
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: December 03, 2018
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 03, 2018
The web and social-network version of this game has been played millions of times, and now the best-ever version of this devious circuit-building puzzle game is available to take with you anywhere!The rules are quite simple, "connect all the wires, and light up the lights". And the wires...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 02, 2018
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 01, 2018
從朝下的卡片集合中,翻轉2張卡以找到一場比賽。如果您剛剛翻轉的2張卡不匹配,則兩張卡都會再次翻轉。如果您剛剛翻轉的2張卡片是一場比賽,則它們會被翻轉並且不再使用。當所有卡都匹配時,遊戲結束!{#} {#}...
Version: 2.9 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
The best 3D pool game is here! The ultimate addictive fun pool game. Challenge your friends to matches or play against the AI players in the best pool game.★ FREE VERSION also available here ★http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eivaagames.RealPool3DFreeIt features many game modes...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
在驚人的現實3D圖形中玩最好的保齡球比賽。在第1保齡球比賽中測試您的保齡球技能。{#} {#}免費版本也可以在此處獲得{#} http://play.google.com/store/store/apps/details?id=com.eivaagames.bowling.bowling3dpro {#} {#}...
Version: 1.2.16 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
A sentient energy sphere is expanding into the multiverse, absorbing everything.900 is a minimalist score attack action game. Swipe the universes before they collide with you.This game requires skill and determination. Prove your worth with the leaderboards.
Version: 13.0-bingo_paid_app APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
If you're looking for a pure and simple bingo game to enjoy during your downtime, you'll love Basic Bingo! This is one of the best bingo game apps that will provide you with hours of free bingo fun and tons of awesome prizes. Social, unpredictable & fun, it’s a great singleplayer...
Version: 2.6.9 APK - Updated: November 29, 2018
經典紙牌遊戲 (Crib),2 名玩家透過單人遊戲或線上多人遊戲爭奪 121...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 28, 2018
Play the best casual sports game with amazing 3D graphics. Test your mini golf skills in Mini Golf Game 3D.★ FREE VERSION also available ★http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eivaagames.MiniGolfGame3DFreePlay 45 Pars in 5 Different gorgeous looking courses:Countryside, Ice Land,...
Version: 7.0 APK - Updated: November 28, 2018
Pet Store Puppies Slots the best new Puppy Dog themed lucky vegas casino slot machine / pokie from Mobile Amusements where you can win a massive virtual cash fortune!With unlimited FREE coins and bonuses, try to win as much money as possible by also playing features such as the Puppy Wheel of...
Version: 10.0 APK - Updated: November 27, 2018
Snow Slots Merry Christmas 節日主題的幸運拉斯維加斯賭場老虎機/來自 Mobile Amusements 的...
Version: 1.5.3 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
適用於您的 Nook、Kindle、智能手機或平板電腦的經典紙牌遊戲。外觀和感覺就像我們玩了很長時間的舊桌面遊戲。相同的評分系統、圖形、卡片組。*沒有不需要的功能,沒有自定義奇怪的卡片圖像*...
Version: 1.14 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
天空擠滿了3,000多個衛星。在天空中,您可以快速,輕鬆地探索那裡的內容,並發現每個衛星的作用。你在看嗎?我的DirectTV衛星在哪裡?現在在哪裡? {#} {#}使用免費版本,您可以識別提供電視,XM廣播和天氣數據的衛星。...
Version: 14.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
Mega Money插槽Mobile Amusements Vegas Casino主題老虎機!{#} {#}帶有無限的免費硬幣和Mega Jackpots,請嘗試通過播放Bank Vault Bonus Feature,Coin Shower,Coin Shower和bl! bl!現金獎金迷你游戲以累積虛擬信用獎品。{#}...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2018
QBoard for holding the results of the dice game qwixx.Multiplayer capable.No ads.
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Break Down Game is a fun color matching game! Click on blocks of 2 or more of the same color to collapse them, as quickly as you can, before they overflow the board.The more blocks you remove at one click, the higher the score you get.Play more rounds to increase your XP points and level up, which...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
經典接龍紙牌遊戲。外觀和感覺,就像舊的台式PC接龍,我們打了很長一段時間。相同的評分系統,圖形,王形象。 - 小而快(〜300KB) - 沒有不必要的功能,沒有自定義怪異卡圖像 - 自動移動 - 雙擊移動卡免費細胞 -...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Most precise Spider solitaire replica you ever seen! Classic Spider solitaire. Looks and feels just as old desktop PC game that we played for a long time. Same scoring system, graphics, card decks.- small and fast (~300kb)- no unneeded features, no custom weird card images- automated moves- three...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Tri Peaks (also known as Three Peaks, Tri Towers or Triple Peaks) is a solitaire card game that uses one deck and the object is to clear three peaks made up of cards.The game starts with eighteen cards dealt face-down on the tableau to form three pyramids with three overlapping tiers each. Over...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Play the best bowling game in amazing realistic 3d graphics. Test your bowling skills in the NO 1 bowling game.Bowl more Strikes and become the bowling king. This is the full version game and does not contain any ads or in-app purchases.★ FREE VERSION also available here...
Version: 9.10 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
克拉弗賈森(Klaverjassen)是荷蘭最受歡迎的紙牌遊戲之一,傳統上是在咖啡館和社交俱樂部以及在家中玩的。該遊戲適合4個成對玩,彼此相對的玩家。該遊戲有許多變體,以其起源的城市命名:阿姆斯特丹和鹿特丹。 {#}...
Version: 1.10.3 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
《回憶之旅》(Old Man's Journey)...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: November 25, 2018
Most precise Pyramid solitaire replica you ever seen! Classic Pyramid solitaire. Looks and feels just as old desktop PC game that we played for a long time. Same scoring system, graphics, card decks. Player needs to eliminate pairs of cards adding up 13. I.e. twos + jacks, aces + queens. Kings are...
Version: 3.0.0 APK - Updated: November 23, 2018
棋盤的三維和二維視圖玩著名的 2D 和 3D 國際象棋遊戲。學習新的、複雜的遊戲策略。通過從五個不同的模板中進行選擇來改變棋子的風格,最後將國際象棋位置的符號保存為 FEN(福賽斯-愛德華茲符號)或...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: November 23, 2018
A fun history game played out on the high seas with galleons, cannons and pirates. All the major events in British history are covered from 1485 to 1836.Suitable for UK Key Stage 2, 3, 4 & 5 - USA 2nd to 12th Grade (Age 9 - adult)Grey Olltwit Educational Programs:- Simple design makes them...
Version: 1.4.3 APK - Updated: November 18, 2018
神話防禦2:DF Platinum是一款古典塔防禦遊戲,具有有趣的獨特功能和大量的戰斗地圖! {#}光線擊退了黑暗力量的襲擊,並傳給了進攻。...
Version: 2.3.4 APK - Updated: November 18, 2018
神話防禦:輕型力量具有塔防禦遊戲的最佳要素,還包括煉金術,隨機地圖,競選等原始功能。該遊戲支持所有屏幕分辨率,建議使用HD設備。{#}完整版本簡要:{#} - 戰鬥模式:4個基本地圖3特殊地圖隨機地圖{#} -...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: November 18, 2018
您的孩子會喜歡隨著這些遊戲一起唱歌: • 老麥克唐納有個農場• 五隻小鴨子• 五隻小斑點青蛙• 瑪麗有隻小羊羔 這款遊戲專為 2...