Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
多人在线射击游戏{#} {#}块OPS II是2012年代的续集命中移动游戏块操作。现在具有改进的图形和完全可破坏的世界。放置块以建立您的团队防御,建立自己的要塞并破坏敌人的防御工事!在Block Ops...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 01, 2014
你是一个真正的侦探吗?尝试解决豪宅中发生的谋杀案。阅读线索,并利用知识来找到哪个犯罪嫌疑人是凶手。找出每个人在犯罪中的位置,并利用您的大脑来揭开谋杀之谜。{#} {#} 170自由级别挑战您的大脑。
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: March 28, 2014
在我们的互动搜索和查找书中,帮助那些小小的消防员和警察! {#}许多父母和孩子要求它。现在在这里:寻求和查找活动书籍有关消防员和警察的所有内容。{#} {#}突出显示{#} {#}...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 27, 2014
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 27, 2014
Solve the mystery of a seaside town and uncover your lost memories in this amazing Collector's Edition from the beloved Fierce Tales series!• WHY ARE THE BOREANS ATTACKING SANTA VILLA DEL MAR?The village is buzzing with reports of terrifying sea people, the Boreans, attacking the...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 26, 2014
有史以来隐藏对象游戏类型的最好的神秘侦探游戏之一!{#} {#}欢迎在一个令人惊叹的新传奇中进入第一场游戏,里面充满了各种神秘案例!...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 24, 2014
De Sergio Alfonso & Dada Company.Âge recommandé: de 0 à 6 ans.Langues proposées: Français, espagnol, anglais, allemand.Par voie terrestre, maritime, aérienne... et jusque dans l'espace! DADA Company exploite de manière amusante et séduisante l'attrait des tout petits pour les...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: March 23, 2014
谁在驾驶那辆车?哦,我的上帝,一头熊在开车!那怎么可能?!* 用手指抓取东西。* 吃鱼和浆果。* 当你足够胖时,开车进入一个山洞进行休眠。*...
Version: 1.9.3 APK - Updated: March 21, 2014
Funny puzzle game to challenge your mental skill. You have to remove the beams from the tower, without breaking the vase. Go ahead through the different levels and discover new challenges.
Version: 2.022 APK - Updated: March 20, 2014
古老的传说是真实的。但是,直到他们不幸与他们面对面之前,没有人会相信他们。 {#}...
Version: 4.7.09 APK - Updated: March 19, 2014
Second in the series of critically acclaimed interactive fantasy gamebooks in which you, the reader, control the direction of the story! You do not need to have played any previous Gamebook Adventures titles in order to play this.Set in the coastal town of Myr, you have returned home after a long...
Version: 110 APK - Updated: March 16, 2014
Deceptively simple. Infinitely complex. LYNE is a minimalist puzzle game that will knot your brain as it calms your soul.Connect the shapes. Fill the board. Lose yourself in the interflowing paths of LYNE."I highly recommend grabbing LYNE if you’re a fan of relaxing puzzle games." -...
Version: 2.03 APK - Updated: March 15, 2014
Version: 1.8.1b APK - Updated: March 14, 2014
The Great Fusion is a third person graphic adventure set in the year 2022. Rich people are richer and poor people are even poorer. Laws are absurd, the Copyright crusaders prosecute free culture and large corporations are managed by incompetent people. And that’s science fiction, right?Max, a...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 13, 2014
Version: 1 APK - Updated: March 12, 2014
通过这种有趣的食物游戏,帮助您的孩子对吃水果,蔬菜和其他食物感到兴奋。 这款有趣的游戏具有简单简单的拖放界面,甚至使年轻的幼儿可以玩。 准备食物后,您可以将其喂给饥饿的食物怪物!{#} {#}...
Version: 1.4.5 APK - Updated: March 11, 2014
Hyperlight EX现在可以在Google Play商店中提供! {#}在这种创新的,迷幻的和超级快速的复古街机射击游戏中,控制超灯,燃烧敌人的速度快!{#} {#} {#} ****************** ******* {#} {#}一个出色的快节奏的Ram-Em-Up,非常适合Xperia...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: March 11, 2014
★ Now supports any Android Controllers / Gamepads (HID) !!★ From the creators of Hyperlight!★ Built for NVIDIA Tegra! (including Shield)★ Hyperwave is now MOGA Enhanced! Available at major retailers, carrier stores and online at http://www.MOGAanywhere.com"Hyperwave certainly doesn’t...
Version: 2.0.8f APK - Updated: March 10, 2014
通过官方伴侣应用扩展您的小偷体验!它使玩家可以访问大量引人入胜的内容,例如字符BIOS,艺术,屏幕截图,概念艺术和预告片,以及独家功能:{#} {#} - 连接到您的游戏并跟踪所有统计数据并偷走了{#{# } -...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 10, 2014
Denne app bygger på Årets Selskabsspil 2013 - More or Less.Spillet er en quiz for op til 8 deltagere og kan spilles på bare én Android-telefon eller tablet.More or Less er en sjov og helt anderledes quiz. Du kender med stor sikkerhed ikke de præcise svar, så det handler derfor om at komme...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: March 10, 2014
Version: 3.5 APK - Updated: March 07, 2014
Spaceforge is a space based world-building, crafting, survival and exploration game. Experience strange environments, alien worlds, hostile lifeforms and ethereal landscapes in this all new block-building game.Some of Spaceforge's features:• Crafting• Survival mode gameplay• Infinite...
Version: APK - Updated: March 03, 2014
Nostalgia overload! Fighting Fantasy returns with Ian Livingstone's classic, The Forest of Doom. Take part in one of the classic gamebook experiences that introduced a whole generation to fantasy role-playing games! Computer gaming was in its infancy and it was the early days of tabletop RPGs...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 26, 2014
倾斜并转向胜利的方式,击中角尖以提高速度,避免其他汽车,并在整个终点线上首先! {#} {#}就像车道分离器一样,但有一个角落和目标,可以赢得比赛! {#} {#} Apex...
Version: 1.26 APK - Updated: February 25, 2014
It is an interactive game that invites you to join the engrossing motorcycle race. Ride your motorbike and surmount the track obstacles using the touch screen and phone accelerometer. Slake your thirst for speed with 60 levels of breathtaking motorcycle adventures. Develop your biking skills: jump,...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words.In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...