Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 24, 2013
Ama-squids ukuxuba okuhlukile kwecebo lokusebenza ne-RPG: Yakha ithimba lakho lamaqhawe ngezimpi ezisuselwa ekuguqukeni ezisekelweni ezisekelweni nama-shrimps! I-ooze emnyama ethelelekayo yonakalisa umhlaba wayo. Amaqhawe ambalwa angalwa futhi asindise imibuso yawo yamanzi e-rush! Qashisa ibutho...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 23, 2013
New! FlipPix Art - School is now designed for both phones and tablets!We're headed back to school! Did you have a favorite class? Math, Science, Music, Art? Take your pick! FlipPix Art - School consists of 6 scenes containing 264 puzzles in sizes ranging from 5x5 to 20x20. An old Japanese logic...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 23, 2013
Dark Man Archery is one of the favorite archery master 3D games on Google Play. If you're just looking for a shooter game to kill time, then this is the one for you. As you progress in the game, the game will position you further away from your target, so it becomes harder and harder. You need...
Version: 1.58 APK - Updated: October 22, 2013
Lame Castle is an intense auto-runner with beautifully hand-drawn art. Throw on some armor, hop on a wooden horse, and win over the princess by destroying Wizzy the evil wizard’s Lame Castle.Destroy castles across 24 levels while punting chickens, looting treasure chests, and smashing rocks....
Version: 2.1.5 APK - Updated: October 21, 2013
Play the best 3D roulette game on the market! Includes explanation of all bets as well as a true 3D wheel with controllable camera. It's just like the real thing!*If you have a problem, please don't just post a 1 star comment. That does not help us. Send us an email detailing what is not...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: October 21, 2013
Improve your golf swing anytime, anywhere with ease.Tired of using heavy equipment? Easily check your swing using your Android.[Instructions] 1. Record your SwingAsk a friend to record your golf swing.Go to Recording view (Not Recording yet).Start by pressing the "Start Recording (Quiet...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 20, 2013
New! Ubuciko be-Flippix - Amaholide manje aklanyelwe amafoni kanye namathebulethi! Iphazili yakudala yaseJapan Logic ithatha ukubukeka okusha nge-Flippix Art! Thinta amathayili ukuwadweba noma uwaphule ukuze wakhe izingxenye ezimibalabala zemidwebo. Umgomo ukusebenzisa i-Logic ukuthola ukuthi...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 20, 2013
New! I-Flippix Art - I-Pieneies Eall manje senzelwe zombili izingcingo namathebulethi! Injabulo elula iqukethe imidwebo engu-7 equkethe amaphazili ahlukene angama-81 ngosayizi abangu-3, ama-243 puzzle. Waziwa nangokuthi ama-nonOgrams noma ama-griddlers, Iphazili yakudala yaseJapan Logic...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: October 20, 2013
New! I-Flippix Art - Fair manje yenzelwe zombili izingcingo namathebulethi! I-Flippix Art - Fair iqukethe amaphazili angama-228 ezinhlotsheni ezahlukahlukene ukusuka ku-5x5 kuya ku-20x20. Thinta amathayili ukuwadweba noma uwaphule ukuze wakhe izingxenye ezimibalabala zemidwebo. Umgomo ukusebenzisa...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: October 16, 2013
Umthondo umtshingo womtshingo womhlanga, umhume we-limestone wemvelo eGuilin, eGuangxi, eChina, ama-Dazzel izivakashi ezakhiwe ngamatshe alo ayingqayizivele akhanyiswe ngamalambu ahlukahlukene. Ama-stalagmites anemibala, ama-stalactites kanye nezinsika zamatshe zemihume eneminyaka eyizigidi...
Version: APK - Updated: October 16, 2013
Cabanga ukuthi ungagxilisa emncintiswaneni? Ama-Slide Doll ukufanisa onodoli abathathu afanayo ukuze bawahlanganise nodoli omkhulu. Qhubeka nokuqhathanisa ukukhulisa onodoli futhi uthole amaphuzu amakhulu! Kepha ngokucophelela, unezinyathelo eziningi kakhulu. Uma uphelelwa yisikhathi, umdlalo wayo...
Version: 1.99 APK - Updated: October 15, 2013
2D physics Bridge Bridge Game. Kwenzelwe amasayizi amancane wesikrini! {# #} Thola bonke abantu ngaphesheya kwendawo yokuqeda. Kunezahluko ezi-2 ezihlukile kulo mdlalo. Esahlukweni 1 unemali ekhawulelwe yemali. ESahlukweni 2 Unesilinganiso esilinganiselwe sezingxenye zokwakha ibhuloho.
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: October 15, 2013
Khomba kalula amandla nobuthakathaka be-pokemons ohlangana nabo: Sesha bese ukhetha i-Pokemon ukukhombisa ukuthi into ngayinye ithinta kanjani le pokemon, noma ngokuqondile faka izinhlobo zento. Kushesha kakhulu futhi kulula ukuyisebenzisa.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 14, 2013
The enengqondo kunazo ikheshi sekulingisa owake! Ngeke uthole lutho olunemininingwane enjengale kunoma yimuphi umdlalo! Kusebenza ngokugcwele, ilifti elinembayo ngomshini ongagibela kulo! Kuhle izingane, iliftirensi abathanda futhi ukudlulisa isikhathi sakho ngenkathi ikhuphukile!Izici:- Gibela...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2013
If you love cute things and cupcakes, this is the game for you!Cupcake Heaven is a girly girl's dream!Escape into a magical world of enchanted cupcakes!Tilt your device to jump from cloud to cloud, land on cupcakes that burst into a puff of sparkles!Watch out for naughty, devilish cupcakes and...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: October 10, 2013
Kulo mdlalo uzozizwa njengomshayeli wokugijima we-space fighter.Ukuzilawula ngokusebenzisa i-accelerometer, kufanele ubambe isikhathi eside ngangokunokwenzeka emgwaqweni, ugcwele izithiyo ezihlukahlukene!* I-Quality HD graphic* Lawula i-accelerometer* Ukulayisha izikolo eziphezulu ku-intanethi
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 09, 2013
Fly a B737-400 in a real world simulated environment! Features: - You can fly during daylight and night!- Real airplane physics. - 2 airports - Realist terrain. - Using Nasa’s utility FoilSim 3 to calculate the physics of the airplane (really realistic). - Other aircrafts on scenario. - World is...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: October 09, 2013
Do big bowls of candy whisper Halloween to you? Or do witches and goblins gather round and just yell "BOO?" HexSaw - Halloween includes 23 colorful puzzles in four challenging sizes.HexSaw's hexagon pieces put a new shape in an old puzzle and jigsaw. Puzzle enthusiasts will enjoy a...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: October 08, 2013
Lona ngumdlalo omnandi osuselwa emcabangweni womdlalo odumile wobuntwana obizwa nge-Pick Up Stick. imigqa! Izici 3 Izinhlobo ezihlukile ze-Gameplay: Arcade - Bona ukuthi zingaki imigqa ongazisusa ngaphambi kokuba impilo yakho iphele. Izinto ezikhethekile eziningana zizokusiza endleleni, kanti...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: October 08, 2013
O baralho Perfil 3 Completo é um complemento do jogo Perfil, que pode ser instalado gratuitamente. Este baralho possui 390 cartelas, sendo que cada cartela traz 20 dicas sobre uma pessoa, um personagem, uma coisa, um ano ou um lugar.Perfil é um divertido jogo da Grow que testa seus conhecimentos...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: October 07, 2013
Version: 3.4 APK - Updated: October 07, 2013
Dlala umdlalo omangalisayo we-3D Bowling ngezimpawu eziningi ezinhle ozifunayo. Kuyipharadesi lesibili. Lona umdlalo omuhle kakhulu wokugoba. Ngazo zonke izinhlobo zomdlalo eza nazo, kunokuningi ongakuthatha ngenkathi uzama ukudonsa umdlalo ophelele noma ngokumelene nabanye abaphikisi be-Droid...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: October 07, 2013
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: October 07, 2013
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: October 07, 2013
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 05, 2013
Fly a b747-8i endaweni yangempela eyenziwe yemvelo yamamephu waseHawaii! Izici # #} - {# # #} - Imodeli enengqondo ye-Boing 747-8i - i-physics yangempela yezindiza. - Izikhumulo zezindiza ezi-2 - I-Reare Terrain. - Imisebenzi engu-4 ehlukene. - ezinye izindiza esimweni. - Umhlaba ukhulu...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: October 03, 2013
Mixed Meal, new scenario with new levels!!Somewhere out there, a tiny world needs a huge hand...The Spiders have come to town and they are planning on dining their friendly neighbors.Use your intelligence in this exciting puzzle game and prevent the Spiders from pulling off their plan.Carefully...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: October 02, 2013
Meon invade Android devices!Meon is a cute and addictive puzzle game. In 1997, Professor Tagishaki, from Tokyo Quantum Mechanics Institute, found new elementary particles that he called Meons. In this puzzle game, you must solve more than 120 levels to free Meons. Use Laser, Prism, Splitter and...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 30, 2013
Take out all anger and frustration of your Boss with this app.You can Punch,Kick,Smash him with so many different objects. Whack your boss and let's see how far can you send him. We are sure ,you will get peace of mind!! Features *Cool animations *Many objects to whack Boss *Play and share...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 28, 2013
"Hirameki! Crossword" is a Japanese crossword puzzle game for kids where you have to complete the words across and down by fitting the appropriate letter.Only one of the letters provided is the correct one! Try to guess it using the in-game hints!