Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 02, 2015
I-Smash Hit Zengrams yenza indlela yayo ku-Google Play! Uma inselelo yilokho okufunayo, kufanele ulandelele nakanjani lesi esitolo sezinhlelo zokusebenza. 4/5 Kuhle - Isitha Slime Ukulungiswa kwayo okulula kubantu abathanda imidlalo eyinselele njengoba ngingomunye wabo. Futhi ngasizathu simbe...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: January 02, 2015
Izingane Zokufunda Imali uhlelo lokusebenza lwe-1th lokufundisa ochungechungeni lwethu lwekharikhulamu. Imali yokufunda yezingane ayinazo izikhangiso ezivela eceleni. nakhu! Imali ebizwa ngokuthi yimali yokufunda. Lona umdlalo womndeni wonke! Kusuka kuzingane ezihlangenwe nakho kuqala ngemali...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 30, 2014
Anti enemy truck pro is a action pack 3d game where you need to strategies your mission and then start it to make own as a winner there are 10 level level which you need to cover up in order to become a winner. In this mission your aim is find enemy cars and shoot them perfectly to destroy them....
Version: 1 APK - Updated: December 30, 2014
Kwekuheha emuva ngesikhathi izwe elilahlekile of izibankwakazi nokuphila live njengoba Sell Tiger! Survive in a imvelo komlando eligcwele carnivores ezinkulu namaqaba eziyingozi! Phakamisa umndeni wakho, Isiqu inyamazane yakho, futhi empini ngenxa yokuphila kwakho ngokumelene ezidla zasendulo like...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 28, 2014
Welcome to Scary Adventure VR! This is our first fun game for the various VR goggles that are now available for consumers. With Scary Adventure VR you will find yourself moving through three different levels (floors in this case) while avoiding scary creatures that want to kill you. Master the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 27, 2014
Umjaho ozungeze umhlaba usuqalile! Crank up igesi ku-Super Dirt Bike yakho futhi ubujaho ngokusebenzisa izithiyo eziphezulu emhlabeni. Umjaho ngamunye uyindlela ende ngokusebenzisa izinhlabatho eziningana ezibhekene nabaphikisi abaningi. Umjaho wedolobha laseSan Francisco, ngokusebenzisa izintaba...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: December 26, 2014
incorrect work on android 5Tetra[M]aster is a collectible card game. Tetra[M]aster is about collecting cards: buy them or win it in battles.Not only attack and defence attributes matter for the cards themselves as it is in other card games, but also relative position of cards on the field.Each...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: December 26, 2014
The immersive free-to-play version, Stand O’Food® City, is already live! Don't miss out!Stand O’ Food is an original, fast-paced restaurant challenge with millions of players. Feed a host of hungry patrons before they leave in a huff! Slap together burgers and cook up some bacon as quickly...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 26, 2014
Introducing Ragdoll Sandbox!A simple and fun rag doll simulator. Throw yourself at any of the physics devices or launch from the cannon and watch the aftermath unfold.- Easy Control- Powerful, but still fast on older devices.- Many physics devices to knock you around, and more in the future.Thanks...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: December 26, 2014
The famous game MasterMind with very attractive colored balls.It can be played in 2 rotations of screen (scrolling in mode landscape).It is translated into 6 languages.It allows to choose the number of pawns from 4 to 8 and the number of colors from 6 to 10.It also allows to choose if the secret...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 25, 2014
It’s springtime! Educational specialists from 22learn bring to you colorful, spring-themed, engaging educational activities. Prepare for a fascinating world that is populated with adorable bunnies, sunny daffodils, and vividly colored eggs. TEACHES TO: * Write letters * Recognize letter names and...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: December 25, 2014
※ 必ず、下記URLより アプリ/サービス利用規約を確認し、同意した上でご購入ください。ドラスオリジナルパチスロアプリ第一弾!『楽Jパチスロ...
Version: 1.09 APK - Updated: December 24, 2014
Ubusuku obungenakuphela buwumdlalo odlala indima esiko le-rogue-like, okusho izindawo ezihleliwe ze-adventure, imigodi engahleliwe kanye ne-adventure ehlukile isikhathi ngasinye lapho udlala umdlalo. Uhlelo lwe-Titanfire RPG olusetshenziswe kulo mdlalo luhlinzeka ngokulwa kwamasu ngokubeka...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
Azikho izikhangiso ziqondise i-jump egxuma futhi icindezele dummy ngokusebenzisa ama-bunkernimental bunkers. Kungumdlalo osuselwa ku-2.5D we-physics. Lawula i-dummy ngokuyijikeleza ngakwesokunene noma kwesobunxele. yenza amafliphu ukushaja ama-powerjumps. Eqa amapulatifomu, ngokusebenzisa...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
TriPeaks has been a popular computer solitaire game for twenty years, and TriPeaks Twelve is the best TriPeaks value you'll find. In addition to the classic three-peak game, TriPeaks Twelve has several other fun versions, ranging from really easy to nigh-impossible. The tougher levels introduce...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
Haunted Manor - The Secret of the Lost Soul"Everybody visiting a new place has come across a spooky story about “the house on the hill”.Legends of ghosts, blood and murders spread suspicion and fear around town. If you happen to be at the smoky local tavern on a rainy musky night, most...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
UShi Sen ngumdlalo ohlukile wokuqhathanisa we-tile odlalwa ngamathayili kaMah Jongg. Kufanele ususe amathayili ngokuthola umentshisi, kepha ungasusa ama-tile afanayo kuphela uma angaxhumana nemigqa emithathu noma embalwa ngaphandle kokuwela enye i-tile-removal isu, kepha ineqhinga kakhulu Kulula...
Version: 2.0.16 APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
I-Big Action Mega Fight! Ingabe i-classic isitayela hit em up / brawler umdlalo nge twist yesimanje! I-Hilarious Cartoon Fighting Action ihlangabezana nokulawulwa kwesikrini sokuthintana ngokumangalisayo, eklanywe phansi kusuka emhlabathini i-Smartphones kanye namathebulethi. ...
Version: 1.5.7 APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
Izandla ze-Pipi ezinemibala, izingcezu zomdlalo ezikhanyayo, amathoyizi, namathoyizi athotshisiwe enza lezi zinhlaka ze-hexlogic zinselele futhi zijabulise! I-Hexlogic Handfuls iqukethe ama-69 puzzle amazinga ahlukahlukene obunzima, asuselwa ezithombeni ezingama-23. Vivinya izicubu zakho zengqondo...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
Nsuku zonke ngenkathi uhambile, impi eyingqophamlando yezinkemba, izibhamu, nezikhali kuqubuka ezibalini zakho, ezitezi zakho, nasegcekeni lakho... Ngena emhlabeni wamaQhawe Ezinambuzane!Kusuka kubadali be-Monster Adventures and Heroes & Castles kuza uhambo olusha, oluhlanganisa isenzo...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: December 23, 2014
Amaphaphu ePop kanye nama-Sequels awo adlale izigidi zezikhathi. Futhi manje ungathatha inguqulo engcono kakhulu yePop Pies nawe ocingweni lwakho lwe-Android noma kuthebhulethi! kuqhuma amaketanga amaphayi anemibala efana namaphoyinti. omkhulu uchungechunge lwamaphayi oqhuma, amaphuzu amaningi...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 22, 2014
I-Monster Adventures iletha konke ukuhlanganiswa okusha kwe-monster catching ne-action / RPG gameplay ku-Google Play Isitolo! Camba, dala futhi wenze ngezifiso izilo zakho eziyingqayizivele ngenkathi uthola indaba ethakazelisayo. Uhambo olujulile ehlane ukuze uqedele imibuzo, thola udoti, futhi...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: December 21, 2014
Have fun slicing and dicing geometric shapes into equal parts in this challenging puzzle geometry game that will get you thinking.The game features:• 20 Easy levels with 60 stars to get• 20 Hard levels with 60 stars to get• Plays well on phones and tablets• Can play in 4 different...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: December 19, 2014
Have you always wanted to learn Hebrew? Now you can with Hebrew Perfect! — a fun, enjoyable, and easy way to learn spoken Hebrew. Using a dynamic game format, in no time at all you will master 1,000 everyday words of contemporary Hebrew. From greetings and travel words to celebratory and shopping...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 19, 2014
Air Hockey brings you adrenaline pumping sport game. Challenge your friends on 2-player mode or have fun play with the computer opponent.FEATURES:* 2-player mode (on the same device).* 1-player mode with computer opponents (3 difficulty levels)* 6 theme tables, hockey, glow, football, basketball,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 19, 2014
Uhlelo lokusebenza olubuyiselwe ocwaningweni olubuyiselwe lwezingane ukufunda i-World Geography: Ama-GeoGames ngumphumela wocwaningo olwenziwa unyaka weminyaka emihlanu oluholwa ngokufinyelela emhlabeni noDkt. USusan wehlisa ekolishi lasekolishi, e-Columbia University, futhi waxhaswa yiNational...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 19, 2014
Chaotically good... but messy.Look at what your laziness led you to! The garage is in a grievous situation and there is no one but yourself to clean it up! Thoroughly arrange and clean fifteen (15) sloppy and disheveled locations! Take note that there is only one method to find them, by name! Be...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 19, 2014
Take on the devils of Yomi in this unique samurai fighting game. You control the samurai with no name as he cuts down ever-increasing waves of enemies, while trying to solve the mystery of his existence. Photographic visuals give Devil Sword Samurai incredible atmosphere, and fast-paced arcade...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 19, 2014
Fortune Bingo Deluxe is the latest Fortune Bingo. Have you ever whished you could draw one more ball in Fortune Bingo. Now you get 9 balls drawn to win. Just press Play to play or Change All to change cards and, then press play to start the game. No ads or in game buys.
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: December 18, 2014
Meltdown is a tactical arcade shooter featuring both singleplayer and intense online multiplayer.Become the most skilled soldier, choose your weapons, get the best upgrades, buckle up and start your mission.Be careful, each enemy has it’s own combat style, special AI and gear. Adapt to them to...