Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: December 03, 2018
To je 1994. godine u malom nihilističkom gradu Norveškoj. Crni Metal je još uvijek podzemni pokret, mračan, brutalan i mračan kao pakao. Došet će festival, festival "Kriegfest 94", i trebate biti tamo!Najkremenija glazba u bilo kojoj igri, ikad.16 pjesama20 razinaPosjeti...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 03, 2018
The web and social-network version of this game has been played millions of times, and now the best-ever version of this devious circuit-building puzzle game is available to take with you anywhere!The rules are quite simple, "connect all the wires, and light up the lights". And the wires...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 02, 2018
BV-G je praksa app za Blackjack i španjolski 21 osnovnih strategija i kartice brojačem dizajniran za rad na tabletima i pametnim telefonima. Aplikacija je po uzoru na Casino Verite Blackjack, koji se spominje u 25 knjiga. To nije moguće na mobilnim uređajima za podršku svim značajkama CV...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 01, 2018
From a collection of downward facing cards, flip up 2 cards to find a match. If the 2 cards you just flipped do not match then both cards are flipped face down again. If the 2 cards you just flipped are a match, they remain flipped and are not used again. The game ends when all cards have been...
Version: 2.9 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
The best 3D pool game is here! The ultimate addictive fun pool game. Challenge your friends to matches or play against the AI players in the best pool game.★ FREE VERSION also available here ★http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eivaagames.RealPool3DFreeIt features many game modes...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
Play the best bowling game in amazing realistic 3d graphics. Test your bowling skills in the NO 1 bowling game.★ FREE VERSION also available here ★http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eivaagames.Bowling3DProBowl more Strikes and become the bowling king. Flick forward with your...
Version: 1.2.16 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
A sentient energy sphere is expanding into the multiverse, absorbing everything.900 is a minimalist score attack action game. Swipe the universes before they collide with you.This game requires skill and determination. Prove your worth with the leaderboards.
Version: 13.0-bingo_paid_app APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
If you're looking for a pure and simple bingo game to enjoy during your downtime, you'll love Basic Bingo! This is one of the best bingo game apps that will provide you with hours of free bingo fun and tons of awesome prizes. Social, unpredictable & fun, it’s a great singleplayer...
Version: 2.6.9 APK - Updated: November 29, 2018
Klasični cribbage (Crib) gdje se 2 igrača utrkuju do 121 boda s jednim igračem ili online multiplayerom! Bez oglasa!!Ovo nije kasino igra poput pokera, binga ili blackjacka, budući da je cribbage jedinstvena mješavina šanse i strategije. Svaka igra ima svoje zabavne izazove i nagrade.Igrajte...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 28, 2018
Play the best casual sports game with amazing 3D graphics. Test your mini golf skills in Mini Golf Game 3D.★ FREE VERSION also available ★http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eivaagames.MiniGolfGame3DFreePlay 45 Pars in 5 Different gorgeous looking courses:Countryside, Ice Land,...
Version: 7.0 APK - Updated: November 28, 2018
Pet Store Puppies Slots the best new Puppy Dog themed lucky vegas casino slot machine / pokie from Mobile Amusements where you can win a massive virtual cash fortune!With unlimited FREE coins and bonuses, try to win as much money as possible by also playing features such as the Puppy Wheel of...
Version: 10.0 APK - Updated: November 27, 2018
Snow Slots Sretan Božić, svečana tematska lucky vegas casino automat / pokie iz Mobile Amusements gdje možete osvojiti virtualno bogatstvo!Pokušajte osvojiti što više novca također igrajući značajke kao što su Snow Bonus Feature, Gift Wrapped i Cash Puds mini-igre kako biste akumulirali...
Version: 1.5.3 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
Klasična igra pasijansa za vaš Nook, Kindle, pametni telefon ili tablet. Izgleda i osjeća se kao stara desktop igra koju smo igrali dugo vremena. Isti sustav bodovanja, grafika, špilovi karata.* nema nepotrebnih značajki, nema prilagođenih čudnih slika kartica* nacrtajte jedan ili nacrtajte...
Version: 1.14 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
Nebo je prepuno više od 3000 satelita. S UP -om na nebu možete brzo i lako istražiti što vani i otkriti što svaki satelit radi. Promatraju li vas? Gdje je moj satelit DirectTV? gdje je sada ISS? Uz besplatnu verziju možete prepoznati satelite koji pružaju TV, XM radio i vremenske podatke. ...
Version: 14.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
Mega Money Slots Vegas Casino tematski automat s mobilnim zabavama! s neograničenim besplatnim kovanicama i mega jackpotovima, pokušajte osvojiti što više novca igranjem značajki kao što su Bank Vault Bonus značajka i tuš za novčiće i Bling! Bling! gotovinski bonus mini-igre za...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
QBoard for holding the results of the dice game qwixx.Multiplayer capable.No ads.
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Break Down Game is a fun color matching game! Click on blocks of 2 or more of the same color to collapse them, as quickly as you can, before they overflow the board.The more blocks you remove at one click, the higher the score you get.Play more rounds to increase your XP points and level up, which...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Klasična FreeCell solitaire igra. Izgleda i osjeća baš kao stari FreeCell desktop PC da smo igrali za dugo vremena. Sve sustav bodovanja, grafike, kralj fotografija.- Malen i brz (~ 300kb)- Nema nepotreban značajke, nema običaj čudne kartica slike- Automatizirani potezi- Dvaput dodirnite za...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Most precise Spider solitaire replica you ever seen! Classic Spider solitaire. Looks and feels just as old desktop PC game that we played for a long time. Same scoring system, graphics, card decks.- small and fast (~300kb)- no unneeded features, no custom weird card images- automated moves- three...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Tri Peaks (also known as Three Peaks, Tri Towers or Triple Peaks) is a solitaire card game that uses one deck and the object is to clear three peaks made up of cards.The game starts with eighteen cards dealt face-down on the tableau to form three pyramids with three overlapping tiers each. Over...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Gledati države dolaze u život kao što ste naučili u SAD zemljopis!Stog States® je natrag i bolje nego ikad s novim pitanje tipa, nova bonus igre, glasovno modu, 3D grafiku i detaljnu interaktivnu kartu!Kako ste saznali glavnim gradovima, gradove, oblike, znamenitosti, zastave i više, zapravo...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Play the best bowling game in amazing realistic 3d graphics. Test your bowling skills in the NO 1 bowling game.Bowl more Strikes and become the bowling king. This is the full version game and does not contain any ads or in-app purchases.★ FREE VERSION also available here...
Version: 9.10 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Klaverjassen je jedna od najpopularnijih karatnih igara u Nizozemskoj, tradicionalno se igra u kafićima i društvenim klubovima, kao i kod kuće. Igra je za 4 igrača koji igraju u parovima, sjedeći nasuprot drugom. Igra ima niz varijanti, nazvanih po gradovima u kojima su nastali: Amsterdam i...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Most precise Pyramid solitaire replica you ever seen! Classic Pyramid solitaire. Looks and feels just as old desktop PC game that we played for a long time. Same scoring system, graphics, card decks. Player needs to eliminate pairs of cards adding up 13. I.e. twos + jacks, aces + queens. Kings are...
Version: 3.0.0 APK - Updated: November 23, 2018
Three-dimensional and two-dimensional view of the chessboardPlay with the famous 2D and 3D chess game. Learn new and sophisticated gaming strategies. Change the style of the pieces by choosing from five different templates and finally save the notations with the chess positions in FEN...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: November 23, 2018
A fun history game played out on the high seas with galleons, cannons and pirates. All the major events in British history are covered from 1485 to 1836.Suitable for UK Key Stage 2, 3, 4 & 5 - USA 2nd to 12th Grade (Age 9 - adult)Grey Olltwit Educational Programs:- Simple design makes them...
Version: 1.4.3 APK - Updated: November 18, 2018
Myth Defense 2: DF Platinum je klasična igra odbrane tornja sa zanimljivim jedinstvenim značajkama i tonama bojnih karata! svjetlosne sile odbile su napad tamnih sila i prešle u ofenzivu. Sada (za razliku od većine Tower Defense igara) borite se na tamnoj strani. Vratite ravnotežu između...
Version: 2.3.4 APK - Updated: November 18, 2018
Mitska obrana: Light Force ima najbolje elemente igračkih igračkih igrača, a uključuje i originalne značajke kao što su alkemija, slučajne karte, kampanja i još mnogo toga. Igra podržava sve rezolucije zaslona, a preporučuje se za HD uređaje. Ukratko crte značajke cjelovite...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: November 18, 2018
Vaša će djeca voljeti pjevati uz ove igre: • Stari MacDonald je imao farmu• Pet malih patkica• Pet malih pjegavih žaba• Mary Had A Little Lamb Osmišljena za uzrast 2+, ova igra pomaže vašoj djeci u učenju popularnih pjesama na zabavan i kreativan način. Svaka pjesma ima interaktivnu...