Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: October 04, 2014
Novo v različico 4.0: ive je dodal še eno fazo s 4 novimi misijami. Vsaka misija je edinstvena in drugačna od prejšnjih. Prav tako je pripravil napako, kjer je bila velikost pisave na državah premajhna na nekaterih napravah. samo tveganje, da je to naključje in strategijo, podobno kot...
Version: 3.0.1 APK - Updated: October 04, 2014
STOP buying lives! #LiveForeverPlayForever Buying lives is a scam! Our apps contain no advertisement nor In-App Sales. You buy it you play it forever... Candy Slide - This fun and addictive game will have you playing for hours. Slide the candy into place to form matches and earn points. Earn your...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: October 04, 2014
Become the King or Queen of block smashing in Fantasy Breaker! Keep your mighty wrecking balls moving to destroy all the obstacles in your path!Grab your mighty wrecking balls and lay siege to a medieval world filled with fantastic characters, colossal castles and magnificent monsters! Fantasy...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: October 04, 2014
STOP buying lives! #LiveForeverPlayForever Buying lives is a scam! Our apps contain no advertisement nor In-App Sales. You buy it you play it forever... Never buy lives again! Tired of waiting for free lives? The best match 3 game ever and with endless lives! Mo Christmas Candy- Match (3) Three...
Version: 1.22.141004 APK - Updated: October 03, 2014
!!! May not work on newer Android OS versions !!!THE CONSTRUCTION GAME®, a Monopoly style board game, gives players a first hand try at making it big in the world of big equipment and big deals. Bid on jobs, buy dozers, backhoes, excavators, and scrapers, then put them to work. Build slowly or...
Version: 1.11.141003 APK - Updated: October 03, 2014
!!! May not work on newer Android OS versions !!!THE FARMING GAME®, a Monopoly style board game where players harvest crops with the roll of the dice, dodge droughts, uncertain markets and insects. Buy land, cattle, wheel and deal. Always different and always a challenge. Build the best farm in...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 03, 2014
Everyone wants to have a good memory. This application helps you to improve yours by searching for the pairs of cards.Choose how many cards you would like to play with and the type of pairs. Available table sizes are- 3x4 and 4x5 on all supported devices- 5x6 and 6x6 on larger screensCards with...
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: October 02, 2014
Gr8ctz - velika mesta sveta - je izobraževalno in zasvojenost z mestom, ki ugiba geografsko igro. Lahko igrate proti prijateljem ali sami proti uri. Pogled na ulico se prikaže na TV zaslonu prek Chromecasta; Vsak od do štirih igralcev se lahko po vrsti ozre in premika po mestnih ulicah z uporabo...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: October 02, 2014
Connect the colors by painting between them! Pigment is a puzzle game that is easy to pick up, but will you clear all 90 levels?
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: October 01, 2014
Aplikacija za igranje dneva - Kotaku To je skok, pehanje, krempljeva rezina zabave - PocketGamer, Silver Award Tako kot muffini, Muffin Knight je sladek, preprost in nevarno zasvojenost, In nikoli ne moreš narobe z Rainbow -sh *** ing samorogov - Kotaku oplodite gozd s samorogom, nebo...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: October 01, 2014
slot machine funno ads. no special permissions,no purchases, just fun.
Version: 1.1.0g APK - Updated: October 01, 2014
*Pomembno obvestilo*Nekatere naprave lahko občutijo daljše vibracije v igri. V takih primerih izklopite funkcijo vibriranja v meniju MOŽNOSTI, da se izognete težavi.Kdo bo preživel, zmaji ali ljudje?Pred 100 leti so ljudje premagali zmaje in svet je postal miren.Toda nekega dne glavni lik v...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: September 30, 2014
Train Driver is a first person 3D train simulator for Android phones and tablets. We aim to provide realistic driving experience, while still being fun to play. Want to learn how to drive a train? Give our train simulator a go!Our apologies that we've not updated the game in so long. We have...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 30, 2014
Solve the spooky mystery of a ship that was long thought to be lost at sea!Put on your private investigator hat in this hidden object puzzle adventure set in a beautiful yet grim environment. The mayor of Port Providence has written you about a ship that vanished at sea years ago only to reappear...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 30, 2014
Esse é o segundo Aplicativo de Boquinhas, para complementar a Tecnologia Educacional Boquinhas com atividades interativas e com recursos digitais. Ideal para fixar a alfabetização, a partir dos 5-6 anos de idade. Objetivos:• Desenvolver soletração;• Desenvolver consciência fonológica e...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: September 29, 2014
A young journalist is sent to a beautiful island to report on multiple ghost sightings in the area. Upon her arrival she is greeted with her first paranormal encounter. Help her dive deep into this mystery that will task her with hunting hidden objects, solving challenging puzzles, and shining a...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2014
N64 Retro+ is a Nintendo 64 emulator optimized for Android devices.Play your favourite N64 Games on your Android devices. Xperia Play optimized.*LEGAL*: This product is not affiliated with, nor authorized, endorsed or licensed in any way by Nintendo Corporation, its affiliates or subsidiaries. All...
Version: 2.7 APK - Updated: September 29, 2014
Type 4X strategy, where the action is located in space. Play as the leader of a civilization and take care of her survival and smooth development. The battles and management of the galactic empire are turn based and require unique strategies in order to win. Game World is automatic generated...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
Smrtonosni RPG: Opis vojne Potovanje na epskem iskanju z smrtonosnim in njegovo elitno zabavo bojevnikov skozi ogromno fantazijsko deželo. Igrajte kot smrtonosni in njegovi spremljevalci v vznemirljivih bitkah, ki temeljijo na različnih fantazijskih bitjih. - 8 igralnih likov, vse z...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
Design studio "Zrno" horror pustolovščina seriesSem podprl tableto.Hero "Temple Metropolitan" je srednji šoli dekleta normalno živijo, ampak je napadel skrivnostni pojav enega za drugim na meji, dan, ko je skrivnosten lik imenuje "ubiti po 4 dni," se je pojavil v...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
デザインスタジオ「土塊」ホラーアドベンチャーシリーズタブレットに対応しました。主人公の「佐藤 大夢」はスキー場で働く青年だったが、ある日を境に、夢の中で不思議な洞窟の夢を見るようになる。…それは...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
デザインスタジオ「土塊」ホラーアドベンチャーシリーズ命のカクレンボが 今 始まる・・・父親の気まぐれから、ある古い屋敷に引っ越す事になった「佐藤 美夢(さとう みむ)」は、不気味な屋敷の中で...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
Ste pripravljeni prevzeti vojsko mrtvih? Ste pripravljeni, da se soočite z zombi apokalipso iz oči v oči? Dead Riot je povsem nov, vizualno osupljiv, arkadni strelec prve osebe, ki vas prilega proti skladiščem mrtvih. Po skrivnostnem biološkem napadu se je po vsem svetu razširil virus, ki...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 25, 2014
Bul Bul Bob gre na vznemirljivo pustolovščino, da bi našel svoje ljubljene, ki so jih vzeli slabi fantje. Pomagaj Bob osvojiti svoje sovražnike in se bori skozi vse vznemirljive ravni. Prihodnja informacija o izdaji: - več napajanja - več pušk - več ravni {# {
Version: 0.9.5 APK - Updated: September 24, 2014
Preizkusite svoje znanje o seriji kultnih televizijskih komedij Mystery Science Theatre 3000 s tem skromnim kvizom, ki ga je MST3K oboževalec izdelal za oboževalce MST3K Era kanala) - 880 vprašanj, ki temeljijo na glavnih epizodah in segmentih gostiteljev - seje iger, ki so nastale v sezonah ali...
Version: 2.01 APK - Updated: September 24, 2014
Designed for beginners or those wanting to hone their skills, Interval cards provides randomized interval recognition to help you improve on learning your intervals or recognizing them quickly. This app is ideal for music teachers trying to utilize technology to teach their students.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: September 23, 2014
Vzemite neskončno stransko krčenje kot zeleni oklepni junak! Zberite kovance, da vklopite, hitreje streljate, zdržite več zadetkov in izbrišite vse ovire! priložnostno in enostavno igrati, dokler ne sprostite resnične težave. Pazi, kako se na vas vrže več ovir! Retro Action 8bit...