Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 16, 2015
Want more LOOPical? LOOPical Pro has it all. Puzzles vary from small to very large, moderately easy to extremely challenging. Mystery photos show off our LOOPical earth.In each puzzle you'll be looking for the one path that visits all of the squares in the grid exactly once to make a LOOP....
Version: 0.40.1215 APK - Updated: December 15, 2015
Zgradite Ultimate Transportni imperij! Prevzemite nadzor nad lastnim podjetjem za novo prometno podjetje in uporabite svojo inženirsko spretnost in poslovno ostrino, da se tovor in potniki premikajo - in denar ohranjajo! Tycoon vsebuje vse, zaradi česar je bila originalna igra PC -ja ves čas...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 15, 2015
Med najbolje prodajanimi LEGO Batman franšiznih vrne v out-of-ta-svet, akcijski zapakirane avanturo! Igrajte kot Batman in združiti moči z liki iz vesolja DC Comics, kot ste trobljenje off vesolje ustaviti zlo Brainiac od uničuje Zemljo.100+ likiIgrajte in odklepanje več kot 100 znakov s...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: December 15, 2015
You have created a new planet and you must care for it. Warm the planet with sunlight and wet it down with rain. If the conditions are right, life may develop. If there is plant life, it's possible that animal life may form. Once there is animal life, it may develop sentience. Once this...
Version: 0.0.1 APK - Updated: December 15, 2015
AUSKALO jokoa galdera-erantzun jokoa da. Talde-jokoa, 8 urtetik gorako neska-mutilentzat nahiz helduontzat. Galderak hezitzaile talde batek sortu ditu eta bost arlotan banatzen dira: - Hizkuntza: euskara, euskalkiak, literatura, definizioak...- Matematika-IKT: kalkuluak, problemak,...
Version: 1.4-full APK - Updated: December 15, 2015
Nowadays it’s quite usual to see children using tablets, they are experts in electronic technology from an early age and they really master the use of them. Due to that, why not make the most of it and give your child a chance to learn with your device? This new game presents the idea of...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 14, 2015
Ste spet v šoli v starih časih, ko je bilo telesno kaznovanje pogosto izbočenim ven. Učitelj vam je poslala k ravnatelju uradu. Stojiš pred vrati, pulz dirke in dlani potenje .. Ali ste o tem, da bi dobili spanked, veslala ali caned kot kazen za vaše prestopka? Ali boste morali napisati iz...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: December 14, 2015
Square Enixs Sveže, ki je uspel New York Times, imenovan ena najboljših iger za igranje vlog, ki so bili kdajkoli zasnovani za karkoli, se je na Android v veliki meri razbil, z gladkim in zasvojenim novim bojnim sistemom, očesnim HD Art in (seveda seveda ) veliko Zetta Awesove razlogov, da se...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 13, 2015
Zgradite največjo, najbolj bliskoviti močni floti bojne ladje, ki jo je mogoče zamisliti, nato pa se v tej inovativni akciji-RPG vrnite proti tiranski mornarici Blackwater od ustvarjalcev bloonov td 5. izdelajte svojo ladjo izberite eno od treh ladij Razredi, napolnite več rež s pištolo z...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 13, 2015
This is a very challenging word puzzle game. Your goal is to find the right word out of scrambled letters. The game is available in the English and German language. The language is chosen by the language settings of your phone.The perks of this game are:- Very fast gameplay: No unnecessary...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 13, 2015
Use the blocks, arrows, ramps, bridges, etc. that are provided in the area at the bottom to build a track for the ball to get to the hole without falling and breaking. Repeatedly click an object in the bottom area to rotate it. Drag the block to place it. Click erase then click on the block twice...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 12, 2015
Did you ever wish to play billiards without the smoke and smell of a billiards hall? Now you can.In the game you will find the typical cloth-covered table without pockets inside a room shown in 3D. Move around the table in your virtual playroom while planning your shot. Put your cue in the right...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: December 11, 2015
# 1 Zadetki sili na voljo za Android!Ukaz gasilci, reševalne službe in policijske sile v reševanje strateška igra z realistično HD grafiko! Boj proti požarov, reševanje življenj in odpravo teroriste - v 14 izdela misij!Imaš bistvene lastnosti vodje operacije?LASTNOSTI:- 14 scenarijev...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: December 11, 2015
POSEBNA CENA 50% POPUST (7,99 USD -> 3,99 USD) !!! Dinamična fantazijska RPG s pustolovščino po koncih sveta. Uživajte v razburljivi energiji bitk in iskanja. Dinamične bitke Igra vsebuje hitre in besne bitke, polne energije. Med bitkami lahko slišite glasove likov (samo JP). Drzni kriki...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 10, 2015
Iščete kul aplikacijo VR? Zgrabite svoj Google karton ... ahem, mislim, poglejte skozi vizir vaše čarobne čela! Count Drakar v želji, da bi nadzoroval kraljestvo, najprej sproži napad na najmočnejše zaveznika kraljev, vi, mage Pelinore. Kaj boste nekega dne povedali svojim vnukom? Da ste...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: December 10, 2015
WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!Help a pair of quirky animal friends sort out their fruit! In Bongo Balance, players manage “equations” of fruit clusters for a helpful gazelle and a pleasant tapir, making sure they have the same amount of fruit. Players must add and subtract clusters in order to bring...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 10, 2015
Kje je tukaj? eeeoooeeooo, bweep bip bip bweep, rdeči požarni motorji in bela reševalna vozila so tukaj, gasilska postaja Rays! Ali vaš otrok izkazuje zanimanje s sirenskimi zvočnimi ali rdečimi požarnimi motorji? Potem je čas, da pridete do gasilske postaje Rays! Čudovit dan bi bil,...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: December 10, 2015
Magnetne kroglice V eni igri so tri uganke! Če želite razmišljati in skrbeti, je ta igra za vas. so mešani po pritisku na zagon. jih je treba zbrati (s katero koli barvo), pri čemer ohranjajo položaj barv ne samo na sredini, ampak tudi na vseh vidnih straneh. žoge vpliva na drugo. v...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 09, 2015
Game Smart Box is designed for all ages. If the first game is hard to start all ages will be unable to perform the play. 20 first step in the upper middle and higher stages of their professional and advanced level.The purpose of this fun and time to fill, but this game is based on the intersection...
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: December 09, 2015
A game all about number bonds from 10 to 100.Number bonds are about creating a mental image of how a number is made up, usually by adding two numbers together or subtracting one number from another.On the first screen you are able to choose the number bond game to play from 10 to 100 in tens. Tap...
Version: 2.5.3 APK - Updated: December 09, 2015
Vadite svoje možgane, uživajte v Sudokuju! Z namigi, ki poučujejo in neomejene igre na 16 ravneh, boste radi uživali v Sudokuju. Podpira telefone in tablete. Naša vadnica Sudoku, obsežen nabor funkcij in napredni večstopenjski sistem namigov ponuja nekaj za vsakogar. Bolj ko igrate, bolj...
Version: 1.001 APK - Updated: December 08, 2015
Comrade, craft our glorious country's natural resources into advanced materials. Discover crafting recipes to create powerful weapons and then sell them. Automate your weapons factory and create many capitalist profits!-= Step 1: Craft weapons =-Create products by combining the natural...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: December 08, 2015
10 preschool games for kids in one fun educational app. Children will learn counting with numbers, the letters of the alphabet and their sounds, colors, shapes, arranging objects by size, and much more. Teach your kids the smart way.This preschool game stimulates your child's mind in a variety...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 07, 2015
Erlernen Sie spielend Fakten und Informationen rund um das Thema Österreich. Verbessern Sie Stück für Stück Ihr Wissen mit diesem gleichzeitig umfangreichen und kurzweiligen Quiz und treten Sie im Wettkampf gegen andere Quiz-Teilnehmern um den besten Platz in der Bestenliste...
Version: 3.7 APK - Updated: December 06, 2015
Defender1 je remake od klasičnih arkadna igra od 80-ih za mobilne naprave.Vaša naloga je, da brani astronavte ne bi ugrabili tujce in uničiti sovražne vesoljske ladje, vendar pazite, da ne ubije astronavte, ker ni rešil jih bo planet eksplodira in tujci se bo spremenila v mutant!Nadzor...
Version: 1.38 APK - Updated: December 06, 2015
Razvoj in izkoristite nagrade, ko napredujete globlje v evolucijsko drevo! izravnajte in odklenete 50 edinstvenih nadgradenj, pri čemer vsak zagotavlja bonuse, ki vam bodo še naprej pomagali v igri! poiščite in odklenite 20 predmetov , vsi, ki dajejo posebne bonuse! Poiščite ultra redke...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 05, 2015
An awesome, fun, simple and effective way for young children to improve their hand eye coordination, while learning the English alphabet, numbers, shapes and colours with playful themes. Kids learn, collect stars and are guided along their journey by the cute animal characters. Best of all, you...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 05, 2015
You are trapped in the Great Pyramid at Giza (also called Pyramid Cheops or Khufu). Your only way to freedom is to solve the ancient Egyptian puzzles. Firstly the floor sections rise in front of you and you must push them back in the order they appeared. Once you have done this, the door before you...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 04, 2015
Bei LogoSort, unserer neuesten Software für die Lautanalyse, geht es darum, den Ziellaut zu den gezeigten Begriffen der richtigen Wortposition zuzuordnen. Die drei Teile des Esels repräsentieren Anlaut (vorn), Inlaut (Mitte) und Auslaut (hinten).Der angezeigte Begriff wird einfach auf die...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 04, 2015
Navdih iz prvotne igre Simon Says. Eden izmed najbolj znanih in priljubljenih stara šola iger.Pokaže z načinom Super Nova Multiplayer da nikoli obstajala v prvotni različici.Imaš dober spomin? In kaj o vaših refleksov?Ugotovite, s Super Simon Says! In poskušali izboljšati sami vsak...