Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.2.7 APK - Updated: August 04, 2017
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 04, 2017
Planetarix is a challenging and very interesting memory and attention training game. We have arranged the most adventurous journey with the steepest task—save the universe! In the world of the unknown, we have to unveil our allies. We shall go from a planet to a planet to discover who is our...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 04, 2017
The game is full of puzzles in a scary atmosphere.Can you escape this place, it will not be easy I assure you! Are you up for the challenge?An addictive and scary adventure game! We hope you will love it!Game features:- nice graphics- solve puzzles- find, combine and use items- find hidden...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 04, 2017
- About - borite se in raziščite svojo pot iz tega vznemirljivega novega 2D senčnega platformerja pod klet! Izogibajte se pasti in zbirajte čim več življenj na 20 ravneh, medtem ko ubijate demonska bitja, ki se skrivajo spodaj. Ali boste z omejenimi življenji uspeli pobegniti? -Controls- ...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 04, 2017
Ein and the Fallen Stars is a story-telling game. It describes a story where a space explorer named Ein who lost his way home when the stars have disappeared. As a player, you can help him to return to his home planet by solving all the puzzles.
Version: 1.6.4 APK - Updated: August 04, 2017
Kaj če bi lahko živel svoje življenje znova?V tem tekstovne interaktivne fikcije, se odločite, kaj se bo zgodilo. To je v stilu gamebooks pick-a-poti, vendar z več kot tisoč več možnimi odgovori, da je veliko dlje in globlje od tradicionalnih gamebooks. Alter Ego se začne ob rojstvu in...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Does your baby love music? Are you getting sick of hearing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Old MacDonald" 70 times a day? Does your baby have access to an Android device? Then this is the app for you.My baby loves music. There is a lot of great music out there that he could...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Dive in crystal water of Caribbean Sea and explore its mysteries. Visit 8 beautiful, underwater locations, full of tropical fishes. Help pirate ghost take off an ancient curse and collect valuable pearls. Visit underwater caves, dungeons and Mayan pyramids to complete the mission.Sea Adventure VR:...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Bible Phonics Plus APPS Level 2 (6-8 years)There are five (5) apps in the Level 2 Bible Phonics Plus program which are specifically designed for children between the ages of 6 to 8. These apps help give your child the skills to smoothly transit from being an emergent and early reader to a fluent,...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Mit Antolin dem Leseraben können Kinder ihre Lesefertigkeit auf spielerische Weise steigern. Dabei werden Wahrnehmung und Wortauffassung sowie sinnverstehendes und informationsentnehmendes Lesen geübt. Das Kind lernt Wörter schneller zu erfassen, sodass seine Leseflüssigkeit und...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Battle Necromancers, Ogres in sam demon! ujetnik Fortune je interaktivni roman Samuela Harrisona Young, kjer vaše odločitve nadzirajo zgodbo. Njen drugi zvezek demonov med moškimi, nadaljevanje sojenja Demon Hunter. Igra temelji na besedilu z občasnimi živahnimi ilustracijami in edinstveno...
Version: 2.47.26 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Igra uporablja G svoj ponudniki in most Most Play Engine, ki je osvojila pet svetovnih prvenstev za računalniški most. Shrani igro na izhodu; Naložite zadnjo igro ali začnite novo nad 2 milijardami mostnih poslov Podvojitveni in gumijasti most. nj Posel, ki ga želite igrati: slam, igra,...
Version: 4.1.6 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Igralci se znajdejo v vlogi dobro cenjenega pogajalca talcev, ki se še vedno okreva od prejšnje travme. Igralce bo kontaktiral stari znanec in prosil, da se pogajajo o izpustitvi desetih talcev, ki jih ima skupina kriminalcev v lokalni banki, potem ko banke ne bodo oropali med rutinsko dostavo...
Version: 0.90 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Sharingan And Rasengan Spinnersharingan kakashi Spinnersharingan obito Spinnersharingan shisui Spinnersharingan madara Spinnermangekyou sharingan madara Spinnersharingan sasuke Spinnermangekyou sharingan sasuke Spinnerrasengan shuriken Spinnernaruto eyes SpinnerBy installing this app you agree to...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
My Bridge Score lets you use your android smart phone to record your personal duplicate bridge score sheet. In addition to recording the game it also allows you to compare your various partners to see what your partnerships average percentages were as well as how many points of each color were...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
Se vam zdi moj mojster? Iščete osvežujoč nov Word Challenge? iz ​​pametnih misli, ki stojijo za Adventure Capitalist, prihaja povsem nov, ki se ukvarja z žanrom besed Puzzle. {#{ To je kot reševanje navzkrižnega namiga, vendar je odgovor znotraj samega namiga! *Raziščite 600 ugank...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
Ad-free version.How to play "Blocks VS Snake"?1.By moving your finger from the left to the right of the screen you will guide the snake of balls.2.The snake has to catch the balls that it finds in its way so it will get bigger.3. Apart from that, to move forward it must avoid or break the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
Solve complex puzzles, explore hidden temples, escape deadly platforms and revel in the joy of flight as you restore the Musiki's stolen rhythms!Inspired by tribal music, art and architecture from across the African continent, Rangi is challenging yet comfortable to play.Close your eyes. Find...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
New version available here: Order contains a secret that many will seek, but few will find. Test your skills against the cube in a way that you might not have imagined before now. Don’t already have a cube? Get...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
The hit match-3 game is back! Join Boom and Zap on their fantasy adventure in Rescue Quest Gold, lovingly remastered as a premium game with more levels, enhanced effects, and improved gameplay. Play through 200+ levels of uninterrupted fun as you follow the road to Turnspell Academy and study to...
Version: 2.11 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
Lazertap is a competitive timing-based arcade game where two players attempt to best one another by deflecting incoming lazer blocks towards their opponent.Each player has three buttons which can deflect lazers on-touch, but each button has a short cooldown. Tapping a button at the right time...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
Brookie Bee se je vrnil in tokrat je dvakrat zabavna! retro zabava za vso družino! V prvi igri morate pomagati Brookie Bee skozi ovire, vendar jih ne pustite dotikati ali njene igre! V drugi igri morate ujeti vse marjetice. Vendar ne pustite nobenega spodrsljaja ali njene igre čez! Če...
Version: 4.51 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
You wish be a rich?It's easy!!If you buy this game, you can show to the people that you are very rich.
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
Chairs! helps make mastering organic chemistry fun.You don't need to memorize terms and formulas. Our organic chemistry puzzles help you think visually and learn through spatial reasoning -- key for mastering organic chemistry.Chair conformations, called ring flips, offer great exercises in...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
Word Fun World Vnesite fantastičen svet zabave za izpite za začetek, premike in letake. Igrajte vznemirljive igre za vadbo in učenje ključnega besedišča za Cambridge English: Mladi učenci izpite. Njegova odlična priprava na mlade učence ali preprosto zabaven način za vadbo angleščine v...
Version: 0.1.2 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
"Numberize It" is a game where you have to press a given sequence of keys (numbers). Every level you 'll have to press one number more. You can play it alone to train your memory, or you can play it with a friend to find out who has the best memory :-)A high score between five and ten...
Version: 1.2.3 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
Looper is a minimal infinite runner. I hope you enjoy this simple yet challenging arcade adventure!
Version: 1.12 APK - Updated: July 31, 2017
Brought to you by Australia’s leading independent provider of music education, MyMusica is an app for tablets and smartphones to encourage primary-school aged children to compose and arrange music from around the world. MyMusica is a great introduction to creativity in music, recording and...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: July 31, 2017
The skeleton must pass all the dungeons in order to escape from the dungeon. Can you help him to escape?
Version: 2.1.0 APK - Updated: July 31, 2017
Infinity Way 2 je hitra igra, ki temelji na enem igralcu, ki temelji na turneji, ki ne zahteva veliko razmišljanja! Igra temelji na prvi igri Infinity Way (2016) za PC. Poskusite doseči najboljši rezultat in kupiti zmaja ali o-Qiralium in ga delite z nami na Twitterju @mskrembo Igra je...