
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 24, 2018
Breacher Story is a playable narrative experience that dives deep into the world of cyber-security, conspiracy theories and social engineering. Enjoy an immersive choice-driven adventure through intriguing mobile conversations, real-time phone notifications and unprecedented world events. ...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: February 03, 2017
基于回合的历史模拟策略。将希腊文明从小村庄占领世界时,将希腊文明从小村庄到伟大的城市! (从公元前3000年到1000年),您必须:{#}提高总体{#} invent Technologies {#}构建buildings...
Version: 1.92.4 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 05, 2017
*** Ace your next trigonometry test! ***This fun trigonometry game is divided into three modules:1. Unit Circle Angles - a) Guess the correct angle given the coordinates on the unit circle b) Guess the correct coordinates on the unit circle given the angle2. Trig...
Version: 1.7.0 APK - Updated: July 25, 2017
[VIP Version Special Offer !!]1. 10% Additional Medal Reward When Returning2. 20 free crystals from time to time during the game3. A large amount of gold gifts every 10 minutes4. Every 20 minutes, 2 times the attack power and 2 times the battle speed.[Free Version] army...
Version: 1.6.7 APK - Updated: January 13, 2016
Welcome to Tribaloid disc golf sports club! Receive a bag tag number when game is purchased! Compete against other members in multiplayer real time game play on 4 18 hole courses. Become a Professional Tag Hunter and collect the lowest bag tag on the disc golf course.+ Compete in Real time...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: August 07, 2018
等待多时之后,拥有数百万下载点击量的Air Control续作终于来到!在这个简单却令人惊奇和着迷的游戏中,您可以扮演空中交通管理者的角色。您的工作就是引导飞机滑行至跑道,同时要避免碰撞。特性★...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: August 07, 2018
在这个简单但令人上瘾的绘画游戏中,您扮演空中交通管制员的角色。您的工作是将飞机引导到跑道上,同时避免碰撞。特色★ 4种不同的地图★ 超音速喷气式飞机和齐柏林飞艇等特殊飞机★...
Version: 3.7.0 APK - Updated: February 20, 2018
这是自定义目标的捐赠版本,谢谢您的帮助! :){#}如果要捐赠更多购买此版本,则可以从另一个应用程序获得相同的优质功能,与全功能版本相同{#} {#} custom Aim(CrossHair)...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 16, 2014
The European cultural TV channel Arte innovates and launches its first video game ! Immerse yourself in this fascinating and unique experience to uncover the history and secrets of Fonts & Characters ! Play as 2 dots and travel through the ages of typographic styles and techniques. From the...
Version: 1.1542 APK - Updated: February 02, 2017
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: October 29, 2018
★★★★★ The exciting card game based on the award-winning strategy game Puerto Rico is now available for your Android device! ★★★★★ Puerto Rico is at its prime. But can the same be said of this beautiful island’s capital city? Take on the role of the governor, builder, producer,...
Version: 3.7 APK - Updated: June 06, 2018
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: March 11, 2019
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: February 09, 2016
Labyrinth is the award winning board game that’s sold over 13 million units since its creation 30 years ago. Now, the fun had by millions is available on Android, with new games and puzzles for fans old and new!Do you think you can handle any maze? Test your skill level on Ravensburger’s newest...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: November 19, 2017
AngL (a.k.a. Angle)Test your logic and problem solving skills in this relaxing and minimal puzzle game!Features:▶️ 85+ hand designed levels with many more to come!▶️ Infinite number of computer-generated levels!▶️ Hardcore mode: You need to find the best path, touching every triangle at...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 24, 2017
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: March 11, 2019
这是新版本Papa's Taco...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: August 24, 2019
Freddi Fish 4:Brine Gulch {#} {#}的Hogfish Rustlers的案例,伙伴,Freddi Fish和Luther需要您的帮助! {#}...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: August 24, 2019
Version: 5.0.0 APK - Updated: August 02, 2019
四个单词关联 - 隐藏单词关联游戏。{#} {#}揭开隐藏的单词!锻炼大脑,{#}增强您的思想,并成倍地改善您的{#} Intuition。{#} {#}* 250级别在5个难度模式上。{#}* Intuitive Controls。{#} {#}...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 26, 2019
该应用程序是由言语病理学家设计的,可以教儿童和成人纠正尼泊尔语音发音。它包含15个Nepali辅音音素,每个位置覆盖I -m -f单词位置,这是100个目标单词!{#} {#} {#}各种声音位置包括:{#}初始 - 单词的开始 - {#} Mediatial...
Version: 3.0.2 APK - Updated: July 22, 2019
Version: 9.0 APK - Updated: July 20, 2019
卡片鲨鱼专为平板电脑和电话而设计,其中包括多样化且越来越多的单人纸牌和传统纸牌游戏。卡鲨具有安装自定义桌子,背部背部甚至卡片方面的能力。 {#}...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: July 08, 2019
If you wish to try the game before you buy, there is a Lite version available which give you full access to the first 2 levels.Version 2.1 of Oubliette is a major update with a number of new features:- It is now possible to have multiple users on the same device, each with their own set of game...
Version: 2.7.2 APK - Updated: July 02, 2019
***现在有了在线高分和成就*** {#} {#}原始的Moorhuhn疯狂鸡肉狩猎。{#} {#}在这款狩猎游戏中,并非所有内容都与拍摄有关。尝试找到所有的秘密难题,以最大程度地提高您的分数!{#}鸡会在任何事物后面躲在任何东西!{#}...
Version: 1.59 APK - Updated: June 10, 2019
享受retro街机游戏吗?{#}喜欢太空中的战斗吗?{#}喜欢shootemups?{#} love vector Graphics?{#}欣赏质量的质量流畅的游戏玩法吗?{#}喜欢在灯光中看到您的名字吗?小行星?{#}您是否总是想变得更好?{#}...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: June 07, 2019
塔防关于对抗辛迪加的战争。玩家将不得不面对辛迪加,并在世界热点地区执行 16 次战斗任务。玩家扮演指挥官的角色,其目标是防止敌人突破受保护的领土。
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: May 30, 2019
和我一起去动物园旅行!我们也可以计算动物。等等,谁打开了所有大门? 哦亲爱的!不好了!所有动物园动物都在旅途中! {#} {#} STEM...
Version: 5.0.0 APK - Updated: May 27, 2019
The famous Classic paper grid Puzzles now on your Device.Use the clues and fill the grid to solve the puzzle. 20 grid-based logic puzzles ranging from beginners to expert. If you're completely stuck, you have the option to check for errors.