Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 7.1.1 APK - Updated: April 19, 2016
Štirideset tatov dodaja novo težjo dimenzijo v strategiji Classic Solitaire (Klondike ali potrpljenje). Cilj je graditi temelje v obleki v naraščajočem vrstnem redu. Nekatere kartice so postavljene na tableu in so skrite. Za zmago potrebuje veliko potrpljenja in strategije. prijetne karte...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: April 19, 2016
Full version of Room 51The Room 51 is a "survival horror" game. You will wake up in a strange room and you will have to escape and avoid the creatures that are living there, they will try to kill you and eat you, run, be fast and smart, use the objects that you find, combine them and...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 19, 2016
This text adventure game (interactive fiction) was originally written by Barrie Eaton on the Amstrad back in 1987.YOUR OBJECTIVE: You have crashed on a dark, unknown planet. Your fuel tank is ruptured and empty. Repair it, find rocket fuel and fresh water to escape it.This game has a similar skill...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: April 19, 2016
The year is 1994 and it is the future.NO THING is an indie minimalistic surreal action game set in totalitarian regime of future.Tells the story of an office clerk who is sent with important message to the Queen of Ice.Main features:- unique, weird storyline- retro surrealistic full 3D graphic-...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: April 18, 2016
The amazing new War Pinball HD, developed in collaboration with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.Three unique, war-themed pinball tables based on all-time Hollywood hits:– The four-time Oscar winner "Platoon" (directed by Oliver Stone,starring Charlie Sheen as Chris)– "Navy...
Version: 1.52 APK - Updated: April 18, 2016
Toddler Shopping 2 has 13 awesome store aisles for your toddler to explore. Drag and drop grocery store items to drop them in the grocery cart--it's easy enough for even very young toddlers. Your kids will have a blast collecting all the groceries, checking out, and loading the groceries into...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: April 18, 2016
This text adventure game (interactive fiction) was originally written by Mark Eaton and Barrie Eaton on the Amstrad back in 1988.YOUR OBJECTIVE: Others have gone mad in seeking the lost pirates treasure alleged to be hidden deep within the catacombs. Will you be the one to find it?This game is...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: April 16, 2016
The board game Martello is diverting and fascinating due to its simple rules and colourful design. The aim of the game is to eliminate as many pieces as possible by combining moves in a clever way.It was very important to us to make Martello attractive both for beginners and advanced players.- The...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: April 16, 2016
This text adventure game (interactive fiction) was originally written by Barrie Eaton on the Amstrad back in 1992.YOUR OBJECTIVE: Rumours have spread about an ecentric professor discovering lost treasure not from this world. A dark manor holds the secret!This Android edition tries hard to keep the...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: April 16, 2016
Fly your capsule through an infinite series of challenges.Unique 2 touch controls.Minimalist style.How far will you go?
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: April 16, 2016
This text adventure game (interactive fiction) was originally written by Barrie Eaton on the Amstrad back in 1991.YOUR OBJECTIVE: The Ice Guardian's items of climate control have been stolen! Find his iceriser, triducer and solidifier before the planet becomes a frozen wasteland.This game has a...
Version: 5.1.1 APK - Updated: April 16, 2016
Vedno smo si prizadevali ostati zvesti klasični igri s kartami za solitaire (znano tudi kot Klondike ali potrpežljivost), najbolj priljubljena različica Solitaire! Resnično samotna izkušnja! Preizkusite to popolnoma prilagojeno različico palinga, prilagojeno za naprave Android, od majhnega...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: April 15, 2016
Hades, a Gigantic Meteor is heading towards Earth. Your Mission is to stop it during its course.The impact would have a force of thousands megatonnes of TNT and cause a massive explosion, tsunamis and change the climate of the globe, devastating all life forms.To avoid the Armageddon, NASA...
Version: 1.9.11 APK - Updated: April 14, 2016
Agate prihajajo v toliko različicah, da modri, oranžni, zeleni in rumeni črti teh kamnov obljubljajo, da bodo naredili nekaj zahtevnih ugank! Flippix Jigsaw - Agate ima 10 prizorov s skupno 252 uganki, ki segajo v velikosti od 5x5 do 20x20. Stara japonska logična uganka prevzame nov videz z...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 14, 2016
Description ** FULL VERSION! EVERYTHING UNLOCKED! **Can you guess the footprint? In this fun and exciting educational game, your child has to guess the footprint of the animal shown. FEATURES- Variety of educational games.- More than 50 different footprints to guess!a- 5 different categories to...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: April 13, 2016
Priporočljivo in optimizirano za tablete 7-palčno ali več. Praznujte Valentine z igranjem te valentinove tematske strategije Board Game, ki temelji na priljubljenem Mahjong Solitaire. Vaša naloga je, da se ujemate z enakimi ploščicami in počistite ploščo. To ni tako enostavno, kot se zdi,...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: April 13, 2016
Zlobna čarovnica je ukradla kristal moči iz kristalijskega kraljestva. Štirje pogumni junaki morajo raziskati Evil Cave in enkrat za vselej premagati zlobno čarovnico. kristalna zgodba je RPG, ki uporablja naključni generator ječe. Nadzirate štiri znake in konfigurirate, katere nabore...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 13, 2016
Pritisnite kartonski sprožilec ali glejte gumb za zagon, da zaženete igro! Poglejte levo ali desno puščice, da spremenite kolo. nagnite glavo v smeri, ki jo želite premakniti kolo. Pritisnite sprožilec kartona ali zavor poglejte zavorni gumb. {#{ } Več o Google Cardbonu tukaj: ...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 13, 2016
Featured by Corona Labs: "The Pedestal – a unique take on a jumping game"Guide the young ninja Akira through relentless waves of shurikens and sharpened scythes. Help him outsmart the challenge and fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a Sensei. The rules are simple - 1 pedestal, 3...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 13, 2016
The spring season has arrived at Merriweather Farm. Allie Gator is excited because her little cousin, Callie Gator, is visiting! Help Johnny Tractor and his friends get the farm ready for the spring planting season!In this endearing interactive storybook that teaches the importance of teamwork and...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: April 13, 2016
O: Crystal Story II je RPG, ki sledi zgodbi mladega zmaja na njegovem iskanju, da bi premagal hudo čarovnico. Iskati mora zaveznike, ki mu bodo pomagali na poti in rešili svet pred prihajajočimi invaziji. z izdajo Crystal Story II na Steamu prihaja meč posodobitve padlega zmaja. Dodaja...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 12, 2016
名作復活!MSXで名作と謳われた あの「天才!ラビアン大奮戦」がアプリになって大復活!Storyある日オジャマモンスターに追われて、地球にやってきたラビアン。...
Version: 1.5.5 APK - Updated: April 11, 2016
Doug is a Dwarf. Doug loves digging. Well, actually he doesn't: what he likes is to find buried treasure. Anyway, one day Doug decided to gather as much treasure from as deep under the earth as he could go. So Doug dug. And he dug. And he fought monsters and avoided massive avalanches of...
Version: 1.7.7 APK - Updated: April 11, 2016
Like an ingot of iron, you will be... FORGED IN BATTLE.· Hone your forging abilities with five mini-games that make you feel like a true swordsmith· With your forged weapons, battle Lord Vandhar’s evil forces· Unleash apocalyptic battalion attacks to decimate your enemies· Gather resources...
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: April 11, 2016
Najbolj priljubljen frizerski salon Jungle Animal z novimi super simpatičnimi strankami otroške živali v džungli! Njegove mamice za živalske mamice in dojenčke iz džungle! Lepe živalske mamice zdaj vzamejo svoje simpatične dojenčke v džungli skupaj, ko gredo v džunglo živalski...
Version: 1.51 APK - Updated: April 10, 2016
Raziščite ječo z 999 nadstropji, polnimi različnih sluzi, s potujočim bojevnikom Jackom, Črnimi lasmi in čarovnikom Rose. Trenirajte svoje like, odkrijte novo magijo in uporabite številne predmete, da pridete do 999. nadstropja in ugotovite vzrok upora sluzi! - Cenejši kot Mcdouble...
Version: v33-release APK - Updated: April 10, 2016
update: please vote for us on steam greenlight!, teleporters , Skok blazinice, laserji! Bodite pripravljeni na akcijsko izzivalno izkušnjo sestavljanke! Antiflux An Oldschool Metroidvania...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 10, 2016
Tombola is a very addictive and entertaining game.Prepare for the eagle to prevent and eliminate all objects in the tombola.Game instructions:- Move from left to right and destroy all objects on the tombola.- Press the shutter button when you have the object to be shot, if not, you can not shoot...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: April 09, 2016
From the creator of rymdkapsel comes a puzzler you've never seen before.twofold inc. is a humble puzzle game with stunning looks and mesmerizing mechanics. Scroll the playfield to unravel the tiles, then make a path to clear them away.The minimalist visuals hide a depth that will keep...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 09, 2016
Game in combination with your Philips hue lights.Move the colored drops into the correct can.Your lights indicate the direction in which a drop can be moved: lamp 1 to the left, lamp 2 down and lamp 3 to the right. Of course you can set which lights serve for which direction.