Игри Платени Андроид Безплатно

Игри Платени Андроид Безплатно
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Escape Haunted House of HorrorMystical house with puzzles, hidden objects. Your goal is to find a way to escape this haunted house and save your friend who was kidnapped by monsters!This scary house has monsters, riddles and difficult puzzles. Collect keys to open the door, remember numbers and...
Version: 2.6 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Word Cheats is an app that "cracks" any matrix style word game. This app was builtto help me cheat at word shaker. It can be used for a word search solver,ruzzle solver, word finder, word crack solver, boggle solver, and more!Watch the promo video to see this in action.Word Cheats is a...
Version: 2.17 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Astro Crows Последният асо на космоса е една от по -интересните вариации на жанра на бегача, който играе. -Destructoid ace и неговият надежден приятел ракета-пиг са...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Памет - Плодовете и зеленчуците са проста и възхитителна игра с карти за деца на възраст 3-6 години. Първоначално всички карти са обърнати с лице надолу. Докоснете...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Вие сте затворник в замъка Rosemire. Жителите на Rosemire са избягали от Asmordos, безмилостен военачалник, който търси скритата камера на Malvadius. Легендата гласи, че камерата...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Beyond the Cryptic Keep lies a shattered kingdom of another world. The fragments that bind this kingdom have been scattered throughout time. The three shards of strength, spirit, and honor, must be retrieved to restore the kingdom. It is up to the lone adventurer to step through the portals of time...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Who doesn't like popping balloons? With DARTS?! Fun little game to pass the time. You can try your aim with a dart to pop the balloons or just tap the balloons to pop them. Do your best and beat your best times! Most of all, have fun!
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Action packed racer with awesome animation, tricks, wicked terrains, incredible snow effects, intense speed, full featured game editor, sharing, original music and tons more.Compete worldwide, perform stunts, wheelies, flips, spins, huge jumps, and survive incredible crashes.Toss the rider around...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
'Lamp and Vamp' is a rogue-like game where you'll play as a Vampire who wants to reach the castle of his dreams. But the Vampire is alone against the world! You will have to master dark powers to find the way to the grave of each level, where you will get new powers. Choose them wisely...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 05, 2015
ВНИМАНИЕ!Приложение не является самостоятельным. Для его использования необходимо установить приложение Sumdoku того же автора. После этого необходимо запустить...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: May 04, 2015
STOP buying lives! #LiveForeverPlayForever Buying lives is a scam! Our apps contain no advertisement nor In-App Sales. You buy it you play it forever... Available for free on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mo-Candy/635950166523184?fref=ts Never buy lives again! Tired of waiting for free...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: May 02, 2015
Това е традиционен 3D игра блокове. Избор на най-големия набор от кубчета от един и същи цвят, за да се достигне резултат целта. Вашите най-добри резултати се...
Version: 1.0.46 APK - Updated: May 01, 2015
Challenge your brain and your friends one!!Memozzle is a fast paced and fun card memory matching game where you can challenge your friends or play against a random opponent worldwide.You have maximum 1 minute in each round to find the matching pairs. The 3 rounds gradually increase in...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: April 30, 2015
В тази игра няма покупки в тази игра, получавате всички функции! Хората атакуват вашия замък, но ще го защитите! Призовавайте своите зверове и ги победете! Искате...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 30, 2015
Спечелете WordFeud с WinFeud! Това приложение ще прави думи с вашия WordFeud или Scrabble букви. Има три езика: английски САЩ, английски int и холандски (тази професионална версия...
Version: 1.15 APK - Updated: April 29, 2015
Paper Dungeons е фентъзи борсова игра, подсилена от онлайн съдържание. С възможността да създавате и споделяте онлайн собствените си нива, вие сте готови за безкрайна...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: April 29, 2015
This awesome game lets you fly a real stunt plane where ever you want! Fly through a amazing City with parks, beaches, mountains, skyscrapers and everything in between. Perform flips and tricks as many times as you want. With real Plane physics you can have tons of fun with endless hours of game...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: April 29, 2015
Имате ли какво е необходимо, за да победите куба? За да разберете, тествайте уменията си в това лесно да се вземете - трудно се спускате - отдих на Smash Hit TV шоуто. С...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 28, 2015
В тази игра вие трябва да се бори с Краля врагове на различни арени. Можете да играете в аркаден режим, а също така можете да унищожи враговете в някое от нивата 8....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 28, 2015
- classic shooter, oldie's goldie's, - new archievements added
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: April 27, 2015
Hidoku е логически пъзел, който изисква да напълните дадена решетка с числа, така че клетките с последователни числа да се докосват една до друга хоризонтално,...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: April 27, 2015
Muertitos (The Little Dead): A Matching Puzzle for you Brain. Muertitos is an original fun puzzle game that uses the match 3 mechanic in a new way. If you love puzzles and crazy mexican traditions, Muertitos is the game for you.Additionally, Muertitos has an amazing art inherited from Mexican...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 24, 2015
This app features three different game modes; it has a 3x3, a 4x4, and a 5x5 puzzle board for different difficulty levels. The goal is to arrange the scrambled numbers in order (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) in as little time as possible. The app has a high scores table to you can keep track of your best times...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 23, 2015
++ Game Introduction ++- Now you can play the original Tamagotchi on your smartphone! -Give them food, flush their droppings, and all the other fun things you can do to care for your Tamagotchi. Respond to your Tamagotchi's calls diligently and raise them well.- Two fun modes to raise your...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: April 23, 2015
Разгледайте вселената на Plug & Play, интерактивна анимация, нарисувана от Майкъл Фрай и кодирана от Марио фон Рикенбах. Една безсрамна сюрреалистична игра с тапи....
Version: 1.5.9 APK - Updated: April 23, 2015
ям торта! Ще накарате вашите вкусови рецептори да танцуват, докато решавате всяка от тези предизвикателни пъзели, изобразяващи цветни Хелоуин, Великден, рожден...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 23, 2015
One day Princess Helen visited her uncle King Sigmund, when suddenly a horrible tornado came and wreaked havoc on the lands and woke up an evil dragon named Firemouth, who, according to legend, could not sleep until he ate 37 people. And what's more, Princess’ father had been struck by...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 23, 2015
Unblock it is a logical game.This version of the game has no advertising.We recommend you to download the free version, and if you will like it, then buy this version.You can find a free version on the Google Play, by typing in the search: "Unblock it! GRuV".The goal is to get the red car...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: April 22, 2015
**Google Cardboard or another VR headset is needed.**This is no longer the human's island; it has been taken over by creatures much bigger, faster, and stronger. Equipped with a rifle, it is up to you to tread through vast vegetative areas, escape narrow corridors with lurking raptors, and out...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 22, 2015
The saddest run shooting game in the world from Magiccube.An odd world in the tangled time.She'll dare any dangerfor her kidnapped friend."I promise, I will rescue you."The little girl runs the end of the endless corridorto keep the promise.* Features- Simple controls- A beautiful...