Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 13, 2016
Dvakrat noč pred božičem in Božiček je testiral svoje nove sani! Ena napačna poteza je poslala darila letenja, kakšen grozen dan! Pomagajte Božički najti vsa darila in prihranite božič, preden bo prepozno! Pridružite se Božičku na tej vznemirljivi poti, ki temelji na fiziki na...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 13, 2016
Puzzle game in which implemented the classic problem of the water pouring.Cool gameplay, simple controls, and nothing more.Tasks allow transfusions to develop cognitive interests of the individual (perception, imagination, memory, thinking, attention), train the brain to perform simple mathematical...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 12, 2016
Originalni City Jumper je ena najbolj priljubljenih spletnih iger vseh časov in je zdaj na voljo v Google Play. Minilo je 15 let, odkar je bila igra prvič izdana. Igra se igra več kot 100 milijonov krat od svojega prvenca. OPOZORILO ... To je zelo zasvojenost! , ki je vključena v to...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 12, 2016
Texas Holdem Poker offline!- Select Blinds from 1/2 to 25/50;- Select your player, man or woman;- Select your table's players, up to 6 and GO!Good Luck!
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 12, 2016
В первой части Вы уже помогли Алисе избавиться от Него... но кто же Он на самом деле, так и осталось тайной... Во второй части Вы узнаете всё, что скрывает от нас...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: October 11, 2016
Epski naslov RPG na japonski sceni mobilnih iger je prišel v Android!ZgodbaMinilo je skoraj stoletje od konca energetske vojne. Kljub temu je v tej podaljšani sezoni miru Schwarzschildovo cesarstvo znova začelo načrtovati svetovno prevlado, ko je začelo osvajati in okupirati en narod za...
Version: 1.0.5g APK - Updated: October 11, 2016
Naslednji del iz hit serije JRPG, Alphadia II, je končno tu! Čas je, da znova sprostite svojo energijo in uživate v poglobljeni izkušnji v novem in vznemirljivem svetu, ki je izpopolnjen do popolnosti z obsežno grafično prenovo, bogato razvitimi liki in poenostavljenim bojnim...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 10, 2016
Izjemen in raznolik talent vas in vaše otroke. iCare Edutainment E -pošta: [email protected] webSite:
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 10, 2016
This is Family game which provide new and unique possibility to play Activity game for even small children from 2-3 years old. This game include Charades, Drawing and Description tasks with 3 levels of difficulty. All tasks are carefully prepared to possibilities of children and adults, wanted to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 10, 2016
High FIVE! Huh... Destroy his ego! Prove your superior brain! This is Bluetooth enabled multi player game. The APP features are below:1. Its Offline multiplayer Bluetooth enabled game. i.e. internet access is not required for this.2. As of now its given only in English voice for executing the game,...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 10, 2016
The town of Lawrston was once a peaceful place to live, until the summoning tore it apart. Risen from the depths of the utmost evil, the ancient celestial monster, Bob, has possessed the town. Using his new army, Bob, plans to turn all of humanity into his evil servants.All that stands between Bob...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: October 10, 2016
Dobrodošli na sadje stroj, ki je dobesedno nikoli ne spiZ vso vzdušje in iger v Las Vegas Casino. Lahko si ga udaril velik v v Crazy Casino?Uporabite svoje spretnosti in srečo udaril velike £ 250 Jackpot===============================================Igrajte kolutih, da si pridobijo denarnih...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: October 09, 2016
Two squares. One Objective. Avoid everything!Tap and drag your finger across the screen to take control of the two opposing squares.
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: October 09, 2016
Hot Hand: Wild Triple Poker - Casino style poker with bonus payouts and wild cards!Basic Rules:Each hand requires a bet on either ante, pairs n’ up or both. Once a bet is in play, 3 cards will be dealt to you, a bonus multiplier card face down, and if an ante bet is placed, 3 cards face down to...
Version: 2.3.15 APK - Updated: October 09, 2016
Pirate Island (5 Reel Slot Machine) with more features, more lines, higher limits, and more chances to win than ever before! Swipe up for a max bet if you’re feeling lucky. Swipe down to spin the reels. Up to 30 credits per line and up to 15 lines per game give you the winner’s edge! Changeable...
Version: 9.0 APK - Updated: October 09, 2016
The only attack helicopter simulator with cooperative play and intense battles. Fly either solo or team up with a friend as pilot & gunner together in the same helicopter using two devices over WiFi. Use target acquisition and laser designation with FLIR night vision, unguided rockets, laser...
Version: 1.4.15 APK - Updated: October 09, 2016
Love Potion (5 Reel Slot Machine) with more features, more lines, higher limits, and more chances to win than ever before! Swipe up for a max bet if you’re feeling lucky. Swipe down to spin the reels. Up to 30 credits per line and up to 15 lines per game give you the winner’s edge! Changeable...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 08, 2016
Stop the Train is a simple card game similar to the game Thirty-one: the object is to obtain a hand with a value total as close as possible to 31.DECK AND CARDS The game is played with a standard 52 card deck.Aces are high, counting 11, face cards count 10, and all other cards count face value.You...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 07, 2016
2. epizoda Secret Agent se je izbrala za najboljšo novo inovativno igro 2016 z Googlom. Za razliko od iger, ki ste jih igrali prej, je Secret Agent interaktivni pravi video (First Person View) in Puzzle Game. V tej epizodi je vaše poslanstvo ustaviti gospoda Evilja in deaktivirati bombo pred...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 07, 2016
Bus Rush je neverjetna tekma za Android. Pojdite po najbolj noro scenarijev v mestu Bus Rush. Povlecite za skok ali drsenje in se premikajte levo ali desno. Izogibajte se udarjanju tovornjakov, avtobusov in vlakov v podzemni železnici. Tek po avtobusu Rush City, Subway, Forest in Beach in zberite...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 07, 2016
Dungeons & Dragons 5th Ed. - Character SheetThe first original sheet app, fully editable! NOW WITH DICE TABLE INTEGRATED! Application features: - Text fields for each section and row - Zoom capabilities - Internal data memory - Send your sheet by email - Save your sheet in Photo Roll - Share...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: October 07, 2016
S svojo superge modrost postavite na test in tekmujte na svetovnem prizorišču. Sneaker Time je prva aplikacija Sneakertoons in TotchipBueno. Preprosta, a h Lahko ga predvajate tako, da izberete svoje najljubše ali pa svoje končno znanje dokažete tako, da igrate naključno mešano kategorijo,...
Version: 1.5.7 APK - Updated: October 06, 2016
It’s just sand, right? We’ve dug in and are finding that sand dunes can be glorious expanses of sun and shadow, wild flowers and grass, wind and even a bit of rain. HexSaw – Dunes includes 23 colorful puzzles in four challenging sizes.HexSaw's hexagon pieces put a new shape in an old...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 06, 2016
Play Frozen Bubble directly on your Android Wear watch.No need to take your phone, your watch is everything you need.I'm used to play it when I'm standing in a crowded bus.This version of Frozen Bubble comes with two times more levels than the desktop version.If you can't pass a level,...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 06, 2016
In this classical dungeon crawler you delve into 10 floors of finest dungeon crawling. Collect more than 20 items, and fight aginst more than 20 enemies and bosses. Master more than 10 spells and be the first who reach the big treasure at the end of the dungeon.FACTS:* 10 Floors* 20+ Monsters* 20+...
Version: 1.5.40 APK - Updated: October 05, 2016
Halloween Haunt (5 Reel Slot Machine) with more features, more lines, higher limits, and more chances to win than ever before! Swipe up for a max bet if you’re feeling lucky. Swipe down to spin the reels. Up to 30 credits per line and up to 15 lines per game give you the winner’s edge!...
Version: 1.13 APK - Updated: October 05, 2016
Hyperburner je hitri vesoljski letalec, postavljen v oddaljenem kolonialnem sončnem sistemu. Odločite se za hitrost vse bolj nevarnih smeri in sprostite lestvice najbolj neskončnih načinov, ko obvladate vsakega. Zasnovan za mobilne naprave z gladkim in odzivnim prostoročnim krmiljenjem, ki se...
Version: 0.1.3 APK - Updated: October 05, 2016
Igrajte slavni igra s kartami, znan kot Barbu (imenovano tudi Tafferan ali Tafaron) na vaš pametni telefon ali tablični računalnik Android !!Igrajte Barbu proti simuliranih nasprotnikom ki prikazujejo visoki ravni umetne inteligence.Ta različica je zelo zvest originalni igre s kartami, s...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 05, 2016
Razlike med plačljivo in brezplačno različico: - Brezplačna različica vsebuje namige samo za prvih 50 stopenj. - Plačljiva različica vključuje namige za vse ravni, vključno s stopnjami, višjimi od 50. - Plačljiva različica je brez oglasov.Opombe: Napredek igre se lahko prenaša med...
Version: 2.3.40 APK - Updated: October 05, 2016
Fast Food Frenzy (5 Reel Slot Machine) with more features, more lines, higher limits, and more chances to win than ever before! Swipe up for a max bet if you’re feeling lucky. Swipe down to spin the reels. Up to 30 credits per line and up to 15 lines per game give you the winner’s edge!...