Hry Platené Android Zadarmo
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 26, 2014
Work your way through the periodic table to capture Electrons and form the Atoms. Create all the elements and battle your friends on the leader-boards for the highest score. See are you skilled enough to gather all the achievements and avoid the threat of Anti-Matter which will be a threat to you...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: November 26, 2014
Again, you've been jailed in the strange room...The room is larger and more mystic than the previous one and you must break all the trick to escape from there.*The actual price might differ depending on the region.[Language] -Japanese, English[Supported OS] - 1.6 and up(*This app is mainly...
Version: 8.0 APK - Updated: November 26, 2014
Sad life at swinery in Lety, where hundreds of piggies lead their miserable lives. One of pigs, Lorenzo, has developed wings as a result of rare mutation. He uses his advantage and decides to fly away from swinery. But his journey is very demanding and you have to help him out.Lorenzo is...
Version: 1.15 APK - Updated: November 26, 2014
Milióny hráčov sa nemôže mýliť! Najviac návykový titul v roku 2010 sa pomstí s novými úžasné úrovniach a ešte presnejšie sniper akcie! Opäť cieľ na zručnosti budú predložené k testu, ale tentoraz čakajú na ďalšie výzvy! Môže povalení 2 je pokračovanie najvyššia...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: November 26, 2014
It is an application for easy training of speed reading and Dynamic vision.It can be a simple operation, you can workout in the free time and travel time!Journey time is 30 seconds, please try a bit of spare time!【How to use】It is a game you press the button that matches the color and...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 25, 2014
UNDEAD RESIDENCE:Survival horror GameFeel the horror and suspense in this new gameback to the Student Residence, survive the zombies and escape the evil mansion for clues and objects in the dark to complete your adventure in this survival horror game10 years ago, the zombie apocalypse was...
Version: 1.0.23 APK - Updated: November 24, 2014
** A demo version of this game is also available on Google Play: ** ENJOY A TRUE CLASSIC EXPERIENCE! Bloxland Story is an action/puzzle game flavored with pixel-art graphics and original music.Join Kubik and his...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 23, 2014
**Win $100.00 by having the best score on Jan.11 2015!****"It’s bizarre, unsightly, compelling, infuriating, and satisfying all at the same time" --**You have Seconds To Live ….Snake meets Tron in this unique new game. Fredley the chicken is being chased by a car. Help...
Version: 1.4.6 APK - Updated: November 23, 2014
Originálna verzia Rummikub (nie Rummy ani Rummy Cube alebo Okey) je jednou z najobľúbenejších rodinných hier na svete.Unikátna kombinácia taktického myslenia, šťastia a napätej konkurencie urobila z tejto klasickej rodinnej hry jednu z najúspešnejších hier za posledných 70 rokov!...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: November 21, 2014
The simple and fast-pased platform action game that pioneered a genre arrives on Android devices, remastered with new 3D backgrounds and smooth animation! Select between classic 2D artwork or new 3D artwork, track your performance on online high score boards, and more! Select between multiple game...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 21, 2014
Hungry Snake is an arcade game specially designed for Android Wear Devices. The user controls the small snake and helps the snake to grow bigger so it can catch the mouse to complete each level.The snake should catch the eggs to grow and survive. The snake will die if it is not able to catch 3 eggs...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: November 19, 2014
Battlefield je všetko zahrievané na vojnu, ktorá sľubuje, že bude dosť vzrušujúca! Armády sú pripravené, aby dokázali svoju úpravu. Nie sú k dispozícii žiadni obrnení vojaci, ktorí rezajú meče alebo guľomety, ktoré bezohľadne vystrelia. Ale vojaci sa navzájom berú v...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
BOJ TUNNELS A SPRÁVA cez GIGGLY PARK Zbierajúce objekty, ktoré pomáhajú jeho kamarátom. Aby pomohol svojim kamarátom najlepší spôsob, ako vie, ako: s nápadom BOJ-A-Boom! Sprievodca BOJ, keď tuneluje a prechádza cez Giggly Park, zhromažďuje to, čo potrebuje, aby vyriešil problémy...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
procedurálne generované 2D kurzy Každý otvor je iný s vlastným jedinečným terénom nekonečné otvory -play navždy, alebo kým sa batéria nevylete! V závislosti od veľkosti a preferencie obrazovky Každý otvor je par 3! skóre je možné resetovať späť do diery 1 Kúpte si...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
The saga continues with another Miner's Adventure! Marv The Miner has reached the treasures in the dark mines of Kazarakt, but the way back is blocked! You must help Marv find another way back to the surface!(4 out of 5 stars) : "This is a brilliant game if you’re perhaps tired of all...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
Vstup do divokej savany a žiť život slona! Preskúmajte obrovský svet plný divokých zvierat všetkých tvarov a veľkostí. Začnite svoj vlastný stádo, upratovať za jedlo, a boj o svoj život proti divokých predátorov, ako sú hyeny, krokodíly a levy!Stiahnite si slon Simulator dnes,...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
Simple in concept, deep in design, Hundreds is a puzzle game that requires quick fingers and deep thinking. “✭✭✭✭✭” ~ TouchArcade, Gamezebo, SlideToPlay, 148Apps, GameSaku, AppStorm and moreDESIGNED FOR AGES 2 TO 222The goal of Hundreds: Grow at least 100 points between the circles in...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: November 18, 2014
Crumble will take your obsession of stacking puzzle games and turn it into a 4-directional attack on your brain! Pieces will come from all 4-sides of the screen and continue off the other side unless you anchor them to the center block. Build rings around the center block and then CRUMBLE! them to...
Version: 1.1.07 APK - Updated: November 17, 2014
Prot is going to crap his pants if you don't help him to reach the toilet. Eating everything can help him to make amazing fart-jumps but be careful 'cause atypical fart-jump and fart-flights can happen when you eat food like chilli, prunes, Mac Prot Burgers. Don't get angry, you gotta...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 16, 2014
GODice 2 PRO — GODlike dice game.If you like dice or board games GODice 2 PRO is for you.Give GODice 2 PRO a try and you will not be disappointed in this awesome dice board game. Buck dice, high dice, fifty, more-less and more dice games are waiting for you to play with friends or artificial...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 15, 2014
Endlich ist sie da, die Watten App für Android, die keine Wünsche mehr offen lässt!Spielen Sie alleine gegen den Computer oder auch zu zweit an einem Gerät! Und wenn der Standard Watterer mal nicht genug ist, können sie in den Einstellungen noch viele Änderungen vornehmen(siehe unten).Auch...
Version: 1.07 APK - Updated: November 15, 2014
POZNÁMKA: Remasterovaná verzia z PC verzie. Na správne fungovanie tejto hry je potrebné zariadenie s aspoň 2 GB RAM.Vitajte späť v novej a vylepšenej pizzi Freddyho Fazbeara!Vo Five Nights at Freddy's 2 sa k starým a starnúcim animatronikom pripája nové obsadenie postáv. Sú...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: November 14, 2014
*** NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ANDROID 7****** Pocket Gamer SILVER AWARD ***A thrilling journey across the darkest regions of space."This could be the digital adventure you've been waiting for." -- Pocket Gamer (Silver Award)"Gruesome charm and adrenaline infusing action" --...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: November 14, 2014
Sensual Adventure Board Game pre pár je hra pre vás, ktorí chcú okoreniť váš vzťah, dostať sa z rutinných a živých okamihov veľmi intimity so svojím partnerom. Zažite rôzne úrovne intimity, nových potešení, zistite malé tajomstvá a užívajte si zábavu a vzrušenie spolu so...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 14, 2014
50% SALE TO CELEBRATE RELEASE OF BEYOND GRAVITY ON iOS!Beyond Gravity is procedurally generated "platformer" where you jump in-between planets and try to collect as many pickups as you can. This action game gets progressively harder the further you jump similar to temple run. No need to...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 13, 2014
sfarbenie je zábavná a relaxačná logická hra s farbami a tvarmi s upokojujúcim soundtrackom. Toto je prémiová verzia bez reklám so všetkými budúcimi úrovňami zadarmo. Ponúka vám pokojné hranie hry a relaxačné zvuky, ktoré sú ideálne na chladenie, pri tréningu mozgu. Je to...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 13, 2014
***50% off for a limited time!!***The world is being destroyed. Help Blockman and his friends to survive as long as you can. Run, jump, and shoot and climb to top your highest score in this endless vertical climber. The Blocks Cometh is a game about dodging and climbing an endless series of falling...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 13, 2014
<< 100% Made in Hong Kong >>Immerse yourself in 25 minigames presented in nostalgic, 14-segment Light-Emitting-Diode (LED) style! Minigames that challenge your arithmetic skill, put your memory to the test, and train your dexterity. Prepared to be mind-twisted as you progress from one...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: November 12, 2014
After years of peace, the offspring of evil has arisen. Prove yourself, brave knight! Seek the 8 rings of power and bring peace to our land once again! RPG Quest - Minimae follows in the tradition of classic 8-bit RPGs. Discover a large world filled with creatures to battle, towns to explore and...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: November 12, 2014