Games Paid Android For Free

Games paid Android for free
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 19, 2017
To Heaven - is a tactical turn-based game with RPG elements, and "3 in a row" where you have to save Asgard from attack all beings nine worlds.In the game you need to think through each move, that the cell alive and strike back. Each turn is important! But do not be sad if you did the...
Version: 2.3.6 APK - Updated: March 19, 2017
More Landscape Jigsaw Puzzles contains 40 spectacular and high-resolution puzzles at 12, 48, 96, 160, 225 and 425 pieces.PuzzleBoss is a 21st century jigsaw company and creator of an unrivaled digital experience for jigsaw puzzles. We've stayed true to traditional jigsaw puzzles but carefully...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 18, 2017
Guide the ball 1000 metres to the ground by swiping bars on screen, bouncing it around spinning saws and off moving terrain objects. Collect extra lives, battle wind currents, use terrain to your advantage, beat the clock!
Version: 0.0.85 APK - Updated: March 18, 2017
■게임스토리평범한 취업준비생인 당신!오늘도 취업실패의 아픔을 달래기 위해 탈락주 거하게 마시고 아침에 눈을 뜨니..!!?눈앞에 다른 세상이 펼쳐졌다!!?판타지세계속 오픈필드를 돌아다니며캐릭터를 육성하고 생존하여...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 18, 2017
Gliding Monkey is the popular game for mobile, install and experience this game on your phone and get the best scoreEver wanted to help clear the earth off Monkey. Now at your finger tip you can.Your fingers can now help to determine the destiny of the earth.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 18, 2017
Os vilões mais temidos enfeitiçaram as maçãs, transformando todas elas em pedra. Para acabar com esse feitiço, o gatinho Yuki vai ter que usar a poção mágica. E quando as maçãs voltarem ao normal, ele vai ter que correr e saltar muito para colocar todas elas em ordem e formar as palavras....
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: March 17, 2017
Dėlionės žaidimas siekia visų galvosūkių žaidimų, dėlionės magijos! „Puzzmagic“ žaidimas „Fendish“ pasipiktinimas ir velniški galvosūkiai, „Puzzmagic“ pasirinks pasaulį audra! Tiesiog pastatykite blokus ir padarykite juos nykstančius. Nepažįstami dalykai įvyks! ...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 17, 2017
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Unlimited - Character SheetsThe first original sheets app, fully editable! NOW WITH DICE TABLE INTEGRATED! Application features: - UNLIMITED SHEETS- Long tap on list item to delete current sheet- Text fields for each section and row - Zoom capabilities - Internal...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 17, 2017
Aprender matemática com o Ariê é super divertido!Pratique a tabuada e leve este leãozinho esperto até o barco com segurança! Pense bem e faça as contas... Bichinhos do mar estão na espreita para impedí-lo de ser um autêntico pirata dos números!Aprenda matemática brincando!
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 17, 2017
O desafio agora é ajudar o gatinho Yuki a achar o tesouro dentro da caverna assombrada. Mas cuidado com os esqueletos piratas que adoram aparecer!Então, estão preparados para somar os números e encarar essa aventura assustadora?
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: March 17, 2017
A game to quiz your knowledge of African American history, it's people, quotes, and achievements. Learn as you play, family fun for your Black History Month, Juneteenth or Kwanzaa celebrations, or just to play on your own, whenever.Use strategy, skill, and a degree of general knowledge to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 16, 2017
This guide is intended only to help people, play this game .excellent, all characters. Locations. Pictures !! .... This, guide rolling the sky to get farther into addiction! The game that challenges you to move the ball, across the changing landscape in the sky and skipping the planets avoiding the...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 16, 2017
Mit der Welt der Zahl Einmaleins-App trainieren Kinder ab der 2. Klasse spielerisch Mal- und Geteiltaufgaben des kleinen Einmaleins und des Einmaleins mit Zehnerzahlen.Die App besteht aus drei Rechenwelten, die jeweils unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsstufen entsprechen:1. Der Froschteich beinhaltet...
Version: 2.2.0 APK - Updated: March 16, 2017
Conçu pour renforcer les stratégies de lecture et d'écriture, Dicomino permet d'enrichir l'orthographe et le vocabulaire des enfants de primaire qui découvrent le langage écrit ( Un travail avec + de 200 images et mots inclus dans l'application. ) : À utiliser sans modération...
Version: 2.20 APK - Updated: March 15, 2017
If you're into boiling point ace duel games that cost 99 cents this is the game for you. 5G8S Elite is a sizzling hot breathtaking battle robot game powered by an astounding next generation mobile 3D game action machine.You have to gather robot puzzle pieces to break through the breach of the...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: March 14, 2017
Laikas jums pradėti savo žemės ūkio karjerą naudodami šį realų ūkininkavimo treniruoklį. Derliaus laukai, užauginkite gyvūnus, vaikščiokite po savo ūkį, kad valdytumėte pastatus, vairuojate kombinuotus, traktorius, sunkvežimius ir pusiau ir įvaldykite daugiau nei 50 ūkio...
Version: 2.1.1 APK - Updated: March 14, 2017
** Paleiskite išpardavimą! - Dabar 30% nuolaida ** užveskite variklį ir pajuskite didžiulių sunkvežimių galią važiuodami per JAV miestus ir kelius šiame pažengusiame sunkvežimio simuliatoriuje. Sukurkite ir išplėskite savo gabenimo imperiją, atrakindami naujus sunkvežimius,...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: March 14, 2017
„Cosmolander“ yra skirtas 6 metų ir vyresniems vaikams, kurie mėgsta erdvę ir astronomiją, taip pat puikiai tinka tiems, kurie niekada nenusileido koja už mūsų planetos! Su „Cosmolander“ galite išmokti linksmų faktų ir informacijos apie visą saulės sistemą per tarpplanetinę...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: March 14, 2017
QT3.14 is a robot you have to program!Help QT3.14 make it through ten levels of increasing difficulty.Watch out that QT3.14 stays on the way!Unlock achievements for completed levels!
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 14, 2017
The game is mainly for 8th and 9th grade students. In the first level, students find the animals based on the given coordinates. In the second level, students use coordinates to find the hidden treasure on the map.In the final level, students connect the dots referring to the coordinates to create...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: March 13, 2017
Pabandykite įveikti bankininką, imdamiesi pasiūlymų ar tiesiog ne ir laikykitės, kad atskleistumėte savo portfelį. Mėgaukitės šiuo žaidimu patys arba su visa šeima! Ši prabangi versija yra 100% reklamos nemokama! Pasirinkite bylą ir pabandykite laimėti kuo daugiau pinigų iš...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 13, 2017
Spider Solitaire is a collection that allows you to play 4 challenge Spider Solitaire games: Spider Solitaire, Spider One Suit, Spider Two Suits, Scorpion.Spider Solitaire Features:- Smooth fluid and advanced animations- Many beautiful card sets, card backs and backgrounds to choose from- Automatic...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 13, 2017
Easy and strategic Dual game applied with Rock, Scissor and Paper Rule.It’s time for the legendary heroes to be reunited.After winning the war against the evil tribe, 10 heroes spread out to various locations due to different opinions. Moreover, the kingdom was divided and ruled by 10 heroes.As...
Version: 1.0.12 APK - Updated: March 13, 2017
A maleficent force is rising from the the Rosewood Hotel. It warns a sinister plot to conquer the world, through the mysterious artifacts sleeping behind the walls of the hotel. Detective Bridget was assigned to crack this case with her expertise, but she needs your help!Help Detective Bridget...
Version: 1.0.20 APK - Updated: March 13, 2017
Lord Byron seeks your superb detective skills to unfold the mysteries of her ancestor's castle. Rummage through hundreds of items, find differences between scenes and discover secret doors that will lead you to the one mystical card hidden beneath the castle's dungeon.Beware though, puzzles...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: March 13, 2017
Für eine umfangreiche Demonstration bitte das Werbevideo unten/oben(?) anschauen :DSimpler Cheat/Hack für das meistgespielte Quizspiel Deutschlands.Nie wieder ein Match gegen den besserwisserischen Freund verlieren!Einfach im Hintergrund öffnen, wenn die Frage angezeigt wird, einen Screenshot...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 12, 2017
Siųskite ožką valgyti savo nemalonių kaimynų augalų, o gal kai kuriuos triušius? Jo sodininkas vs sodininkas ir jūs turite padaryti viską, kas jūsų jėgomis, kad dominuotų sode šiame augalų gyventojų žaidime! „Garden Wars“ yra atsitiktinis mini strategijos žaidimas, kuris...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 12, 2017
„Deep Space VR“ yra mokslinės fantastikos filmas apie Visatą, tačiau jūs esate ne tik paprastas žiūrovas, o kosminio laivo keleivis. Dėl virtualios realybės technologijų bet kuris iš mūsų turi galimybę pažvelgti į Visatos gelmes iš pirmojo asmens požiūrio taško. -programa...
Version: 4.7.1 APK - Updated: March 12, 2017
Padėkite keturračiam rasti kelią į laisvę, pereiti į vis sunkesnius labirintus. Norint sėkmingai, jums reikės logikos, kantrybės, gerų laiko ir reakcijos įgūdžių! A-Mazing ir priklausomybės sukeliantis 2D galvosūkių platformų žaidimas, kuriuo mėgaujatės daugeliu, daug...
Version: 1.0.12 APK - Updated: March 11, 2017
Dale Kepler: „Big Dipper“ siuntėjas yra žavus arkadinis šaudymas su originaliais akinančiais vaizdais ir malonia, linksma, linksma istorija. Žaisk kaip Dale Kepler, „Big Dipper Shipper“ savininkas, siekdamas keršto prieš liūdnai pagarsėjusį kosminį patyčias Rusty Habble....