Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
"Extreme Intelligence" gathers highly intelligent people from around the world to play the most challenging game ever played. No fancy graphics, no dramatic music, just you and your brain against the sharp and creative minds of others.Is it a strategy game?Yes, you must form clever...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Play as a meatball separated from your friends as you race to get back to them and complete the sandwich of destiny! Collect cheese power ups and slow down time as you roll past all who stand in your way.
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
I-Santas Fit ingumdlalo olula kepha umlutha lapho kufanele usize khona uSanta ukuletha izipho ezinganeni eziningi ngangokunokwenzeka. Thinta esikrinini ukuze unwebe i-santas Finyelela ukuze ulethe izipho emhlabeni wonke, kepha qaphela, ukunweba ukufinyelela kwakho okude kakhulu noma okuzokwenza...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Traverse and power up a series of circuit boards, building up towards a surprising ending!★ Power up all the computer chips in every level to prove you're the best!★ Play through 100 electrifying levels!★ Control the conductive marbles using your device's accelerometer!★ Contend...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Lena fun game kancane lapho amaphuzu ngokushaya puck nzima njengoba unga ne blue gwedla. Ukuthethisa, ukumemeza, zimemeza futhi wenze imisindo uyinqaba hit nakakhulu, nje ungakhohlwa ukunika amandla ukusetshenziswa imakhrofoni izilungiselelo lokusebenza.
Version: 0.0.2 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Version: 1.74 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Iya drive in Car City nge Tom the Tow Truck futhi asindise bonke abangane bakhe bezimoto!Shayela emigwaqweni yeCar City futhi ujabule egalaji likaTom. Nomaphi lapho uya, uzothola imidlalo emihle yama-mini nezimoto eziningi ongadlala nazo!Nakekela kakhulu iCarl City nazo zonke izimoto zayo!- Qeda...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Kulesi senzo esisha se-3D puzzle game, indawo ngayinye iyi-labyrinth, i-maze eyinkimbinkimbi yezakhiwo, izindima, izitebhisi, iziqukathi, ama-cranes ..... {# # # # # # # # # # # # #} Endaweni ehlukile, ukuthola izindlela zokuwela, ukugwema izingozi, ukuthola indlela efanele futhi uqedele imisebenzi...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
If you did not like appealing games or thinkTo acquire shot to the barrel.shot to the barrel is for those who do not like easy games.With 95 stages in all, you will be challenged to shootA little ball in the barrel, each stage a challengeWhere you will have to overcomeGo ahead in the game!Get 3...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
DarkHill: Book of ShadowScattered somewhere within the confines of old DarkHill Cemetery lies an ancient Book of Shadow and six missing pages of a dark and deadly spell.Find the pages and recover the forbidden book or remain in DarkHill with those who ‘walk’ there… forever.DarkHill… A Mini...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Finally, the app to the successful and beloved card game!A very special salad is being prepared In the cellar of a parisian fancy restaurant. Play against the cockroach cook and try to get as many ingredients as possible in the bowl. Make sure you don't press the wrong vegetable and watch out...
Version: 4.1 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Cat Playground umdlalo for namakati, hhayi abantu. Ake umngane wakho ubuka uyoxosha igundane, inhlanzi, noma pointer laser, futhi uhola amaphuzu for everytime yena Ubamba ke. Be waxwayisa ezinzima, kungase kubangele ikati umlutha.Lokhu ithoyizi ikati sizosebenza pretty okuningi kunoma iyiphi ifoni...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Can we trust what our eyes tell us about things? How about cameras? Have you ever looked at something that wasn’t what you thought it was? How do you know what you see is the same as what’s really there? “Zoom In, Zoom Out” is an interactive eBook for children ages preschool and up. It’s...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Ingabe ungumuntu ozonda i-iphone yangempela! Awukwazi ukusho ukuthi uze uthole lolu hlelo lokusebenza Lokhu kuqinisekisa izitha ze-iPhone emhlabeni jikelele ukuba yi-iphone haters ukuba yi-iphone hater -> Uhlelo lokusebenza lusebenzisa umuzwa okhethekile wenzondo Ukuqinisekisa umuntu njengomuntu...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
I-Chess inezinombolo zokudlala ezingu-100 ezisuselwe enjini"Bishop Bishop" enekhwalithi eliphezulu kakhulu yekhwalithi!-------------------------------------------------- -------------------Amandla okudlala aguqukayo avela kumazinga angu-100!Ungakhetha amandla wekhompyutha kusuka ku-258...
Version: 1.14.4 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
I-Zombie Gunship ikubeka esihlalweni sesibhamu sendiza ehlolwe kakhulu ye-AC-130 yokuhlasela komhlaba. Umdlalo we-Bhalobhasha lapho ushisa khona kahle izibhamu zakho ezinamandla ukuswele amagagasi angapheli ama-Zombies futhi uvikele abasindile abasele be-apocalypse ye-zombie! Ukukhetha abahleli...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
You are the legendary Minos Strategos (general of the ancient city of Minos)! Command the defenders of the temple by harnessing the power of specific battle formations to push back the Minotaur hordes. Minos Strategos is a quick single-player strategy game with a focus on elegance and clarity....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Simulador de disparo de Iron_man, utilizando diferentes efectos de sonido.Pulsa la pantalla y sonara la carga o descarga. Si hace un click largo, sonaran diferentes disparos.(Pruebas de Mit App Inventor)
Version: 2 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Не забываемое приключение Алекса получило продолжение. Вам предстоит узнать, что же произошло с героями HalfLine и помочь им узнать все тайны мироздания. Команда...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
Ingabe konke kunesiGreki kuwe? Epikon LLC Inempendulo: 12Lloni! 12Lallon umuzwa wokufunda ulimi olusha futhi oyiqiniso. Igxile ekufundeni, ukubhala nangokulalela amakhono. Idizayinelwe othisha abanolwazi, kwakha ulwazimagama futhi kufundisa imithetho yohlelo lolimi. I-Mastery iyinhloso...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
Your main goal is to resistance our urban communities and strongholds. Additionally, guarding the city will fundamentally enable nationals in the city to reclaim their territories and opportunity from threatening foe. Taking summon of warriors, towers and extreme legends with unique turrets,...
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
Новые билеты ПДД от 4 апреля 2017 от ГИБДД. С новыми правила сдачи ПДД экзамена в 2017 году. Пять дополнительных вопросов за ошибку Экзаменационные билеты ПДД 2017 России...
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
Ваши родители пропали, а сосед что-то прячет в доме. Вы хотите узнать тайну, которую скрывает ваш сосед и вы идёте в его дом что бы разгадать что находиться за его...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
** Landa uhlelo lokusebenza mahhala - isikhathi esinqunyelwe ** ungene ngaphakathi futhi uhlole ulwandle nge-splash kanye ne-bubble olwandle adventure lokusebenza! Ama-Worlds Undersea indawo yokuhlala, lapho uzothola khona izidalwa ezihlala lapho futhi zifunde ngezindlela eziningi ezahlukahlukene...
Version: 1.005 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Заходишь такой и "Опа" - ничего.А чтобы совсем скучно не было, было принято решениедобавить музон.Игра регулярно обновляется, получая новый "Качественный...
Version: 1.5.0 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a politician? Play the role of TITUS, an agoraphobic watchmaker who decides to achieve his dream of becoming the president of Wealland. TITUS by Frogames is a dark and cynical political campaign simulator, full of low blows, corruption and 3D...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Reloj Analogo Digital24 horasMedidor de bateriaCronómetroFechaModo nocturno
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Приложение Compare20 предназначено для детей старшего дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Программа является учебным тренажером по теме сравнение числе до...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
I-NightMarium ngumdlalo wamakhadi omnandi futhi osheshayo mayelana nokunqoba amaphupho amabi. Hlanganisa izingxenye zomzimba ukudala izilo ezimbi futhi kubangele amandla abo omgogodla. Qedela izidalwa ezinhlanu ukunqoba. ubambe abangani abathathu ukuze badlule futhi badlale kudivayisi efanayo!...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Кошмариум — это быстрая и весёлая игра про борьбу с ночными страхами. Создавай жутких чудовищ из частей тел и разыгрывай их ужасающие способности. Cобери пять...