
Version: 1.8.1 APK - Updated: June 08, 2018
简直就是世界上最好的触摸屏斯诺克游戏。主要特点:- 逼真的斯诺克球物理- 4个难度级别供玩家对抗- 直观的触摸控制;轻松应用旋转和转弯- 逼真的斯诺克桌- 11张可解锁的备用牌桌供玩家玩由 Giles Coope 使用 LibGDX...
Version: 2.0.408.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2018
Hardwood Backgammon (硬木西洋棋) 捕捉了这款历史棋盘游戏的经典乐趣。对战您的移动设备或与来自世界各地的玩家在线玩。✔ 易于使用的界面✔ 完全比洞赛+加倍立方体✔ 在线游戏,甚至本地双玩家游戏,享受真正的桌面体验✔...
Version: 2.0.408.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2018
Hardwood Euchre 专为平板电脑和手机设计,具有出色的图形,为您最喜欢的纸牌游戏注入新的活力。享受平静的 Euchre...
Version: 2.0.408.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2018
Version: 2.0.408.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2018
单人纸牌是一款经典的纸牌游戏。畅玩10个经典单人纸牌游戏的精美演绎!Hardwood Solitaire...
Version: 2.0.408.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2018
Specially designed for tablets and phones Hardwood Spades breathes new life into your favorite card game with excellent graphics. Enjoy calming spades playing environments with ocean waves breaking in the distance. Play spades online live with players from around the world or with family and...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: June 07, 2018
*该应用程序具有广告,已对广告进行了监管,以确保它们对儿童友好。广告仅在多次访问主菜单后出现。 {#} {#} Poploons是一款为分散5岁及以下年龄段的幼儿而创建和建立基本认知功能的游戏{#}...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: June 06, 2018
备受赞誉的 Flash 策略热门游戏,拥有超过 1000 万次的播放量,终于登陆 Google Play,并添加了额外的优质内容、高清图形和 Android 专属角色!►2014 中国独立游戏节 - 最佳游戏►休闲连接独立奖 - 最佳手机游戏(2014 年)►Armor...
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: June 06, 2018
Boson X is a fast-paced rotational runner set in a particle accelerator.Quantum jump from Planck to Planck as you build up speed inside an enormous particle accelerator and generate high-energy collisions to discover strange new particles. Use precise timing and fast reflexes to navigate a...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: June 06, 2018
Oorspronkelijk was deze taalapp bedoeld om luidop gelezen woorden te controleren op hun juistheid. De resultaten vielen echter tegen. De techniek staat nog niet op punt (veel hangt af van een snelle internetverbinding, de uitspraak, omgevingsgeluiden, …). Daarom heb ik deze app veranderd in een...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: June 05, 2018
Deze app bevat 30 reeksen van 10 woorden, dus 300 woorden. Dit is geen leesoefening, wel een woordenschatoefening. De oefeningen zijn bedoeld voor kleuters en/of anderstaligen. Ik heb deze oefeningen gemaakt steunend op mijn 25-jarige ervaring in het 1ste leerjaar. Billiau Danny.
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: June 05, 2018
A game of real skill. Read topo contours to visualize putt-break. A fair contest on a level playing field (sort of).A NEW KIND OF GOLF GAMELike real golf, Putt4D gives you a break from the world by focusing attention on a test of skill in a quiet space. Easy and quick to play!LEARN REAL GOLF...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 03, 2018
In the dark night, clouds were covering the sky, The surroundings were quite silent, but terrifying. The boy was on a voyage, in the midst of sea, Suddenly a huge thunderstorm hit the sea beastly. The boy got stuck in between the sea, lost his sense, he was not able to flee. The waves were moving...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: June 03, 2018
Version: 1.17 APK - Updated: June 02, 2018
在墨西哥有一个古老的传说,在死者之日的“Dia de los...
Version: 1.2.4 APK - Updated: June 01, 2018
Version: 1.6.13 APK - Updated: June 01, 2018
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: June 01, 2018
Oefening 1: be-, ge- of ver- woorden.Oefening 2: eind –d of –t woorden.Oefening 3: -ei- of –ij- woorden.Oefening 4: -ng of –nk woorden (dicteevorm).Oefening 5: maak 6-letterwoorden.Oefening 6: maak zinnen met 6 zinsdelen.Oefening 7: -au- of –ou- woorden.Oefening 8: -ch- of –cht-...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: June 01, 2018
Oefening 1: kijk, luister en zoek de beginletters (mmkm-woorden).Oefening 2: maak woorden met 5 letters (drag & drop).Oefening 3: maak woorden met 5 tot 6 letters (verschuiven).Oefening 4: kijk, luister en zoek de eindletters (mkmm-woorden).Oefening 5: maak woorden met 5 letters (drag &...
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: June 01, 2018
30个阅读和数学练习* 语言 1 到语言 6:能够通过键盘(azerty 或 qwerty 选择)基于 10 张图片制作 10 个单词。 Word 正确 = 添加 5 个金币。字错了 = 少了 5 个金币。双击“帮助”,您将看到单词(全部阅读),少 5 个金币。 1...
Version: 8.0 APK - Updated: June 01, 2018
Deze app. behandelt een groot deel van de leerstof 1ste leerjaar/groep 3.1. Ruimtelijk inzicht, raamfiguren namaken.2. Lees of luister, hoeveelheden tot 10.3. Getallen tot 5, tot 10 en tot 20 herkennen.4. Volgorde van de gatallen tot 10 of tot 20 op de getallenas.5. Hoeveelheden associëren met ...
Version: APK - Updated: May 31, 2018
Rebound is a unique and challenging puzzle game.It’s like rolling a ball in a cup with more steps.Rebound the ball into the goal. Move the pieces onto the level. The ball behaves differently on contact with different pieces. You must use them to make it navigate the obstacles in a level and into...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: May 30, 2018
Ad free! This app enables up to 10 people to submit a hidden answer to a question before everyone's submissions are simultaneously revealed to the group. In the case of numerical questions, the player with the closest answer is highlighted.In any situation where hearing the suggestions of one...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 30, 2018
***ADS-FREE VERSION***"Lucas' Patterns" is a logical patterns game for children aged 2-8, but it's also useful for elderly people as an attention and concentration practice.The game has 2 parts, one for kids aged under 5 years and another for kids aged over 5. The kid will try to...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: May 29, 2018
Far Tin Bandits是一款全新的动作游戏,充满了快速,有趣,遥远的锡射击动作!{#}...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: May 28, 2018
游戏功能{#} - 两种食物类型:肉和植物{#} - 单元格编辑器{#} - 8个不同主题中的20个级别{#} - 19种不同类型的敌人{#} - 许多升级(被动和活动) {#} - 不错的图形{#} - 大气配乐{#} - 简单控制{#} - 上瘾游戏玩法
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: May 27, 2018
Deze app bevat de leerstof hoofdrekenen van het tweede leerjaar (groep 4) uitgewerkt in 30 oefeningen . De meeste onderdelen bevatten 3 delen: 1ste deel met volledige visuele voorstelling, 2de deel met tussenuitkomsten, 3de deel alleen visuele voorstelling bij fouten. Ook de keer- en deeltafels...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: May 27, 2018
Sport Car Simulator simulate several real sport cars dashboards with engine sounds.The app simulate the car dashboard with rpm gauge, speed gauge and gears indicators.You can control your car with the touchscreen or with the accelerometer and use automatic or manual transmission.Sport Car Simulator...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 26, 2018
此版本包括非常热的真理和DARES(21){#} {#}您想玩得开心吗?不知道如何度过美好的时光?让我们与朋友一起玩真相或敢!{#}这个游戏有3000多个有趣的敢于敢和真相问题。{#}...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 26, 2018
图形冒险 /...