Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 05, 2017
Key Features :-- Learning Skill- Enhanced Design- Better Performance - Great Experience
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: October 05, 2017
Medieval adventure visual novel**NOT Localized - English ONLY**The PRO version includes:1. Ad-free experience2. Option to skip battles 4. My gratefulness for your generosity <3Follow me on Twitter! @ninedux 317.The war rages on for a decade...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: October 05, 2017
Asjad soojenevad Volkani vabastamisega - originaalse virtuaalse reaalsuse 3D -mängukogemuse, mis on sama intensiivne kui sõltuvust tekitav. Esimese inimese seiklus, peate hüppama erinevate infrastruktuuri tükkide ümber, sealhulgas vanad, kahjustatud hooned, torud ja kitsad platvormid, samuti...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 05, 2017
Game characters made by high-frequency HSK characters, when playing the game, users can learn Chinese characters with a pronunciation of each one.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 05, 2017
The Legend of Five Rings Dice rakendus on ülim tarvik roleplaying kogemus! See terviklik rakendus võimaldab teil kiiresti ja mugavalt valida ja rulli kohandatud mängija täringuid L5R rollimängusüsteem ja sisaldab valikut standard Polyhedral täringut kõigile oma mängu vajadused!The Legend...
Version: 0.75 APK - Updated: October 04, 2017
Get to know distant planets and see interesting lands. Your main quest is get back what is our, but was taken by aliens!Curious plot, journey between planets, lot of shooting, explosions and of course starships. Choose one of 5 difficulty level. You can fight like professionalist to survive in...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 04, 2017
Do you want an adorable stuffed toy, friend, companion on your phone? Combining creative activities such as drawing, dressing up and designing a stuffed toy may be the perfect choice for you!You can be sure your personalized stuffed toy will have opinion on the colors and accessories you have for...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: October 04, 2017
Save the Lizard Kingdom by embarking on a dangerous journey into caverns full of cute monsters, traps, loot and surprises. Packs of monsters are trying to stop you from rummaging through the dungeon and taking their gold. During your adventure you’ll meet imaginative horde of enemies that are...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 03, 2017
Olete just lõpetanud oma esimese kolledži semestri ja olete nüüd talvevaheajal. Olete väga lugupeetud Genetixi ülikoolis uustulnuk. Puhkuse ajal saate uusi sõpru ja vaenlasi, lähete pidudele ja leiate loodetavasti armastust. Iga teie tehtud valik mõjutab teie lugu mängimise ja tee...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 03, 2017
Helicopter Strike War Simulation 3D Pilot your helicopter to war, shoot, launch missiles, and destroy gunships to pass levels. Best war simulation game. Fight with other helicopters, navigate, follow, strike and kill. Your helicopter is well equipped with 3 different types of ammunition (machine...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 03, 2017
*Tabletid on soovitatavad. kasutades lõbustust, et aidata lastel erakordseid asju teha! Andke oma lapsele alus, mida nad vajavad edaspidiseks akadeemiliseks eduks, kaotades samal ajal võitluse ja pettumuse! Lihtsalt maailma, mis on kõige kaasahaaravam matemaatikapraktika tööriist õpilastele...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: October 03, 2017
AD-FREE VERSION.Play as a hollow space cube and collect the shiny stars. Just watch out for traps and enemies, and try not to fall into the water.KEY FEATURES- Swipe across the screen to rotate the player- Catch things by rolling over them with the hole!- Freestyle in the air to look as cool as you...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: October 03, 2017
Keep your mind active with Sudoku. Over 1m Sudoku puzzle combinations at your fingertips. Auto generate puzzles and create you own puzzles - even enter newspaper puzzles and play electronically wherever you are! Easy to use interface designed for your Andriod device featuring: Auto generate AND...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 02, 2017
Snap is a digital camera who needs your help!! He is not feeling very happy today and wants you to find 5 things that will cheer him up. Can you find the objects he asks for - in the real world? Search around you, take a picture, and let’s make Snap happy again!Happy Snap is an adorable,...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: October 02, 2017
Klassikaline mäng Sokobaniga, kellel on saja taseme, tuleb Android Watchi seadmetele 3D -s. lõbus ja sõltuvust tekitav mäng! Kingitus laekub, kui kõik tasemed lahendati :)
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 02, 2017
Old school arcade type game customized. The lil unicorn must dodge the raindrops and snowflakes by swiping left or right to collect purple gems for bonus points and diamond stars for extra lives.The raindrops and snowflakes come down quicker when the levels increase making it more difficult to...
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: October 01, 2017
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 01, 2017
Searchaholic - Crash Word Word Search (previously known as Crash Word) is a fun and entertaining word search puzzle game featuring many categories and 3 difficulty settings! So fun that you will NOT want to stop playing!!!New categories are added on a regular basis!
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: October 01, 2017
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: October 01, 2017
Pokedeck võimaldab kasutajatel luua Pokemon Trading -kaardi mängu jaoks piiramatu koguse tekke. Selle funktsioon on rikkalik ja võimaldab luua PTCGO tekke ekspordi kaudu ja kopeerida lõikelaua funktsioonidesse. , kui esmakordselt Pokedecki avamine nõuab Pokemoni andmete sünkroonimist ja see...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 01, 2017
Welcome to Snapped It!Can you find each challenge object and snap a picture of it?Take a picture of the challenge object to increase your score. Can you snap everything?
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: September 30, 2017
Intuitiivne liides, mis on töötava käsikirja sisendiga ning lõbusa ja kaasahaarava minimängu abil lisaks tavalisele matemaatikatreenerirežiimile eristuge meie rakendusest üldiste matemaatikaõpperakenduste rahvahulgast. koos esimese klassi matemaatikaga - lisandumine saate harjutada ja...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 30, 2017
Liigutage nummerdatud plaadid, nii et need puudutavad. Klõpsake nummerdatud plaatidel, mis on ümber MNUM2 tahvli, nii et see liigub kõige kaugemasse vaba ruumi. MNUM2 -s peavad nummerdatud plaadid ühendama/puudutama põhijuhistes (ülemine, alumine, vasak, paremal). Kui nummerdatud plaadil on...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 30, 2017
The perfect mix of classic word games with some arcade twist!Combine your word skills with strategical decisions for great fun! Three modes are available: Enjoy relaxed word finding (the Zen Mode), add some more difficulty with Strategy Mode or just be as fast as you can in the Arcade mode.Check...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 30, 2017
Bienvenido a la versión digital de Cinco Amarillo, un juego lleno de suspenso y azar para máximo tres jugadores donde el triunfo o la derrota están siempre a la vuelta de la esquina. Para ganar tienes que completar primero cinco vueltas al tablero, o evitar que los demás jugadores lo hagan, en...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Intuitiivne liides, mis on käsikirjasisendi ning lõbusa ja kaasahaarava minimängu abil lisaks tavalisele matemaatikatreenerirežiimile ka meie rakenduse eristub üldiste matemaatikaõpperakenduste rahvahulgast. koos kolmanda klassi matemaatikaga - lahutamine saate harjutada ja täiustage...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Intuitive interface powered by handwriting input and a fun and engaging mini game in addition to a regular math trainer mode make our app stand out from the crowd of generic math learning apps.With Third grade Math - Division you can practice and improve the following math skills:- Division facts...
Version: 1.0.25 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Selle lõõgastava peidetud objektimängus koos lõbusate mõistatuste minimängudega 20 uimastatava stseeni asukohtadega, mida külastada { mitu varjatud objekti režiime, on maanteereis üle selle lõdvestava peidetud objekti mängu. }- sõna - Riddle - Scramble - puuduvad vokaalid - siluett...
Version: 1.25 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Liituge Jelly vägedega nüüd ja viige nad au sisse selles ebaühtlases ja ägedas võitluses sissetungijate vastu! Kasutage oma taktikalisi oskusi ja tarkust, et kallutada võidukaal enda kasuks, et päästa Diploglobe ja Jelly rahvas agressorite käest! Täpselt nii, sina oled nende ainus lootus...
Version: 3.5 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Now with online multiplayer!This game of strategy follows the rules of Stratego. You can play others online, play against the computer, or pass and play. It is a 2 player board game, where each player controls a set of different pieces that are unknown to the opponent. The goal of the game is to...