Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Jei susiduriate su problemomis ar negalite įkelti savo ROM; Patikrinkite šiuos dalykus: 1. Patikrinkite, ar turite galiojantį / veikiantį „PlayStation ISO“ failą (pvz., BIN) 2. Jei turite savo žaidimą suspaustu formatu, pavyzdžiui, .zip, .rar, .7z; Ištraukite juos savo „SDCard“...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
A 3D Radio-Control Helicopter Fighting game in a house. ALL COPTERS AND MAPS UNLOCKED★★ 3 Helicopters Unlocked ★★★★ 3 Environments Unlocked ★★★★ Ads Free ★★Control a little RC helicopter in different rooms of a house. In front of you, you will fight another RC helicopter,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Keep track of chess time while playing chess with Apptato's Chess Clock Timer! Features:- Clean and intuitive interface design chess clock- Delay modes: Fischer Before/After, Bronstein chess timer modes- Supports Android 2.2+- Fonts scale with Phone and Tablet sizes.- Sound/Vibrations with...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: August 14, 2013
Žaidimas šiuo metu neveikia naujų „Android“ versijų nuo 2014 m.! Aš esu tik vienas kūrėjas ir, norėdamas atnaujinti žaidimą naujiems įrenginiams, užtruks daug laiko ir pinigų, kurių aš neturiu. Galbūt ateityje atnaujins naują „Android“ versiją. Atsiprašau, bet dabar jis...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 14, 2013
NJ Lottery Generator picks lottery numbers for Powerball, Pick 6, Jersey Cash 5, Pick 4, and Pick 3 lottery games based on statistical analysis of previous drawings. Give your dreams a chance and good luck!
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 14, 2013
Do you need a way to subtly point out to a friend that he's full of it? Maybe you're just one of those nerds that can't tell when you're being handed a pile? Never fear. RobotSideKick is here to save you! With this handy app you can detect all kinds of bologna your friends,...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: August 13, 2013
More enemies, more shots, more action, more fun, more Galazer in this Deluxe Edition of the Arcade Classic par excellence!Galazer Deluxe is a combat game which won’t give you time to take a breath. Feel the frenzied action, control your senses and put your reflexes to the test… If you blink,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 12, 2013
Awesome Couple Game is a game for adults that will make it much more fun and intense preliminary love with your partner.Put a spot of fun to the preliminary love with this game that you will ask questions to know your partner better, and will suggest you original tests to enjoy together with your...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 12, 2013
"Dog" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.55 puzzles - 56 dogs, this is the most faithful puzzle pack :)Color GraphiLogic Puzzles, average puzzle size is 15x15, medium difficulty.The puzzle is also known as "Hanjie", "Pic-a-Pix", "Picross", "Nonogram",...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 12, 2013
This is a slide puzzle of the South Korean girls group KARA.
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 12, 2013
„Canasta Score Pro“ yra naudinga programa, kuri padės apskaičiuoti jūsų „Canasta“ žaidimų balą. Galite valdyti iki keturių komandų ar žaidėjų, kiekvienos rankos balais su visa detale, kad būtų galima ir „Canasta“, premijų, premijų, nuobaudų, baudų. , teigiami ir...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: August 11, 2013
Norėdami gauti efektyvesnį ir gražesnį treniruoklį, patikrinkite mano naują programą „Gravity Sim 3D“ žaidimų parduotuvėje! „Gravity Sim“ leidžia jums sukurti savo virtualią visatą savo telefone ar planšetiniame kompiuteryje! Naudojant šiek tiek modifikuotą realaus...
Version: 1.24 APK - Updated: August 11, 2013
Augimas nėra jūsų tipiškas žuvų žaidimas, kuriame laukiate, kol jūsų naminių gyvūnėlių žuvys augs ir be proto bakstelėti ekrane, kad ją pamaitintumėte. Šiandien ne gaudė žuvų, todėl eik į priekį ir išmeskite savo žvejybos įrangą. Būkite pasirengę būti alkanas, labai...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: August 11, 2013
Sveikinimo pilotas! Skraidykite ir nusileiskite savo laivui kuo saugesnį, , kol jūsų degalai tuščia. }, kuris neleis jums tobulai nusileisti. Naršykite kosmoso anomalijas ir nusileiskite ant asteroidų, kad gautumėte premijos taškus. Protingai pasinaudokite savo trauka ir...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 11, 2013
Version: 1.81 APK - Updated: August 10, 2013
Easy to learn but hard to master, the game features gameplay that sees you inadvertently creating your own puzzles!Place requested buildings in the queue to earn points, but watch out: Nobody wants to live next to a landfill site or industrial estate! Everybody wants a nice park or school nearby,...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
Commander Keen priklauso prie savo ausų daržovėse! 90S PC veiksmo žvaigždė „Commander Keen“ Debiutuoja savo oficialų „Android“! Įstrigę Taberijos krašte, paprastai bebaimis noras susiduria su kiekvienu vaiko blogiausiu košmaru: daržovės! Keliaudamas per pavojingą (dar...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
Nature Live Wallpaper.A stunning live wallpaper featuring Nature. Rendered in OpenGL.There are more of Nature live wallpaper.This live wallpaper supports almost all the screen resolutions. If your device is not supported please contact us.Please rate it if you like...Instructions to install it:- go...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.55 Graphilogic Puzzles. 26 single-color, 28 color, and 1 mosaic puzzles of medium / hard difficulty. Puzzle size is varying from 10x10 to 35x15.The puzzle is also known as "Hanjie", "Pic-a-Pix", "Picross", "Nonogram",...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
"10x10" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.55 single-color Graphilogic Puzzles of 10x10 size, easy / medium difficulty.Please install the free GraphiLogic application to play with the puzzles.
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
"Hard" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.Challenging puzzles, recommended to experienced solvers only. (You've been warned... :) )55 Graphilogic Puzzles. 46 color, 5 single-color, and 4 mosaic puzzles of hard difficulty. Puzzle size is varying from 15x20 to 30x40.Please install the free...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
"Living Earth" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.128 color Graphilogic Puzzles of easy to medium difficulty.The puzzle is also known as "Hanjie", "Pic-a-Pix", "Picross", "Nonogram", "Picgrid" or "Griddlers".Please install the free...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
„Graphilogic“ galvosūkių pakuotė. 55 GRAFILOGIC GUZZLES. 39 vienos spalvos, 14 spalvų ir 2 mozaikiniai galvosūkiai, lengvai ir vidutiniai sunkumai. Dėlionė taip pat žinoma kaip Hanjie, PIC-A-PIX, Picross, Nonogram, Picgrid arba Griddlers. { #} Įdiekite nemokamą „Graphilogic“...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
"P..." Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.128 color Graphilogic Puzzles of easy to medium difficulty.The puzzle is also known as "Hanjie", "Pic-a-Pix", "Picross", "Nonogram", "Picgrid" or "Griddlers".Please install the free GraphiLogic...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
"Panda" Puzzle Pack for GraphiLogic.55 puzzles, with 65 pandas, this is the happiest puzzle pack ever :)Color GraphiLogic Puzzles, average puzzle size is 15x10, medium difficulty.The puzzle is also known as "Hanjie", "Pic-a-Pix", "Picross",...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
State Lottery Generator picks lottery numbers for Powerball, Pick 6, Pick 5, Pick 4, and Pick 3 lottery games based on statistical analysis of previous drawings. Give your dreams a chance and good luck!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
Travel in various times, in extraordinary places, to find all the pieces of the Time Machine and to restore the order in the SPACE-TIME! Devastated, Professor George Einwin committed suicide. The day before his death, his young assistant Filby Young had met him. Full of guilt, the Professor claimed...
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
Take the happy planes on a trip to visit incredible destinations in this amazing HD sequel to the #1 app store hit game Airport Mania: First Flight! ***The HD version of Airport Mania is made specifically for Tablets, if you have a phone try the non-HD version of Airport Mania 2, which we made...
Version: 0.9 APK - Updated: August 09, 2013
* A new FREE AND IMPROVED version of BeerMaster have been created, Thanks for the support! *Beermaster is a drinking game meant to be played in a cozy settings with friends (preferably at pre-parties). The game features different boards that determines the type of cards in play. Beermaster's...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: August 08, 2013
Sveiki atvykę į "Micro World of Jellyflug!Vykdyti, šuolis, ir kova savo kelią per mikro-pasaulyje bakterijų.Susipažinkite Grash kaip jis tyrinėja didžiuliuose plotuose virtuvės kriauklės, grindų, pjaustymo lentos iš visiškai naujos perspektyvos; per bakterijos akis.ISTORIJA•...