Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: APK - Updated: April 18, 2014
V 7 čudežih: Čarobna skrivnostna turneja se boste odpravili fantastično potovanje na nekatera najbolj očarljiva mesta legende in mitologije. Z ekipo glavnih gradbenikov se boste ujemali s pisanimi runami, da bi zbrali gradnike, potrebne za Camelot, El Dorado, Atlantis, Shangri-La in številne...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 16, 2014
Sprejeti in skrbeti za eno najlepših živali na zemlji, virtualni hišni tiger! Igrajte igre, se oblecite v smešne obleke in lovite okusno prigrizek, da bo vaš Tiger srečen in zdrav! Prenesite virtualni hišni tiger danes, medtem ko je 50% popusta za zelo omejen čas! { #} funkcije igre +...
Version: 2.27.5 APK - Updated: April 16, 2014
Pridobite 5 čudovitih poročnih prizorišč in 10 bonus romantičnih ravni, ko kupujete poročno pomišljaj Deluxe! Načrtujte končne sanjske poroke za zabavne in čudne neveste in ženine! Pomagajte Quinn, da začne svoje novo posel za načrtovanje porok, začenši s preprostimi porokami na...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 16, 2014
The famous card-game, similar to Poker (but much older).Challenge four cute and merciless opponents, Minnie, Knut, Yeti and Raffi!(This is the full version, it's ad-free and all fields are working)
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 15, 2014
Meet your adorable new best friend, the Virtual Pet Dolphin! Play fun games, dress up in silly costumes, and hunt down food to keep your dolphin happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Dolphin today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game Features+ INTERACTIVE 3D DOLPHIN - The...
Version: 1.25.30 APK - Updated: April 14, 2014
*Get 4 fun-filled hotels plus 10 BONUS levels when you buy Hotel Dash Deluxe!Get ready for hotel hilarity as you renovate and run hotels all over DinerTown! Cater to a variety of quirky guests, including pet lovers, fashionistas and clowns. Tap and slide to drop off room service, provide extra...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: April 14, 2014
All new trucks to stomp around in the junkyard! If you haven't played the first one, then you do not know what you've been missing. This is a one of a kind game that combines puzzlers with racing. You drag and drop pieces of junk to build a path over the various rusty trucks, buses,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 12, 2014
Tap one gem and send a ripple of explosions, explode them all to complete each level. Sound easy? Gameplay starts easy and gets more and more challenging as you pass each level. You WILL be scratching your brain as your hand-eye coordination and color recognition is tested.INCLUDES:- No Ads!-...
Version: 1.071 APK - Updated: April 11, 2014
Igre, ki so vključene v Shiki uganke, so: - Shikaku - Slitherlink - sudoku - masyu *** Prosimo, pošljite e-pošto na [email protected] Težave z igro! *** Shiki uganke vsebuje trenutno več kot 300 ročno napisanih ravni, največje ravni pa so do 20x20 velikosti. Shiki je res enostavno...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 11, 2014
Meet your spiky new best friend, the Virtual Pet Stegosaurus! Play games, dress up in funny outfits, and forage for food in a prehistoric jungle to keep your dinosaur happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Stegosaurus today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game Features+...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 11, 2014
Adopt one of the most feared winged hunters of all time, the Virtual Pet Pterodactyl! Learn about your new pet, customize it's colors, and hunt down tasty fish to keep your Pterodactyl happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Pterodactyl today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited...
Version: 1.1.8 APK - Updated: April 11, 2014
Zgradite in urejate svoje zvezde!Star Command naredimo svojo lastno ladjo, najamete posadko, raziskujete vesolje in bojne tujec civilizacije po galaksiji."Ali naj takoj potopite? Absolutno. "- TouchArcade"Veliko mobilno vesolje, ki sprejme odlično temo, odlično igro in vas bo...
Version: APK - Updated: April 11, 2014
*** PRESS OPINIONS ***★ ★*** Score: 4.7 out of 5 *** "Zoolicious is compulsive to play and tricky to put down... The HD graphics are also blissfully animated and look very sharp... The music and sound effects are exemplary."★ ★"Indie...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 11, 2014
Adopt the largest mammal on earth with the Virtual Pet Elephant! Play games, dress up in funny outfits, and forage for food to keep your elephant happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Elephant today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game Features+ INTERACTIVE 3D ELEPHANT - This...
Version: 2.2.8 APK - Updated: April 11, 2014
V tej virtualni igri za nego mačk boste posvojili mačko, jo dvignili in poskrbeli za svojega virtualnega mucka, kot tipična plemenska igra. lahko nahranite svojo mačko, jo čistite in vzljubite in se lahko celo igrate s svojim virtualnim PET. Ta retro igra je zasnovana s stare šole grafike...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: April 10, 2014
**The Original Award-Winning Text-Based Music Trivia Game**Who doesn’t love music? Enjoy hundreds of questions in multiple categories – from rock to pop, from country to rap, from the 50’s to today – this quiz game has it all! Put your knowledge of music and the music industry to the test...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 08, 2014
Prva knjiga zgodb v oblaku Doodle! Pridružite se Terryju Pterodactylu na prazgodovinski pustolovščini v deželi dinozavrov! Preberite, igrajte in se učite skupaj s Terryjem, mlademu dinozavra, ki se še ni naučil leteti. V tej zgodbi je Terryja ustrahoval nekateri od teh vrstnikov dinozavrov...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 08, 2014
Visoko pričakovano nadaljevanje smash hit Mirror Mysteries je končno tu! V tem drugem vgradnjo serije, je Tommy odrasel in na lovu za ogledalo, ki je spremenila življenje za njega in njegovo družino večno. Zdaj je manjka, in to je do vas, da vam pomaga njegova sestra priklicati Tommy in...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 08, 2014
Simple game one person who played 30 million people of Japanese!(Japan's population is 127.6 million people)Manipulate UFO tap on the screen.The Keep on escape from the meteorite!Simple game of simple operations that can play in a short time.The die is simple, too! Retry is simple,...
Version: 1.071 APK - Updated: April 08, 2014
** Prodaja izdaje 30% popust ** Kupite zdaj po posebni ceni za omejen čas! Srednjeveška dejanja RPG strateška igra in Blade Warband je zdaj na voljo na NVIDIA Shield in izbranih napravah Tegra 4. To je popolnoma predstavljena vrata različice PC. Potrebno je GamePad. Calradia je dežela v...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: April 06, 2014
Approach Control is a highly realistic air traffic control simulation, designed by real world air traffic controllers. It uses authentic pilot voices.This app is designed to give aviation enthusiasts a taste of the world's greatest job. The radar behavior in this app is identical to that of...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: April 06, 2014
Ti si Zachary; Eden od peščic preživelih apokalipse zombi, vržen v svet, kjer je vaš edini cilj ostati živ. Kako dolgo boste zdržali? - napeta strategija, ki temelji na zavoju. Vsaka poteza, ki jo štejete! - Proceduralno ustvarjen svet pomeni, da je igra vsakič, ko igrate, drugačna. -...
Version: 1.002 APK - Updated: April 06, 2014
Warp 5 Overdrive not only speeds into the future, but also brings a blast from the past in this 80’s arcade space shooter throwback. Set in a retro space scene where quick reaction based obstacles, enemies, and more are all in the way of your epic journey. These pesky distractions will destroy...
Version: 2.7 APK - Updated: April 05, 2014
Bubble Ball has been downloaded over 16 million times! NEW! Community Levels - make your own levels for Bubble Ball, and play levels created by others! Go to on your computer to get started making your own levels! Bubble Ball Pro gives you access to all 144 levels! Try...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 04, 2014
Meet the undisputed king of the jungle, the Virtual Pet Lion! Let out a ferocious roar, tell lion jokes, and hunt for food to keep your lion happy and healthy!Download the Virtual Pet Lion today while it's 50% OFF for a very limited time!Game Features+ INTERACTIVE 3D LION - The King of the...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
Izkusite retro igranje v HD s vesoljskim asom! . Spletna plošča z visokimi ocenami, ki vsebujejo 10 najboljših pilotov na svetu! Prilagodite svojo ladjo z več kot 40 stopnjami različnih nadgradenj. Ste kontrolni čudak? Načrtujte in postavite vsako nadgradnjo, da dobite popoln nadzor....
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
FsMovMap2 Pro is an easy to use moving map, traffic and data display tool for Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) and Prepar3D for your phone or tablet. It is based on Google Maps and provides all available map modes to display our location: Perfect for sightseeing and visual flights. Watch airport...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
The 'Miners Need Cool Shoes' app empowers you to create your own skins in the palm of your hand. Paint your own custom skin and preview it in 3d. Once you are happy with the skin you've created, upload it to or the gallery.Minecraft are trademarks or...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
Задерните шторы, выключите свет и погрузитесь в мир, в котором случайные попутчики исчезают, детские рисунки несут гибель, а священники проводят давно забытые...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 03, 2014
Show off your strength to your friends with this bionic sound effect.