Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: November 08, 2013
Wurdle is a fun, flexible and fast-paced word game, perfect for coffee breaks or the subway. Find and trace as many words as possible before time runs out. Can't find any more words? Shake the board to mix up the tiles! Rotate the board for a different angle! Customize Wurdle the way YOU like...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 07, 2013
Here's Clobber.He is some kind of animal or bug or somebody, and he is trying to run away.And you should kill him while he is running!It's a very active and dramatic game. You have to kill Clobber using bricks which created by tap in right-top corner of the screen. You have to do it fast,...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: November 06, 2013
3D-autofüüsika eranditult Androidi jaoks! - reageeriv, intuitiivne käsitsemine kallutamisega. - rull, hüpake, klapp, põrgake realistliku füüsikaga. - kleepige rajale või teele. proovige surma pool toru ja seina. - raskusastete tasemed: ees, neli või tagaratta draiv. - ainulaadne ja lahe...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: November 06, 2013
kuninga surm. Eepiline väljakutse uue valitseja valimiseks. Kas neljast vennast kõige noorem osutub tugevaimaks? Kas poiss saab kuningaks? Vastus on teie enda otsustada. Classic Adventure -Platformer Mäng. uurige ja kohtuge kummaliste olenditega - mõned kahjutu, mõned mitte. navigeerige...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
Crumble Zone is an action-packed arcade game about a little, green alien who works hard just to fight for his tiny planet. The thing is to shoot down asteroids while rotating around a planet to get the highest score possible.Crash comets! Blow up meteoroids! Shatter and smash menacing asteroids...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
Rocky Horror Trivia is a quiz game testing your knowledge on the iconic 1975 British-American musical comedy horror film and an adaptation of The Rocky Horror Show. By mid-1978, Rocky Horror was playing in over fifty locations on Fridays and Saturdays at midnight. Still in limited release nearly...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
Uus! Flippix Jigsaw - elav värv on nüüd mõeldud nii telefonidele kui ka tahvelarvutitele! Flippix Jigsaw - Living Color esitleb teid olenditega igast vikerkaare toonist, mis naudib nende looduslikku ümbrust. Elav värv sisaldab erineva suurusega 228 mõistatust vahemikus 5x5 kuni 15x15 ja...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: November 05, 2013
This smartwatch app "predicts the future", by answering your yes/no questions and showing answers in the form of yes,no,maybe or as an interesting quote. The graphics are visually appealing.Of course the prediction is random, as it's only for fun.Still usually people laugh when they...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: November 04, 2013
Blocked mäng põhineb libiseva ploki pusle Rushhour, mille leiutab Nob Yoshigahara. mängige slaidiga. Mängu eesmärk on saada ruudustikust valge plokk, lohistades sõrmega muud plokid. blokeerimata mäng on 30 taset, saate osta ametliku versiooni, et valida mis tahes tasemel mis tahes...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: November 04, 2013
This application is to edit, analyze and review Tsumego or life-and-death problem of Go(Weiqi,Baduk,Igo). Black should enclose white (Black first white dead or White first white alive). Target area to be analyzed should be divided by black clearly. Removable black should be gray.Attention: If...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 04, 2013
Võtke oma majas väikese RC-helikopteri juhtimine! Helidroid 3D on realistlik 3D-mäng, mis võimaldab teil majas juhtida väikest RC-helikopterit. ------------- -versioon pro ---------- ühildub Nvidia kilbi ja Moga kontrolleritega pole reklaame See on Helidroid 3D teine ​​osa: -18 uut...
Version: 1.6.3 APK - Updated: November 03, 2013
Kontsentratsioon, mida tuntakse ka kui mälu, pelmanismi, Shinkei-Suijaku, Pexeso või lihtsalt paarid, on kaardimäng, milles kõik kaardid on pinnale alla lastud ja kaks kaarti on iga pöörde kohal ülespoole pööratud. Mängu eesmärk on ümber pöörata paarid sobivad kaardid. Allikas:...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: October 30, 2013
Tool to acclimate roleplaying games and board games.Wrap your roleplaying games and board games with an atmosphere of mystery and terror.Over 140 sounds and music that make you enjoy your family and friends.Supported languages​​: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Portuguese.
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 29, 2013
Video Poker - Jacks or BetterThis is a small, simple video poker, with a double up mini-game - you can double your winnings by trying to guess the correct card sequence from a randomly generated card deck. With each correct guess, the pot is doubled; do one mistake and you lose it ;). Of course,...
Version: 1.4.2 APK - Updated: October 29, 2013
Me armastame hämmastavat kunstilisust ja erksat värvi, mida teki valmistamise käsitöö toob hekslogilisse, ja arvame, et ka teie! Hekslogic - Tekid sisaldavad 69 erineva raskusastmega mõistatust, tuginedes 23 pildile. Gabysoft, sõltuvust tekitava Flippixi mitteprogrammide...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 28, 2013
Rakendus, mida saab kasutada Steve Jackson Gamesist pärit Munchkini kaardimänguga. nüüd kõik teie android-kasutavad Munchkins võivad saada ebaõiglase, kuid samas täiesti seadusliku eelise, kui mängite Munchkini või Munchkin Questi! {##{# } taseme loendur. . . näitab teie taset...
Version: 3.3 APK - Updated: October 27, 2013
Salvestage (noote), taasesitage, importige ja eksportige malemängeSalvestage mänge oma seadmessePeatage ja jätkake mänge vabal ajalJagage oma mängutulemusi analüüsimiseks ja täiustamiseksMärge:Turniirirežiimi salvestamiseks peab lennukirežiim olema lubatudMängude ülevaatamine on...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: October 26, 2013
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 26, 2013
Uus! Flippix Art - Castle on nüüd mõeldud nii telefonidele kui ka tahvelarvutitele! Vana Jaapani loogika mõistatus võtab Flippixi kunstiga uue ilme! Puudutage plaate, et neid värvida või purustada, moodustades värvilised maalide komponendid. Eesmärk on kasutada loogikat, et teha...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 25, 2013
Action with a short shark shock!Your shark is ravenous for his favorite meal: raw man is on the menu! Arouse your killer instinct and go hunting for scrummy surfers and bikini-clad dishes!FULL FEATURED and AD-FREE (no ads)!Features:- Shark simulator with comic strip visuals and lots of black humor-...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: October 25, 2013
Memory Match Jr. is a great, play-anywhere game app from School Zone that helps build memory, focus, and vocabulary.How good is a player’s memory? Touch any square to “turn it over” and see the picture, and touch another square to find a match. Kids can compete with a friend in two-player...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 24, 2013
Kalmamid on ainulaadne segu tegevusstrateegiast ja RPG: ehitage oma kangelaste meeskond eepilistel pöördel põhinevate lahingute jaoks rikutud krabide ja krevettide vastu! Steev, Vahine ja ülejäänud kalmarid on ohus! Nakkuslik must tahvel rikub nende maailma. Ainult vähesed kangelased...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 23, 2013
Uus! Flippix Art - kool on nüüd mõeldud nii telefonidele kui ka tahvelarvutitele! suunduti kooli tagasi! Kas teil oli lemmikklass? Matemaatika, teadus, muusika, kunst? Võtke oma valik! Flippixi kunst - kool koosneb 6 stseenist, mis sisaldavad 264 mõistatust vahemikus 5x5 kuni 20x20. Vana...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 23, 2013
Dark Man Archery is one of the favorite archery master 3D games on Google Play. If you're just looking for a shooter game to kill time, then this is the one for you. As you progress in the game, the game will position you further away from your target, so it becomes harder and harder. You need...
Version: 1.58 APK - Updated: October 22, 2013
Lame Castle is an intense auto-runner with beautifully hand-drawn art. Throw on some armor, hop on a wooden horse, and win over the princess by destroying Wizzy the evil wizard’s Lame Castle.Destroy castles across 24 levels while punting chickens, looting treasure chests, and smashing rocks....
Version: 2.1.5 APK - Updated: October 21, 2013
Play the best 3D roulette game on the market! Includes explanation of all bets as well as a true 3D wheel with controllable camera. It's just like the real thing!*If you have a problem, please don't just post a 1 star comment. That does not help us. Send us an email detailing what is not...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: October 21, 2013
Improve your golf swing anytime, anywhere with ease.Tired of using heavy equipment? Easily check your swing using your Android.[Instructions] 1. Record your SwingAsk a friend to record your golf swing.Go to Recording view (Not Recording yet).Start by pressing the "Start Recording (Quiet...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 20, 2013
Uus! Flippixi kunst - pühad on nüüd mõeldud nii telefonidele kui ka tahvelarvutitele! Vana Jaapani loogika mõistatus võtab Flippixi kunstiga uue ilme! Puudutage plaate, et neid värvida või purustada, et moodustada maalide värvilised komponendid. Eesmärk on kasutada loogikat, et teha...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 20, 2013
Uus! Flippixi kunst - lihtsad naudingud on mõeldud nüüd nii telefonidele kui ka tahvelarvutitele! Flippix Art - Simple Pleastures toob meelde igapäevase elu rõõmud koos kodu, kunsti ja hobidega seotud mõistatustega. Lihtsad naudingud koosnevad 7 maalist, mis sisaldavad 81 erinevat...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 20, 2013
Uus! Flippix Art - Fair on nüüd mõeldud nii telefonidele kui ka tahvelarvutitele! . Meie reis messile on täis värvikat lõbu - mänge, auhindu ja maiuspalasid! Flippix Art - Fair sisaldab 228 mõistatust erineva suurusega vahemikus 5x5 kuni 20x20. vana Jaapani loogikamõistatus võtab...