Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: July 19, 2017
Ukuzivikela kwe-SEC kuyinto ecabangayo ye-Mans tower Defense ngecebo nokuxazulula ama-puzzle aphonswe ukuxubana okuhle. Yakhelwe ukuthi ibe yinto eyodwa nento eyodwa kuphela, isipiliyoni sokuzivikela se-Conger Defense ngemithwalo yokujula kwamasu. - Amazinga ahlukile afana, ngalinye lihlukile -...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 19, 2017
Ku-Outsy Away uqhekeka kufanele usinde ngokusebenzisa izitha zolwandle ezijulile futhi uvikele izingibe, izithiyo kanye nezingibe ohambweni olufuna ukhiye ukuvula amasango ezingeni elisha. Kunamazinga angama-50 amangalisayo futhi ayinselele ongawahlola futhi aphunyuke. Qoqa amagugu ukuvula...
Version: 2.3.3 APK - Updated: July 19, 2017
AlienCraft is a free sandbox game. Creative and building aspects of the AlienCraft enable players to build constructions out of different cubes in a 3D procedurally generated (sandbox) world.There are a wide variety of items that players can craft in. Explore the universe of unique animals and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 19, 2017
It's very simple at first sight, but you never finish it, because it's endless! :)
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: July 19, 2017
With zero advertising!Try this new FREE version of the long anticipated sequel to the hugely popular original SuperTrains game!Drive the SuperTrain around the railroad and lengthen your train by picking up StarWagons!Avoid running into the Red Trains and the Dark Cars, and don't crash into the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
Strike of planes, destroy everything that puts you ahead. It is an intense and entertaining game, invade the area to be yours. Destroy the tanks, the trucks full of machine guns, rocket launchers, hidden machine guns, missile-filled aircraft and be careful that missiles follow you at high speed. If...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
A tough and strategic puzzle adventure roguelike where death is just a few steps away.The premise? Simple. Don't run out of energy, and delve as deep as you can.You start with 100 energy, but every step and hit you take use copious amounts. The only way to regenerate the energy is to collect...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
IBombshell ingukuthatha kwesimanjemanje emgelweni we-minesweeper puzzle game. Ifaka zombili imodi ye-classic puzzle nemodi entsha yokwesaba lapho ukuvula khona izigcawu ezingenalutho kuqala i-fuse yokubala ezodonsa amabhomu lapho kuphela ngaphandle kokuthi ubeke amabhomu aveziwe kahle. IBombshell...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
Lolu hlelo lokusebenza lukahle ukusebenzisa inkumbulo ebonakalayo kanye nememori ye-Auditory yezingane zakho! {# #} Kulomdlalo, unga: ) - Qondanisa izingoma eziphunyuka emabhokisini enziwe ngokhuni laseRussia (# #} - amazinga amaningana obunzima (# #} - ihluzo ezinhle) - Ihluzo ezinhle zomculo...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: July 18, 2017
Once upon a time…My lord, our lands are under attack! Your hysterically yelling servant is trying to get you out from a pile of naked women's bodies, so you could make your way to an urgent audience with the King. Congratulations! Now you are in the head of the castle, country and motherland...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Kuthatha ubusuku obuningi, obuningi bemidlalo yokuphuza efanayo futhi baphelile ukuphetha ngokuthi sidinga okuthile okungcono, okunesibindi ngokwengeziwe, kuyinselele futhi kumnandi futhi lokhu kuyinto ethanda i-roulette futhi kungabikho Umdlalo wokuphuza kangcono kuwe. Inhloso yalo mdlalo...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Space is littered with various household items (or things cosmos never dreamed of). Our alien buddies want to find them for us, but they’re not too good at spotting anything – you need to get in there and help them out! Grab your magnifying glass and find all the things!How to play:Pay...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
# 게임 소개캐슬디펜더는 클릭커 슈팅과 RPG 가 결합된 디펜스게임입니다.마을을 업그레이드하고 영웅들을 레벨업해 방어력을 높이세요.최강의 영웅과 필살기를 조합해 끊임없이 몰려오는 몬스터들을 무찔러 주세요!#...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Uyacelwa uqaphele: Hamba futhi ugxume endaweni yakho kuphela ngokuhamba kwangempela nokugxuma endaweni ye-VR. Phula ogwini, ukuma Ngaphakathi kolwandle futhi ubuke ukuthi amagagasi anokoqobo kangakanani. Hamba engadini yasezulwini bese uhlola, ubuke ama-peacocks, ama-flamingoes, amaToucans...
Version: 3 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Ukudubula amathini kungumdubuli omncane we-Google Daydream. Ufuna ukuzizwa ufana nenkomo? Kulula, ukudubula amathini amaningi ngangokunokwenzeka ukukhulisa isikolo sakho. umculo kanye
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 17, 2017
Welcome to the Fantasy Roller Coaster Ride. Prepare to be enthralled as you're taken on a most spooky adventure. With the Fantasy Roller Coaster Ride you can enjoy one of the best of virtual reality games on Gear VR store. This roller coaster simulation can be experienced in most adventure...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
Sherman the Alaskan Cow is a cool adventure-puzzle game with easy to use mechanics and movement for everyone to play. Great for family and children! Join Sherman the Alaskan Cow as he makes his way to the evil Moose Corp to save his fellow friends. Help him solve puzzles, explore hidden areas, and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
Le phakethe iqukethe ama-caustic alinganise alinganiselwe alinganayo, acindezelwe futhi ane-stereo we-stereo hitbox eklanyelwe ikakhulukazi elenzelwe ukugeleza kohlelo lokusebenza lwe-caustic 3.2. Okubalulekile ifakwe amahora ama-2 ngemuva kokuthenga kwakho kokuqala nokulanda (inqubomgomo ngayinye...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
Le phakethe iqukethe ama-caustic alinganise alinganiselwe alinganayo, acindezelwe futhi ane-stereo we-stereo hitbox eklanyelwe ikakhulukazi elenzelwe ukugeleza kohlelo lokusebenza lwe-caustic 3.2. Okubalulekile ifakwe amahora ama-2 ngemuva kokuthenga kwakho kokuqala nokulanda (inqubomgomo ngayinye...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after your initial purchase...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for reinstall/multiple device install, the apk must be installed for 2+ hours after your initial purchase...
Version: 4.4 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
Kumdlalo weqiniso tycoon ubeka i-studio yakho yokuthuthukisa umdlalo futhi ube ngumdlalo webhizinisi tycoon. Thuthukisa kuMholi Wezimakethe futhi uthole abalandeli bomhlaba wonke futhi ubuse imakethe yemidlalo yevidiyo.Isikhathi sokuthuthukisa umdlalo we-Tycoon owasungule ibhizinisi eliphumelelayo...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: July 16, 2017
Neste jogo o Ariê vira um detetive, e ele tem pela frente três atividades onde o grande desafio é desvendar os mistérios e encontrar o que está escondido.CAÇA PALAVRAS: Sua tarefa é achar os nomes dos objetos que vão aparecendo sobre a mesinha no clássico jogo caça palavras.BAGUNÇA: Aqui...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
No Ads!50 clicks - 100.000 XPBoost your Google Play Games level!10 clicks - 20.000 XP20 clicks - 20.000 XP30 clicks - 20.000 XP40 clicks - 20.000 XP50 clicks - 20.000 XP
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
You are on winter raft in ocean.Survive in the coldest place of the world!Get boxes with resources using hook!Create you own big house! Do whatever you want!Survival Ocean Raft - Winter Story - features:► new Build and craft game!► real sea survival simulator!► Create own house!► Secret...
Version: 1.0.32 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
Simple 100%(!?) compatible 3DO Emulator based on PhoenixEmuProject.For full speed emulation recomended 1.5 GHz dual core ARM.Default directory name for BIOS and ISOs is "3DO", or you may select any other via settings.IMPORTANT: Real3DOPlayer doesn't include any 3DO software, it must...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
Simple SG-1000, Sega Master System and Game Gear Emulator based on PhoenixEmuProject.Supported only standard console controller.Default directory name for ROMs is "Gear", or you may select any other via settings.IMPORTANT: GearMasterPlayer doesn't include any console software, it must...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 15, 2017
Okusha ngo-2017: Dlala ngokumelene nabangane bakho nge-Wi-Fi ngemodi entsha yabadlali abaningi! Hlola amakhono akho etafula le-tennis nge-AI elibandayo! Slayida umunwe wakho esikrinini ukulawula i-paddle futhi ukhumbule Ifaka isigaba esibanzi sosizo lokubuka kanye nezindlela ezintathu zomlutha...