Games Paid Android For Free
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: March 05, 2017
This pack contains 8 high quality equalized, compressed and panned Caustic 3.2 Stereo Beatbox kits especially designed for the Caustic 3.2 App workflow.The pack also contains 1 .caustic file with demo patterns to showcase each .beatbox preset in action.Important: If you intend to keep the pack for...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 05, 2017
Kryžiažodis vaikams yra juokingas kryžiažodžių žaidimas, skirtas mažyliams pradėti mokytis kurti žodžius žaisdamas. Tai yra edukacinis žaidimas, kurį reikia išmokti rašyti, atrasti naujus žodžius. Programa yra Labai lengva naudoti. Vietoj įprastų užuominų, kryžiažodžių...
Version: 1.1.0e APK - Updated: March 04, 2017
Help the little devil Desmond travel through portals in search of his home. Place ladders, dig through the ground, drop boxes to help him get to the portal. Use your wit and ingenuity to collect all stars and open all levels.Forget the screen joysticks, buttons and all that button-mashing! Just tap...
Version: 1.4.3 APK - Updated: March 04, 2017
Use your math skills to protect your queen and collect pollen throughout 5 unique worlds. Rescue trapped bees to help you on your journey and defend your swarm from wasps, birds and others flying critters!Start the game by hitting play, then select the grade of math skill you want to practice....
Version: 1.4.70 APK - Updated: March 04, 2017
Letter Sounds™ 1 Pro is a fun, effective and scientifically based phonics teaching tool which makes it easy to teach children the links between the letters of the alphabet and the speech sounds they typically represent in written English. Letter Sounds™ 1 Pro is based on research into reading...
Version: 0.0.1 APK - Updated: March 04, 2017
Aiuta giuanni a salvare il regno di Trinacria da una minaccia oscura , catania e dintorni e' un gioco di ruolo fantasy vecchio stile ambientato in Sicilia. Avanti fozza scaricatilluRicorda che per salvare devi cliccare con due dita sullo (NON USCIRE DAL VILLAGGIO SUBITO MA PARLA CON...
Version: 1.2.26 APK - Updated: March 04, 2017
Kas yra rašyba skamba 1 pro? rašybos garsai 1 PRA padeda pradžios ir kovos skaitytojams išmokti rašyti. Tai smagi, veiksminga ir moksliškai pagrįsta mokymo priemonė, padedanti išmokyti studentus segmentuoti (suskaidyti) žodžius į kalbos garsus ir tada juos rašyti naudodamiesi...
Version: 1.3.40 APK - Updated: March 04, 2017
The evidence from reading research is clear: letter-sound knowledge is crucial in learning to read and spell, and phonics based approaches are superior to other types of reading instruction in teaching students to read. However, learning the links between letter patterns and speech sounds is not...
Version: 1.1.9 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Your once peaceful lands have been over run by ghastly undead, zombies, and evil minions. Answer math questions correctly to summon wizards, recruit archers, and purchase power ups to defend the evil hordes.As you answer math questions correctly you'll be able to upgrade your castle into an...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Climb as high as you can in the candy tower! Leap and jump into power ups and candies to unlock new heights and achievements by answering math questions correctly. Test your math skills while avoiding nasty slime that will ruin your high flying adventure.Math Leaper tests math in over 200 different...
Version: 1.1.9 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Your planetary base is under attack! Rockets, Alien Ships, and War Birds all want to take over your planet. Answer math questions correctly to blast invaders out of the sky and keep your plant safe.Math Missile tests math in over 200 different ways from pre-k to the eighth grade, with detailed...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Pasinaudokite savo matematikos įgūdžiais, kad valgytumėte vandenyno maisto grandinę. Tapkite didžiausia žuvimi jūroje, teisingai atsakydami į klausimus, ir atrakinkite naujus žaidžiamus personažus, kai progresuojate. Pradėkite žaidimą, pataikydami į žaidimą, tada pasirinkite...
Version: 1.7.10 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Use your math skills to smash blocks and rescue critters trapped in 5 unique worlds. You'll get coins for answering math questions correctly, and you can use these coins to buy special power-ups to smash your way through levels even faster.Start the game by hitting play, then select the grade...
Version: 1.1.20 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
[Interaktyvus apsakymas paslaptis failus Samas Petersas grįžta į "Google Play" - visiškai optimizuota platų Android varomų išmaniųjų telefonų ir tabletes! ]# # # Keliauti į alpus ŠIRDIES Afrikoje Šis interaktyvus MYSTERY Novella smartphonach ir tablečių # # #Kai...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Super Grav yra retro sunkumą urvas skrajute 1-4 žaidėjais, siūlanti vieno žaidėjo ar co-op multiplayer misijose, lenktynių ir dogfighting.Su greitas, super sklandžiai gameplay, 60fps pikselių tobula susidūrimo aptikimo ir kad "teisingai" feel fizikos Super Grav siūlo tikrą...
Version: 16.0 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Prisijunkite prie „Leo the Cat“ pramogų parko saloje ir patikrinkite visas nuostabias lankytinas vietas. Įeikite į pramogų parko salą, kur jūsų laukia smalsi katė Parkas, kad pasiektumėte skirtingus lankytinus objektus. Važiuokite ant buferio automobilių, kvapą gniaužiančių...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
20XX年、迫りくる敵をひたすら倒し続けるカジュアルゲームが誕生した。 叩いて! 叩いて! 叩きまくる!! ……その先に待ち構えるものは、何なのか? 今はまだ、誰も知ら�...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Light the candles, and banish the evil that haunts an old mansion. Father David went in there first, but now needs your help...Candles of the Dead is a 3D horror adventure game.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Premium versija papildināta un bez reklāmām. Zilbe ir Latvijā radīta izglītojoša spēle, kas paredzēta bērniem jau no 4 gadu vecuma. Zilbē, papildus interesantai piedzīvojumu spēlei, ir iekļauti arī izglītojoši elementi, kas palīdz bērniem gan apgūt, gan uzlabot lasītprasmi....
Version: 1.24.0 APK - Updated: March 03, 2017
Pasinerkite į gražiosios undinės princesės povandeninį pasaulį. Kalbėkitės su gražia princese. Ji atsakys savo mielu balsu ir sureaguos į tai, ką sakote, ar savo prisilietimu.Programoje yra daugiau nei 20 šaunių žaidimų ir daug papildomo turinio!Pažvelkite į kasdienį princesės...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 02, 2017
Formų pasaulis Vakarų armėnų kalba (Արեւմտահայերէն).Ձեւերու Աշխարհ„Spalvų pasaulis“, pirmasis „Lalan ou Aran“ serijos žaidimas, sukėlė labai entuziastingą reakciją armėnų vaikams visame pasaulyje. Paskatinta atsiliepimų, serijos kūrybinė komanda...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: March 02, 2017
With AMOLED power-saving screens in mind, this is a fully blacked-out Chess game which doesn't eat up your battery, device memory or require any permissions! It only weighs in at around 500 kilobytes compressed, the size of one selfie taken on most Android phones.Features:• 400KB on download...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: March 02, 2017
Your friend had bought an abandoned hotel, planning to turn it into a haunted attraction. However, upon discovering that the guests started to disappear one by one, the people around the area began to gossip. Is it really just a publicity stunt or is there something more sinister going on?You...
Version: 1.0.11 APK - Updated: March 02, 2017
Jūs atidarote akis, skausmingai nusiteikęs smėliu, apsidairėte, ar nėra ženklų, kas jums gali nutikti, bet jums buvo nelaiminga. Jūs nežinote, kas esate ar kur esate. Jūs nusprendėte išvykti link artimiausio pajūrio miesto. Tačiau „Grim News“ pasveikina jus bauginančiais...
Version: 1.0.37 APK - Updated: March 02, 2017
Help Giuseppe Stradivari find the missing violins! The violins were made by Nicola Amati, her ancestor's teacher and Giuseppe Guarneri. You must also find the unique violin stand made out of Tyrolean wood to complete the collection.Traverse through hidden object levels, find items that might...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: March 02, 2017
Uždarykite „Box Premium“ Tai klasikinis požiūris į linksmą, taktinį kauliukų žaidimą. Žaidėjai bando gauti mažiausią įmanomą rezultatą, sukdami štampą ir padengdami suvyniotus numerius, 1-9. odas Stebėkite balus ir ekranus pasirinktų raundų * vieno grotuvo režimo...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 01, 2017
In The Lost, the user becomes the main character (detective) and utilizes realistic VR technology to find evidences in the murder case scene, solving the murder tricks and finding the criminal. Through the VR technology, you can track criminals in realistic crime scenes that had never existed...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: March 01, 2017
Kažkada buvote palankiausias burtininkas, tarnaujantis Egipto dievui Anubis, tačiau, išdavęs savo pasitikėjimą, jis tave keikė galingu magija. Dabar viskas, ką paliesite, virsta smėliu. Taigi, jūs turite surinkti magišką energiją iš aplinkinio pasaulio, naudodamiesi pačiu prakeikimu,...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: March 01, 2017
Twistago is a turn-based tactical board game for 1-4 players, with a twist. The premise is simple: spin your aliens home! But beware: every move you make can affect your opponent's pieces as well. Try and let your opponents move your pieces for you, gain advantage by gathering power cores, and...
Version: 1.13 APK - Updated: February 28, 2017
Along the arrow under the cursorI avoid going to look at different movements and return home.Each stage has a peculiar element that can be used to accomplish a specific purpose or to take advantage of various aspects of the opponent 's gaze.All three lines of sightThere are four types of...