Spēles Maksā Android Bez Maksas
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 02, 2017
Cīnieties no ienaidnieka papildinātās realitātes cīņā savā viesistabā. Izmantojot šo paplašināto realitātes lietotni, ienesiet ienaidnieku savās mājās un tad liek viņam žēl, ka viņš parādījās! Šis ir uz viļņiem balstīts aizsardzības formāts ar ienaidnieka uzbrukumu...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: September 02, 2017
Run and Kill, but be careful, monsters are dangerous. Paladin Rush is a hardcore runner based on the run and slash principle developed on unity. Game Features: -No Pop-up or Banner Ads -Compare Score with Remaining Players in Leader-boards -One touch controls: Touch to block with the shield and...
Version: 6 APK - Updated: September 02, 2017
Socc-AR is an Augmented Reality app that allows you to practice the art of juggling a soccer ball using your own foot. Launch the app, choose a ball color of your choice and point the camera at the toe of your shoe to set your foot. After setting your foot, you’ll be able to play the game. How...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 01, 2017
Venture into the unknown, but beware of what lurks behind these walls. Evil Presence is a physiological horror experience like no other, built exclusively for virtual reality. The hospital once belonged to a very wealthy family but now it has been abandoned. Your goal is to collect bags of money...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: September 01, 2017
Attention deficit is no longer an obstacle to learning. English Escape is specially designed for children with ADHD, but it is suitable for everyone. Move your body to turn the head of the player. We put a lot of scientific data and educational experience into this app, so it is a high time to...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 01, 2017
Hey, you're "that guy". You know, the one who posts lies on social media to escape the truth.I'm sure we all know someone like that, right?! Well, in this 2D Endless runner you literally run from Truth. Your goal is to survive as long as you can by collecting phones and posting...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 01, 2017
Gada labākās spēles -Toucharcade Top 100 iPhone Games -Ilounge Battle Bears ir obligāti! -slidetoplay izdzīvošanas šāvējs ar smieklīgu sižeta līniju, kas pati par sevi ir gandrīz vērts ieejas cenai. Pieskarieties arkāde Stāsts par kaujas lāčiem ir jautrs, tas ir viens no...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 01, 2017
The full version of my new kinetic novel, "Samantha and the Pieces of a Heart" should be up on Google Play anytime soon. I'll update this post once it's thereSamantha and the Pieces of a Heart follows the journey of little Samantha, a girl without a heart.As a "heartless...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
In A Magical Tale: Cavern Crawler, it is your task to complete each of the 15 levels located in each area! All having a distinct environment whether being lava, sand, ice or water. They all collaborate into a 6 cavern crawling quest!For each task you interact with you will gain a singular key, your...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
Play your way through 30 challenging levels, pitting your skills against many challenging enemy swarms along the way. Who will be able to triumph?- No Ads- Unlimited lives
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
Fill in the gaps in poems and your education! Emoji Poetry is a literary game by Arzamas It's the best way to learn Shakespeare and Kipling, Keats and Yeats, Lord Byron and Lord Tennyson, Raleigh and Wordsworth, and more.The goal of the Emoji Poetry player is to fill blanks in masterpieces of...
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
UPDATE: Vairāku spēlētāju - tagad spēlējiet tiešsaistē jebkurā laikā pret draugiem! Jūs varat arī izveidot atvērtas spēles, kurām ikviens var pievienoties, lai izaicinātu savas prasmes. Pat ietver datoru atskaņotājus, kuri var pārņemt, ja kāds izkrīt no spēles. Jūs esat...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
Uzziniet pro nūju trenera lietotni Android tālruņiem un planšetdatoriem palīdz jums ātri un viegli iemācīties pamatstratēģiju, lai palielinātu jūsu uzticību, izklaidētos un uzvarētu biežāk. Lietotnei ir visas funkcijas, kuras jūs varētu sagaidīt no premium klases apmācības...
Version: 1.0.26 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
●● This is a large file. Download it by Wi-Fi.●● This game requires internet access. (WIFI or 3G/LTE Data connection)______________________________- A new tale of Black Stone -The Black Stone was destroyed and evil beings began to invade the kingdom.Ned’s party was entangled in “that”...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
** From the creators of the brain trainers Brainful, Color Magnet and Super Flip Game! **Glowish is a puzzle game like no other! Beautifully designed and a truly brain challenger, Glowish will give you countless hours of enjoyment solving lots of colorful puzzles by turning light switches on and...
Version: 3.0.1 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
Touchy is the Twister of our times! Play with friends, old or new, who are right there with you. You try to touch their screen and they try to touch your screen - but don't let them!Touchy is a great way to meet people in clubs or in the halls, etc. - an ideal icebreaker. Give your friend a...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
“Emi Cortés”, nombre del personaje principal, es un videojuego educativo de última generación para niños y también para niños con capacidades diferentes.-Los otros personajes son: Juan, hermano mellizo de Emi, ambos de Argentina, Rinku de India, Lola de España y Martin de México.-En...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
Īpaša atlaide (50% atlaide) šajā festivāla sezonā. Saņemiet savu reklāmu bezmaksas sudoku kopiju ar Daily Challenge tūlīt. Šī ir viena no labākajām Sudoku () lietotnēm bez AD. Spēlējiet populāro#1 galda spēli Sudoku BEZMAKSAS BEZMAKSAS VERSONU VISU LAIKU VISU LAIKU IERAKSTU...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
This is the ad-free version of our DuckHunter Free app.This version has no ads.Duck Hunter is a game where you shoot the ducks and other animals on the screen. The more you hunt the more you score. Happy Hunting ;)Please post your feedback and rate us. Updates coming soon.Duck Hunter Game. Shoot...
Version: 15 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
It is a home-made puzzle game where you will try to solve the system in every section designed with different concepts.
Version: release-5-g3ded394 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
Nurbits is a music puzzle game. You take on the role of a sound engineer responsible for producing music with a robot band. You must fix the wiring in each robot's brain before it can play the song. To do so, you hook up microchips that send and receive signals the same way that neurons do....
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
In 'What'sThisGuy?' You find yourself in a secluded place, the demon appears and presents you with a challenge. Deconstruct his shrill riffs using finger gestures when passing through his notes. Tap, swipe and slide your way to a swift victory!See in-game instructions (?) to see how the...
Version: 2.0.10 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
This app is an alternative race engineer for Project Cars which contains more accurate and detailed radio messages than the built in race engineer. It knows many of the AI drivers' names which will be included in messages where appropriate, and can also be extended to include real drivers'...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
Epic fantāzijas kaujāsKomanda drosmīgs karavīri un apburtais dēmonus BattleLore: Komanda, kas balstīti uz galda spēle BattleLore Second Edition. Svins cēlajam Daqan armiju, kā viņi bezbailīgi aizstāvēt savu dzimteni no okupē hordes no Uthuk Y'llan- dēmons noasiņojis barbariem...
Version: 1.1.2003 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
Turn the slow, clumsy pachyderm into a master on the trampoline, a virtuoso with the jumping rope or into the next Bruce Lee of karate! With Hippo Sports, you now get your own sports tamagotchi to-go!★ Train your friend the hippo and let him achieve his best!★ Give Hippo a name and observe his...
Version: 1.0.27 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
Spēlējiet poniju sapņu namā un rūpējieties par mazu rozā mazuļa poniju! Šļakatas ūdens burbuļvanī, Mash Green Peas, Mainiet autiņbiksītes, nolieciet viņu gulēt un ir saldi sapņi! Kļūsti par labāko mazuļa poniju auklīti un rūpējieties par jauko rozā mazuļa poniju...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
Šai spēlei jūsu draugi liks kliegt minējumus un histēriski smieties, kad viņi mēģinās būt pirmie, kas atšifrē jūsu zīmējumu, pirms skaņas signāls izslēdzas. Nosaukums, kas skicē Chromecast, ir zīmēšanas spēle, kas ļauj projicēt skices, kas veido mobilo ierīci Chromecast. ...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 29, 2017
Paper Duels offers you different pen and paper games to choose from. Play against the cpu or a second player.Games:• Bridg-It• Chomp• Domineering• Snakes• Tic-Tac-Toe• more to be added laterADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES• CPU might be slow to respond on slower devices, especially for larger...
Version: 1.2.1-play APK - Updated: August 29, 2017
Toca Blocks ir unikāla pasaules veidošanas lietotne, kas ļauj izveidot pasaules, spēlēt tajās un dalīties tajās ar draugiem. Kurp jūs aizvedīs jūsu iztēle?BŪVĒTVeidojiet pasaules un piepildiet tās ar saviem piedzīvojumu ceļiem. Izstrādājiet detalizētas šķēršļu joslas,...
Version: 3.3 APK - Updated: August 29, 2017
★★ 대규모 그래픽 업데이트 완료------------------------------------------------------------★★와쳐 M2 intro를 먼저 플레이하세요.------------------------------------------------------------★★디지털 노벨 작품 목록[와쳐 시리즈 목록]-미스터리...