Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 30, 2017
Liigutage nummerdatud plaadid, nii et need puudutavad. Klõpsake nummerdatud plaatidel, mis on ümber MNUM2 tahvli, nii et see liigub kõige kaugemasse vaba ruumi. MNUM2 -s peavad nummerdatud plaadid ühendama/puudutama põhijuhistes (ülemine, alumine, vasak, paremal). Kui nummerdatud plaadil on...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 30, 2017
The perfect mix of classic word games with some arcade twist!Combine your word skills with strategical decisions for great fun! Three modes are available: Enjoy relaxed word finding (the Zen Mode), add some more difficulty with Strategy Mode or just be as fast as you can in the Arcade mode.Check...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 30, 2017
Bienvenido a la versión digital de Cinco Amarillo, un juego lleno de suspenso y azar para máximo tres jugadores donde el triunfo o la derrota están siempre a la vuelta de la esquina. Para ganar tienes que completar primero cinco vueltas al tablero, o evitar que los demás jugadores lo hagan, en...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Intuitiivne liides, mis on käsikirjasisendi ning lõbusa ja kaasahaarava minimängu abil lisaks tavalisele matemaatikatreenerirežiimile ka meie rakenduse eristub üldiste matemaatikaõpperakenduste rahvahulgast. koos kolmanda klassi matemaatikaga - lahutamine saate harjutada ja täiustage...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Intuitive interface powered by handwriting input and a fun and engaging mini game in addition to a regular math trainer mode make our app stand out from the crowd of generic math learning apps.With Third grade Math - Division you can practice and improve the following math skills:- Division facts...
Version: 1.0.25 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Selle lõõgastava peidetud objektimängus koos lõbusate mõistatuste minimängudega 20 uimastatava stseeni asukohtadega, mida külastada { mitu varjatud objekti režiime, on maanteereis üle selle lõdvestava peidetud objekti mängu. }- sõna - Riddle - Scramble - puuduvad vokaalid - siluett...
Version: 1.25 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Liituge Jelly vägedega nüüd ja viige nad au sisse selles ebaühtlases ja ägedas võitluses sissetungijate vastu! Kasutage oma taktikalisi oskusi ja tarkust, et kallutada võidukaal enda kasuks, et päästa Diploglobe ja Jelly rahvas agressorite käest! Täpselt nii, sina oled nende ainus lootus...
Version: 3.5 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Now with online multiplayer!This game of strategy follows the rules of Stratego. You can play others online, play against the computer, or pass and play. It is a 2 player board game, where each player controls a set of different pieces that are unknown to the opponent. The goal of the game is to...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
"Extreme Intelligence" gathers highly intelligent people from around the world to play the most challenging game ever played. No fancy graphics, no dramatic music, just you and your brain against the sharp and creative minds of others.Is it a strategy game?Yes, you must form clever...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Play as a meatball separated from your friends as you race to get back to them and complete the sandwich of destiny! Collect cheese power ups and slow down time as you roll past all who stand in your way.
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Santa's Reach is a simple yet addictive game where you have to help Santa deliver gifts to as many kids as possible. Touch the screen to extend Santa's reach in order to deliver gifts around the world, but be careful, extend your reach too far or too short and you will cause Santa to fall...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Traverse and power up a series of circuit boards, building up towards a surprising ending!★ Power up all the computer chips in every level to prove you're the best!★ Play through 100 electrifying levels!★ Control the conductive marbles using your device's accelerometer!★ Contend...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
This is fun little game where you score by hitting puck as hard as you can with the blue paddle. Yell, scream, shout and make weird noises to hit even harder, just don't forget to enable use of the microphone in app settings.
Version: 0.0.2 APK - Updated: September 29, 2017
Version: 1.74 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Minge koos Tom Evakuaatoriga Car Citysse sõitma ja tulge kõigile tema sõidukisõpradele appi!Sõitke mööda Car City teid ja nautige Tomi garaažis. Ükskõik, kuhu lähete, leiate suurepäraseid minimänge ja palju sõidukeid, millega mängida!Hoolitsege Car City ja kõigi selle sõidukite...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Selles tegevuses on uus 3D -puslemängus iga stseen labürint, keeruline hoonete, lõikude, kaldteede, treppide, konteinerite, kraanade labürint ... Erinevas kohas, et avastada ristumisviise, vältida ohte, leida õige tee ja oma ülesanded lõpule viia. on iga tase loogika ja füüsiliste...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Kui teile ei meeldinud ahvatlevad mängud või mõelda , et omandada tünnile tulistamine , teile antakse väljakutse tulistada väike pall tünnis, igal etapil etapid ja tõestage, et olete parim! . Alguses tundub kõik ülilihtne, kuid asi muutub mööda , mis edendab faase. Mäng jätame...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
DarkHill: Book of ShadowScattered somewhere within the confines of old DarkHill Cemetery lies an ancient Book of Shadow and six missing pages of a dark and deadly spell.Find the pages and recover the forbidden book or remain in DarkHill with those who ‘walk’ there… forever.DarkHill… A Mini...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Finally, the app to the successful and beloved card game!A very special salad is being prepared In the cellar of a parisian fancy restaurant. Play against the cockroach cook and try to get as many ingredients as possible in the bowl. Make sure you don't press the wrong vegetable and watch out...
Version: 4.1 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Kass Mänguväljak on mäng kassid, ei inimesed. Lase oma karvane sõber tagaajamine hiirt, kala või laserkursorina ja teenida punkte everytime ta püüab seda. Hoiatatakse karm, see võib põhjustada kass sõltuvus.See kassimänguasjade töötab päris palju tahes Android telefoni puuteekraani,...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 28, 2017
Can we trust what our eyes tell us about things? How about cameras? Have you ever looked at something that wasn’t what you thought it was? How do you know what you see is the same as what’s really there? “Zoom In, Zoom Out” is an interactive eBook for children ages preschool and up. It’s...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Kas olete tõeline iPhonei vihkaja! Te ei saa seda öelda, kuni selle rakenduse see rakendus tõendab ülemaailmset iPhonei vihkajaid, et see on tõeline iPhonei vihkaja -> spetsiaalselt loodud iPhonei vihkajate jaoks -> rakendus kasutab vihkamise erilist tunnet vihkamise erilist tunnet Inimese...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Malel on 100 reguleeritavat mängutaset, mis põhinevad mootoril"Hull piiskop" väga kõrge kvaliteediga graafikaga!-------------------------------------------------- -------------------Reguleeritav mängutugevus 100-st tasemest!Saate valida arvuti tugevuse 258-lt 2300-le ELO...
Version: 1.14.4 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Zombie Gunship paneb teid tugevalt relvastatud AC-130 maapealse rünnaku lennuki püssist. Tulistajamäng, kus tulistate strateegiliselt oma võimsaid relvi, et tappa lõputuid zombide laineid ja kaitsta zombie apokalüpsise järelejäänud ellujäänuid! ign Rediitors Choice (9/10) Amazing ...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
You are the legendary Minos Strategos (general of the ancient city of Minos)! Command the defenders of the temple by harnessing the power of specific battle formations to push back the Minotaur hordes. Minos Strategos is a quick single-player strategy game with a focus on elegance and clarity....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Simulador de disparo de Iron_man, utilizando diferentes efectos de sonido.Pulsa la pantalla y sonara la carga o descarga. Si hace un click largo, sonaran diferentes disparos.(Pruebas de Mit App Inventor)
Version: 2 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
Не забываемое приключение Алекса получило продолжение. Вам предстоит узнать, что же произошло с героями HalfLine и помочь им узнать все тайны мироздания. Команда...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
“Is it all Greek to You?” Epikon LLC has the answer: 12Athlon! 12Athlon is an innovative and authentic language learning experience. It focuses on reading, writing and listening skills. Designed by experienced teachers, it builds vocabulary and teaches grammar rules. Mastery is the end goal!...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
Your main goal is to resistance our urban communities and strongholds. Additionally, guarding the city will fundamentally enable nationals in the city to reclaim their territories and opportunity from threatening foe. Taking summon of warriors, towers and extreme legends with unique turrets,...
Version: 1.08 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
Новые билеты ПДД от 4 апреля 2017 от ГИБДД. С новыми правила сдачи ПДД экзамена в 2017 году. Пять дополнительных вопросов за ошибку Экзаменационные билеты ПДД 2017 России...