Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.6.7 APK - Updated: September 09, 2013
Top Tower Defense Game.FEATURESEasy to Play, but Very Tough to Master!No paths... build a maze of towers!Tutorial Screens as you go, shows you how to play (but not all the secrets!)5 tower types with 7 levels each65 levels, each its own puzzle with its own rules.Auto-saves game if you press Home or...
Version: 0.0.2 APK - Updated: September 08, 2013
In a small Irish village there lives twin boys named Shamus and Rufio. They are both trained in the family business of sewage and drain maintenance and repair. Shamus spends more time on adventures chasing after girls, playing in dungeons, and finding mushrooms than doing any real work. For some...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: September 06, 2013
Slender: The Asylum is a Brand New Slenderman Experience based off of the character from the original folklore. Do you have what it takes to escape the Asylum? Only time will tell... Slender: The Asylum combines High Quality graphics with a terrifying atmosphere providing you with the Best...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 05, 2013
Just like the Doctor your favorite treats are of course Jelly Babies. But your beloved treats have been locked up and you can only eat them in a special pattern.In this game the only way you can pick up the Jelly Babies is to jump them over other Jelly Babies.But it's not that simple!Easy to...
Version: 15.0 APK - Updated: September 04, 2013
Aukštas apibrėžimas. Valdiklis buvo išbandytas daugiausiai „Android“ įrenginių su skirtingomis operacinėmis sistemomis, o rezultatas buvo puikus. Puikus HD valdiklis, skirtas stebėti akumuliatoriaus lygį ir būklę. grafinis paprastas, bet išskirtinis. Valdiklis yra skirtas...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: September 04, 2013
The title combines puzzle dynamics with those of a rhythm-game. It has been designed to be the definitive pastime.The game is set in a classic Japanese Zen garden and is based on the concepts of Order and Chaos.In the heart of the garden there is a maple tree around which are located 5 stones...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: September 03, 2013
Po to, kai titanai išstūmė dievus iš Olimpo kalno, jie pradeda užkariauti visą Graikiją ir Akros salas, kol liko tik Liko Liko Lieka atsistoti ir užrakinti titanus Tartare. {## }- Tvarkykite Avhiledos ir neršto kareivių miestą kovoti su titanų jėgomis! - naudokitės galios taškais,...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: September 03, 2013
Shutter is a amazing escape game!Shutter is a pretty scary game!Shutter will challenge your brain!Shutter will give you the heart-pounding challenge!In this game, you should capture the ghost with your camera and solve dozens of puzzles.You woke up in a haunted hotel. You forgot everything, you...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 03, 2013
Cryptic is a game where you get to solve puzzles and learn basic principles about cryptography at the same time! The difficulty is increasing with every level to keep challenging the player. Through the menu button on your phone you get a step by step guide on how to solve every puzzle in the main...
Version: 1.07 APK - Updated: September 02, 2013
Play the hit third-person arcade shooter that explodes the competition. Experience groundbreaking character customization, high-octane cover shooting, destructible environments, and a fast-paced combo scoring system that rewards quick kills and chained destruction! M.U.S.E. is now MOGA Pro...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: August 31, 2013
„Poppin Casino“ Vienintelis atitikimo žaidimas, kuris sulaužo „Match 5“ barjerą! Suderinkite 6 ar 7 ir būti apdovanoti pakuote petardų ar romėniškos žvakės. Nereikia išleisti žaisti. Žaidimo žaidimas tęsiasi amžinai. Greitai pasiimti, bet sunku atiduoti. Konkuruokite su...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: August 31, 2013
Padėkite Džekui pabėgti iš W.Hale - pirmojo visiškai automatizuoto žvaigždės, kurią sukūrė žmonės. Jį nukentėjo didžiulė elektromagnetinė šoko banga, kuri dabar lėtai plūduriuoja link juodosios skylės! Visa robotų įgula išprotėjo, o Jackas yra vienintelis, kuris gali...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: August 31, 2013
This game app is the pay & advanced version of "AIR de MMA 4 Android" app has 12 cahractors.(free ver. has 6)Before you want to download it, you should play free version "AIR de MMA 4...
Version: 1.13 APK - Updated: August 30, 2013
Once upon time, there was a tale of mighty heroes, protectors of the realm, and the saviors of many damsels in distress. This…is not that tale. This is a tale of unlikely Heroes. Embark on journeys of not-so-epic proportions with Sir Jorgin, the noble knight past his prime; Arwick, the ladies man...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 30, 2013
Steal the treasure from monsters live in an old mansion!Reproduce the LCD games that were popular in the early 1980s.Dedicated to the boys was not available.[How to Play]-"START" button to start a game.-"FORWARD" button to advance the hero, "BACK" button and then one...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: August 29, 2013
užfiksuota ir izoliuota, bet kodėl? Tai yra klausimai, kuriuos turėtumėte užduoti. Nagrinėkite tris atskiras visiškai 3D modeliuotą aplinką, kad sužinotumėte tikrąją priežastį, kodėl jūs buvote paimtas. Atraskite fazės technologiją. Naudodami „Drag Style 360 ​​Panoramas“,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 29, 2013
Tai yra „Pro“ raktas nemokamų programų „Chessocr“ ir chessocrpict ? Id = com.kgroth.ChessocPict IT pašalina abiejų šių dviejų programų nemokamos versijos apribojimus, tai yra...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 28, 2013
Now with larger mazes.Billions of mazes for hours of fun. Drag your finger, use the d-pad or trackball to navigate the maze. Includes easy to difficult levels. Great for kids and adults. Includes an extra challenging invisible maze mode. Rumble feedback when you move. Your progress is saved...
Version: 2.1.1 APK - Updated: August 28, 2013
Accordion Solitaire is a fun and challenging card game unlike other solitaire games you may have played before. Find matches to compress the ever-growing accordion of cards to as few stacks as possible. Can you get to one stack?Features:* Worldwide Scoreboard* "Full Deck" game mode - deal...
Version: 1.3.7 APK - Updated: August 27, 2013
Nuostabūs varliagyviai ir ropliai neįtikėtinų spalvų paverčia tai rinkiniu, kurio nenorėsite praleisti! „HexLogic“ - ropliai turi 69 įvairių sunkumų, pagrįstų 23 nuotraukomis, galvosūkius. Gabysoft, priklausomybės „Flippix“ serijos neogramų loginių galvosūkių kūrėjai,...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 27, 2013
Play the popular game of SicBo (骰寶),also known as tai sai (大細), dai siu (大小), big and small or hi-lo! Absolutely no coins to earn or timers to beat when placing a bet. It's Sic Bo as it was meant to be! Complete with all popular bets and real 3D dice! Having an issue? Please...
Version: 2.01 APK - Updated: August 26, 2013
Space Out puts a cool new twist on the classic brick breaking game. Tilt your device to rotate the level while the balls obey gravity. Try to break all of the blocks and avoid falling outside the level to win. Use nifty power ups to smash the bricks faster for higher scores. Take Breakout to the...
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: August 23, 2013
„Horse Stable Tycoon“ yra didžiulis, jaudinantis ir progresyvus žaidimas, kuris leis vartotojui linksminti kelis mėnesius. Pirmiausia perkate arklį ir kaip augintinį, kurį turite prižiūrėti. Žirgai turi asmenybių, todėl jie turės ypatingų simpatijų ir nemėgstamų asmenų....
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 23, 2013
Turėkite savo kepyklėlę šiame linksmame ir priklausomybėje sukeliančiame magneto žaidime. Pirkite visus neapdorotus ingredientus iš maisto prekių parduotuvės ir nuneškite juos į savo virtuvę, kur kepate skaniausius daiktus, kuriuos kada nors matė miestai! pritaikykite ir papuoškite...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 21, 2013
Ar turite tai, ko reikia užkariauti mirtiniausius pasaulio kelius? Prisijunkite prie Hugh, Lisa ir Alekso „Ice Road“ sunkvežimių žaidime žaidime, kai kovojate su sunkiausiais žiemos keliais, kuriuos gali pasiūlyti pasaulis. Kreipkitės į slidžią reljefą, venkite užšalusių...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 21, 2013
Meškiukas mašina yra įdomus ir priklausomybę žaidimas grindžiamas klasikinis letena mašinos mes visi grojo su!Smagiai su 110 iššūkis lygio, lenktynių su laiku surinkti žaislus su savo letena. Lygiai gauti sunkiau ir sunkiau, turinti daugiau žaislų rinkti, bet ir kai kurių kitų...
Version: 1.020 APK - Updated: August 20, 2013
The ★ EXTENDED EDITION ★ has finally arrived! ✔ New puzzles ✔ New scenes ✔ New objects ✔ New mini-games ✔ New characters ✔ An improved interface, brought to life with the collection of key objects ✔ An improved gaming experience ✔ A longer life spanTravel around the world with...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 19, 2013
Pirštai paruošti! Laikykite savo nervą stabilų jo sanitarinę beprotybę! odas Šis pasiutęs linijų piešimo žaidimas! ĮSPĖJIMAS: Sudėtyje yra „Punch in face“ žaidimo ir rimto perbraukimo veiksmo! vyrų kambario chaose, jūs pasamdėte savo paties chaotiško vyrų kambario...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: August 17, 2013
Go Long! Football puts you on the field as the Blue Whales make a run at the championship. Begin by selecting and dragging a wide receiver. As the receiver follows your finger, release to make a pass (don't wait too long, the defense is going after your quarterback!). After the catch, drag the...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 16, 2013
Do you want to be able to read Japanese Hiragana and Katakana characters?Traditionally studying the Japanese alphabet has been quite an ordeal requiring people to play with flash cards. These cards offer little help on proper pronunciation. We solve all these problems with Kana Match, a game that...