Spiele Bezahlt Android Kostenlos
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
Bombshell ist eine moderne Sicht auf das klassische Minensweeper -Puzzlespiel. Es verfügt sowohl über den klassischen Puzzle -Modus als auch einen neuen Panikmodus, in dem das Öffnen leerer Quadrate eine Countdown -Sicherung startet, die die Bomben beim Abläufe detoniert, es sei denn, Sie...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
This application is ideal to exercise the visual memory and also the auditory memory of your children !In this game, you can :- Match the colorful fireflies nestling in the magnificent Russian wooden toy boxes (visual memory)- Match the tunes that escape from the Russian wooden boxes (auditory...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
Once upon a time…My lord, our lands are under attack! Your hysterically yelling servant is trying to get you out from a pile of naked women's bodies, so you could make your way to an urgent audience with the King. Congratulations! Now you are in the head of the castle, country and motherland...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Es hat viele, viele Nächte mit den gleichen Trinkspielen und immer wieder gekostet, um zu dem Schluss zu kommen Besseres Trinkspiel für Sie. Das Ziel des Spiels ist es, die Nummer zu erraten, bevor ein Spieler spielt. Wenn Sie richtig erraten, gewinnen Sie! Aber raten Sie falsch und Sie müssen...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Space is littered with various household items (or things cosmos never dreamed of). Our alien buddies want to find them for us, but they’re not too good at spotting anything – you need to get in there and help them out! Grab your magnifying glass and find all the things!How to play:Pay...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
# 게임 소개캐슬디펜더는 클릭커 슈팅과 RPG 가 결합된 디펜스게임입니다.마을을 업그레이드하고 영웅들을 레벨업해 방어력을 높이세요.최강의 영웅과 필살기를 조합해 끊임없이 몰려오는 몬스터들을 무찔러 주세요!#...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Bitte beachten Sie: Gehen Sie und springen Sie nur an Ihrem Platz, um in der VR -Umgebung tatsächlich zu gehen und zu springen. im Ozean und beobachten Sie, wie real die Wellen sich anfühlen. Gehen Sie den himmlischen Garten und erkunden Sie, schauen Sie sich Pfau, Flamingos, Tukane und mehr an. ...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Shoot the Dosen ist ein kleiner Schütze für Google Daydream. Sie möchten sich wie ein Cowboy fühlen? Es ist einfach, so viele Dosen wie möglich zu schießen, um Ihre Punktzahl zu erhöhen. haben Spaß! alle Musik und SFX von http://www.freesfx.co.uk/
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Welcome to the Fantasy Roller Coaster Ride. Prepare to be enthralled as you're taken on a most spooky adventure. With the Fantasy Roller Coaster Ride you can enjoy one of the best of virtual reality games on Gear VR store. This roller coaster simulation can be experienced in most adventure...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
Sherman the Alaskan Cow is a cool adventure-puzzle game with easy to use mechanics and movement for everyone to play. Great for family and children! Join Sherman the Alaskan Cow as he makes his way to the evil Moose Corp to save his fellow friends. Help him solve puzzles, explore hidden areas, and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after your initial purchase...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after your initial purchase...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after your initial purchase...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after your initial purchase...
Version: 4.4 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
In True Game Tycoon you form your game development studio and become an game business tycoon. Develop into the leader of the market and gain worldwide fans and dominate the market of video games.Create a game development tycoon story of yours who established a successful video game business and...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
Neste jogo o Ariê vira um detetive, e ele tem pela frente três atividades onde o grande desafio é desvendar os mistérios e encontrar o que está escondido.CAÇA PALAVRAS: Sua tarefa é achar os nomes dos objetos que vão aparecendo sobre a mesinha no clássico jogo caça palavras.BAGUNÇA: Aqui...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
Steigern Sie Ihr Play Games-Level!Liste der Erfolge:10 Klicks - 20.000 XP20 Klicks - 40.000 XP30 Klicks - 60.000 XP40 Klicks - 80.000 XP50 Klicks - 100.000 XP
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
You are on winter raft in ocean.Survive in the coldest place of the world!Get boxes with resources using hook!Create you own big house! Do whatever you want!Survival Ocean Raft - Winter Story - features:► new Build and craft game!► real sea survival simulator!► Create own house!► Secret...
Version: 1.0.32 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
Einfacher 100%(!?) Kompatibler 3DO -Emulator basierend auf PhoenixemuProject. Für die volle Geschwindigkeitsemulation empfohlen 1,5 -GHz -Dual -Core -Arm. Standard -Verzeichnisname für BIOS und ISOs ist 3DO, oder Sie können andere über Einstellungen auswählen. oder #} Beta -Testing:...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
Simple SG-1000, Sega Master System and Game Gear Emulator based on PhoenixEmuProject.Supported only standard console controller.Default directory name for ROMs is "Gear", or you may select any other via settings.IMPORTANT: GearMasterPlayer doesn't include any console software, it must...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
New for 2017: Play against your friends over Wi-Fi with a brand new multi-player mode!iPingpong 3D, the critically acclaimed and chart topping iOS Ping Pong game is now available for Android devices!Test your table tennis skills with our challenging AI competitors!Slide your finger on screen to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
Tricky Tanks VR is a tricky shooter with voxel style graphics. Move your tank through different battlefields and shoot all tanks. Keep an eye on the surrounding with your cardboard compatible VR headset. You can increase difficulty by disabling the position arrows oft the tanks. Then it will become...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 14, 2017
Ξεκινήστε ένα επικό και κωμικο ταξίδι στην Alpha έκδοση του The Last ES. Δημιουργημενο εξολοκληρου απο έναν και μόνο άνθρωπο. Το ταξίδι του Ες ξεκινά όταν αναγκάζεται να...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: July 14, 2017
You are surrounded by four stone walls. The only exit is the locked door in front of you. You have one possession, a gold necklace with a strange symbol on it. You are unsure how you got here, but each room seems to bring you one step closer to the truth.Explore the labyrinth in 3D as you search...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: July 14, 2017
Sie wurden gerade von einer der wichtigsten Geheimdienstagenturen der Welt eingestellt. Ihr Codename: Agent Hawk. Verwenden Sie alle Ihre Spionage, um eine faszinierende weltweite Verschwörung aufzudecken, indem Sie versteckte Hinweise untersuchen! klassisch Fühlen Sie sich wie ein echter...
Version: 2.0.2 APK - Updated: July 14, 2017
Kleine Autos, großer Spaß!Starten Sie Ihre Motoren! Das lebendigste, aufgeladenste Rennspiel, das du je gesehen hast, ist da! Und jetzt ist es besser als je zuvor mit dem massiven Jubiläums-Update!Mini Motor Racing spielt sich wie ein beliebtes ferngesteuertes Auto-Showdown, kombiniert mit...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: July 14, 2017
Try this amazing game!Get ready to explore an awesome new world!Collect diamonds in the virtual mine.WARNING: Insanely Addictive!Features:- Beautiful underground HD graphics, and cool animation effects.- Exciting music theme- No Ads!How to play:Be careful, do not leave the...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: July 13, 2017
Easy operation and various enemies and magical effectsContinuous tension feelingYou can feel high quality graphics made with Unreal 4 engine.Continue following avoiding enemies, win coins and raise your score.You can attack enemies with magic generated periodically.Enemy monsters are randomly...
Version: 1.71 APK - Updated: July 13, 2017
Differentiated operation and RPG element borrowing from existing shooting gameEasy operation for mobile- Automatic Attack- Move left and right (rotate)- Charging AttackDifferentiated graphics and gaming characteristics from existing shooting games- Shooting game made with Unreal 4 engine- Colorful...