Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas

Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: September 16, 2017
Briesmonis ir izsalcis un uz uzbrukuma! Vai jūs varat apturēt briesmoni no pilsētas iznīcināšanas? Monster vs aitu ir jautra pasāža, brīva metiena ekstravaganca! Mētājiet pūkainas aitas milzu monstru mutē, lai glābtu piekrastes pilsētu no gaidāmā likteņa. Jūsu misija ir pildīt...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 16, 2017
Cub3r is a fun, quick, maze game. Instantly immerse yourself in a sci-fi world where you are trying to race to the end of a grid-like maze while avoiding the dreaded red cubes. The goal is to get to the end in the shortest amount of time possible, but once you're in the grid will you ever want...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
Līnijas ģeometriska mīkla, kas izgatavota minimālisma stilā, kurā jums ir jāizmanto loģika un prasme, lai atrisinātu problēmas, nezinot mērķi. Laika gaitā spēle kļūst sarežģītāka, ieviešot jaunas iespējas un kombinācijas. Es esmu pārliecināts, ka ar katru pilnīgu līmeni...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
Are your ready to drive realistic trucks through whole Europe in your mobile? Truck Simulator Europe 2 is the best heavy vehicle simulator ever made! After years improving the scenario and the trucks, we create the best experience of simulation for you. With more then 100 jobs to complete, choose...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
------- Jaunākajā atjauninājumā ietilpst saglabāšanas spēles atkopšana, kurai vajadzētu automātiski atgūt vecos sasniegumus, galvaskausus, kapakmeņus un kampaņu saglabāt !!! ------- ** Touch Arcade-9/10 orgānu taka: direktori Cut ir dīvaina, brīnišķīga un gandrīz...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
‘Guns ‘n’ Glory Heroes’ is back on your Android Wear device – and the enemies are bigger and stronger than ever! They can’t wait to crush you! Help your elven wizard to block the oncoming enemy waves by shooting them down with your deadly crossbow arrows. But watch out: The longer you...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
Hold down the right or left side of the screen to balance the game. This is the version without ads.I hope you enjoy losing.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
This app features over 230 riddles and trivia to test your brain and knowledge. Themed categories include animals, food, holidays, supernatural, cartoons, video games, TV shows, and movies! View the sample pictures for more info below.
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
Ever wanted to learn how to read Japanese? The first step is to learn “Hiragana” and “Katakana”, otherwise known collectively as “Kana”! “Kana” refers to the Japanese alphabet – a collection of symbols that each make a distinct sound. By stringing multiple Kana together, you can...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
Fliptate is a game for training your powers of mental visualization. You must mentally flip and rotate various symbols in order to guess the correct answer.Default mode rotations and flips are clockwise from the vertical axis. This is how most people are likely to think of a rotation.In math mode...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
Pieskarieties savai fidget, lai tas grieztos! Pieskarieties ekrānam, lai sāktu vērpt savu fidget spinner, bet nepiespiežas tā apmierinošais izskats ... tuvojas šķēršļi! Vadiet savu fidget cauri pēc iespējas vairāk šķēršļu!
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
- Play against the computer.- Touch the screen with three fingers to exit the game.- The player represents the letter X.- The computer represents the letter O.- X player play first, then Computer (O player) automatically plays after.- After X Player and Computer Player have played three pieces, X...
Version: APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
You can easily learn many tactics from this app.1 Sand and gravel farming2 Crack Compass3 Peaceful mode4 Tree technique5 Remember the pattern6 Set your spawn7 On beds and bases8 LAN world9 Shelter problem? Remember: 3 Down, 1 Up!10 Zombie-proof Door10.1 Legitimate Motion Sensor10.2 Minecart...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
Vai jūs ticat, ka jums ir sestā sajūta par kaut ko vai kādu? Kā būtu ar neparasti nejaušiem notikumiem? Un vai jūs uzskatāt, ka jūs dažreiz parādāt neparastas spējas? Cik bieži jūs pareizi prognozējat kauliņu seju? Vai jūsu prāts var saliekt karoti? Nu, ļaujiet uzzināt, cik...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
Spēlējiet Pepperoni Madness un kļūstiet par labāko picu veidotāju pasaulē!Vai esat kādreiz sapņojis par pasauli, kurā jums ir neierobežots pepperoni, margherita vai jebkuras citas picas piedāvājums? Nu, ir pienācis laiks — tagad varat mēģināt stāties pretī nebeidzamajam picas...
Version: 1.0.11 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
Jauns atjauninājums! -gamepad atbalsts (lielākajai daļai Bluetooth un USB gamepads vajadzētu darboties labi). -no jauna definēt un konfigurēt vadības ierīces jebkurā laikā no kartes ekrāna (gan gamePad, gan Touch Controls). Varat arī mainīt skārienjūtības vadības lielumu. Šī...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
Dodge from the endlessly falling rocks, save your bird as long as possible, improve your result and enjoy the game.
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
Messy, mechanical creatures called "Litterbugs" are driving around and leaving piles of rubbish in their wake, endangering the wildlife and causing an eyesore!Clear up the mess with an RC Buggy that's been turned into a high-speed vacuum cleaner!Collect all the rubbish and then dump...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 14, 2017
There were once a brother and sister who used shrinking and growing potions to explore the world from the back of a paper airplane. One day, while their parents were at the grocery store, they flew their airplane over the sparkling Pacific ocean and discovered an uninhabited island. They named it...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
Pieņemiet sarežģītus lēmumus, kad atrodat, ka kosmosā peldas astronauti, cīnās ar neprātu un uzziniet, ko jūs vēlaties upurēt, lai izdzīvotu! -pievienojiet astronautus (citus potenciālos kolonistus) savai apkalpei -ExploreRovene Explore. Pēdējā robeža, izmantojot dažādus...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
«Almost like Forrest Gump» — AndroidApplications.Tap to run and jump over obstacles.Choose any character and run.Try to pass the game to the end, gaining only 300 experience points. Does not sound so hard, right?Good luck, strength and peace of mind!Features:— This is a true story.—...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
Glabājiet AMMO pēc nāves!VISI SVARI!VISI PLĀNI!VISAS KARTESLIETAS!BEZ REKLĀMAS! Cīnieties pret nepārtrauktu ienaidnieka transportlīdzekļu vilni, ieskaitot automašīnas, cisternas, pretgaisa, raķešu palaišanas ierīces, helikopterus un iznīcinātājus!Iznīcini iebrucējus ar kanona...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
Dragons Lair II: Time Warp ir turpinājums Don Blouths Arcade Classic Dragons Lair, tagad var baudīt no jūsu dīvāna ērtības. Šajā pilnībā arkādes autentiskajā versijā ir iekļautas visas oriģinālās ainas, kuras jūs baudāt, un pat neatbrīvotie režisori izgriež beigas, kas nav...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
Pieredze retro spēles labākajā ceļā ar kosmosa Ace jūsu Android ierīcēs! Gan telefona, gan planšetdatoru izdevumi, kas iekļauti par vienu zemu cenu! Iegremdējieties vizuāli satriecošajā ar roku zīmētās animācijas pasaulē, kas pielāgota no oriģinālās Smash Hit Arcade...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
Classic Video Keno is one of the most popular games in the Casino. Everyone can play as its one of the easiest casino slots to understand.It works similarly like a lottery; place a bet, mark 2-10 numbers and hope the machine picks some, or all, of your numbers chosen from the 20 randomly selected...
Version: 1.6.25 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
Pinball Deluxe premium veiksmīgas Pinball Deluxe spēles versija bez reklāmām. tagad ir 6 dažādas tabulas. Katrs galds spēlē ļoti atšķirīgi, un tam ir unikāls stils: basbols, briksi, savvaļas rietumi, karnevāls, telpa un zem ūdens. Dažas no Pinball Deluxe funkcijām: - Krāšņa...
Version: 5.3.15 APK - Updated: September 13, 2017
If there is a wide world in a small screen of the smartphone?If there is another world that play at any time?Here is playing movie(old version)https://everyplay.com/applejam/videos★ pursue the joy of gathering a lot of equipment.★ raise the prestige to participate in war.★ master the 10...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: September 12, 2017
SpaceBang árcade vintage sem score sem fim
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 12, 2017
“You’ve never seen anything like this. This game takes photos from YOUR friends and YOUR environment to create a dangerous 3d world full of monsters.”Perhaps you didn't know about the monsters everywhere around you. Not everyone can see them. And... We never told you.But now you can see...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 12, 2017
Tagad jūs varat izjust labāko retro spēļu ceļā ar Dragons Lair savā Android ierīcē! Gan telefona, gan planšetdatoru izdevumi, kas iekļauti par vienu zemu cenu! Iegremdējieties vizuāli satriecošajā ar roku zīmētās animācijas pasaulē, kas pielāgota no oriģinālās Smash Hit...