Hry Platené Android Zadarmo

Hry Platené Android Zadarmo
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: October 16, 2014
Noir Syndrome is a procedurally generated Detective Murder-Mystery with a new story every time! Featuring slick pixel art animations and a jazzy soundtrack, the player is thrown right in to a highly stylized vision of film noir. Visit locations, interrogate suspects, search for clues, and...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 16, 2014
Introducing "Word Puzzle for the Romantic Soul", This is a beautiful inspirational Romantic quotes inspired Word Game.• 317 Romantic levels to make you fall in love again.• 8 topics• Intuitive Controls• Animated Tutorial• Hours of Hearth warming Challenging Fun Game Play!•...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 16, 2014
“Flagistry” challenges players to delete a 3D cube of cubes by matching pairs of the smaller cubes. There are currently 6 modes of play that are sure to entertain.
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: October 16, 2014
Predstavujeme "Word Puzzle pre matku duše", to je krásne inšpiratívne cituje inšpirované materským slovná hra.• 87 inšpiratívne úrovne• Intuitívne ovládanie• Animované výučba• Doba inšpirácie Náročné hrať zábavné hry!• internalizovať / Prebojovanie...
Version: 1.7.8 APK - Updated: October 15, 2014
Prejdite sa cez nové parky a záhrady Flippix Arts, kde zachytíte pohľad na ázijské bonsai, ozdobné sochy, frolicking detí a psov a topiary, ktoré zachytia vašu fantáziu! Flippix Art - Parks and Gardens má šesť scén s 248 hádankami v rôznych veľkostiach od 5x5 do 20x20. Stará...
Version: 1.41 APK - Updated: October 15, 2014
It’s time for bed and the boogeyman is out to get you! Can you escape your nightmares?Boogey Boy is a 3D side-scrolling runner. Escape the boogeyman by collecting batteries to activate your flashlight. Play through the boy's dreamworlds, dodging strange and bizarre enemies. Activate special...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 14, 2014
Popis: Dobrý deň, idete na dobrodružstvo? Jokie sa v tejto aplikácii pripravuje ako skutočný prieskumník. Spolu so svojím priateľom Birdom Jet skúma svet v ôsmich zábavných hrách. Odteraz môžete zažiť aj vtipy Adventures sami! Kam chceš ísť? Funkcie: * Aplikácia Jokie bola...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: October 14, 2014
Cubistry je 3D kocka zodpovedajúce logická hra. Otočte kocku kociek v troch dimenziách s prstom prsta a kohútiky kohútika, ktoré vyzerajú rovnako, aby boli pop. K dispozícii je 20 režimov hry, ktoré určite zabavia s viacerými režimami.
Version: 1.0.15 APK - Updated: October 14, 2014
From the people who brought you Power Mahjong the Tower now comes an even more exciting version of this Mahjong classic.Match your way down an endless tower as fast as you can and match golden tiles to score more points.This Deluxe version brings you many extras like: * Full screen play * No ads *...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: October 13, 2014
-= Ad-free version =-The difference to the free version is the missing advertising.This version is intended for the support. Thank you!How well do you know the Bible?With this game you can not only test your biblical knowledge, but also expand it with a lot of fun.Beginners and experts have to pass...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: October 13, 2014
Zadajte do voľnej prírody a žiť život koňa! Preskúmajte obrovský svet plný divokých šeliem a roztomilé zvieratká. Založiť rodinu, vyhľadať dreva na jedlo a vodu, a chrániť stádo z divokých predátorov, ako sú vlci, medvede, líšky!Stiahnite si divoký kôň Simulator dnes,...
Version: 7.0 APK - Updated: October 12, 2014
Word Push - kombinuje prvky herných hier z populárnych stolových hier, s ktorými ste vyrastali!- Unikátny Word Search Puzzle hra, ktorú ste nikdy nevideli v žiadnych slovných hrách na planéte.- 100 úrovní na vyriešenie - každá úroveň pokročila ťažšie.- Prvých desať úrovní...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: October 12, 2014
Short and experimental adventure game Get involved in a world where you will be solving logical puzzles, brain teasers and mini-games.Discover a relaxing experience designed specialy for mobile devices with an original and innovative Point-and-click graphic adventure game.Enjoy beatiful 2D...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 12, 2014
Play Deuces Wild, Jacks or Better or Double Bonus Video Poker. The app will show you the best plays or notify you when your plays are incorrect.You can also enter hands manually to see the app's play.
Version: 1.2.14101202 APK - Updated: October 12, 2014
--- 엑스테일즈 시리즈 #1 : 마법 그리고 잃어버린 왕국 ---'마법 그리고 잃어버린 왕국'은 여러분의 선택에 따라 스토리가 바뀌는 [게임소설]입니다.조각상의 군대가 나를 향해 다가온다. 당신은 어떻게 할 것인가?A....
Version: 1.7.8 APK - Updated: October 12, 2014
Flippix Art - Hry vám hodia hádanky z populárnych zábavy ako šach, šípky, bazén, domino a mahjong. Hry obsahujú 240 hádaniek v rôznych veľkostiach od 5x5 do 20x20. Stará japonská logická hádanka nadobúda nový vzhľad s Art Flippix Art! Dotknite sa dlaždíc, aby ste ich...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: October 12, 2014
Word Game for the Holidays - Enjoy!Introducing "Word Puzzle for the Holiday Soul", This is a beautiful inspirational holiday quotes inspired Word Game.• 134 Inspirational Holiday levels• 3 topics• Hours and weeks of Empowering Challenging Fun Game Play!• Internalize/Absorb...
Version: 0.0.1 APK - Updated: October 09, 2014
You can use these activities as quick, fun logic problems or as stepping stones to success in algebra. Students develop deductive thinking and pre-algebra skills as they solve balance puzzles! Students must analyze each balance to identify the clues, and then synthesize the information to solve the...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
Get motobike and ride through crazy tracks. Unique physics, challenging levels, achievements, weekly tournaments and much more!This game delivers the true ElastoMania and xMoto expiriense on you mobile devices.This is Premium version for fans of the original game without adsFeatures:✔ More than...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
‘Entwined™ Challenge’ is an addictive action reflex game that will mesmerize your senses and challenge your skills. Can you control two characters independently and master their path to evolution? With a critically acclaimed soundtrack from Sam Marshall and stunning visual design,...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
Utilize your puzzle solving skills to place your bugs and infect the entire circuit board.Place your bugs to take control of tiles on the board and watch the infection spread. The puzzles start off at a beginner level and build to challenge your skills. Watch out for tripping infection-repelling...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
"Megaminimals Differences" is a game for the youngest of the house. With this classic puzzle game, they will improve their observation skills while having fun with their favorite characters from the show.Look for the seven differences between the two pictures shown onscreen, and touch to...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
The most magical night of the year. It's coming... RIGHT NOW! Today you have a unique opportunity to feel the atmosphere of great Christmas time! Start your jolly adventure with Christmas Griddlers.This puzzle game's genre also known as griddlers, picross, hanjie, nonograms, japanese...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: October 07, 2014
Adventure Time meets Ski Safari! Shred the slopes of Ooo with Finn or BMO in this endlessly fun downhill adventure.SKI WITH YOUR BUTTSlide your way through Ice Kingdom, Fire Kingdom, Candy Kingdom, the Forbidden Dungeon, and the Mystery Mountains to outrun a relentless avalanche!MATHEMATICAL...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: October 07, 2014
Power Keno je vzrušujúcou variáciou kasínovej hry Keno a teraz je k dispozícii na všetkých platformách Android vrátane smartfónov a tabliet! Ak je Keno pre vás nová, je to jedna z najjednoduchších hier, na ktorú treba prísť ako Power Keno funguje ako lotéria; Vložte stávku,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 06, 2014
8/10 Je to absolútny výbuch - SlimGamer Zložte svojich nepriateľov s lomkami, hodmi meča a reťazovým výletom na dokončenie questov pre Gear a Glory. - Hodiny náročných úloh - Desiatky mečov, štítov a kormidiel na odomknutie - IAP zadarmo, 100% založené na zručnostiach odomyka
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: October 06, 2014
Enjoy solving the classic sliding puzzle with pictures of LDS temples! 17 different temples are featured in more than 30 pictures, plus you can use your own pictures. Adjustable difficulty level makes it suitable for all ages.This Application was not developed by or in association with The Church...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 06, 2014
A game for all ages inspired by classic arcade games. Digital foxes have come into the HD world and it's up to you to "tap" them back to their pixel world! Play across different locations and scenarios to tap as many foxes as you can! If you can tap enough foxes without letting any...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 04, 2014
Gravity Gunner je strelca založená na gravitácii, podobná starej hernej sile Amiga Game Gravity, kde musíte prejsť cez zložitú úroveň, ktorá porazí nepriateľov, ktorí vám stoja v ceste. Môžete vyzdvihnúť výber rôznych zbraní vrátane delov, laserov, rakiet a bômb. Hra...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: October 04, 2014
STOP buying lives! #LiveForeverPlayForever Buying lives is a scam! Our apps contain no advertisement nor In-App Sales. You buy it you play it forever... Never buy lives again! Tired of waiting for free lives? The most addictive match 3 game ever and with endless lives! No in-app purchasing and no...