathengi noma izikhangiso noma izikhangiso! Izimo...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 10, 2015
Lezi yizimpi zami zempi. Futhi ngizolwela amadoda ami, enkosini yami, nezwe lami, # Imininingwane engakholwayo kwithebhulethi yakho! Umdlalo osethuthuke kakhulu okwamanje emakethe ye-Android! le yimpi eyikhulu empini. Indoda ngayinye kufanele ime ibe ende. I-Mentle ngayinye izohlolwa. Kepha...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: February 10, 2015 try this Android WK-Remote first before buying CT-Remote. If your Walkera copter can work with this official WK-Remote Android version, then it can work with our CT-Remote.-------------------------------GUI for video converter:...
Version: 1.14 APK - Updated: February 09, 2015
- Unterhaltsamer Siedelspaß mit z.T. kniffligen Aufgaben- Handel mit Rohstoffen am Markt- Suche nach Schätzen- Erbaue fantastische Gebäude- Berater und Baumeister stehen Dir hilfreich beiseite- Mischung aus Zeitmanagement und Aufbaustrategie- Kampagne und freies SiedelnStory:Vor sehr, sehr...
Version: 1Quest APK - Updated: February 07, 2015
I-1Quest iyi-rogueeeelike, lapho ulawula khona umsunguli osemusha ophishekela inkolo yeGazi elibi, ngemuva kokuthi sebephuke izingane eziningana, kubandakanya nenkosazana yoMbuso! Unezinsuku eziyi-7 ngaphambi kokuba aqale isiko lakhe elibi ukubiza idemoni lasendulo ekuhlatshelweni kwezingane....
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: February 06, 2015
Zama ukuguqula igaraji elincane liqale inkampani enkulu. Yenza izinqumo zamasu, thenga amatafula nezitshalo zetafula, ukuqasha nokuqeqesha abantu. Qeda izifiso zabo! Dala izinhlelo zokusebenza zeselula! Njengokuphila, isimo semakethe sinamandla futhi sishintsha njalo. Amapulatifomu amasha eza...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: February 05, 2015
Eggy Time is an enjoyable and motivational app that helps children aged 4 – 8 learn to tell time.The app develops skills and concepts to assist with telling time using 5 highly interactive games that make learning to tell time fun. Children will enjoy setting the hands and numbers on a variety of...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: February 04, 2015
Imbangela kanye ne-Effect I-Sensery Light Box yadalelwa iqembu lentsha elinezidingo eziyinkimbinkimbi kufaka phakathi ukonakala okubonakalayo, okukhubazekile kokuthuthuka kanye nokukhanya okukhanyayo selokhu kufakazelwe ukuthi abazali bezingane ezincane ngaphandle kwezidingo ezikhethekile bahlola...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 04, 2015
Wave Wave has been Rebuilt from the ground up with all new enhanced visuals and game play! Get ready to rediscover the game.Wave up and down to avoid the gauntlet of triangles.Hectic. Extreme. Addictive. Racing. Tumultuous.Blitzing. Electric. Anaerobic. Treacherous.Wave Wave was selected as part of...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: February 04, 2015
Mluvídek je zábavná logopedická hra určená pro děti, hlavně pro ty nejmenší. Nenásilnou formou podporuje rozvoj slovní zásoby, aktivně zapojuje děti do hry a rozvíjí jejich logické myšlení. Hra je určena dětem, jejich rodičům a prarodičům, odborníkům i laikům. Všem,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 04, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!A great myth has enduring power… no matter where the story comes from. In this first game in the exciting new Myths of the World series, your story begins as a Chinese healer who’s brought to the Imperial City to save the...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: February 03, 2015
Jack the Ripper - Letters from Hell – Extended EditionThe ★ EXTENDED EDITION ★ has finally arrived! ✔ New puzzles ✔ New scenes ✔ New objects ✔ New mini-games ✔ New characters ✔ An improved interface, brought to life with the collection of key objects ✔ An improved gaming...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: February 03, 2015
Vula imfihlakalo yeMedford City Asylum! Kumele athole ukuthi yiziphi izisebenzi eziphoqekile zokumisa ukulungiswa kabusha. bayesabeka yile ndawo ebekiwe. Akazange azi ukuthi kuzoba nokutholwa okwethusayo ngokwengeziwe. . . yenza indlela yakho ngokusebenzisa imfucumfucu. dlulela phambili...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: February 03, 2015
Comet collapse is a space based quest game where you have to save planet Earth from being hit by the comet Zeus!Explore the solar system and collect items that will allow you to build and launch a space ship that can drop a very large bomb on the comet.Along the way, you will recruit your crew...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: January 30, 2015
Original title : Gourmet Chef Challenge - Around the World (Full)Be part of a famous TV show and become a renowned chef!Juliana, a budding restaurant owner, has a diner. She's passionate about cooking and dreams of making her mark in gastronomy. When she discovers the Gourmet Chef Challenge:...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: January 30, 2015
Jennifer Wolf and the Mayan RelicsFor what would adventure be… without the element of uncertainty?Jennifer Wolf leaves San Francisco to join her father on the archaeological dig he is leading in Mexico.When she arrives on site, she can’t find any trace of him and all his belongings have been...
Version: APK - Updated: January 30, 2015
A handcrafted game about fishing with guns, chainsaws & toasters. *****Now with Google Play Game Services leaderboards and achievements!*****Follow Billy as he tries to find redemption from his uncertain past. Chase your destiny on the high seas and embark on a heroic quest for glory and gills....
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 30, 2015
Vula i-adventure ephelele ngokuthenga okukodwa! Akukho okuthenga ngaphakathi nohlelo! Unyaka uneminyaka engu-1866 ukulwa namandla amnyama. U-Youve wathi yebo ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa kwinjongo yakho yokuqala, ukuphenya isilo esabisa idolobha laseNtabeni osizi kahle. Ingabe lesi silo sangempela?...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: January 29, 2015
U-Alice eWonderland, umdlalo ofihlekile wento Uhlobo olunwetshiwe lufikile ekugcineni! Amaphazili amasha Izigcawu ezintsha Izinto ezintsha Imidlalo emisha ye-mini I-interface entsha Isikhathi eside sokuphila liphefumulelwe inoveli le-lewis carloll alice e-Wonderland. U-Alice...
Version: 1.045 APK - Updated: January 29, 2015
Aladin and the Enchanted Lamp - Extended EditionThe fabulous tale of Aladin completely revised!Aladin, a young orphan, lives in the Orient. His only wealth lies in his small house and an old ring, that formerly belonged to his father. As Aladin has to steal to survive, he wishes deep inside he will...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: January 29, 2015
Yenza indlela yakho ngokusebenzisa i-Creepy Mansion, indawo yokudlela ebolayo, kanye nemigwaqo ye-eerie yesibhedlela esibonakalayo ukusiza ingemfihlakalo ukuba nenkulu imfihlo ezungeze ubunikazi bayo bangempela. Indaba evusa imicabango emangalisayo, futhi ephazamisa ngokulinganayo emuva izovela...