Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: December 18, 2014
Find all of the hidden objects in the messy room. First you will be given a list of objects to find, which you must locate in the room before time runs out. A fun and exciting twist to traditional hidden object games. If you click wrong on objects, time and points will be taken from you, so you...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: December 18, 2014
Discover Time Management throughout the ages!Travel throughout the ages, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, to build the world's tallest Gothic cathedral. With the advice of the Project Manager and his brother, the Storyteller, take up this challenge spanning over six centuries: Building...
Version: 0.0.3 APK - Updated: December 18, 2014
You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive thinking and pre-algebra skills as they solve balance puzzles! Students must analyze each balance to identify the clues, and then synthesize the information to solve the...
Version: 0.0.3 APK - Updated: December 18, 2014
You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive thinking and pre-algebra skills as they solve balance puzzles! Students must analyze each balance to identify the clues, and then synthesize the information to solve the...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 17, 2014
State of the art and lovely. What kind of modern living room will you live in? There are a wide selections and lots of different operations to choose from! Find hidden objects and special living room functions from (15) contemporary and high tech locations! Take note that there is only one method...
Version: 1.4.1 APK - Updated: December 16, 2014
On the line is a fast paced endless runner and for the first time your finger is the main character! It’s never been so easy to play, you just have to hold your finger on the screen and try to stay on the line as long as possible… - Generated maze, each time you play it's different. -...
Version: 1.0.141215 APK - Updated: December 15, 2014
Umdlalo osemthethweni weWizard Card game on Android Awulungele ukuthenga inguqulo ephelele? Zama inguqulo yamahhala yesilingo kuqala. kumane nje kungcono kakhulu kakhulu! , 1 kuya ku-10 emuva ku-1. Izinhlobo ezimbili zebhidi: okujwayelekile, kanyekanye.
Version: 1.8.1 APK - Updated: December 15, 2014
UWeve wathola isiqhingi esilahlekile futhi acabange ukuthi uzokuthola kuyinto ethokozisayo. Landela umngani wethu wenkawu njengoba ezulazula engozini yomkhumbi wakudala, amanxiwa ethempeli, ama-canyon kanye nemigede efihlekile. I-Flippix Art - Ukulahleka kunamaphazili angama-244 ezinhlotsheni...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: December 15, 2014
Blast engalindelekile ama-elves ngama-snowballs kumdlalo wethu we-WACK ever, i-Elf Simulator yethu embi! I-ELF yakho iphinde yaziphindisela ebangeni labajabulisi abajabule be-Christmastown futhi uhlome emazinyweni ngamakhethini eqhwa, amakhamoni, kanye nokuqhuma kwezipho! Hlola ngokukhululekile...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 15, 2014
Before you buy this pro version you may want to try the free version.This app is the pro version of Basketball VR for Google Cardboard. Enjoy and have fun throwing the ball to score from different spots in the court with this virtual reality game, all you have to do is to place your phone into your...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 13, 2014
i-lava inc edumile. Isipiliyoni se-VR * seliyatholakala ku-Google Cardboard yakho, iDurovis dive njll.! lava inc. yinkampani eqanjiwe ethobela i-lava ngezinhloso eziningi. Ifektri ivaliwe ngempelasonto ukuze abasebenzi bacabange ukuthi kungaba mnandi ukudala uhlobo oluthile lwe-rollercoaster...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 13, 2014
I-Smolensk 41 ukukhishwa okukhokhelwayo ochungechungeni lwe-Touch PZC. Kufanele ufake futhi udlale i-Original Sreede Pzc: PAPHER ngaphambi kokufaka lolu hlelo lokusebenza njengoba lokho kuzokunikeza ithuba lokuhlola injini yomdlalo kudivayisi yakho futhi ujwayelene ne-14 yomlando futhi Izimo...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 12, 2014
A non-addictive game which favours the self-discovery, the empathy and the social abilities in our kids, three of the fundaments of the Emotional Intelligence. Also teachers and educators can use “basic emotions el perruco” as one of the games to learn and to work with the emotions in the...
Version: 2.34 APK - Updated: December 12, 2014
Rack 'em up, amaqhawe umgwaqo. Pool Virtual, best abathengisayo 3D pool sekulingisa wezwe, isiyatholakala Music Android amaphilisi. Ngakho real ukuthi senza isiqiniseko kuyoba ngcono real yakho pool game! Zonke izici best kusukela umklomelo PC version afakiwe. Jabulela Pool Virtual on Android...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 11, 2014
Dlala kanye ne-xylophone fun for izingane zayo yonke iminyaka! Uhlelo lokusebenza lwe-Xylophone olungcono kakhulu lwe-iPad seluyatholakala ngethebhulethi yakho ye-Android nefoni! Yizame manje: I-FUN ngempela ngempela !!! kuphawuleka ezitolo eziningana. Yizame manje ku-Android yakho! Qamba...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 11, 2014
Lokhu kukhululwa okukhokhelwayo emikhakheni yesimanjemanje yesimanjemanje. Kufanele uqale ufake futhi udlale imikhankaso yamahhala yePanzer kanye nemikhankaso yesimanje yezinhlelo zokusebenza zikaJohn Tiller Software ukuze ujwayelene ne-interface futhi uqinisekise ukuthi uhlelo lokusebenza...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 11, 2014
Ugxumele olwandle futhi ukubhukuda izinhliziyo zenu kokuqukethwe njengoba Dolphin zasendle! Hlola umhlaba underwater enkulukazi eligcwele ezidla eziyingozi kanye nengcebo efihliweyo. Qala umndeni wakho siqu, azingela ukudla, futhi empini ngenxa yokuphila kwakho ngokumelene abanolaka zasemanzini...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: December 10, 2014
I-sequel eBridgebasher ekugcineni ilapha! I-SimplefyShics ikuvumela ukuthi uklame izakhiwo eziyinkimbinkimbi konke kusuka ezindlini zezihlahla kuya emasondweni e-Ferris bese kulingisa idizayini yakho nge-physics enjini. Umuntu ohlakaniphile wake wathi: Unjiniyela umuntu ongawenza nge-DIME...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: December 10, 2014
** Now available on the Google Nexus 9 Tablet **STRIKE SUIT ZEROIn the year 2299, an interstellar war rages. Take control of the Strike Suit – a craft with the ability to transform into a hulking suit of space armor - in a bid to save Earth from destruction. Immerse yourself in massive fleet...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 10, 2014
The official Android version of the nestorgames board game designed by Néstor Romeral Andrés.Play with friends or against the AI!RED is a three-colored tile-laying game for three players. The three colors in the game are black, white, and red, and each player will be a different color. Each tile...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 10, 2014
Almost every law student will at one point take an evidence class. At the end, there will be a written examination where you have to apply the Federal Rules of Evidence. However, there is a vast difference between trying to apply the rules of evidence in an exam setting and applying them in the...
Version: 0.0.3 APK - Updated: December 10, 2014
Autism Learning Shapes is a game designed for children from toddler age to preschool years that have Delayed Language and Learning Developmental Issues such as Autism and PDD-NOS. The Autism Learning Shapes Game has been developed to allow children to enjoy learning shapes by trial and error.By...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 08, 2014
This is a paid release in the touch Civil War Battles series. This release includes 17 scenarios from the battles of the Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg campaigns including 7 scenarios you play as Confederate commander and 10 scenarios you play as Union commander. You should first install and...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: December 08, 2014
Lokhu kukhululwa kwesibili okukhokhelwe ku-Touch Civil War Battle Stunge. Lokhu kukhishwa kufaka phakathi izimo zempi eziyi-15 ezivela ku-1st ne-2nd Bull zigijime ngezimo ezimboza impi enesihluku se-antiam. Udlala njenge-commerer evumelanayo ezimweni zokuqala ezi-6 ngenkathi ushintshela kwi-Union...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 08, 2014
Bulge 44 ukukhishwa kwesibili okukhokhelwayo ochungechungeni lwe-Touch PZC. Kufanele ufake futhi udlale i-Original Relection PZC: PAPHER ngaphambi kokufaka lolu hlelo lokusebenza njengoba lokho kuzokunikeza ithuba lokuhlola injini yomdlalo kudivayisi yakho futhi ujwayelene ne-interface. Izimo...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 08, 2014
Kharkov 42 ukukhishwa kwesithathu okukhokhelwayo ochungechungeni lwe-Touch PZC. Kufanele ufake futhi udlale i-Original Relection PZC: PAPHER ngaphambi kokufaka lolu hlelo lokusebenza njengoba lokho kuzokunikeza ithuba lokuhlola injini yomdlalo kudivayisi yakho futhi ujwayelene ne-interface. Izimo...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 08, 2014
Lokhu kukhululwa kokuqala okukhokhelwayo ochungechungeni lwanamuhla lwamakhankaso. Kufanele uqale ufake futhi udlale imikhankaso yamahhala yePanzer kanye nemikhankaso yesimanje yezinhlelo zokusebenza zikaJohn Tiller Software ukuze ujwayelene ne-interface futhi uqinisekise ukuthi uhlelo lokusebenza...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 08, 2014
Lokhu kukhululwa okukhokhelwayo ochungechungeni lwempi yempi yombango. Lokhu kukhululwa kufaka phakathi izimo ezingama-21 (12 Confederate, Union) ezimboza izimpi eziyi-16 ezivela emkhankasweni we-Atlanta ngonyaka we-1864 #} Izimpi zempi yombango kungukulingiswa okunemininingwane okususelwa...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 07, 2014
A pure and simple Sudoku game with five different difficulties:- Baby Panda Easy- Little Penguin Easy- Playful Panda- Feisty Penguin- Raging PandaDo you have the ability to master them all?
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 07, 2014
Umdlalo wokugcina we-trivia we-ultimate ukhula Uyazi inhlebo yakho ye-cannabis? Lo mdlalo wemibuzo uzohlola ulwazi lwakho lwayo yonke insangu. Ukusuka ku-Hemp To Bagred yezokwelapha uzoba uchwepheshe ePot Lore ngemuva kokufunda lolu hlelo lokusebenza. {# #} - Amazinga ama-4 obunzima. {# #} .