Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Finn in 1989 is a text-based adventure, soaked in 80's nostalgia. A young boy discovers he's lost in time with only his backpack and his walkie-talkie. Help young Finn make life or death decisions, and unearth the mystery behind his disappearance.Adventure through this gripping interactive...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Возьмите на себя роль милого виноградного желе! Помогите ему перепрыгивать различные препятствия. Наберите самый высокий показатель очков, побейте все рекорды!...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Lord Tenebron has risen once again from the grave!My first ever gamebook was Crypt of the Vampire, and also Leo Hartas's first illustration job.For the new edition, I’ve revised the text slightly to excise the trad fantasy elements (a hobgoblin, an elf) that seemed most intrusive. Now the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Análogo digitalFechaCronómetroContador de pasosMedidor de bateriaFormato de 12 y 24 horas
Version: masterofharpoon APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Are you ready for harpoon hunting? Your assignment is simple, catch as many fish as you can in order to make the best score (at least 10 to get into the next level).Be careful of protected fish:). It’s a children friendly game.Become the Master of Harpoon! Good luck!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Reloj análogo digitalFechaCronómetroContador de pasosMedidor de bateriaFormato de 12 y 24 horasLuz permanente opcional
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Uma uthanda umdlalo we-spinner ulande lo mdlalo futhi uyijabulele! Ithoyizi le-fitgen ithoyizi eliqukethe umthelela webhola enkabeni yesakhiwo esinezithelo eziningi esenziwe ngensimbi noma i-post spinals yaba yizikole ezithandwayo ngomzamo omncane. Ngenkathi ezinye izikole zivumele ithoyizi...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 14, 2017
Exciting game in which from the mother ship, you manipulate the destroyer of asteroids. Rates are progressive and based on achievements. You have to save energy, conserve the destroyer and avoid the asteroids destroy the mothership. Auditors with good support and progressive asteroids, you activate...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
Fight across the Galaxy to obtain a high score. Avoid enemy ships and destroy them for points. If your spaceship get destroyed, answer a Math Trivia to be revived. Try multiple levels of difficulties. MultiverseGames Inc combines fun and knowledge into one application. It is called Tricade...
Version: 8 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
Sinda ekuhlaselweni njalo kwezingqinamba ngokuhambisa umlingiswa wakho kuzo zonke izindawo ezinhlanu ngaphakathi kwedayimane. Qoqa amaphuzu ngaphambi kokuba izitha zishaye futhi ziqhubeke nokuhamba ukuze ugcine ukuphindaphinda kwakho kuphezulu. Gcwalisa onxantathu abane ukuqedela idayimane futhi...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
U-Erotosthenes uqokwe umtapo omkhulu wesithathu womtapo wezincwadi omkhulu we-Alexandria. Kukuwe ukusiza abantu baseGibhithe ukuba bafunde izimangaliso zemiqulu yamaLabhulali. Kepha ngokuqinisekile unganqoba zonke izithiyo bese usetha iGibhithe libe yiminyaka ye-Mathematics!
Version: 1.8.1002 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
Let's go on a fantastic adventure trip in the Caribbean. On Tirimoa island a 3D animal simulation meets an exciting pirate story. Take care of the dolphins and find the treasure! Vacation in the dolphin stationYou'll spend your vacation on the gorgeous Caribbean island and there you'll...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
Looking to take your Japanese studies to the next level?Combining a dictionary of hundreds of common words used in everyday Japanese with a simple drag-and-drop interface, Mojikara Japanese Trainer is a spelling game that is easy and fun to use for learners of all ages and skill levels. Simply drag...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
Throw The Ball is an amazing game!Find out that destroying balls can be a very addictive game, sign in with your Facebook account, invite your friends and win the top ranking!The goal is very simple, use the infinite yellow balls to clean the screen of the other balls distributed on the map. If you...
Version: 3.4a APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
KUBALULEKILE: Lolu hlelo lokusebenza lwenzelwe izimoto zephrojekthi 1. Sicela usebenzise uhlelo lwethu lokusebenza lwe-Rs Dash lwezimoto zephrojekthi 2. Ingabe ukumane uthande ukushayela kwakho noma ufuna ukuthuthukisa ukushayela kwakho? I-PCARS Dash yile kumele ibe ne-3rd Party Party Telemetry...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: October 13, 2017
Create pictures with switches Picture Mix HokusPokus is an easy and entertaining game for children. The game itself is very easy and motivating. Pressing an external switch (not included) or the screen will create a picture step by step. Once one part of the picture is displayed, the children get...
Version: 3.1 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
Educational, non-addictive and ad-free game for kids from 3 to 5 years old. Charlie’s Planet is a colorful and cheerful game that contains puzzles of various difficulty and gameplay. The game is designed to educate kids on the life of animals in their natural habitat. We have carefully chosen...
Version: APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
Lapha omunye angathanda ukuthatha iholidi!On isayithi amatende eceleni kolwandle kule nto ezifihliwe ubonisa abantu, izilwane kanye nezinye lezimanga ukuthi umeme ongayithola e nemakhilayoni ukubukeka.Esithombeni ezingaphezu kwezingu-30 izinto kungenziwa sicindezelwe ifihlekile.Beka ingane yakho...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
O Capitão Alberto está no Navio Pirata com o Caveirinha, e apenas um deles pode vencer esta batalha. Enfrente esse desafio no estilo "jogo da forca", acertando as letras para desvendar a palavra que está escondida. E se você precisar de uma ajudinha, a sereia Maria pode te dar umas...
Version: 0.6.47 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
Note: If you want get in touch more close to game developer or knowing the lastest news, please contact us with discord: to the fantastic virtual cube world. Craft and grow your own village and build constructions to create your world. Invite your friends to the...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 12, 2017
I-Colour Code ngumdlalo omnandi ngemibala, bobunjwa, ukuhleleka nokuqondiswa! #} Thepha amathayili udinga ukuwahambisa ebhodini Jikelezisa amathayili ngokuthepha kuwo futhi Guqula i-oda lamathayili ebhodini ngokusebenzisa inkinobho engezansi kwe-tile holder Uxazulule iphazili lapho amathayela...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Игра разворачивается в подсознании главного героя Фёдора, после того как он с помощью мед сестры Тамары и специальной инъекции решил выяснить происхождение...
Version: 1.1.860 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Zombies !!! : Lesi a kungekho-brainer!• Google abangfika 4: zendawo cross-platform• Imodi Ukusinda• Yakha idolobha noma ukudlala edolobheni prebuilt• Ukunwetshwa Pack: Hhayi Dead NokhoZombies !!! kukubeka phakathi isenzo kule lithathelwe isiqophi game of the game hit ebhodini.Ukuze...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
The newest Farm Expert 2018 Premium includes over 20 unique agricultural machines and 4 open worlds, as well as over 50 hours of gameplay at the highest level of quality: driving the machines, managing the resources, a broad selection of agricultural activities.You can plow, fertilize, harvest...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Self-proclaimed greatest bar bingo game ever. Grab some friends and head down to your local dive bar. This games takes people watching to the next level. It’s Bingo on a Binge.When somebody playing the game witnesses an action, they call it out. Check it off on your card if you have it. Have...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 11, 2017
Ya está aquí Soy Rico (El Video Juego), a diferencia de otras apps exclusivas para ricos, en esta app si se tiene que demostrar que el usuario lo sea y a un precio muy asequible para ellos; ¿cómo? Pues tienen que intentar capturar en cada partida 20 diamantes en un tiempo de 1 minuto. Pero no...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: October 10, 2017
Thola izilwane, izindawo zomhlaba, imvelo kanye nezikhumbuzo ngalo mdlalo ojabulisayo wamaphazili wezingane. Izithombe ezingaphezu kwe-100! Izingane zizofunda ukuhlukanisa izilwane, izimbali, izindawo kanye nezikhumbuzo kanye nokwenza ngcono inkumbulo nokuhlushwa kwazo. Hambisa izingcezu...
Version: 3.3.3 APK - Updated: October 10, 2017
Use Rainbow the Unicorns rainbow power to try and reach the stars with the help of his friends Willamena the Witch and Davlin the Dragon, each must face there own challenge.Aim for the sky and score as high as possible to collect stars can they get them all
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 10, 2017
Wow, unezingane ezinenhlanhla! Usanda kukhetha umdlalo izingane zakho ezizothanda ukudlala ngazo, umdlalo wokufundisa ngaleso sikhathi! Isitimela somdlalo silungele lezo zingane kanye nezingane ezixakeke ngezitimela. Isitimela somdlalo iqoqo lemidlalo ehlukene engu-12 ngamazinga angaphezu...