Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: September 22, 2015
PRO Version with 100 levels!Kids Learning Words consists of three activities which will teach your children to:- Blend sounds into words- Read simple words- Form simple wordsKids Learning Words invites preschool-aged children to listen and learn the words in a fun way.Learn how words are spoken and...
Version: 8.0 APK - Updated: September 22, 2015
Tühi kütusepaak ja tasane rehv viib teid mööda 100 zombi maja juurde. Võtke relvade juurde, puhastage kõigi Living Deadi maja ja võite lihtsalt veel ühe öö üle elada. on aeg uurida 100 zombi maja, kas olete valmis? funktsioonid: - Kaitske ennast! - ärge sööge! - Uskumatu graafika...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: September 21, 2015
“Halloweenistry” challenges players to delete a 3D cube of cubes by matching pairs of the smaller cubes. There are currently 8 modes of play that are sure to entertain.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 20, 2015
LEARNING GAME FOR TODDLERS.The small glooton needs your children’s help to eat letters. He loves them so much!You will soon love this endearing character, all in an engaging interactive environment full of colors.The game is based on the exchange and mutual assistance between the children and the...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: September 20, 2015
Join Knutsen & Ludvigsen on an epic railroad adventure!In this official game inspired by the film Knutsen & Ludvigsen og den fæle Rasputin, the two friends discover that thieves have looted their railway tunnel home. The hat rack, the ukulele and many other things have vanished without a...
Version: 1.9.5 APK - Updated: September 19, 2015
ITS'a not a HE! ITS'a not a SHE!....ITS'a ME !!!Create fun filled avatars for use on your profiles and social network accounts! Browse through all the different assortments of facial features to create the ULTIMATE YOU !!This version is all boys. Girls version also available!ENJOY YOUR...
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: September 19, 2015
Esimene TIC TAC -varbamäng Quick Circlei korpuse jaoks Selle rakendusega saate mängida oma sõpradega sama Androidi seadme Tic TAC varbaga. mängurežiimid: mitme mängijaga {# } SinglePlayer seadmed: lg g3, lg g4 installimine: Android Seaded -> General -> QuickCircle -Case -> Valige...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: September 19, 2015
ITS'a ME Pixels!!!Create fun filled avatars for use on your profiles and social network accounts! Browse through all the different assortments of facial features to create the ULTIMATE PIXEL YOU !!ENJOY YOUR AVATAR !! ;)-- Get Full Screen and remove all Ads with this Full Version --
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 18, 2015
Laste ABC puslemäng on väikelapsete ja koolieelikute jaoks lihtne ja tõhus viis tähestiku õppimiseks. Iga täht hääldatakse igal klõpsul ja tähtede paigutamisel kuuleb laps lõbusaid ja väärtuspõhiseid kinnitusi nende julgustamiseks ja inspireerimiseks. teile meeldib see värske...
Version: 1.049 APK - Updated: September 18, 2015
So you think you know all about the tale of Little Red Riding Hood? Well think again! Embark on a surprising adventure based loosely on the tale by Charles Perrault!Red Riding Hood and the Werewolf have known each other for years and have since grown very close. They have even been having secret...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: September 17, 2015
**** tasuta demo saadaval - mustuse võidusõidu mobiil 3D tasuta **** ** Tähtis - soovitatav S4 või uuem seade - testige palun tasuta demo vanemate seadmete ühes võistlusrežiimis ** * Märkus - meil on heliga suuri probleeme. Laadige seadme testimiseks alla tasuta demo. Töötame oma...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 17, 2015
Lilla auto maandub Kuule! ilutulestiku vabrikus veidraõnnetuse tõttu puhkis putt-putt. Seal kohtub ta Roveriga, kes on astronautide poolt maha jäetud armas väike kuu maastikusõiduk. Puttt-Putt ja Rover peavad raketi taastamiseks tegema koostööd ja tegema Kuu inimestele paar head tegu, enne...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 17, 2015
Kas olete parim pahanduste tegija? Võtke väljakutse kohe! äparud ja Mayhem on lõbus, kiire tempoga, põnevuspakeeritud mini-mängude kollektsioon, mis põhineb väga armastatud hr meestel ja väikestel miss-tegelastel. suurepärane lõbus - lihtne mängida. Lapsed armastavad seda ja nii ka...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 17, 2015
Aidake Carl Rybhesil koguda kõiki hoone jaoks vajalikke ressursse. Hallake oma töötajaid tõhusalt, et tasemeid ajas täita, kaitsta end röövlite eest, otsige maastikus peidetud vihjeid ja lahendage mõistatus! mälu jaoks, Big Ben, mille tegelik nimi on tegelikult kellatorn, kellatorn,...
Version: 1.14 APK - Updated: September 16, 2015
Liituge kahe noore piraatperiga, et muuta selle särava ja elava ahvimaailma kaudu ülim sõpruse smuuti. Ahvid Ahoy! on keerdkäiguga 3. matš, kus mängijad saavad koguda piraatide aardeid, tõmmates sama kuju ja värvide kaudu võimalikult pikima joone. - jälitage 8 ahvi piraatide ülemust, et...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: September 16, 2015
The immersive free-to-play version, Homicide Squad: Hidden Crimes, is already live! Don't miss out!Try your hand at investigating a murder and bring the killer to justice! Detectives Turino and Lamonte have been assigned to a new investigative unit: Special Enquiry Detail. Their first case is...
Version: 3.0.5 APK - Updated: September 16, 2015
How can you go from a word like ‘Morbid’ to a word like ‘ecstatic’? Or from ‘fastidious’ to ‘vigil’?Synonymy is a game of finding the paths between random words through their network of synonyms. By taking the synonym of a word, and then a synonym of that synonym, and so on, you can...
Version: 0.2 APK - Updated: September 16, 2015
This application is design to let you experience a VR flight over GPS map.Turn ON your GPS, and fly :DIt will begin where you are located.Gyro sensors track your head movement for a VR immersion.You could move the aircraft with your gamepad. A VR headset is needed for the 3D side by side,if you...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2015
Naeru ja õppige nutikate etappide tururakenduse abil saab beebi vaadata ja suhelda oma lemmik naeruga ja õppida tegelasi, kui nad ellu tulevad! Kui Baby uurib turul ja avastab esimesi toitu, avastavad nad ja uurivad esimesi sõnu, põhiobjekte, kujusid, värve, numbreid ja palju muud! ...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 15, 2015
Crucidroid, ITALIAN crosswords for Android!News: September '15, news crosswords ready to be solved!Crucidroid was purposely developed for Android devices and will let all the fans of crosswords play with nearly 400 crossword puzzles - will be released more of them! - in italian language, with...
Version: 0.6.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2015
All the levels, no ads, this is the premium version!Blockadillo is an arcady game where you have to smash colored blocks with a color changing armadillo. The catch? The armadillo is rolled up and bounces up and down by itself the whole time. You can only steer it left and right to reach the blocks...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2015
WH Expert 2 helps kids who have trouble with reading comprehension. The app targets one of the basic building blocks of comprehension: understanding how parts of a sentence combine to add meaning.WH Expert 2 is targeted to children in Grade 2 and above who can read the words (decode), but...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2015
Your students will love using their knowledge of US states and capitals to earn their way into the Hall of Fame. Students can choose from two skill levels in this fun game. Level one displays a state’s geographical shape and name. The student must choose that state’s capital city by selecting...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2015
Tetra Squares is a new addictive abstract puzzle game that will challenge your attention.Slide, group and stack your squares to avoid cluttering the board. You won't get bored as multiple game modes add different twists to these core mechanics. Thus, you'll have to adapt your strategy...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 14, 2015
Step into the dark dungeons of legendary monsters as the bravest hero ever known. Pick your favorite hero, equip with weapons, magic potions, legendary items and explore the hidden secrets of the creepy dungeons. Battle with the infamous classic terror monsters: Dracula, Frankenstein, Werewolf, the...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: September 13, 2015
Piano note reading game. 50 levels of piano note reading challenges20 piano Achievements 5 piano chapters Each piano level progresses harder. First chapter is a piano tutorial chapter targeting users who have no prior knowledge on reading piano musical sheets. Second chapter is for users with...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: September 12, 2015
***The award-winning tactical-RPG, NEW on Google Play!******Please note: Dungeon Crawlers HD is a high-end game which only works on Tegra 4 and better Android devices.***"As good as any of the great games in the genre." -"Dungeon Crawlers is a fantastic Turn-Based...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: September 12, 2015
Tere tulemast Sopwithi seikluste juurde! Võtke I maailmasõja suurima hävitaja lennuk, sopwith kaamel ja ronige kuulsusrikkal 2D -s suure sinise küngas! Suurimad vaenlase äsjad on saadetud rindejoonele, kas teil on vaja neid võtta? põhineb auväärsel poidil ja tundidepikkusel uurimistööl...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: September 11, 2015
Hooldekodu on kohutavalt igav! Turbo vanaema võib olla sama vana kui mäed, kuid ta ei saa iga päev aeglase hooldekodus siseruumides veeta. Selle surumine ja turbo vanaemal on igav surm! Ta igatseb kogu tegevust ja põnevust, mida ta varem koges - kaua aega tagasi ja seetõttu on tal ühel...
Version: full APK - Updated: September 11, 2015
Résumé du jeu : "Tu participes à un concours de tir à l’arc.Une phrase est proposée sur le parchemin en bas.Clique sur l’archer qui vise la cible qui te semble avoir la solution pour que l’archer tire une flèche.La cible est touchée : c’est gagné !Bonne chance !"Jeu...