Hry Platené Android Zadarmo

Hry Platené Android Zadarmo
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: December 08, 2014
Toto je platené prepustenie v sérii Battles Civil War Battles. Toto vydanie zahŕňa 21 scenárov (12 Confederate, 9 Union), ktoré pokrývajú 16 bitiek z kampane v Atlante v roku 1864. Mali by ste najprv nainštalovať a hrať bezplatnú aplikáciu pre občianske vojny, aby ste otestovali...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 07, 2014
A pure and simple Sudoku game with five different difficulties:- Baby Panda Easy- Little Penguin Easy- Playful Panda- Feisty Penguin- Raging PandaDo you have the ability to master them all?
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 07, 2014
The Ultimate Weed Trivia GameDo you know your cannabis trivia? This quiz game will test your knowledge of everything marijuana. From hemp to medical grade you'll become an expert at pot lore after mastering this app.Includes:- 4 levels of difficulty.- Scoring and Leaderboard.- Juno Space video...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: December 06, 2014
Pamätáte si modelové vlaky? Traintracks je váš vlastný virtuálny súbor vlakov. Naplánujte si rozloženie trate, navrhnite svoje cesty, umiestnite vlaky a premávku, umiestnite budovy, stromy, rieky a ďalšie a oživte ich bezplatne pri hraní na tablete alebo telefóne. Ale počkajte, je...
Version: 2014.12-105 APK - Updated: December 06, 2014
THIS APPLICATION REQUIRES ONLY BLUETOOTH AND INTERNET PERMISSIONS TO RUN.Briscola is one of Italy's most popular cards games.Play modes: [*] play vs Android[*] play 1 vs 1 (two on the same device)[*] play via Bluetooth[*] play via InternetN. 13 Decks available: (+) Italian (Bergamasche,...
Version: 1.0.28 APK - Updated: December 06, 2014
EG Chess was the first true 3D Chess app experience to land on Google Play, and remains the top 3D Chess choice for purists and novices alike. It's no puzzle, just swipe to rotate the board, pinch anywhere on the board to zoom in, tap your pieces to move, capture, and win! Complicated...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: December 04, 2014
Clockwork Kiwi: Dungeon Dash je akcia balené parný punkovej dvoch častí dobrodružstiev.Jazda na zadnej strane hodinky kivi vták, uniknúť z hlbín Stone Cold kobky. Beh, skok, pomlčka a ponoriť si cestu cez nebezpečné prekážky, mechanické pasce a parný pohon robotov. Po úteku...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 04, 2014
Refine your child’s musical ear and help him discover various musical instruments with the CosmoCamp: Music app.Migo and Pandy are back, and they’re making some noise! With them are several other musicians who play music for your child and invite him to join the band. As the band’s newest...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: December 04, 2014
Nepustiteľné otestujú vaše zručnosti, vaše reflexy a dokonca aj vašu pamäť. To vás rozosmeje. Pravdepodobne vás to prinúti kričať. Zomriete často a vždy to bude vaša chyba. Boj, aby si sa naučil prekážky, už viem, ako s tebou bojovať. neúprosný. vzrušujúce. ...
Version: 1.42 APK - Updated: December 04, 2014
This is the advert-free premium version of Mythic Mining.Mythic Mining is an epic new mining game, with stress-free controls and enemy miners to beat!It is time for the yearly mining contest upon the mythical world of Kavros. One hero from each of the great races will step up to face this mighty...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 04, 2014
Saving the galaxy is pretty sweet in this stunning, fun-packed arcade blaster, now for ANDROID TV! Save humanity’s vital ice cream stocks from dastardly robot enemies, armed with your weaponized ice cream (yes, weaponized ice cream!). Venture across the galaxy and discover stunning worlds,...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 03, 2014
Fritter the cockatiel has grown so fat that she can no longer fly or climb over to her bowl full of nummy seeds. Roll the bird along perches and down ladders to drop her safely into her food bowl. Don't forget to reward her with any tasty snacks that might be lying around along the way... the...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: December 03, 2014
Titan Burns Again - Ocenenie, hasičské bojovanie, Physics Puzzler Sprinkle je späť s úplne novým dobrodružstvom! V nie tak vzdialenej budúcnosti, vesmírna loď odvracia odpadu zo Zeme odišla z kurzu a horiaci odpad. padá na celé krásne ostrovy Titan. Vinní dediny Titans boli...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: December 03, 2014
RUN, JUMP, SLIDE, and HOOK! Collect coins and find hidden Golden Shorts! Watch out for enemies and spikes! • 6 unique environments with 36 levels • Over 220 fun disguises • Race against ghosts • Compete on Google Play Game Services • Earn achievements • Customize your controls • View...
Version: 3.63 APK - Updated: December 03, 2014
You're in Las Vegas to make a name for yourself and to win as much money and fame as possible! Arriving flat broke and virtually unknown, you must earn your way off the streets and into increasingly luxurious and challenging casinos that offer Five Card Draw, Texas Holdem and Blackjack....
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 02, 2014
Vstup do divočiny a žiť život Snow Leopard! Preskúmajte širokú pohorie naplnený divokých šeliem a exotických zvierat všetkých tvarov a veľkostí. Zdvihnite svoju rodinu, úplne nové misie a boj o svoj život proti divokých šeliem, ako sú zasnežené sovy, tibetských vlkov a...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: December 02, 2014
Od výrobcov Sprinkle!Granny Smith miluje svoje jablká, ale z jej vzácnej záhrady kradne zlodejský zlodej! Pomôžte pani Smithovej pri rýchlom korčuľovaní poľnohospodárskou pôdou a panoramatickým výhľadom na mesto, keď v snahe o ovocie prepadne od stodoly po kancelárie. Dostaňte...
Version: 1.85 APK - Updated: December 02, 2014
POZNÁMKA: Remasterovaná verzia z PC verzie. Pre správne fungovanie tejto hry je potrebné zariadenie s minimálne 2 GB RAM.Vitajte vo svojej novej letnej práci v Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, kde deti aj rodičia prichádzajú za zábavou a jedlom, kam až oko dovidí! Hlavnou atrakciou je...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: December 01, 2014
Dive off of buildings in VR with Caaaaardboard!, a custom-tailored version of Aaaaa! (Works with Google Cardboard!)Owlchemy Labs (creators of hit indie titles Snuggle Truck and Jack Lumber) brings Dejobaan Games' award-winning PC title to Android with custom-built VR support!Dive from a...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 01, 2014
Undead Horde a ich Orc a Goblin spojenci sú na dosah hradnej brány, kráľ je na pokraji smrti, a len stojíte medzi nepriateľom a úplné zničenie! Vyberte si jeden z mnohých silných hrdinov, privolať armádu bojovať po vašom boku, a brániť svoj hrad v Heroes & Castles,...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 01, 2014
The Phantom Rift: a dark, ethereal world filled with mystery and powerful magic. You don't know how or why you are there, only that you must find a way back to the True World at any and all costs... Phantom Rift is an adventure/RPG with a unique battle system (inspired by Mega Man Battle...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: December 01, 2014
Caveman Keno is the most popular variation of the casino game of Keno, and it is now here to all people on all Android mobile devices including smart phones and tablets!If you are unfamiliar with Keno, it is one of the most simplest games to understand, as Caveman Keno works like a lottery; place a...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: December 01, 2014
**** WINNER OF THE POCKET GAMER GOLD AWARD ****A self-appointed mayor is spinning the town of Twisty Hollow out of order with nonsensical rulings. His cryptic instructions range from the culinary – bacon is frowned upon – to the absurd (fashion tips for ghosts!?)."IT'S RARE THAT YOU...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 01, 2014
HALLOWEEN IS COMING UP! YOU BETTER PRACTICE YOUR CANDY-GIVING SKILLS!***Trick or Treat Training***From Astro Crow - the creators of the hit Android game Farty Pig!Are you as excited about Halloween as we are? All the costumes, the scares, and best of all- the CANDY!! We know that handing out candy...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 30, 2014
** Teraz je úplne zadarmo! ** Žiadne reklamy, žiadne nákupy v aplikácii, iba 100% zadarmo! Nemáme potuchy, ako futbal funguje. Chceme to len hrať. Poďte s nami a poďme sa opiť s futbalom! Kľúčové funkcie: futbal (tiež nazývaný európsky futbal)! sólová hra proti opitým AI...
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: November 30, 2014
Version: 1.8.70 APK - Updated: November 30, 2014
Hero Mages is a turn-based tactical strategy fantasy game that combines the fun of role playing games (RPGs) with competitive and cooperative cross-platform multiplayer gameplay. Designed and developed by a single individual driven to share his passion for gaming with the world, Hero Mages also...
Version: 1.0.141127 APK - Updated: November 29, 2014
The official Android score keeping application for the card game Wizard.This application is design to be displayed while the game is in progress so all users can easily see the current scores and bids. The application is best used on a 7"or larger tablet so that everybody at the table can see...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 28, 2014
Fairy Mahjong je vysoko inovatívna a návyková 3D skladačka založená na zručnostiach. Kombinácia vynikajúcich úrovní, farebnej grafiky a skvelých zvukových efektov je jednou z najoriginálnejších a najzábavnejších hier v službe Google Play. Toto je prémiová verzia Fairy...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: November 27, 2014
Super Stunt Car : Offroad is a crazy open world driving smash up! - Do huge crazy stunts in a massive mountain environment to get big scores- 3 awesome game modes.- AAA driving physics - Speed! - Explosions! Compatibility: Super Stunt Car : Offroad is a full open world 3D racing experience - it...