Hry Placené Android Zdarma

Hry Placené Android Zdarma
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: May 14, 2015
**** PRICE REDUCED 1st JULY 2017 ! ****Late one (otherwise normal) night, you see strange lights in the sky. Grabbing a torch, you go to investigate and find an alien hiding in a nearby park. The alien tells you telepathically about a crashed spacecraft and how certain materials are needed to fix...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: May 14, 2015
Podivné, včera, tato budova tu ještě nebyla. připomíná chrám. Dívám se na to. Co se stane, když stisknu toto tlačítko ... G.D je klasický bod a klikněte na dobrodružství. Žádné obrázky skryté objektové hry! Je to pokračování mystického ostrova. Jen mnohem déle s...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 14, 2015
Survive the fallen world overrun by zombies in a open-world where failing to find supplies can be just as deadly as the zombies. Pixel Apocalypse brings elements from games such as Minecraft and Unturned and creates countless hours of gameplay to be enjoyed offline in singleplayer mode, or online...
Version: 1.0.24 APK - Updated: May 14, 2015
Walking down the path less traveled, you see the silhouette of a mansion in the distance. Undaunted, you walk to the road beside the looming manse. The mansion is old and decrepit, with no signs of an entrance anywhere. A menagerie of items are scattered along the premises, stacked into heaps and...
Version: 1.1.01 APK - Updated: May 14, 2015
OnePath is a new and exciting isometric puzzle world from MugHead Studios. Navigate your way through the labyrinth by unlocking doors and find different worlds.Make sure you find the diamond in each level to complete the game 100%.The game delivers challenging levels that increase with difficulty...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 13, 2015
*** Awesome word forming game and the first game for Edge Screen ***Letters Game is a addictive word puzzle game and casual game supporting Glaxy Note Edge and Galaxy S6 Edge*** How to play ***- Swap letters in the edge screen of Note Edge or S6 Edge to form meaning words.- You have 30 seconds to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 13, 2015
*** Awesome word forming game and the first game for Edge Screen ***Letters Game is a addictive word puzzle game and casual game supporting Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, S6 Edge and S6 Edge Plus.*** How to play ***- Swap letters in the edge screen to form meaning words.- You have 30 seconds to complete...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 12, 2015
For children 2-12 ! Dinosaurus is a simple and fun set of dinosaurs for small children to play with. It includes: -Tyranosaurus Rex -Brontosaurus -Stegosaurus -Triceratops -Carnotorus -Spinosaurus -Parasopholous -Anklyosaurus -Velociraptor Walk the dinosaurs around a lush tropical paradise and...
Version: 1.30 APK - Updated: May 12, 2015
Playtime je sbírka krásných vzdělávacích her pro děti ve věku 3–6 let.Hry jsou speciálně navrženy tak, aby spojovaly zábavu a učení. Rozvíjejí dovednosti, jako je pozorování, rozpoznávání tvarů a barev a obecné řešení problémů.Menu je jednoduché, takže děti mohou...
Version: 1.8.7 APK - Updated: May 12, 2015
Shhhh, ticho ........ hnízdili! Máme maminky a tatínky a hnízda a vejce, ...... a kuřata! Všichni se soustředili na vážný cíl podpory další generace ptačího podnikání! Flippix Jigsaw Nesting obsahuje 240 hádanek v různých velikostech od 5x5 do 20x20. Dotkněte se dlaždic,...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: May 11, 2015
Play Blackjack with advanced casino options AND learn to count cards at the same time! Blackjack Expert teaches you card counting while you play against the computer, or using one of the many training modes.Get the best, professional Blackjack training software by a company that has specialized in...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: May 11, 2015
Stoupat po obloze a žít vzrušující život Falcon! Přežít a loví v poušti jako pták volně pohybovat masivní svět s nebezpečnými masožravců a chutných zvířátka! Recruit sokoli do svého stáda, uklízet jatečně upravených těl, a boj o svůj život před predátory, jako jsou...
Version: APK - Updated: May 11, 2015
Stáhněte si a zažijte radost z pachinko, vertikální pinball japonského původu. Cílem je vypustit koule tak, aby dopadly do jedné z několika kapes jackpotu, což odmění další koule.Vintage Pachinko je zábavná simulace typického designu stroje pachinko, který byl populární v 50....
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: May 11, 2015
Hidden Objects Quest 21: Garden Bloom features beautiful, colorful and vibrant scenes of both small and large springtime gardens from around the world. The game includes fun and challenging rounds of hidden object play that showcases gorgeous visions of the new season.It's loaded with more...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: May 10, 2015
On the moon of Sygilus 5 is where the hunt began. Magnus, a skilled bounty hunter in search of a high value target, finds himself chasing a signal in the outer depths of the galaxy. The signal ends at an abandoned alien vessel and his only choice is to pursue his target. What he discovers will...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: May 09, 2015
You are stranded on an island after a terrible shipwreck in which you are the sole survivor. You discover a thriving civilization once lived here and delve deeper to uncover the mystery of their disappearance. During your adventure you will pick up items, encounter characters, and solve puzzles...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: May 09, 2015
Chocks Away Chaps! A secret weapon, an eccentric inventor, a daring mission and an elite Squadron - the story of the amazing bouncing bomb sounds like a Hollywood script but it actually happened.The Dambusters App offers an authentic experience that gives people an opportunity to interact with...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Telvonus ruled his kingdom for decades. Before his kingdom fell, he sealed his keep with a spell. He left only one way to enter the keep again, The Sword of Ire. The bearer of the sword would be immune to the spell and be granted entry into the keep.Telvonus concealed the sword somewhere within the...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Escape Haunted House of HorrorMystical house with puzzles, hidden objects. Your goal is to find a way to escape this haunted house and save your friend who was kidnapped by monsters!This scary house has monsters, riddles and difficult puzzles. Collect keys to open the door, remember numbers and...
Version: 2.6 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Word Cheats is an app that "cracks" any matrix style word game. This app was builtto help me cheat at word shaker. It can be used for a word search solver,ruzzle solver, word finder, word crack solver, boggle solver, and more!Watch the promo video to see this in action.Word Cheats is a...
Version: 2.17 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Astro Crows Poslední eso vesmíru je jednou z nejzajímavějších variací na hraním žánru běžece. -Destructoid eso a jeho důvěryhodný přítel Rocket-Pig přistáli na podivném mimozemském světě. Tento svět se jen tak stane, že se hemží skupinou velmi nepřátelských...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 08, 2015
Paměť - ovoce a zelenina je jednoduchá a nádherná hra s kartami pro děti ve věku 3-6 let. Zpočátku jsou všechny karty odvráceny lícem dolů. Klepnutím na kartu ji otočte a zapamatujte si ji. Poté klepnutím na jinou kartu najdete její zápas (tj. Stejný obrázek). Pokud najdete...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Jste vězeň na hradě Rosemire. Obyvatelé Rosemire uprchli z Asmordos, nemilosrdného válečníka, který hledá skrytou komoru Malvadia. Legenda má to, že komora obsahuje silnou magii Archmage Malvadius. Použijte svůj rozum k vyřešení mnoha náročných hádanek, se kterými se během...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Beyond the Cryptic Keep lies a shattered kingdom of another world. The fragments that bind this kingdom have been scattered throughout time. The three shards of strength, spirit, and honor, must be retrieved to restore the kingdom. It is up to the lone adventurer to step through the portals of time...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Kdo nemá rád praskání balónů? se šipkami?! Zábavná malá hra, která projde čas. Svůj cíl můžete vyzkoušet s šipkou, abyste poplákaly balónky nebo jen klepnutím na balóny, aby je pop. Udělejte maximum a porazte své nejlepší časy! Ale být varován, házení šipek není tak...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
Action packed racer with awesome animation, tricks, wicked terrains, incredible snow effects, intense speed, full featured game editor, sharing, original music and tons more.Compete worldwide, perform stunts, wheelies, flips, spins, huge jumps, and survive incredible crashes.Toss the rider around...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: May 07, 2015
'Lamp and Vamp' is a rogue-like game where you'll play as a Vampire who wants to reach the castle of his dreams. But the Vampire is alone against the world! You will have to master dark powers to find the way to the grave of each level, where you will get new powers. Choose them wisely...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 05, 2015
ВНИМАНИЕ!Приложение не является самостоятельным. Для его использования необходимо установить приложение Sumdoku того же автора. После этого необходимо запустить...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: May 04, 2015
STOP buying lives! #LiveForeverPlayForever Buying lives is a scam! Our apps contain no advertisement nor In-App Sales. You buy it you play it forever... Available for free on facebook! Never buy lives again! Tired of waiting for free...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: May 02, 2015
Jedná se o tradiční 3D bloky hru. Vyberte největší sadu kostek stejné barvy pro dosažení cílové skóre. Vaše nejlepší výsledky jsou sdíleny s ostatními hráči z celého světa.Bavte se!