Hry Placené Android Zdarma

Hry Placené Android Zdarma
Version: 9.94 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
Get a taste of the mystic orient in Mystic Palace Slots - the most innovative slot game ever designed! Watch the reels perform acts of mystic magic before your very eyes!With many possible features, incredible mystic paylines and the the fabulous ReelMania, it's Mystic Palace HD! There are 60...
Version: 10.29 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
During normal play the smiling panda acts as a wildcard and substitutes for all symbols except scattered flowers. Scattered flowers pay anywhere and trigger the Panda Bonus Wheel Feature! The Panda Bonus Wheel Feature. 3 or more flowers showing anywhere in the game window (4 in the Special Edition)...
Version: 9.94 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
Sám Blackbeard řekl Ahoy, když hrál piráty drancovací sloty! Odemkněte pokladní truhly a vyhrajte až 80 her zdarma. Po celou dobu roste veselý jackpot a roste. ARRRRR! Můžete to vyhrát? Během normální hry Plucky Parrot náhradníky za všechny symboly s výjimkou rozptýlených...
Version: 9.94 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
The coolest game in the collection is here!During normal play the lucky seal acts as a wildcard and substitutes for all symbols except scattered coins symbols.Gameplay BonusesSpecial bonus symbols constantly spin on the first and last reels during normal games. When the spin is complete, if both...
Version: 10.76 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
Když se měsíc postaví nad slavnými pyramidami, faraon se vrací se svými největšími vítězstvími! s 5 různými funkcemi her, 25 nebo 50 výplatními liniemi a všemi novými královskými cívkami, jeho pyramida platí 2! S masivními 60 speciálními úspěchy je více vidět a hrát...
Version: 9.94 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
The Totem smiles upon you four times as you accumulate great wins in this much acclaimed game. Howl at the moon as you win during the triumphant Dreamcatcher Feature.Lock in your Gold Totems for a chance to cover all reels with wildcards. Top it off with the Mystical Totem feature - where you can...
Version: 9.94 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
The award winning slot machine simulation Totem Treasure 2 is endless fun to play!Totem bonuses abound and the mystical Golden Wolves may award you the biggest treasure of all - the Wampum Jackpot!During normal play the Chief acts as a wildcard and substitutes for all symbols except scattered...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
Drive your favorite trains in this incredible 3D world. From the #1 train simulator franchise in the world, Trainz Driver really delivers the goods on your smartphone!It's time to pack more horsepower in your pocket and take Trainz Driver with you everywhere you go. With a new user interface,...
Version: 1.3.7 APK - Updated: January 08, 2014
Připojte se k franšíze Worlds #1 Train Simulator! Sestavte jej, říďte ji nebo provozujte svou vlastní 3D železnici. . Trainz Simulator THD je plný obsahu, tras a relací, aby vám poskytl nejlepší zážitek z vlaku na jakékoli mobilní platformě. Trainz Simulator THD je první svět...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: January 07, 2014
Train Conductor is a maddeningly addictive arcade game that demands a lot of the player. It blends physical dexterity, logical puzzle solving and micro-strategy unlike anything else. It's all about managing the flow of trains through the train yard, staying focused and being on top of it all....
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: January 07, 2014
DANGER IS REAL. FEAR IS A CHOICE. CONFRONT IT ALL WITH ‘AFTER EARTH’ ON MOBILE.After Earth is an all-new game based on the film where you can slide, leap and fly through perilous terrain, and slice and dice evil creatures that lurk in the dark with your cutlass sword. Not your typical...
Version: 2.1.4 APK - Updated: January 06, 2014
GreenSquare Vs The World is a 2D platformer where you play as the GreenSquare. It's about timing your movements perfectly. An abundance of obstacles await you in every level! Avoid them at all cost! Guide GreenSquare through 4 different worlds, 16 levels in total. Do not fear for losing...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: January 06, 2014
Ladies and gentleman, toddlers and parents, welcome aboard Russpuppy Airlines nonstop flight to fun! This app features more than 16 aircraft and other flying things, enough to keep your toddler entertained for a long while. It's a fun educational game with great animations and sound/music...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 06, 2014
34 hratelných postav !! 6 různých herních režimů dostupných v SINGLE MODE, abyste si mohli hru užít hodiny i hodiny, a to i samostatně! Jednoduché příkazy umožňují snadno provádět jakýkoli druh kombo!2D versus bojová hra „KOF-Android“ se v Androidu vrací s tunami nového...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: January 06, 2014
Může si to užít [hru Reversi], kterou lze nazvat Royal Road of Stolové hry. Kromě toho tento [reverzipurasu] přidává šedý kůň a obtížnost stoupá. Je to [reverzi], který používal tři druhy bílých, černých, šedých koní. Šedý kůň je kůň, který vlastní kůň,...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: January 06, 2014
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: January 05, 2014
言語:日本語のみ人生を悲観した男が、なぜか町造りを手伝わされるRPG◆使用楽曲につきましてフィールド ショパン ポロネーズ 第3番「軍隊」Op40-1町 ショパン ワルツ...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 04, 2014
Tens Frame Snap is an educational card game aimed at early primary aged children. The object of the game is similar to the game of snap in that children must "snap" pairs of cards, however, unlike normal snap, the cards used are tens-frame cards, There are three (3) separate modes, each...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: January 03, 2014
V této hře s fantastickou fyzikou automobilů budete moci: být řidičem v bankovní loupeži utekněte od policie Vyvarujte se silničních bloků a barikád Najděte cestu ven z města skok Na budovách a přes řeku Catch Chiminals Sbírejte a doručují krabice Opravte anténní...
Version: 1.43 APK - Updated: January 03, 2014
Collecting coins never gets old, but some times you just need a break. Get back to some serious Old-School gaming with Syder Arcade! A love letter to Amiga the games of the 90', no coins, no upgrade grinding, just your tenacity and a motherload of alien invaders. Enjoy it in full resolution on...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: January 02, 2014
3D lovecký simulátor pro mobilní zařízení. Projekt Hunter spojuje typické hraní hry s volným rochem (jako ve franšíze GTA) a FPS, aby vyvolala jeden z nejlepších loveckých simulátorů, které jsou v současné době v obchodě. - AppsZoom Nejkrásnější příroda na mobilních...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: January 02, 2014
Streaq is a classic card & tile sequence board game so addicting you'll never want to put it down! Try to form one or two Streaqs (a Streaq is a sequence of five tiles in a row), in any direction, to win the game. Streaq is easy to learn and play, fun for beginners and challenging for...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: January 02, 2014
Poznámka: Toto je neoficiální aplikace třetích stran, která umožňuje uživatelům hry GTA III pro Android upravit statistiky zbraní a vozidel. Hra není zahrnuta. dělá hru ještě zábavnější. Pokud problém nelze vyřešit, vrátíme vám *** jednoduché použití: 1. Otevřete...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: January 02, 2014
Space Survivor 3-D je vynikající a velmi návyková hra, ve které musíte zničit co nejvíce asteroidů, jak jen můžete, to postupně zvýší jejich rychlost, jak postupujete na úrovně. Budete také bojovat proti nepřátelům, kteří se objeví se zvyšující se frekvencí mezi...
Version: 3.2.0 APK - Updated: January 02, 2014
MasterMind the well known logic puzzle:The goal is to guess 5 randomly generated colors in as less as possible tries and time. After every try you will get some feedback about the propriety of your choice.There are some settings to affect the controls. Enjoy the game ;)
Version: 2.8.2 APK - Updated: January 01, 2014
Začněte s novou návykovou puzzle Mind! Vyzvěte se s křížovými částkami Kakuro! Nejenže je tato hra zábava, ale také zpochybňuje a zvyšuje vaši schopnost multitask a používání matematiky. Vyžaduje to také zaměření a logiku. Žádná jiná hra nenabízí tolik neurologické...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: January 01, 2014
We pile up hats in different shapes from every corner of the world to create crazy and colorful HexLogic puzzles. HexLogic - Lanterns contains 69 puzzles of various levels of difficulty, based on 23 pictures.GabySoft, creators of the addicting FlipPix series of nonogram logic puzzles, has gathered...
Version: 2.2.6 APK - Updated: December 31, 2013
A bestselling alphabet learning game for little kids.Infants, toddlers & preschoolers enjoy alphabets pronounced by a 4 year old boy in different languages.Game features: * Big colorful buttons * Childproof lock * Freestyle mode * Quiz game * Alphabet songLanguages * English * Spanish * Russian...
Version: 4.3.3 APK - Updated: December 31, 2013
A bestselling educational toy phone game for little kids.Infants, toddlers & preschoolers learn numbers & colors pronounced by a 3.5 year old boy in different languages.Features include: * Numbers & Colors * Lock buttons to childproof * Freestyle mode * Quiz gameLanguages * English *...
Version: 1.027 APK - Updated: December 31, 2013
The ★ EXTENDED EDITION ★ has finally arrived! ✔ New puzzles ✔ New scenes ✔ New objects ✔ New mini-games ✔ New characters ✔ An improved interface, brought to life with the collection of key objects ✔ An improved gaming experience ✔ A longer life spanLive a forbidden love story...