Malti - Staġuni

Malti - Staġuni

Kinder -App, um maltesische Jahreszeiten in Form eines Spiels zu lernen.

Iltaqa ma Lippu w Pippa biex titgħallem magħhom l-erbgħa staguni Malti n.
App interattiva u edukattiva biex it-tfal jieħdu gost jilgħabu waqt li jitgħallmu.
L-app tiġi kemm bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-ingliż.

Meet Philip and Piper and learn with the the four seasons of the year.
An interactive and educational app for kids to have fun playing while learning.
You can change the language from Maltese to English any time.

Download Malti - Staġuni 2.0.2 APK

Malti - Staġuni 2.0.2
Preis: Free
Aktuelle Version: 2.0.2
Installationen: 500+
Bewertungsdurchschnitt: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Anforderungen: Android 5.1+
Inhaltsbewertung: Everyone
Paketname: com.davdavgames.staguni

What's New in Malti-Staġuni 2.0.2

    Version 2.0.1
    Staġuni - App bil-Malti biex it-tfal jitgħallmu dwar l-istaġuni.