Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: Varies with device - Updated: November 27, 2014
Weave your way through a haunted amusement park in Weird Park: Broken Tune! City officials have shut down the park after a string of deaths have horrified everyone in the area. You must use your amazing investigative skills to track down clues and solve this eerie mystery! You are the only one...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2014
Can you beat a real old salt at the memory game? Why not try it out and take on sailor Fiete!In what is surely the most beautiful memory game, Seemann Fiete invites you to a game of “looking for pairs” in his lighthouse. Behind every porthole of the lighthouse, another exciting memory game with...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 26, 2014
Fiete is a friendly sailor who lives on an island in the sea. In this interactive picture-book, children between 1 to 3 years can explore Fiete’s island and help him with his daily chores. Over a total of 19 levels, you can prepare sandwiches, fry eggs sunny side up, hang socks on the...
Version: 0.9.3 APK - Updated: November 25, 2014
Our story begins in the sprawling plains of the Great Basin in the American West. Construction of the railroad has been forging ahead after overcoming the challenge of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Unfortunately, the railroad has recently been plagued by repeated attacks from the infamous Dalton...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 24, 2014
Naj vaša domišljija divja v Maxu in Ruby: Bunny Make Belied! Naj bo Max igriv gusar ali daj Ruby v svojem tutu in preživite ure v svoji domišljiji! Obiščite igrive lokacije in jih napolnite z ladybugs, glasbo in raketnimi ladjami, da ustvarite popolno prizorišče slike. Vključite vse...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: November 20, 2014
Help Madame Fate to avoid her own demise as you explore and investigate the magical world of Fate’s Carnival!☆ MADAME FATE HAS FORESEEN HER OWN DEMISE!As a mysterious fortune teller with a magic crystal ball she knows that it will happen at midnight on this very day☆ CAN YOU HELP MADAME FATE...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 19, 2014
Sabotage beim Schulfest! Der Catwalk für die Modenschau wurde angesägt, die Kleider sind zerrissen und Merle leidet plötzlich unter einem furchtbaren Ausschlag. Hilf Kim, Franzi und Marie, den spannenden Fall zu lösen und die Modenschau zu retten!In der Schule, im Café Lomo und im Spiegelsalon...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: November 19, 2014
*** NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ANDROID 7***REVIEWS“The combat system is unique, as your success in battle isn't based solely on the rolls of dice” ~“Spooky thrills abound in this adventure gamebook with more focus on puzzles than most.” ~ (4/5 star review)“a...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 19, 2014
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Your father was a famous movie director who liked to invent elaborate locks and devices. A mysterious villain demands you track down the pieces to his greatest – and perhaps most deadly – invention of all time! If you...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
Pridobite svetovnega prvaka. Zabavajte se in izboljšajte svojo igro. Lahko igrate proti Shredderju, analizirate z njim in rešujete šahovske uganke. Ponuja običajni standard Shredder za vaš žep.Poleg izjemne igralne moči 19-kratnega svetovnega prvaka v računalniškem šahu lahko Shredder...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
Odklenite popolno pustolovščino z enim samim nakupom! Brez nakupov v aplikaciji! Potujete v oddaljeno otoško mesto Black Water in preiskujete skrivnostno izginotje dveh arheologov, ko naletite na mitsko pošast naravnost iz starodavnih mitov o Poseidonu! Kakšne prekletske skrivnosti so ti...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: November 17, 2014
"Animal sounds puzzle" is a puzzle game for small kids and toddlers from ages 1-6 It features 10 beautiful designed puzzles, featuring the famous environment and animals from the "farm for toddlers" app.When the puzzle is completed, the player is rewarded with the natural sound...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 17, 2014
Ta serija aplikacij za zgodbe je namenjena mladim, nastajajočim bralcem. Številni otroci bodo že seznanjeni s temi klasičnimi zgodbami, vendar so zgodbe prepisane s sodobno občinstvom v mislih. Ta barvita, dobro ilustrirana knjiga je polna pripovedi in vsestranske zabave. Ob sprejemanju novih...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 16, 2014
xfs (simulator sejmega xtreme) xfs-m je specializiran za zagotavljanje osupljive simulacije mobilnih grafik in arkadnih igranja. Enostavno igranje, zabavno za gledanje. Najbolj znane svetovne vožnje doslej? Tu je vaša priložnost! funkcije realistično gibanje in fizika realistična...
Version: 1.01.00 APK - Updated: November 15, 2014
★★★ CAUTION ★★★This app may not work with your Android device possibility. We recommend that you confirmed lite edition operation.Lite Edition (FREE)★★★ App Details ★★★★A quarter view perspective...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 14, 2014
Nič ne pravi kakovostnega časa, kot je igranje družinske družabne igre z otroki. Zabavno je za otroke in odrasle vseh starosti! Utrujen od tega, da se vsi ločijo na svojih napravah? Ali ne želite, da bi lahko celotno družino združili nad zabavno igro, v kateri lahko uživajo vsi?...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 14, 2014
Open all levels, no ads, added game mode "shuffle numbers"Rules of the game: it is necessary to cross out all the numbers by two numbers equal to each other or equal to 10 (ten). Example: 1) 1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5, 6=6, 7=7 ,8=8, 9=9;2) 1+9=10, 2+8=10, 3+7=10, 4+6=10;3) 6+4=10, 7+3=10,...
Version: 1.15 APK - Updated: November 13, 2014
With Demolition Master 3D you will fill like the real bomb expert capable of tackling even the most complicated tasks. Travel to various countries and continents, take part in ambitious construction projects and demolish, demolish, demolish!Demolition Master 3D is a sequel of popular game...
Version: .2873 APK - Updated: November 12, 2014
Fighting Fantasy, the world famous interactive gamebook series returns for its 30th Anniversary! Ian Livingstone and Tin Man Games present Blood of the Zombies on Android!! "Insane megalomaniac Gingrich Yurr is preparing to unleash an army of monstrous zombies upon the world. He must be...
Version: 3.1.5 APK - Updated: November 12, 2014
Radium is a physics-based skill game, featuring unique game controls. A game which avoids any non-essential elements and focuses on the elementary minimum. By pressing the left or right arrow key, the orb is pulled into the direction of the corresponding tractor beam. Entering yellow mode,...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: November 11, 2014
V Evropski War 3 vas bo poveljnik vodi svoje vojake v boj za vire, spodbujanje gospodarske in industrijske rasti, razvijati nove tehnologije in izkoristiti nasprotna ozemlje. Kadarkoli napoti vojska, mornarica ali Air Force, morate vzeti veliko razmišljal zaradi njihove prednosti in slabosti. Delo...
Version: .2826 APK - Updated: November 10, 2014
Travel to Northern Allansia’s perilous Icefinger Mountains to defeat the wicked Snow Witch in this Fighting Fantasy adventure!Deep within the Crystal Caves of Icefinger Mountains, the dreaded Snow Witch is plotting to bring on a new ice age. A brave trapper dies in your arms and lays the burden...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 03, 2014
Ahh, noč čarovnic - čas za oblačenje, izrezovanje buč in kopičenje veličastnegakoličine sladkarij! Da bi zbrali dovolj sladkarij, enkrat okolisoseska preprosto ne bo ustrezala - za izvedbo boste potrebovali več različnih kostumov.Uživajte v klasični pustolovski igri - rešujte uganke,...
Version: 1.10 APK - Updated: October 31, 2014
The Bridge is a 2D logic puzzle game that forces you to reevaluate your preconceptions of physics and perspective. It is Isaac Newton meets M. C. Escher. Manipulate gravity to redefine the ceiling as the floor while venturing through impossible architectures. Explore increasingly difficult worlds,...
Version: 1.19PRO APK - Updated: October 31, 2014
THE LEGEND IS BACK!With 20+ million downloads, the best football/free kick game in the market is back!BIGGER, BETTER & MORE!Discover brand new Single Player modes, endless Missions and rewarding Mini Game with countless hours of gameplay.ONLINE/MULTIPLAYER CHALLENGESPlay one on one matches in...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: October 30, 2014
Pozabite na mlečno pot! To je Rabbids Way! Rabbids Big Bang je prva Rabbids Fizično igra na mobilnih napravah, ki vam omogoča pilot rabid v vesolju s konico prsta! {#{ * Taktično se igrajte, ko se bo vaše gorivo iztekalo, ko boste okrepili. * Ne zruši se na planete ... razen če vas...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 30, 2014
A modern perspective to the dub-siren. Can also be used as a weird sound effect generator or theremin. Using the touch-pad you can control the volume and pitch at the same time. You can draw the envelope and "REPEAT" set to on, you will loop this pattern forever or fading out like an echo...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 30, 2014
*** Pro version without advertising *** Create music with this wonderful table MPC at your fingertips, if you like the world of DJ's can not miss this music production application, you will find amazing samples of dubstep and electronic music, but you can compose all Plug your smartphone into a...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 30, 2014
Sunray Games predstavlja mistični dnevnik: Izgubljeni brat! V Mystic Dnevniku: Izgubljeni brat, prevzamete vlogo čarovnika v viktorijanski dobi na plemenitem prizadevanju, da bi našel svojega izgubljenega brata. Potujte po svetu in s čarobnimi stranmi mističnega dnevnika odklenite skrivnost...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 30, 2014
Sunray igre predstavlja nadaljevanje: "Mystic Dnevnik: Haunted Island"!♥ igra eden najboljših FREE pustolovskih Hidden Object igre vseh časov ♥Stop duha čarovnik in osvoboditev ujetih duš Haunting Črno Woods v Mystic Dnevnik: Haunted Island! Komunicirati z ujete duh, čarovnik je...