Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno

Igre Plaćene Android Besplatno
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: January 11, 2018
The original IMPOSSIBLE ROAD game.IMPOSSIBLE ROAD is a pure, minimal arcade game about risk, reward, and rollercoasters. "9/10" - Edge Magazine "4.5 stars" - TouchArcadeGame of the Week - PocketGamer Guide THE VESSEL down the roller coaster-like track at speed, scoring for each...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: January 10, 2018
Dosadno je s drugim glavnim igrama? Isprobajte zombi krv !!! Pucajte, razbijte, raznio to čudovišta !!! Zombie Blood Its Shooter igra u kojoj trebate uništiti horde zombija. Igra ima vrlo jednostavna pravila, ali to ne znači lako. Pucao u Zombie dok ne pukne. Pokušajte doći do kombinacije s...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: January 10, 2018
Ova igra s mjehurićima može biti ovisna, ali sigurno je zabavno igrati. Prošknite svoj put kroz polja vrtnje mjehurića. Postoje 3 razine poteškoće, plus prilagođena razina, tako da je izazov za svaku dob. također provjerite opciju Assist Gravity Assist! Ako je ova opcija uključena,...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: January 09, 2018
Najbolja aplikacija za slagalice za pametni telefon i tablet - naravno iz Ravensburgera. Ogroman izbor motiva, intuitivnih kontrola, originalne kvalitete Ravensburgera, udžbenika prilagođenih početnicima. Više od 50 godina, Ravensburger je poznat kao lider na europskom tržištu po...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: January 09, 2018
The “Comprehension Builder” app builds skills in passage comprehension, working memory and answering multiple choice questions about a text.When using “Comprehension Builder”, your learner will first read a passage. The learner must then hold the information in memory in order to answer a...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: January 09, 2018
Lunaform is a puzzle arcade game like breakout, but instead of destroying all of the blocks your trying to fill them up. Swap the hexes just in time to catch stars of the same color, and fill up the grid to complete the level. Sounds easy at first, but later on increasingly complex star patterns...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: January 07, 2018
Skateaway! is a skateboard arcade game which takes you to play as a skater who works as a courier in a delivery service company. All you need is to finish the tracks without hitting any obstacles and send packages safely, so you will not get kicked out from your company! Collect your coins, upgrade...
Version: 1.0.22 APK - Updated: January 07, 2018
In this game, your ship is under attack submarine flotilla. Enemy submarines using torpedoes that would win this naval battle and send you to feed the fish. Three hits is enough, what they might have succeeded.Answer them the same! Rain down them deep mines, bombs, and incinerate them by rays of...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: January 05, 2018
Nagnite telefon za upravljanje brodom Melmuns i izbjegavanje svemirskih gusara i njihovih smrtonosnih lasera kako biste povratili što više pošte s njegovog ukradenog broda za pošte! Jednostavna kontrola i cilj u Spacemail osjećaju se kao stare arkadne igre i savršeni su za ležerno zabavno...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: January 05, 2018
Matematika Tester je daleko najbrže Matematika Brzina Testiranje App Store na. Naš jednostavno sučelje uklanja sve moguće barijere između mozga i vaše vrijeme reakcije. Sva vremena su mjeri stotinku za još više zabave. Svaki korisnik može unijeti svoje inicijale kao u arkadama pratiti...
Version: 2.0.7 APK - Updated: January 05, 2018
A Gorgeous 8-Bit inspired game! Welcome to Geeliah! Explore 8 Gorgeous retro 8-bit landscapes inspired by the classic pixel art of Realm of the mad god (rotmg) with loads of fun quests, role play in many adventures!Your quest begins as a small hero who wishes to be king! But what happens when he...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 05, 2018
Auf ins Land der Zahlen ist mehr als eine Lern- oder Übungs-App. Auf ins Land der Zahlen ist eine pädagogisch durchdachte Lern-App, verpackt in einem wundervollen Hörbuch mit pädagogisch wertvollen Spielen. Sie führt Ihr Kind in die Welt der Mathematik ein. Es geht nicht um Üben sondern um...
Version: 1.23 APK - Updated: January 04, 2018
Metamorphabet je razigran, interaktivni abeceda za sve uzraste. Probiti, prod, povucite i vrtjeti svaki od 26 slova abecede da bi se otkrilo iznenađujuća i svijetle transformacije.• Više od 90 riječi, svaka izrečena u bistro, nježnim glasom• Učinkovit, jednostavan za korištenje sučelje...
Version: 3.0.0 APK - Updated: January 04, 2018
Please Note: This is a Scottish Gaelic version of Wordumz, the english variant of the game has been added in this latest release.If you want the Irish and spanish versions as well please install "Wordumz" instead.If you want to test out Wordumz gameplay and want to see how it looks on...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: January 02, 2018
Digital Yahtzee scoreheet that automatically calculates the correct score. Perfect when you are playing with the kids and let them keep score! Supports both international Yahtzee with Yahtzee Bonus and Scandinavian Yatzy rules. If you that like the genuine feeling to rolling real dice instead of...
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: January 02, 2018
♕ 2016 서울어코드 대상 수상작 ♕● 소설 속 셜록이 현실로 나온 것 같다는 평가를 받고있는 명탐정.그에게는 은밀한 취미가 있는데, 뒷 세계에서의 범죄 자문이다.● 뒤 세계서의 그는 아이러니하게도 소설 속 모리아티...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: January 01, 2018
Go, also known as weiqi and baduk, is an attractive strategy board game invented some 4000 years ago in China. It is part of popular culture today in China, Japan and Korea and becomes increasingly popular in the west. Go4Go.net has been promoting this game online since 1999. Among other studying...
Version: InputFix3 APK - Updated: January 01, 2018
Hoard Lord is a cartoony, hectic, score-based arcade game where you play a hoarder trying to avoid becoming trapped by your ever-increasing pile of junk, constantly falling from the upper floors of your crazy house. Simple, tight platforming controls allow you to walk, push, jump, super-jump, and...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: December 30, 2017
Izravna i uzbudljiva igra s prvim osobama koja se pokreće na svim platformama (Mac, PC, pametni telefoni)! Ažuriranje 30. prosinca 2017: Igra sada podržava botove! Pritisnite Pause (Escape) tijekom igre za dodavanje botova u igru. Pažljivo! Oni su prilično jaki, vjerujte mi. * Odaberite...
Version: 1.7.3 APK - Updated: December 30, 2017
A Jurassic Match 3 game - Experience the thrill of the best Jurassic EXCITING MATCH 3 GAME - Unique Dinosaur power-ups, flames and explosions help you Match and Switch your way through 600 levels that forward you along the path too dino mountain.Limited Edition - All Unlocked Version - Unlimited...
Version: 1.3.366 APK - Updated: December 29, 2017
Prihodi odlaze u dobrotvorne organizacije dajući dar vida u cijelom svijetu! *** vodite crvenu pticu očarana kroz niz sve izazovnijih prepreka i neprijatelja. Provalite jaja ptice kako biste dobili vrijedne napajanja, poput laserskih specifikacija i demo naočala. Ali pazi! Neka ptičja jaja...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: December 29, 2017
-Učekuje sve šefove generacije 3 Pokemon i Raid, kao i Gen 1 i 2 - Potpuna simulacija pokazuje kako bi grupa vašeg Pokemona mogla učiniti protiv bilo kojeg od šefova RAID-a. mora imati dodatak za ozbiljnog trenera Pokemona. - Povećajte svoje šanse za pobjedu u borbi za napad. Ova će...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: December 29, 2017
Get the best Untangle game with no ADS.Untangle the connections of the planets through the galaxy.Ten seasons available and 360 levels.This is a classic untangle game with different difficulties and challenges and very addictive. The goal is to move the planets through the galaxy so the connections...
Version: 2.4.4 APK - Updated: December 27, 2017
Thank you for *buying* this version from Google Play.This is the Fellowship Edition for Ananias Roguelike, where you can play with the 4 extra classes: Barbarian, Slayer, Monk and Sage!Check out the free version and then get this one if you like it.Explore the ancient ruins, survive to the bottom...
Version: 1.1.0g APK - Updated: December 25, 2017
SPECIAL PRICE33% OFF(USD 5.99 -> USD 3.99)!!!A great adventure between an Eng and its Algiz!Researching an ancient ruin, Nirva hears a strange voice that leads him to an "egg" deep in the ruin which he takes home.In time, that egg turns into a curious fairy.The fairy named Tylt asks...
Version: 3.1.9 APK - Updated: December 24, 2017
* Open surprise eggs and get items that make funny sound.* 15+ Animals. More coming soon.* Numbers 1 - 10.* Alphabets A - Z.* One of the best learning free games for kids.* No ads.Try it out now!
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: December 23, 2017
Перевірте, чи знає ваша дитина правила безпеки в Інтернеті.Цій тест розроблен на початку 2017 року сумісно з Фондом Королівської Канадської Кінної Поліції (RCMPF) для...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: December 23, 2017
U ovoj igri imate ulogu rušitelja. Imate nekoliko vrsta bombi za rušenje raznih zgrada. Vaš cilj je uništiti što više od zgrade.* Nevjerojatna grafika* Realna i zabavna uništenja* Zanimljive zagonetke* 72 razine u tri svijeta
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: December 23, 2017
PLEASE NOTE: This app requires a Merge Cube and a smartphone or a tablet to play. To find out how to get a Merge Cube and learn more, visit this website at: https://www.MergeCube.comNavigate through various puzzles to try and get your ball to the goal! Includes 5 unique worlds to play on. Made to...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: December 22, 2017
"If you're the kind of gamer that digs Asteroids and Breakout and are into the retro aesthetic, Breakeroids is one you'll probably want to grab." - Touch Arcade "With its tight controls and retro polish, we had fun with the game." - Slide To Play "If taking out some...