Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno

Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno
Version: 1.619 APK - Updated: December 11, 2017
Djeca u 1., 2., 3., 4. ili 5. razredu vole igrati ovu cool matematičku i kodirajuću igru ​​kako bi savladali svoje vještine mentalne matematike i logičkog razmišljanja. Saznajte o oblicima, smislu broja, brojenju, oduzimanju, frakcijama, decimalima i algebri. Pomozite Jimu i njegovim...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 11, 2017
Službeni, nagrađivani vilenjak na aplikaciji polica Pomozite Djedu MAJU da zadrži North Pol Magical trkajući kroz šest uzbudljivih tečajeva za prepreke za prikupljanje božićnih duha i posebnih bonusa, dok se osigurava izbjegavanje prepreka! Ova aplikacija uključuje 6 zabavnih igara koje...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: December 11, 2017
Strike of planes, destroy everything that puts you ahead. It is an intense and entertaining game, invade the area to be yours. Destroy the tanks, the trucks full of machine guns, rocket launchers, hidden machine guns, missile-filled aircraft and be careful that missiles follow you at high speed. If...
Version: 1.370 APK - Updated: December 11, 2017
It is the end of summer. Han Hui, a university student, meets a mysterious young girl named He Jia in the mountains. After this chance meeting, the two embark on a delightful journey.Shan Gui is a short, linear, kinetic visual-novel set in Nanjing's gorgeous Purple Mountain. It follows the...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 11, 2017
Iz ljubavi prema hrani i prijateljima, gladna mačka po imenu Mr. Whiskers kreće u veliko putovanje! Pomičite se i preskačite više od 25 faza ukusnih knedla, lukavih zamki i hmelja koji kuca srce dok naš mačji junak pokušava pronaći svog prijatelja, gospodina Chooa. Otkrijte tajna...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 11, 2017
Play Solitaire (also known by the names Patience and Klondike) on your smartphone or Android tablet!True to and more complete than the original Windows version.*** SEVERAL GAME MODES AVAILABLE ***Choose the game mode and difficulty level of your game!Do you want to play a game and be sure that...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 11, 2017
** NexusPlayer & AndroidTV supported ! Play this awesome game on a big screen TV ^^The next Generation of Mobile 3D Shooting Game is here !!! ExZeus2, sequel of the acclaimed fast paced 3D Shooting Game "ExZeus", finally comes to Android.STORY:2217 CE. Over one century has passed...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 10, 2017
★ Are you ready for some word association fun!? ★ You are given 3 words★ All of which are related to a single word. ★ Objective: Find out which word they are all related to.For example: cake, cottage and swiss are all related to the word cheese; cheese-cake, cottage-cheese,...
Version: 1.24.0 APK - Updated: December 10, 2017
Nema verzije oglasa. Uživajte u igranju i otključavanju novih mini-igara. više od 8 mini-igara i različitih načina rada. Optimizirano za minimalnu potrošnju baterije. Colorblind Friendly. radi na uređajima s niskim razredom.
Version: 1.2.66 APK - Updated: December 10, 2017
Chasing the Gold (5 Reel Slot Machine) with more features, more lines, higher limits, and more chances to win than ever before! Swipe up for a max bet if you’re feeling lucky. Swipe down to spin the reels. Up to 30 credits per line and up to 15 lines per game give you the winner’s edge!...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: December 10, 2017
Keno is similar to your standard lottery with the objective to match as many winning numbers as possible. * Tap 4 to 10 numbers from 1 - 80 to start, or swipe down for a quick pick random selection. (You can swipe left or right to clear your numbers.)* Tap the bet button to add a bet, or swipe up...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: December 10, 2017
Nastavak legendarne igre! Sada još zanimljivije i šarenije! Stavite zapis i uništite što više zelenih kockica! U Arcade Modeu naći ćete mnogo zanimljivih bonusa. natjecati se s igračima širom svijeta i zaraditi sva postignuća! BUBBLE LOP: Cube vas čeka!
Version: 2.2.7 APK - Updated: December 10, 2017
Basic Rules:Each hand requires a bet on either ante, aces up or both. If playing both, the aces up bet must be equal to the ante bet. Once a bet is in play, 5 cards will be dealt to you, and if an ante bet is placed, 6 cards to the dealer, one face up. You will then have the opportunity to raise or...
Version: 1.65 APK - Updated: December 09, 2017
Simple Autoharp appPress chord with left hand and strum colored strings with rightHold chord button for 8 seconds to bring up option menu to change chord or record/playback
Version: 24.1 APK - Updated: December 09, 2017
- Tank World War NO Advertisement version.- Enjoy Single or Multi play!- Controll simple 3D tank and destroy other team tanks!- Added Single mode!!!- fight with 50 enermy tanks and win!!!!- Get your highest score- Maximum 50 tank can participate infinite battle!- This game is Battery Killer. ps....
Version: 3.04.00 APK - Updated: December 09, 2017
Prašinu svoj stari dekoder prsten i izoštriti svoj kod razbijanje vještine.Riješite kriptograme s Enigma koriste obrasce, slova frekvencije, i zdrav razum kao i vi pokušati razbiti kod.Postoji više od 2200 zagonetke uključeni s više dolaze u budućim promjenama. (Ja sam tipkati tako brzo...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 09, 2017
** NexusPlayer i AndroidTV podržani! Igrajte ovu fantastičnu igru ​​na TV -u na velikom zaslonu ^^ ** Novo izdanje s prilagođenim uređivačem trkačkih pjesama, utrkujte Mythic Indy 500 zapis ili ... izgradite vlastiti ** ** Dobrodošli u novo Indy500 Arcact Racing World Championship...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: December 09, 2017
Do you like hard challenges? Test your reflexes and solve logic puzzles in this tricky arcade-puzzle game!Through The Neon is a simple one touch gameplay with 50 hard levels.40 levels divided in 8 ranks of difficulty and 10 "impossible levels" divided in 4 ranks of difficulty .In the game...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 08, 2017
Get a free Subscription for unlimited use of all Skidos educational games including Brainy City!Get ready for the smartest adventure of your life! Hundreds of wild animals escape the zoo and bring chaos to a big and bustling city. Only you can help them survive new adventures and get through the...
Version: 2.02 APK - Updated: December 08, 2017
BLAST your way through 100 challenging levels. Discover secret artifacts hidden throughout the game!--Featured on PocketGamer and iPlayApps.de--HOW TO PLAY:Tap, drag and release to launch the BioUnit! Smash the 3 vials, then exit through the portal. But beware! You must avoid death at every corner....
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 08, 2017
Službeni, nagrađivani vilenjak na aplikaciji polica oh ne! Santas Salleigh neće letjeti, ali usvajanjem i ljubavlju ovog ljubimca virtualnih jelena možete pomoći u stvaranju božićne magije koja će pomoći Santasu saonicu da podigne zemlju na Badnjak! Jednom kada usvojite virtualni gmaz, s...
Version: 200.0.8 APK - Updated: December 07, 2017
Božić nije sve zabavno i igre za neke! Za Djeda Mraza i njegove vilenjake, sve što radi u nastavku popularne svečane igre skrivenih objekta, božićna zemlja čudesa. od Sjevernog pola do velikog grada i opet natrag, pomozite Djedu sa svojim dužnostima Yuletide . U međuvremenu, Dan i...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: December 06, 2017
Spoji sve slimes u 1 sluzi osvojiti svaku razinu. Različite vrste mulj koristiti posebne načine kako ih spojiti zajedno.Kako igrati• Kliknite na prazan pločice između mulj ih spajaju• Cilj je da imaju samo jedan sluz na stolu• Prikupiti zvijezde slijetanja zadnji sluz na vrhPostoje 2...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: December 06, 2017
Stopbugginme donosi sve što ste tražili u igri obrane toranja na jednom mjestu. Ljudi svih dobnih skupina satima će pronaći ovu igru ​​i izazovnu i izvor zabave! s: *Towers - 18 Unajmljivih istrebljenja - 8 smrtonosni strojevi - 1 Techy Terry koji sve čini jeftinije! - 1 Sunčev...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: December 06, 2017
Negdje u dalekoj zemlji, gdje se snježne planine susreću s morem, nalazi se zatvorski kompleks. Dobrodošli u zid, dom nekih najzanimljivijih i najpametnijih kriminalaca iz cijelog svijeta. Henry je postao najnoviji stanovnik. -s pet različitih završetaka! -60 jedinstvenih neuspjeha! -nova...
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: December 06, 2017
Ball ReachA Roll Ball Game....Balance The Ball...Balance and Rolling Ball Game... Control the ball by arrow control on the screen. you are able to move the camera by arrow control on Horizontal all way around....The ball movement is flexible & fast....You will see traps on your way,and some...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: December 06, 2017
The game is without advertisement and inner purchases.The game helps to practice and remember how to trace cursive letters of English ABC. There are four buttons.It's better to start with the first button. The animals show how to trace cursive letters and then kid has to trace the letter by...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 05, 2017
SpaceMandala is a new logic game with an original and relaxing game play.The game consists of 42 levels divided into 3 difficulty modes.Relax, think and play !
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: December 05, 2017
*2nd IMGA MENA Nominee*HERO Unit is a retro app-like text game that puts the player in the shoes of 911 dispatchers. Features:-No Ads & IAP-21 Different callers and scenarios.-No time restrictions.-Multiple endings for each call.-News articles that reflects your actions."Rescue The World....
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: December 04, 2017
LIMITED TIME ONLY - 50% OFFANDROID TV ONLYAs featured in SHIELD HubFasten your seatbelt, start your engines and invite your friends over for some seriously chaotic multiplayer racing for up to 8 players in HOTLAP HEROES.Powerslide around the tracks solo in practice mode, or download the HOTLAP...