Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: June 19, 2018
** Abazali 'Choice Silver Hloniphani **** Tech for Kids - Online Pick App **** Wezingane Technology Review - Ukukhetha komhleli **"Uma kufanele uhambe potty, ayeke futhi uhambe ngaso leso sikhathi. Indlencane bawashe futhi ba uhambe. " Daniel Tiger nomngani wakhe Katerina Kittycat...
Version: 3.7.0 APK - Updated: June 19, 2018
Ukulandwa kwezigidi ezingama-960 emhlabeni jikelele!Ulangazelela ukufunda okwengeziwe ngokuzijabulisa kuka-Om Nom? Bukela opopayi be- "Om Nom Stories" namanye amavidiyo amangalisayo esiteshini sethu se-YouTube! eliyimfihlakalo selifikile, kanti i-monster encane...
Version: 0.4.3 APK - Updated: June 19, 2018
Fun vocabulary trainer for years 3 and 4, designed to teach, build and consolidate English vocabulary. As players race through a range of exciting themed worlds on the hunt for objects, letters or words, they will be picking up new English words without even trying!The following themes, words, and...
Version: 0.4.3 APK - Updated: June 19, 2018
Fun vocabulary trainer for years 5 and 6, designed to teach, build and consolidate English vocabulary. As players race through a range of exciting themed worlds on the hunt for objects, letters or words, they will be picking up new English words without even trying!The following themes, words, and...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 18, 2018
Розвиваюче додаток, який допоможе вашому малюкові вивчити букви українського алфавіту.Азбука складається з 33 букв, для кожної підібрана своя картинка.Ми...
Version: 1.1.10 APK - Updated: June 18, 2018
Kanazawa Shogi Level 100 yilona Shogi ethandwa kakhulu (Chess Japanese) game eJapane.【Version up!】 Manje ungakwazi ukudlala emelene computer injini kunamandla in Engine Server Game.■ Buyini "Shogi Lv.100 (Chess Japanese)"?Shogi, eyaziwa nangokuthi chess Japanese, ithandwa...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: June 16, 2018
The ever-popular card game comes to Android! Play Gin Rummy against the computer. 5 different computer opponents to choose from, each with their own playing styles and individual strategies. Optimized for various screen sizes so it's fun and easy to play. - Easy options to sort your cards. ...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: June 16, 2018
Kwethulwa i-Octoplus, uhlelo lokusebenza lokudlala elenza ukwengezwa kwezibalo kujabulise futhi kuhileleke izingane. Umnqobi Wokukhethwa Kwezinketho Zonyaka ka-2015 - Isikhungo sokubuyekezwa komndeni, i-Octoplus ikubeka ezweni elingaphansi kwamanzi i-Aqua lapho kufanele ulwe nama-turtys ukuthola...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 16, 2018
Medieval Idle RPG is an incremental, role-playing game with an ASCII art style. Start with nothing and incrementally gain gold coins, weapons, potions, and other items to use on your quests! You may love it, you may hate it, but you won't play anything else like it!
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: June 15, 2018
Word Owl's Word Search - Kindergarten is a neat, big, and colorful word search with sight words for kids in or around the Kindergarten grade level. This Kindergarten Edition of Word Owl's Word Search features over 100 sight words. These words have been gathered from numerous sight word...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: June 15, 2018
Gráficos pré renderizados e jogabilidade estrategicamente planejada para agradar ao retro gamer hardcore.A cada nova partida, o jogador percebe que deve ajustar suas prioridades de ataque para eliminar inimigos mais complicados. Jogabilidade: Ao deslizar o dedo pela tela você atira, para mover a...
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: June 15, 2018
Word Owl's Word Search is a big and colorful word search for children. This 1st Grade Edition of Word Owl's Word Search features 200 sight words for children in or around the First Grade. These words have been compiled from numerous sight word lists provided by real 1st grade classes in...
Version: 1.2.3e APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Préparez-vous à vivre une expérience forte en émotions avec l'incroyable Spider-Man ! Rejoignez l'homme-araignée dans le jeu officiel du blockbuster très attendu de 2012 ! Incarnez Spider-Man et vivez l'intrigue du film qui vous amènera à affronter le Lézard et des gangs de...
Version: 20180609 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
I-All-in-One Mahjong iwumdlalo omlutha we-mahjong solitaire lapho umdlali aphonselwa inselelo yokususa zonke izingcezu ebhodini.• Izinhlobo ezimbili zegeyimu: Imodi yesikhathi (enekhono lokushova, fanisa wonke amapheya ngokushesha okukhulu). Imodi yesikolo (akukho ukushova, dlala uze uwine noma...
Version: 20180609 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
All-in-One Mahjong 2 is an addicting mahjong solitaire game where player is challenged to eliminate all pieces from the board.• Two game modes: Time mode (with shuffle ability, match all pairs as soon as possible), Score mode (no shuffle, play until you win or lose).• 48 NEW layouts!• 12 NEW...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Yiba nombongi ngazo zonke izinsizi ezincane zenjabulo empilweni yakho! I-PathPix Siyabonga ihlanganisa amapuzzli angu-99, amancane kuya kukhulu, alula ukuhlola. Akuyona elula, hhayi eyinkimbinkimbi kakhulu - ama-puzzle "angu-99" afanele amaholidi naphesheya. Siyabonga nsuku zonke...
Version: APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
** Umnqobi we-5 WebBy Awards - Dweba i-stickman franchise ** {# #} ** Idlalwa izikhathi ezingaphezu kwezigidi eziyikhulu emhlabeni wonke * Thatha ipensela lakho futhi ulungele ukudweba okudala kakhulu a Stickman adventure okwamanje !! Ukucabanga kuyisihluthulelo, njengoba ufaka incwadi...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Ama-Ghosts, ama-vampires, izinto ezisesabekayo ngaphansi kombhede - I-PathPix Boo izokugcina iphathwe ngamapuzzles angu-99, kulula kakhulu.Dweba imigqa ecacile yesibindi ukuze wenze imigudu ehlanganisa izinombolo zamanani ezinemibala. Ubude bendlela ngayinye kufanele bulingane nezinombolo...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Sunrise to sunset and on into the night, PathPix Joy will keep you smiling with 99 puzzles, easy to extreme.Draw bright, bold lines of color to make paths connecting pairs of colored numbers. The length of each path must equal the numbers you are connecting. Finish solving to see the miniature...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Ukuhleka kwe-PathPix kuzokugcina umomotheka nge-202 brand new emaphazili, ngalinye linamahlaya noma isililo esihlobene nesithombe sephazili.Dweba imigqa enemibala egqamile nenesibindi ukuze wenze izindlela zokuxhuma ngamabili ngazimbala ezinombala. Ubude bendlela ngayinye kumele balingane...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Konke okudingayo uthando - PathPix Love. Izinhliziyo, ama-roses kanye nokuthandana, amahloni nokuzwa. Kuyinto enhle kakhulu-ubuhle!Dweba imigqa ecacile yesibindi ukuze wenze imigudu ehlanganisa izinombolo zamanani ezinemibala. Ubude bendlela ngayinye kufanele bulingane nezinombolo ozixhumayo.Qedela...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
I-PathPix Magic izokubamba i-spellbound ngemilingo yazo zonke izinhlobo! 99 puzzle, kulula ngokweqile.Dweba imigqa ecacile yesibindi ukuze wenze imigudu ehlanganisa izinombolo zamanani ezinemibala. Ubude bendlela ngayinye kufanele bulingane nezinombolo ozixhumayo.Qedela ukuxazulula ukubona...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
PathPix Pro is for experienced PathPix players ONLY!*****************************************************************PathPix Pro contains 320 all new, beautiful puzzles, including 6 special sections with 20 puzzles each: Shapes Plus (with geometric shapes and classical illusions), Short Paths (lots...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Fall othandweni nge-pathpix! Dweba imigqa yombala egqamile, enesibindi ukwenza izindlela zokuxhuma ngababili bezinombolo ezinemibala. Ubude bendlela ngayinye kufanele balingane nezinombolo ozixhuma. Indlela eyodwa kuphela yokukwenza! qeda ukuxazulula ukubona isithombe esincane osidalile....
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Gubha isikhathi seKhisimusi ngePathPix Xmas!Uzothola ama-puzzle amahle angu-99 amaholidi amaholide, amancane kuya omkhulu, alula kakhulu.Dweba imigqa eqondile yombala, ukuxhuma izinombolo zamanani ezinemibala ngezindlela zobude obufanayo.Thola isixazululo esiyingqayizivele ku-puzzle ngayinye bese...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
Relaxing and addictive! PathPix Zen has 99 beautiful puzzles, including an Advanced Levels section with 12 special challengers.Draw bright, bold lines of color to make paths connecting pairs of colored numbers. The length of each path must equal the numbers you are connecting. Finish solving to...
Version: 20180609 APK - Updated: June 14, 2018
All-in-One Mahjong 3 is an addictive solitaire game where player is challenged to eliminate all pieces from the board.• Two game modes: Time mode (with shuffle ability, match all pairs as soon as possible), Score mode (no shuffle, play until you win or lose).• 72 NEW layouts!• 15 NEW...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: June 10, 2018
I-OffRoad Drive Desert ingenye yegeyimu yokulingisa ye-OffRoad engokoqobo ene-HD Graphics kanye ne-Free Roam Mode nazo zonke izici ze-OffRoad ezi-4x4 ezifana ne-Differential-Lock, iWinch namakhamera ahlukene ukuze ujabulele impilo yangempela ye-Off Roading kumaselula.Shayela izimoto ezi-4x4...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: June 10, 2018
This app uses Speech Recognition to listen and test your kid's pronunciation of the ABC's, Vowels and Numbers!This app allows children to self teach themselves on pronouncing the letters of the alphabet and numbers. They simply click on the barn to begin the next letter. At the end of the...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: June 09, 2018
Dynamite Jack kumele ziqhumise eya enkululekweni! Jack, a onesibindi isikhala zasolwandle, ayehlome amabhomu kuphela kanye flashlight, kumele ukubalekela Anathema Mines! Sebenzisa stealth ukunyenya onogada esidlule namabhomu ukuqeda nyá izitha kuleli okukhulu top-down action-adventure.- 28...