Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 28, 2015
To je klasična arkadna igra, v kateri se vkrcate na raziskovalec vesoljskih ploščic z laserskim orožjem, katerega poslanstvo je odkriti nove svetove, vendar obstaja težava, celotna galaksija je proti vam! brskanje po Asteroid poljih in poljih. Celotni valovi sovražnikovih ladij. Shoot...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: August 27, 2015
It's time to battle!Tap! Tap! Tap! Try tap a egg to hatch a Tapmon!Do a battle with another tapmons using your hatched tapmons!*How to play*Complete the limited taps before time expires.Be careful! If you tap a newborn tapmon, the tapmon will run away.Please wait until the tapmon goes to the...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: August 26, 2015
Toadly je osupljivo neverjetna puzzle pustolovščina, ki testira vaše logične sposobnosti! Toadly se ni nikoli naučil plavati in računa na vas, da bi mu pomagal potovati po močvirju in najti lilly. Toda pazi, da je močvirje polno vrtincev, pasti in mrtvih koncev! Pomagajte Toadly Hop,...
Version: 2.0.6 APK - Updated: August 26, 2015
** 2016 Starša izbira - Srebrna nagrada ** ** Tehnik z otroki - najboljša izbira aplikacije ** mačka je zataknjena v drevesu in potrebuje vašo pomoč, da se spusti! Pomagajte PEG in CAT pri reševanju neumnih logičnih ugank, namenjenih spodbujanju otrok, da se ukvarjajo z ustvarjalnim...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 26, 2015
Uporabite svoje črkovalne sposobnosti, da poiščete zlato in zajamete izobčence v skrivnostni besedi. Predvajajte se s priloženimi seznami besed ali zabeležite svoje besede. Aplikacije najvišje kakovosti, ki se ukvarjajo s spretno zasnovanim igranjem, in skrivnostno besedo Town ne razočara....
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: August 26, 2015
Help young Finn reunite with his beloved Princess Dahla in this exciting time management adventure! The only daughter of the fair King Arnor, Dahla was known throughout the land – the rising sun was no match for her beauty, nor were all the druids a match for her cleverness. Noble lords from many...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: August 25, 2015
Pazite, da je Krazy Karp okužil vode! Uporabite svoje spretnosti za lov na lovke, da ubijete sluzaste ribe in jih spremenite v kovance. Azijski krapi so uničujoči, toda vaš lok je močnejši od vseh ribjih blaznosti!
Version: 3.15 APK - Updated: August 25, 2015
SKY BARON: WAR OF PLANES! Epic plane battles during WORLD WAR I.Experience STUNNING GRAPHICS and AMAZING GAMEPLAY of the most beautiful warplane related game you’ve ever played on your mobile device!Discover the aviation of Great War! Take down enemy air crafts!Test yourself by playing over 20...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: August 25, 2015
The legendary Mount Olympus needs a new hero!Complete 120 unique levels and earn many fine Greek trophies.This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross, hanjie, nonograms, japanese crosswords, logic puzzles, pic-a-pix, nonogramme, logimage, logic art, nonogrids, japanilainen...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: August 25, 2015
Save the magical pets! Follow the trail and find the predator that committed this audacious crime.Solve all of the puzzles and rescue the magical pets from the tenacious claws of the crafty thief. Open the cages – free the pets!This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 25, 2015
Tambola je drugo ime za igro Bingo, Housey Housey ali Housie. Ime se razlikuje v različnih regijah sveta. Imenuje se Tambola v Indiji in Pakistanu, kjer je zelo priljubljen. Tambola se predvaja na osnovnem načelu. Organizator/klicatelj pokliče številko/iztočnico eno za drugo, igralci pa...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 24, 2015
The Quiet Collection - klasična, lahkotna pustolovska igra.Raziskujte, komunicirajte s svojim okoljem in rešujte uganke v tem svežnju štirih pustolovskih iger stare šole: "Tiho, prosim!", "Tih božič", "Vacation Vexation" in "Candy, Please!".Tiho...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 24, 2015
Alphabet Board Pro - A fun way to learn writing for your kids! Features : - No Ads- Designed for your kids- Let your kids learn American and British pronunciation of English Alphabet- All features arranged on a single screen, no confusing navigation - Large letter shapes for easy...
Version: 2.7.2 APK - Updated: August 23, 2015
Program Worlds Best Solitaire se je pravkar izboljšal z glavnim v3.0 izdaji Stellar Solitaire 118 Solitaires in številne različice Tutorial Demo Game Za vsak podrežniki olajša učenje novo igro, kot ga dobi Starla Oglasi in ne potrebujejo dovoljenj! (brez interneta in brez dostopa do vaših...
Version: 2.22 APK - Updated: August 23, 2015
Piano Master is a music game, just follow the notes on the screen and you will be able to play many famous songs.This is a special version of "Piano Master", dedicated to Beethoven, that includes 27 of his best piano compositions.WARNING: this is not for beginners, all the songs are from...
Version: 2.22 APK - Updated: August 23, 2015
Piano Master je glasbena igra, samo sledite opombam na zaslonu in lahko boste predvajali veliko znanih božičnih pesmi. Carols Seznam pesmi: Jingle Bells Silent Night {##} Želimo vam vesel božič o božično drevo ... in še veliko več!
Version: 2.22 APK - Updated: August 23, 2015
Piano Master is a music game, just follow the notes on the screen and you will be able to play many famous songs.This is a special version of "Piano Master", dedicated to Mozart, that includes 21 of his best piano compositions.WARNING: this is not for beginners, all the songs are from...
Version: 2.22 APK - Updated: August 23, 2015
Piano Master is a music game, just follow the notes on the screen and you will be able to play your favorite national anthems.This is a special version of "Piano Master", dedicated to the national anthems of the countries of the world. It includes 32 songs.For a better play experience a...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 23, 2015
Build to your heart's content in this sandbox game filled with opportunity! Create beautiful sculptures, castles, art galleries, or even cities with your ever-growing arsenal of tools at your disposal. Expand endlessly in your unlimited three-dimensional canvas.
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 22, 2015
Skočite v povsem novo pustolovščino kot srdit lev! Pogumite nevaren nov svet, ki bo zahteval svoje mesto na vrhu prehranske verige! Zaposlite, vzgajajte in prilagodite svoje leve, lovite plen, da nahranite svoj ponos in se borite za svoje življenje proti gorečim šefom, kot je smrtonosni trio...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: August 22, 2015
Skočite v povsem novo pustolovščino kot divji volk! Preživite v ogromnem svetu divjine, ki je napolnjena z novimi nevarnostmi in hitrim plenom! Zaposlite, vzgajajte in prilagodite volkove, lovite plen, da nahranite svoj paket, in se borite za svoje življenje proti gorečim šefom, kot je...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 21, 2015
ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME!We tell you the color, and you smash all the squares.Can you get to level 70 and beat the game?This is another super hard game, so try your luck, and challenge your friends.
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: August 21, 2015
Uradna aplikacija za 24 iger je tu od ustvarjalcev priljubljene igre 24! Zdaj lahko izzovete prijatelje in nasprotnike po vsem svetu, da se lahko v realnem času tekmujejo! Predstavitev funkcije Global Challenge, ki vam omogoča igranje proti drugim nasprotnikom! *Kako igrati* Cilj: Naredite...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: August 21, 2015
Peter Pan obišče Wendy in njene brate v drevesnici Darling Childrens. Skupaj sta se odpravila na Neverland, kraj, kjer otroci nikoli ne odrastejo. Sledite Petru Pan do različnih ikoničnih krajev, predstavljenih v knjigi, in se odpravili na iskanje zakladov in izgubljenih fantov. Pomagajte...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 20, 2015
‘Photo Party Puzzle’ is the ultimate sliding puzzle game for your wearable device! Discover smart puzzle fun and infinitely possible ways to create your very own custom puzzle. Play with your personal photos, selfies or any other images from your picture album by uploading them directly into...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 20, 2015
Ta aplikacija je zaenkrat na voljo samo v francoščini! odlična za logiko, pomnilnik, opazovanje, branje, duhovitost in hitrost. Za otroke 7-12. vsebina igre govorni mehurčki: poiščite manjkajoče besedilo v zgodbah o Maxu in lili. Puzzle: Priključite slike, ne da bi prečkali kakršne...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 20, 2015
술자리 or MT 즐겁게 놀다보면 뭔가 부족하죠.간단한 GAME으로 분위기를 바꿔보세요.간단한 GAME 8개회전판, 얼굴돌리기(병돌리기), 회전되는 숫자1, 2, 제조된 폭탄주 당첨, 빨리 흔들어봐, 내 얼굴에 키스해봐?개인적으로...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 20, 2015
For all griddlers fans, it’s time to dive into a new adventure in Magic Griddlers 2!A wicked warlock has captured six magicians in the world of magic. He locked them away in tall magical towers and enchanted the locks. Solve all 120 griddlers to get to the bottom of his magical secrets. In this...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 19, 2015
Zmagovalec nagrade Game of the Year - Crystal Pixel indie nagrada za nagrade Nominee - Casual Connect Mobile Game of the Year Nominee - Gamex Pripravite se na odlično pustolovščino v svetu igrač. Pojdite skozi sovražnike in jih vse premagajte. Pomagajte svojim junakom igrač, da preživijo...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2015
The most magical night of the year. It's coming... RIGHT NOW! Today you have a unique opportunity to feel the atmosphere of great Christmas time! Start your jolly adventure with Christmas Griddlers.This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross, hanjie, nonograms, japanese...