Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 3.5.5 APK - Updated: January 23, 2019
King of Booze je igra za pitje, ki je ustvarjena za odpravljanje vseh težav z začetkom vaše zabave. To je najboljša igra za mlade odrasle, ki želijo delati zabavne izzive in se skupaj napijati. *Nedavno posodobljeno! Dodanih dodatnih 110 izzivov in več kot 200 vprašanj za polja resnice! V...
Version: 1.3.2 APK - Updated: January 23, 2019
Yarak pomeni posel. Ona ni dobil čas za vas! Spravi oklep bilančnih obstaja pustolovščine treba storiti!Generacije po mogočni Lowlander premagal zloben Azamon se je pojavila nova lopov. Zlo čarovnica, YARAK! Kraljestvo potrebuje nov junak - vas bo ena?Ali ste ljubitelj retro igre? RPGova?...
Version: 1.24 APK - Updated: January 23, 2019
Burgle Bros zahteva prikrite, načrtovanje in malo sreče. V tradiciji klasičnih Heist filmov, kot so Oceanovih 11 in The Italian Job, si sestavite svojo posadko, da načrt, in snemite nemogoče.Push srečo ali tvegati - vaše odločitve vplivajo vsi na svojo ekipo.Izberite iz litega znakov z...
Version: 1.3.5 APK - Updated: January 21, 2019
The full version of "Preschool Adventures-2". A matching puzzles game for 4-5 years old children!A wonderful application for 4-5 years kids, Completely safe and having NO ads, this game proves to be the best kids game to help your child grow, learn, have fun, and even give parents some...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: January 21, 2019
The Swords is an action game of ancient martial arts. It tells the story of a sword master's life and his deep immersion in the art of swords. Amidst the ink wash painting is the light and shade of swords, which embodies the fighting and pursuit of a sword master.◆- IGF China 2015 - Best...
Version: 6.0.0 APK - Updated: January 21, 2019
Create your character, give her a name and select your class. Edit the character to select your tokens for each slot. Only tokens available to your class and setup will be shown. After building your character check out your final statistics. Help ensure that all your valued tokens are counted...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: January 21, 2019
Evil force invaded the relic in the mountain. Darkness began to spread. A brave young man, equipped with his family’s unique mounted archery skills, rides into the mountains to battle against the mysterious demons.◆"A beautiful, challenging adventure"- The Verge"A picturesque,...
Version: 4 APK - Updated: January 20, 2019
iMAME is a modified android version from open-sourced MAME project. It emulates arcade games supported by MAME which includes over 8000 different ROMs. This emulator has improved performance, user interface and supports more games compared to the original MAME emulator.* iMAME is an EMULATOR and...
Version: 4.7.1 APK - Updated: January 20, 2019
uCraft Full VersionuCraft is a 2D block building game where you can build anything you want. Explore, dig, farm, survive and just have fun. We are continually adding new features and functionalities. Join the uCraft community and help mold what will be an awesome survival game.Note: If you are...
Version: 1.031 APK - Updated: January 17, 2019
アビスアンドダーク #1 リル・マズアの遺跡...
Version: 2.8.3 APK - Updated: January 17, 2019
** Študij šahovske knjige zdaj na iPadu! ** {# shranjevanje branje šahovske knjige brez šahovske plošče ni enostavno, razen če niste Vishy Anand ali Magnus Carlsen! Kaj pa, če bi lahko prebrali svoje e -knjige ali revije PDF šahov, poleg tega pa sledite igram na...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 17, 2019
If you are a fan of dice games, this belongs on your list. Farkle Fever is a collection of six different great "press your luck" dice games that can be played solitaire or with up to four players. Included is the classic "Ten Thousand" version, as well as some high-bonus...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 17, 2019
The Checkers app is a two player checkers game with timer. A great way to pass the time while traveling or waiting for an event!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 17, 2019
This app is a two player chess or checkers game with timer. A great way to pass the time while traveling or waiting for an event or play with your spouse, kids or grand kids!
Version: 1.3.4 APK - Updated: January 17, 2019
Rainbow Lines is one of the most entertaining and challenging puzzle games for your device!The goal of the game is to remove balls by forming lines (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) of 4+ balls of the same color.Features:★ 3 game modes: classic, action and time attack;★ 7 locations;★ 2...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 17, 2019
Dice is a game for 2 to 4 players where 6 dice are thrown and scores accumulated. The first player to reach 10,000 points is the winner! A great way to pass the time for kids and parents, couples, grandkids and grandparents!
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: January 16, 2019
Slay je preprosta igra strategije in zvitosti, ki se jo dogaja v srednjem veku. Otok je razdeljen med šest igralcev, vi pa morate poskušati zavzeti zemljo svojih sovražnikov in povezati svoja ozemlja, da ustvarite večja in močnejša. Zemljo začnete osvajati z napadom s svojimi kmeti. Ko vaša...
Version: 1.7.1 APK - Updated: January 16, 2019
Tired of playing same type of infinite running games?Tired of Jumping?Tired of ducking down?But still want a fun filled game?Then lets play Tunnel Rush. A physics based simulation game which defies geometry. As a surfer you need to survive through the infinitely changing direction. Pass through the...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: January 16, 2019
From humble backwater to medieval metropolis - build the city of YOUR dreams!Develop your tiny village to a grand medieval empire with a thriving economy and happy villagers! Find spots for mining ore, harvest the crops of your farms and collect coins as taxes from your folk. Build jousting fields,...
Version: 1.5.4 APK - Updated: January 15, 2019
Are you a fan of Tri-Peaks Solitaire, Pyramid Solitaire or Golf Solitaire games, but looking for something new and exciting?Then All-Peaks Solitaire is right for you!All-Peaks Solitaire is an addicting Solitaire game with 4 game modes, lots of layouts and nice relaxing music.The object of the...
Version: 2.0.3 APK - Updated: January 15, 2019
* Original Mix Beseda ™ *Beseda Mix ™ je zasvojenost anagram igra, kjer boste morali oblikovati čim več besed je mogoče iz kupa šestih premešanih črk. Bodite prepričani, da uganiti šest črk besede, da se premaknete na naslednjo stopnjo. Verjetno toliko besed, kot si lahko, da dodate na...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: January 13, 2019
How much lunch can an animal munch?It's simple. Monkeys eat bananas. Rabbits eat carrots. Dogs eat bones. Pandas eat bamboo. Oh, and Toucans eat anything!Drop the blocks in the most munchable way. But to get the really big points, create chain-reaction munches that send the animals into a...
Version: 4.0.9 APK - Updated: January 13, 2019
Različica igre Train Sim brez oglasovNajboljši simulator vlaka z več kot 30 milijoni prenosov!LASTNOSTI- Izjemno realistična 3D grafika-50+ realističnih 3D vrst vlakov-40+ vrst vagonov-9 realističnih 3D okolij-1 Underground Subway Scene- Zgradite okolja po meri-3D pogledi kabine za vse vlake-...
Version: 1.7.9 APK - Updated: January 11, 2019
Minesweeper for Android is Classical minesweeper ( mines ). The goal of the game is to uncover all the squares that do not contain mines.To mark a mine use long tap.Minesweeper Old School features: - Variable minefield. - Classical gameplay. - its a real Old School minesweeper. - adapted to the...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: January 11, 2019
Lola se je vrnila za še več matematičnih vlakovnih dogodivščin v Lolas Math Train 2! Bolj zahtevna in še bolj zabavna kot najbolje prodajani izvirnik! Aritmetično učenje otrok popeljite na naslednjo stopnjo, z igrami, ki segajo od preprostega dodajanja in odštevanja, vse do zahtevnih...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: January 11, 2019
Prihodnost ostudno dvorec je v svoji preteklosti!Pohlepne razvijalci BUYCO želijo graditi svojo naslednjo MegaMart Superstore na mestu Dedkov prenovljene ostudno dvorcu!Da jih ustaviti od rušenje svojega doma, dedek samo mora dokazati, da je lastnik zemljišča - toda to je, če postane zapleteno...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: January 11, 2019
Od Sablastan staro graščino do starodavnega otoka, na fantazijskem svetu grozila z vedeževalko ... Fire Maple Igre s ponosom predstavlja tri njihovih najbolj prodajanih pustolovske igre, združeni v en ULTIMATE ADVENTURE zbirka.Uživajte v teh treh klasičnih point-and-klik avanturo iger za ceno...
Version: 2.9.4 APK - Updated: January 11, 2019
Dedek je bil vedno nekoliko ekscentrična. Fantastično inženir, je bil vedno pokopan v svojem delu vedno prihaja do novih idej in izumov, ki kot otrok ste držali s široko odprtimi očmi v strah.Zdaj, po mnogih letih, da se vrnete v hiši, ki ima tako veliko lepe spomine za vas, z obljubo, od...
Version: 1.0.12 APK - Updated: January 11, 2019
Čuden občutek ste imeli ves dan vam sledijo spat tisto noč.Nenadna crash od sosednji sobi vas zbudi iz sanj čarobnih dežel, in določa vaš srčni dirke v prsih.Sedenje vijak pokonci v postelji, čuden občutek vrne kot vaše oči prilagodi na teme, s poudarkom na lihih lesenih simbolov po...
Version: 1.9.6 APK - Updated: January 11, 2019
Babica je imela prav.Nihče ji res verjel. Niti ti, njena najljubša vnuk.Ampak ona je imela prav. In bolj, kot si lahko kdaj zamisliti.Mesto pred vami, globoko v meglo zavito gozdu, ni mogoče najti na nobenem zemljevidu. To ne bi smelo sploh obstajajo. Čeprav je minilo že zaspal za dolgo časa,...