Meilleurs Jeux Discount

Meilleurs Jeux Discount
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
Multiplayer Online Shooter Block Ops II est la suite des OPS de Block Game Block Hit Mobile 2012. Maintenant, avec des graphiques améliorés et un monde totalement destructible. Placer des blocs pour construire les défenses de vos équipes, construire votre propre forteresse et saboter les...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 01, 2014
Êtes-vous un vrai détective? Essayez de résoudre le meurtre qui a eu lieu dans le manoir. Lisez les indices et utilisez les connaissances pour trouver lequel des suspects est le meurtrier. Découvrez où tout le monde se trouvait pendant le crime et utilisez votre cerveau pour démêler le...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: March 28, 2014
Help those tiny firefighters and policemen in our interactive seek & find book! Many parents & kids asked for it. Now it is here: The Seek & Find Activity Book all about firefighters and policemen.HIGHLIGHTS ------------------------------ Fire department stories and adventures involving...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 27, 2014
Que ferez-vous lorsque les personnes que vous aimez deviendront la cible du diable ? Le jour du jugement dernier est arrivé pour Ethan Black, un jeune homme dont la future femme a soudainement été aspirée par une menace terrifiante, les Sans-visages. Guidez Ethan à mesure qu'il explore...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 27, 2014
Solve the mystery of a seaside town and uncover your lost memories in this amazing Collector's Edition from the beloved Fierce Tales series!• WHY ARE THE BOREANS ATTACKING SANTA VILLA DEL MAR?The village is buzzing with reports of terrifying sea people, the Boreans, attacking the...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 26, 2014
Lun des meilleurs jeux de détective mystérieux pour le genre de jeu dobjets cachés de tous les temps! Bienvenue dans le premier jeu dune nouvelle saga, remplie de divers cas de mystère! Lorsque les morts ne peuvent pas trouver de libération, la maison de 1000 portes sert de portail qui...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 24, 2014
De Sergio Alfonso & Dada Company.Âge recommandé: de 0 à 6 ans.Langues proposées: Français, espagnol, anglais, allemand.Par voie terrestre, maritime, aérienne... et jusque dans l'espace! DADA Company exploite de manière amusante et séduisante l'attrait des tout petits pour les...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: March 23, 2014
Qui conduit cette voiture ? Oh mon Dieu, un ours conduit ! Comment est-ce possible ?!* Saisissez des objets avec votre doigt.* Mangez du poisson et des baies.* Lorsque vous êtes assez gros, conduisez dans une grotte pour hiberner.* Vous pouvez jeter des objets par les fenêtres et le toit...
Version: 1.9.3 APK - Updated: March 21, 2014
Funny puzzle game to challenge your mental skill. You have to remove the beams from the tower, without breaking the vase. Go ahead through the different levels and discover new challenges.
Version: 2.022 APK - Updated: March 20, 2014
The ancient legends are true. No one will believe them until they have the misfortune of coming face to face with them, however. To forget the past and live a normal life or follow the unknown, the choice is yours... How can you refuse, when at stake is the life of your beloved daughter, and the...
Version: 4.7.09 APK - Updated: March 19, 2014
Second in the series of critically acclaimed interactive fantasy gamebooks in which you, the reader, control the direction of the story! You do not need to have played any previous Gamebook Adventures titles in order to play this.Set in the coastal town of Myr, you have returned home after a long...
Version: 110 APK - Updated: March 16, 2014
Deceptively simple. Infinitely complex. LYNE is a minimalist puzzle game that will knot your brain as it calms your soul.Connect the shapes. Fill the board. Lose yourself in the interflowing paths of LYNE."I highly recommend grabbing LYNE if you’re a fan of relaxing puzzle games." -...
Version: 2.03 APK - Updated: March 15, 2014
LES MINEURS SONT DE RETOUR EN VILLE !Une toute nouvelle version est disponible avec un nouveau moteur, de nouveaux effets, un gameplay étendu, une physique, une énorme tonne d'améliorations.(Si vous effectuez une mise à niveau à partir d'une ancienne version, supprimez les anciens...
Version: 1.8.1b APK - Updated: March 14, 2014
La Grande Fusion est une aventure graphique à la troisième personne qui se déroule en 2022. Les riches sont plus riches et les pauvres sont encore plus pauvres. Les lois sont absurdes, les croisés du droit dauteur poursuivent la culture libre et les grandes sociétés sont gérées par des...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 13, 2014
Devenez un célèbre détective appelé à Paris pour enquêter sur une multitude de meurtres mystérieux. Les jeunes femmes disparaissent et leur corps est ensuite retrouvé séché et momifié. se rendrait à Paris pour résoudre un mystère que vous vous êtes à peine installé dans votre...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: March 12, 2014
Help your kids get excited about eating their fruits, veggies and other foods with this fun food game. This fun game has an easy and simple drag and drop interface that makes even possible for young toddlers to play. After preparing food you get to feed it to the hungry food monster!Food...
Version: 1.4.5 APK - Updated: March 11, 2014
★ "Hyperlight EX" is NOW available in the Google Play Store!!★ Hyperlight has got nominations for "Most Innovative Game of the Year" and "Xperia PLAY Game of the Year" by PocketGamer!★ Sony Xperia™ PLAY optimized!Take control of the Hyperlight and burn your...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: March 11, 2014
★ Now supports any Android Controllers / Gamepads (HID) !!★ From the creators of Hyperlight!★ Built for NVIDIA Tegra! (including Shield)★ Hyperwave is now MOGA Enhanced! Available at major retailers, carrier stores and online at"Hyperwave certainly doesn’t...
Version: 2.0.8f APK - Updated: March 10, 2014
Développez votre expérience de voleur avec lapplication Companion officielle! Il donne aux joueurs laccès à un contenu très engageant, tels que les personnages BIOS, lart, les captures décran, les arts conceptuels et les bandes-annonces, ainsi que les fonctionnalités exclusives: -...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 10, 2014
Denne app bygger på Årets Selskabsspil 2013 - More or Less.Spillet er en quiz for op til 8 deltagere og kan spilles på bare én Android-telefon eller tablet.More or Less er en sjov og helt anderledes quiz. Du kender med stor sikkerhed ikke de præcise svar, så det handler derfor om at komme...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: March 10, 2014
"Beautiful as a Pixar movie" []"Shiny The Firefly is a diamond, a small collector's piece [9.5/10]" []"Bugtastic" []"The game is excellent, well-thought and with an addictive gameplay. [...] One of the best games...
Version: 3.5 APK - Updated: March 07, 2014
Spaceforge is a space based world-building, crafting, survival and exploration game. Experience strange environments, alien worlds, hostile lifeforms and ethereal landscapes in this all new block-building game.Some of Spaceforge's features:• Crafting• Survival mode gameplay• Infinite...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: March 04, 2014
Un super jeu de mots croisés !Un jeu éducatif et divertissant
Version: APK - Updated: March 03, 2014
Nostalgia overload! Fighting Fantasy returns with Ian Livingstone's classic, The Forest of Doom. Take part in one of the classic gamebook experiences that introduced a whole generation to fantasy role-playing games! Computer gaming was in its infancy and it was the early days of tabletop RPGs...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 26, 2014
Tilt and steer your way to victory, hit the corner apexes to increase your speed, avoid the other cars and be first across the finish line! It's like Lane Splitter but with corners and an objective, to win the race! APEX Racing is extremely easy to play and very addictive, you will want to keep...
Version: 1.26 APK - Updated: February 25, 2014
Il sagit dun jeu interactif qui vous invite à rejoindre la course de moto captivante. Montez votre moto et surmontez les obstacles de piste à laide de lécran tactile et de laccéléromètre de téléphone. Élaborez votre soif de vitesse avec 60 niveaux daventures à couper le souffle de moto....
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words.In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...