Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
VR Battle in the Zone recreates Atari's classic arcade game, Battlezone, in Virtual Reality for Google Cardboard. The controls are simple and intuitive, designed specifically for an immersive VR experience. The game places you, a tank, into a world filled with obstacles and enemy tanks. You can...
Version: 1.34 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
In this point and click, room-escape style adventure game, players are lost on the shores of a mysterious island. Clues and items await discovery in over 150 atmospheric environments, as players search for an escape while in pursuit of the ever elusive Dr. Teresa Von Awesome. An unfolding series of...
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
In this point and click room-escape style adventure game, players explore the curious floors of mysterious Chimera Labs facility. The ever elusive Doctor Teresa Von Awesome has been conducting fantastically strange research. As the newly appointed lead detective, players must sift through clues,...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
The Ball Maze app is a maze app that uses an interactive ball to solve the maze. Just tilt the device to move the ball and solve the maze. Race against time or another player via paired Bluetooth devices! A great tool to pass the time and have fun for parents, couples, grandparents, kids and...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
V laboratorijski stavbi se je pojavil izbruh virusa zombija. Pojdite v dvigalo in ubijte dohodne zombije. Ko pridete v zgornje nadstropje, poiščite vir okužbe in ga uničite. Ko premagate zombija, lahko dobite orožje. Za ustvarjanje ali izboljšanje orožja lahko uporabite BluePrints v...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
[낙랑, 파도가 치는 고성] 은 글과 그림으로 진행되는 비주얼노벨 형식의 게임입니다.~ 스탠딩 CG를 사용하지 않은 영화같은 비주얼노벨 ~장르 : 판타지 사극 / 플레이 타임 : 5시간 내외- 초기 로딩시 시간이 소요되니 그 점...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
Strzelające czołgi, albo ty albo przeciwnik wygrywa w zależności od tego kto więcej odda celnych strzałów więcej w serii.
Version: 2.0.5 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
Opis igre Peskovniku igra, v kateri boste v vlogi samostojni in iti vse od razvoja svoje sposobnosti za ustvarjanje dolar korporacijskih več milijonov.V zgodnjih fazah igre, ki jo bo preproste pogodbe, razvijejo svoje sposobnosti, spremlja zdravje vašega značaja. Kar poznih fazah - boste...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
Çocukların görsel zekalarının ve bilgilerinin gelişimi için mükemmel bir oyun!Resmi bir miktar kazıyın ve gerçekte hangi resim olduğunu,şıklardan bulmaya çalışın.Böylelikle en yüksek puanı almaya çalışın...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
Clickitty Cat živi v Greenvilleu in rad jedo ribe!Na srečo je tovarna rib Greenville tik ob cesti.Žal psi in ptice radi jedo mačje ribe!Pomikajte se po ulicah in vrtovih Greenville-a in ugotovite, kako jesti ribe, preden jih pes ali ptica lahko dobita.- Pogled na svet kot mačko in njenega...
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
*Global Leaderboard*Multiple Difficulty Modes - Easy, Normal, Hard*New 15 Track Drum and Bass/Dubstep Music SoundtrackGet ready for an unlimited adventurous ride with the most exciting racing game "Velocity - Endless Racing". The game is super exciting and it is the best racing game ever....
Version: 2 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
"RUN TO WIN"The launch of the first app in the world's biggest city (Running The World) and many more in bigger city's to come.Aim of the game top 3 players in the competition who collect the most amount of diamonds during a single run WIN Gold, Silver & Bronze positions. Each...
Version: 1.0.19 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Dobrodošli na prvem letniku fakultete. Pravkar ste končali prvo leto na zelo cenjeni univerzi Genetix. Zdaj v poletnem odmoru boste sklenili nove prijatelje in sovražnike, odšli boste na zabave in upali, da boste na poti našli ljubezen. Vsaka izbira, ki jo boste naredili, bo vplivala na to,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Pumpkin Pop 2 In Space contain 6 mini games. Jump around in space with a pumpkin, click on planets, stars and cute aliens.Mini games:Space Time – Jump as far as possible in a limited time.Space Marathon – Jump as far as possible without falling down from the platforms.Pop All – Click on all...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Inspired by the 1979 Atari classic Lunar Lander, Little Lander is a retro inspired mobile game where you play through different scenarios that make use of gravity and velocity control.Endless mode: Play through a slowly more challenging endless mode with the simple object of increasing your...
Version: 2.4.2 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Robo Defense je končni prenosni obrambni stolp izkušnje. Poleg odprte karte, nadgradnje, dosežke in lepe grafike. Popolna različica ima 5 zemljevide z neomejeno nadgradenj in težavnostnih stopenj. Brezplačna različica je na voljo tudi (najprej malo!). Brezplačna različica napredek se...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Hungry Man is hungry. He loves food. He despises bugs. Your mission: let no food go to waste, while avoiding all bugs.Pro Version does not have any ads!
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
This game would be easy if you could turn both directions! The controls are simple: just tap to turn left. Race through countless levels across three game modes. Play as different characters with unique effects.Featuring:-50+ levels-9 different characters with unique features (one is hidden)-fading...
Version: 0.13.13 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
The classic game where you control a metal ball in a maze.Avoid obstacles. Collect bonuses. Reach the target.Do it as fast as you can!Improve your ranking, challenge your friends, collect prizes!If you like to test your abilities to escape from labyrinths, this is your game!The ball movement comes...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Découvrez l'application Mots fléchés Serie 7 Niveau 2( Moyen )sur votre smartphone Android ou votre tablette.Le but : Trouvez et placez le mots suivant sa définition Taille de la grille 13*8 , possibilité de zoom sur la définition, utilisation ergonomique( en glissant le doigt...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
This is a unique and innovative APP for testing/training logic thinking created by the Swedish pop-singer and artist Solblomma. Her 'patented' dolls and trains are used to create a very special game feeling.Suggested age 6-14 years.Features:1. No registration required2. 100 tests/games3....
Version: 0.402 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Sum5s is a game of tiles, with the goal of arranging a single line of 5 or less tiles, tiles which when combined have a sum of 5 (or a multiple of 5, like 15, 25 50 etc.).Play off of previously played tiles on a grid and flex your basic math muscles to challenge yourself and your friends to a game...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017
Mathium je precej preprost način preživljanja časa. Nekaj ​​preprostih enačb vam pomaga, da se v podzemni železnici, javnem prevozu ali sedenju v liniji ne bi dolgočasili. Pravilo je le eno in povsem preprosto: preverite pravilnost enakovrednosti. Pripravljeno, stabilno, pojdi! ...
Version: 1.4.8 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017
KAJ JE:Dual N-Back bilo dokazano, da izboljšajo delovno spomin in inteligenco tekočine, ki se je prej mislil unchangable. To je preprost klon Brain delavnice s čisto in hitro vmesnika. Audio so vzete iz namizja igri s svojo ustvarjalca (Paul Hoskinson)...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017
중력 런닝 게임 플랜트 메이커!-총 27스테이지 3가지의 테마-3종류의 각기다른 개성을 가진 보스전투-터치 한번으로 중력을 바꾸는 간단한 조작중력 런닝 게임 플랜트 메이커는 화면 터치 한번으로중력을 변환시켜 주인공한테...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017
Enter the world of VeloCity in full 360 Virtual Reality. Race in a futuristic VR world full of massive sky scrapers & mega structures. Feel the sense of speed as you enjoy the exclusive drum & bass/ dubstep full length music soundtrack. Try to collect as many bonus point collectables to...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017
Want to feed your addiction for Civilization? GMR-Notifier automatically checks your Giant Multiplayer Robot account and notifies you when you have turns available. No more checking your computer every five minutes! Simply receive notifications on your phone that turns are available, then go play...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017